by darkgaizat » Wed May 22, 2013 1:44 pm
Okay, so I am officially done with creating the game itself. I have no idea what else I could possibly add in there. I ordered another set because it has changed quite a bit, even from the version I got in the unboxing. (will probably redo) Again, I know it sounds like a lot of money to order (now up to $65) but I think it'll be worth every penny.
I'm getting together with several friends this weekend to playtest the one I ordered. I'll post how it seems to work. Can't wait to try out the official Soul Ranger stuff.
**Update** I got to play it over the weekend with a couple of friends, and it plays AWESOME! Took it down to the last 10 minutes with the Atmosfear (20"x30" free-roam) board playing an Atmosfear style game. We did the 3 Keys/3 Negative Effect Key stones and it made for a REALLY good game. I thought I had it most of the way through the game (couldn't lose on the key stones) and just when I got my last one, my buddies started winning duels against me. When I thought my friends were going to come back, the Gatekeeper made my friend and I duel, and I got all his keys, made it to the Well of Fears and drew "Your Worst Nightmare!" card (universal lose card). I was officially out of the game and the battle continued against the other two guys and one of them finally made it with 10 minutes left to spare! It was a REALLY good game, and we must have drawn all of the Trap Key Stones to boot. It made for an interesting dynamic to switch up some of the rules, (You can duel someone without a key, but instead of taking a key you can impose a Curse card on them, like you can in the Atmosfear Third Dimension (PC) game.) Overall, it was amazing. I'm getting together with some friends to record a game this Friday Night, so stay tuned!
I think the way I would approach selling it, if I had to market it, is come up with Nightmare (minus Soul Ranger stuff and some Atmosfear modes) and make the Soul Ranger/Atmosfear an addon. This would cut down significantly the price, I think. So if you look at it from my perspective it's literally everything I would release in one game and not 2 or more.
On top of all that, it has enough components to make your own style game if you wanted. (Maybe an all soul rangers Elimination mode with Mastiff in the Gatekeeper role)(which dangit I just added and cancelled and re-ordered) but you see the point; anyone can come up with a new game mode now that all the pieces are included.
To anyone who purchases this, when I finish the DVD I will gladly ship out a copy to you once it is finished; just let me know. Thanks for everyone's support on this. If it looks like it has potential, I may need to find a contact to see about getting a revamped version into actual production (with the kiss from the owners) and see what could possibly BE.
Again, thanks to all, and if you order it, hit me up and tell me what you think!!
Chat with you soon,
"The right man in the wrong place, can make all the difference in the world."