I'm back with another project update:
Video Editing: 99% Complete - Music is still missing from the finished released, but I recently rendered a version I plan to use for early play testing to make sure it's a (mostly) balanced and fun fan expansion!
I made a couple tweaks since the last post, and also added some new effects for the last 10 minutes of the video (along with a brand new effect for the last minute!) There's some odd mistakes I noticed, but I've since already fixed them and they'll be ready to go for the full release.
Time & Fate Cards: Finished! - In total, there are:
-200 Time Cards, plus the extra 10 Skeleton Key cards for the 30th Anniversary Set (Course nothing is stopping you from just making your own skeleton key and using it

-48 Fate Cards, plus an extra 2 as a difficulty modifier.
That's a grand total of 260 for this expansion alone!
Instruction Manual: Finished! - There's also now an instruction manual that was made to look like the original and expansions! You can view it in full here:
Click here! Music: 45% complete - There's been no progress because I wanted to get everything else finished up in time to start doing playtesting. Work will continue on it once that's done!
Now that I've mentioned it several times, yes: I plan on doing some playtesting in the near future! There will be two ways to participate:
1) The Good Old Fashioned Way: Download the cards and instructions, cut out all the Time and Fate cards, and play it using the original board game/30th Anniversary Set!
2) The Newfangled Way: With permission from Tank on Steam, I've taken to modding their release of the Nightmare Board Games on Tabletop Simulator to include Gate Cleaner as well! After a day learning how to use the program (which is mostly just lua scripts), it's playable! Here's a screenshot of it in action:
Tabletop Simulator PreviewI'll post a video soon for people that want to playtest, and the only requirements will be:
1) You either own the original board game or Tabletop Simulator.
2) An email to let me know your thoughts, and if anything needs to be changed.
I'm finally nearing the end of this project I thought would be out months ago, and I can't wait to share the full release with everyone here!