My thoughts on Fallout 3 
Sunday, March 1, 2009, 11:40 PM - Xbox
If sneaking across an irradiated wasteland in the hopes of getting a sneak attack critical on random mutated beasts, raiders, Talon Company Mercenaries, Enclave soldiers and super-mutants sounds like fun to you, buy this game now. I certainly enjoyed it, but as my friend Jason pointed out to me, some people just want to shoot things, and don't want to be bothered with exploring for hours and hours on end. If that sounds like you, you might seriously feel like you are wasting your time.

I'm a bit of a long-term strategy junkie, what sucks is that it doesn't spill over into my everyday life as well as it should, especially when I spend months glued to a game like this. Perhaps the most infuriating (if somewhat realistic) thing I've found is that if I try to arm and deploy all of my bottlecap, plasma and frag mines (which I've been stockpiling since the start of the game) into a giant mound in the hopes of firing a mini-nuke into it, I discovered that it explodes once the stack size and weight distribution becomes unstable, while I'm stacking the mines! Big time! My headphones almost blew my head off with what sounded like a crazed, colossal jaguar screaming into my face.

I have most of my fun roaming the wastes with a simple hunting rifle. It is a very versatile, cheap and aesthetically pleasing weapon, even if the magazine only holds 5 rounds. You're ready for just about anything but Mr. Gutsys, sentry bots, Deathclaws and that dude at the bottom of Fort Bannister, which you should carry pulse grenades and a dart gun for. Stay light, stay undetected.

Granted, you certainly won't be safe, which is why it's important to pick every lock you can, hack every terminal you find, take most of the speech tests you encounter, and generally convert the wastes to a lifeless field of diverse corpses in the hopes of attaining enough experience points to boost the skills and perks you need to survive. The bad news is: the enemies get stronger as you level up. The good news is that if you play your cards right, you end up with the better hand.

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