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What ever happened to the MIDI archive?

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Re: What ever happened to the MIDI archive?

Postby DarkWolff » Mon Jan 18, 2021 11:06 am

marr0w wrote:"How the hell does one mindlessly hack a website?"

Well, I did basicslly hack the site. I kept looking for the missing data and just digging deeper every time. I was very focused on a looming and very hard deadline while absolutely everyone who could help was out. Though honestly, what I did was probably faster. After I found it, I thought about what I just did and let the powere that be know about the gap. I used to (only) poke around in parts of other websites where I wasn't allowed back in the day too.

As for fractured knowledge and such is a wonderful resource...

I really need to get back to it somehow but don't really have the time. I do have a little exposure at work but not enough to really to be able to get into development again.
You sound like the type of maggot that learnt to crawl before you walked but never got to the walking part. -- The Gatekeeper

please take one step forward - oh, and watch that first step, its a doozy, you are BANISHED! --The me.
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