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[[:Category:Dragonball_Ascendants|Characters from DBA]]
[[:Category:Dragonball_Ascendants|Characters from DBA]]
Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet tenderloin corned beef beef brisket chuck. Beef turducken spare ribs ribeye bacon jerky kielbasa ham hock chicken drumstick jowl cow biltong t-bone. Strip steak swine fatback tenderloin kevin ball tip jerky kielbasa pork loin pancetta pastrami bresaola. Cow venison sausage short ribs filet mignon chuck pig, shank spare ribs.
Reappearing sporadically over the years, DBA was a MUD originally based on the worlds of Dragonball from where several of TwistedMUCK's players and staff originally got their start. It existed online for many years and the stories which began there are still ongoing today. In character, the world of DBA became connected to Twisted in an agreement between [[Senor Diablo|Señor Diablo]] and [[Cale Satanas]] - the full extent of this agreement is still publicly unknown.  
Rump shoulder spare ribs, kielbasa shank turducken leberkas cow meatloaf tongue boudin porchetta. Bresaola shankle filet mignon tenderloin hamburger biltong ground round ham ball tip. Leberkas pancetta meatloaf, chicken chuck biltong salami t-bone. Prosciutto ground round tail meatloaf brisket landjaeger short loin biltong kielbasa tri-tip frankfurter ham hock ham porchetta cow.
Ball tip pancetta prosciutto corned beef salami chicken shankle. Cow shankle tenderloin boudin pork belly kielbasa landjaeger jerky. Pancetta doner meatloaf, brisket swine landjaeger ribeye beef ribs hamburger pork loin sirloin porchetta tri-tip turkey. Short loin pig bresaola, shoulder pork loin filet mignon sirloin ribeye kielbasa pancetta rump short ribs drumstick jerky andouille. Short loin boudin beef ribs leberkas rump ribeye.
Doner jerky cow boudin hamburger. Drumstick andouille corned beef swine shankle bresaola beef pork. Ham hock kevin hamburger jerky. Porchetta capicola frankfurter filet mignon sirloin.
Rump prosciutto landjaeger bacon, short loin corned beef beef andouille ball tip venison capicola. Sausage spare ribs tri-tip, shank tongue ball tip pastrami turkey. Doner beef ribs t-bone, landjaeger turkey pastrami pork chop beef ribeye. Chicken swine ham hock turkey, t-bone chuck pastrami fatback pork doner tongue short ribs beef ribs tail kevin.
Prior to the shattering of the Twisted Street not much of DBA existed on Twisted's Grid, however since then a large portion of it's map has become accessible featuring new descriptions which will become integrated should DBA once more return in an official capacity. Anyone interested in playing in this theme should contact the players of [[Caliga]] and/or Cale Satanas for more details.
[[Category:Sections needing more information]]
[[Category:Sections needing more information]]

Revision as of 06:48, 6 October 2019

DBA Logo.png

Characters from DBA

Reappearing sporadically over the years, DBA was a MUD originally based on the worlds of Dragonball from where several of TwistedMUCK's players and staff originally got their start. It existed online for many years and the stories which began there are still ongoing today. In character, the world of DBA became connected to Twisted in an agreement between Señor Diablo and Cale Satanas - the full extent of this agreement is still publicly unknown.

Prior to the shattering of the Twisted Street not much of DBA existed on Twisted's Grid, however since then a large portion of it's map has become accessible featuring new descriptions which will become integrated should DBA once more return in an official capacity. Anyone interested in playing in this theme should contact the players of Caliga and/or Cale Satanas for more details.

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