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Missing cards- Black Rose cards

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Missing cards- Black Rose cards

Postby kingplayer14 » Sat May 21, 2011 2:55 am

Hi all! If you are missing any or all of your Black Rose cards, I have the full 48 card set- in english- as an Adobe Flesh Player PDF file. Email me and I can send you the full file Also included, are eight (8) Black Rose catd backs!
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Re: Missing cards- Black Rose cards

Postby Blossercubbles » Wed May 30, 2012 3:08 pm

I would be absolutely tickled to see these. I was amiss to discover after lucking out at a nearby GoodWill to find that the copy of Nightmare I purchased had the Black Rose sticker on the board, the Bathory VHS, but nothing else pertaining to her game.
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