Red Light District

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Red Light District
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Grid Description

Red Light District(#3046R)

Running South from the main center area of Neo-Edo and curving along the bay like a backwards J, the road separates the inland buildings and bars of the Red Light District from the docks, warehouses and piers which snake out over the water and the large ships randomly docked in between. As with most busy ports, this one is full of strange smells and stranger people and the sidewalks have the odd bits of trash that no one seems to care enough to clean up. During the day you might see only a handful of people and a lot of cars with no intent on stopping, but at night the area comes alive with lights and music from the clubs and bars trying to attract a more mature and adult crowd than you'd see elsewhere in Neo-Edo.

Locations Adachi District  •  Fukuoka District  •  Higashi Ayase Street  •  Neo-Edo Main  •  Plowse Bridge
Buildings Akira Institute  •  Coffee of Doom  •  Pizza Cats Pizza Emporium  •  The Arena
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