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Custom information
Custom 1marr0w also appears as the titular character Chuck in the series Chuck's Zombie Petting Zoo.
Personal information
Real nameRev.Dr. DarkKnightNNY
BirthdayNovember 1st
About mePopularly known as Jason Skaggs, marr0w ran one of the original Nightmare/Atmosfear fansites The Other Side. Banding together with other fansites in the Nightmare/Atmosfear Ring, The Other Side became infamous for hosting a large gallery of (at the time) high quality scans and promotional artwork for the series that was made available for other sites. marr0w became one of the founding members of the Well of Fears Team and is generally blamed when something goes wrong on the website since volunteering to host the files for the community. Long standing rumors indicate he might be regularly abducted by aliens, thus explaining his long lapses in activity.
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