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Help with a design...

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Re: Help with a design...

Postby valveros » Tue Jun 18, 2013 4:14 pm

darkgaizat wrote:I like the design so far. I might try to see what I can do with the base look. Make it look REALLY evil.

I'll get back with you.


Thanks man, I really liked the designs you did for your game so any input from you is appreciated!
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Re: Help with a design...

Postby darkgaizat » Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:12 pm

Okay, so give me some input. You putting in Chance, Fate and Time cards? Skull spaces? (I saw some on the small map)

What kinds of other special spaces are we talking?

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Re: Help with a design...

Postby darkgaizat » Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:45 am

Okay, so here is the board I came up with (totally changeable) I added Skull, X, Number (like the original if you land on it and it's your number you can have a key) Chance (C), Fate (F), Time (T), Headstones, Black Holes and blank block squares. I also added H squares in the ring road area. (For whatever you would want to do with them)

Let me know if you like it, want to use it or change something up in it.

I was going to do the H style board, but the size of the board will limit doing stuff like that. I think it looks pretty good, but I'm looking fwd to hearing from everyone else.

This board is an 18x18" that, once finished could be used to print off at if you wanted a solid board to test out on.

Hellin Board
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Re: Help with a design...

Postby valveros » Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:25 pm

darkgaizat wrote:Okay, so here is the board I came up with (totally changeable) I added Skull, X, Number (like the original if you land on it and it's your number you can have a key) Chance (C), Fate (F), Time (T), Headstones, Black Holes and blank block squares. I also added H squares in the ring road area. (For whatever you would want to do with them)

Let me know if you like it, want to use it or change something up in it.

I was going to do the H style board, but the size of the board will limit doing stuff like that. I think it looks pretty good, but I'm looking fwd to hearing from everyone else.

This board is an 18x18" that, once finished could be used to print off at if you wanted a solid board to test out on.


Geez you pumped that out quick! Looks pretty good I gotta say...

Basically the special spaces i'd have on the board are:
6 letter spaces (H-E-L-L-I-N). These are basically the 6 keys you gotta collect for the game.
Those spaces that look like lollipops or whatever lol are supposed to be rattles, they're what take you to and from the outside board/inside board.
The Red spaces are curse spaces like I said before, and i'm also planning to have new types of cards called "Tricks" and "Treasures", which either benefit you or punish others (Some Treasure cards benefit your opponents and some Tricks punish yourself hah).
Oh and of course, Black Holes.
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Re: Help with a design...

Postby valveros » Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:44 pm

One idea i've just had actually, is to make the outer ring shattered glass.
Like a photo frame thats been smashed in, leaving only shards of glass arounds the edges.
Not sure how to incorparate a "inner ring" to this however. It's still an idea i'd love to go with however.
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Re: Help with a design...

Postby darkgaizat » Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:49 pm

Easy enough to fix. I'll work on it tomorrow or tonight and see what I can pump out. (I have NO idea why this stuff comes so quickly to me.) My co-workers know nothing of Nightmare, but see what I've done and they are like... :shock: "You did this...TODAY???"

The New Nightmare took me 7 days to create and the card game 2 days. 1 map is nothing. lol

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Re: Help with a design...

Postby darkgaizat » Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:11 pm

Okay, here is something updated. I think I need to get you the file, you'll need to mark up what you want changed and I can change it for you.

Something I was thinking about, what if they collect the 6 keys on the outside and have to place them on the inside on the green blocks?

I'm just think of different things, I dunno. Up to you. I figure the gold boxes with the jack in the box can be your treasure or trap cards, the red skull can be the Curse cards and the lollypop blocks can transport players to the inside and vice versa.

Let me know what you think. If you could grab it (or I can email it in a larger format) and let me know what space you want where.

I can try for the shattered glass, but it may be a little harder to do.

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Re: Help with a design...

Postby valveros » Thu Jun 20, 2013 7:14 am

darkgaizat wrote:Okay, here is something updated. I think I need to get you the file, you'll need to mark up what you want changed and I can change it for you.

Something I was thinking about, what if they collect the 6 keys on the outside and have to place them on the inside on the green blocks?

I'm just think of different things, I dunno. Up to you. I figure the gold boxes with the jack in the box can be your treasure or trap cards, the red skull can be the Curse cards and the lollypop blocks can transport players to the inside and vice versa.

Let me know what you think. If you could grab it (or I can email it in a larger format) and let me know what space you want where.

I can try for the shattered glass, but it may be a little harder to do.


Here's a crappy sketch I did at work today lol.
I'll try and explain exactly what it is...

It's basically suppose to be a photo frame.
The outside would be the wooden frame of the photo frame.
The blocks are baby blocks, would be where you start the game.
The shattered glass (if you can make it out) is the inner ring, which is the area Hellin would give you a certain time to explore. I colored some red since those are supposed to be like those curse spaces I mentioned before.
Then the photo that would be in the frame is of Hellin (If you can tell by my terrible drawing hah).
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Re: Help with a design...

Postby DarkWolff » Thu Jun 20, 2013 3:31 pm

Reading this thread is exciting! :)
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Re: Help with a design...

Postby valveros » Mon Jun 24, 2013 6:58 am

DarkWolff wrote:Reading this thread is exciting! :)

Well get ready to squeal baby! lol

This is my new design so far. Want to get the glass to blend in with each other more, add baby blocks as another path (would be around the outside of the glass), and have the background as a damaged wall, as in this photo frame is actually hanging on a wall.

What dya think?
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