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(Created page with "{{Profile| |Image=Alice-Rio.jpg |Name={{PAGENAME}} |Series=Hellsing |Class=Vampire Hunter |Alignment=Lawful Good |Gender=Female |Species=Vampire |Age=29 (Physically 17) |Birth...")
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|Class=Vampire Hunter
|Class=Vampire Hunter, AMP Officer
|Alignment=Lawful Good
|Alignment=Lawful Good
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|Short=Looks like a cross between Miku from Rei Zero and Yoko from Ergheiz, with the distinctive blood-red eyes.
|Short=Looks like a cross between Miku from Rei Zero and Yoko from Ergheiz, with the distinctive blood-red eyes.
|Desc=Nothing being too overly remarkable about this young woman, possibly in her mid-teens and maybe about 17 years-old by sheer physical appearance alone, she nonetheless may stand out in a crowd once in a while. Quickly distinct in her Asian heritage, she is, most notably Japanese. That put aside, however, she stands at perhaps 5'2", maybe an inch or so more, depending on what footwear she may be using at the moment.
A long and straight silky mane of thick dark-brown hair would pour down to about waist-length, were it not currently held into a neat bun under a large and shiny oval-shaped black hair comb decorated with an ivory butterfly design a little high upon the back of her head, to hang down from under said ornament, splaying a little to the sides and reaching down to her shoulders, loose eartails a little over chin-length framing a lovely and smoothly carved, fair-skinned facial frame with bangs hanging loosely down over her forehead and eyebrows, though not so long as to become bothersome. Said face is accentuated by a small, yet pert nose, thin reddish-pink lips, but most peculiarly of all, eyes of the color of blood, red and bright from light that may be reflecting from their insides, as they are slightly larger and more expressive than the norm for a Japanese girl of her age, the latter which would only add to the factor of cuteness.
Not failing to follow suit, the rest of her flows down to earth in the way of a trim, toned bodily frame, modestly curved and bearing a just as-modestly-sized bosom, slender hands and arms, all in proportion to her age and height, leading down a pair of well-toned legs to smallish feet. She could be considered rather ordinary, though significantly cute, if not beautiful and pretty well fit, aside from the very oddity that is her eyes, which at the moment reside behind a pair of small oval brass framed glasses.
Currently, she's dressed in what could unmistakingly be a police uniform, consisting of a prim white short-sleeved shirt, sleeves cuffed in blue with a complementing shiny golden button each, and buttoned up to the collar from which a blood-red tie held together with a golden clip neatly comes down to tuck into a snugly fitting yellow-trimmed blue chestless vest. Upon the left breast, on the flap of the respective breast pocket, is pinned a NTPD badge reading: "Arisaka", said pockets, as for their size and placement, one could say that they might've been placed in such a way for the uniform on purpose, as to emphasize a female wearer's chest. A large patch on each sleeve indicates to her placement in the AMP division.
A thick black leather belt bearing a large chromed metal buckle encircles her slender waist rather snugly through loops in the vest specifically designed for such, letting the hanging sections somewhat spread to the sides with the expected widening of her hips as they drape down over them at the front. A tight black miniskirt hugs her hips almost too daringly from underneath the vest to end a few inches above mid-thigh, lending to the possibility that said uniform might've also been designed with the eyes of men in mind, alas. At the very least, the skirt, though it yet remains modest enough whilst, at the same time, providing adequate freedom of movement via the short slits at either side of it.
Upon the belt's rear are integrated loops into which two long implements could be inserted in a crossing fashion, usually occupied by a contrasting pair of black and white katana. Additionally, other implements such as appropriate handcuffs, nightstick, and spare magazines can be also found upon said handy belt. From her right thigh, a long, oversized gun holster can be seen, wrapped around it, and from which a wide strap of leather can be seen running up her side into her skirt. As for how a small girl like she can so carry such a large, heavy-looking firearm, even like that, without the slightest bit of apparent difficulty in even moving around or with balance, can be left up to the imagination.
Finally, a pair of functional black leather boots, reaching nearly to the bottoms of her knees complete this, in place of the usually seen stocking/shoe combination more typically seen among her female peers, as do protective black reinforced leather gloves upon her hands.
|Skills=A first generation Draculina of Hellsing vampire classification, she possesses super-human strength, agility, reflexes, and heightened senses, as well as allergies to silver and ultraviolet radiation, both which will burn her, the latter to a drastically lesser degree. Sunlight will, at most, weaken her and sunburn her skin fairly quickly.
Her saliva is a powerful aphrodisiac, able to fully incapacitate most victims through overwhelming and debilitating pleasurable sensations within seconds, akin to "mind blowing sex," indicating its main purpose of subduing prey as has been observed in her particular breed of vampire.
Practices her own form of Zanji Shinjinken-Ryu, or the Way of the Sword, accompanied by Kenjutsu, the more combat-oriented version of Kendo. Having trained in these styles, she's well-familiarized with the katana, which she particularly specializes in, wakizashi, bokken, naginata, spear, and bo staff, though her experience with the no-dachi significantly lacks in comparison with the rest.
To clarify, Zanji Shinjinken-Ryu is an ancient school of samurai swordsmanship, differing from other, similar, martial arts in that it's intention is for killing outright, as per the belief that the sword is an instrument of death and to be used as such. This style in particular has been merged with that of Chinese Shaolin swordfighting for the graceful wielding of two katana simultaneously, effectively combining her native fighting style with that of Shaolin Kung Fu. Training with the Kuriharas and their own hybrid styles of Kung Fu, she has further refined her own style and possesses the potential to fully master her art, due to her longetivity.
|MusicEmbed= See [[Theme_Music]] for help with this section.
|MusicEmbed= See [[Theme_Music]] for help with this section.
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Born an only child to Japanese-American parents, repatriated to Japan to their family home in Kyoto following their education in the United States. She was largely raised by her traditionally Japanese grandparents on both paternal and maternal sides while both her parents, a geneticist and businesswoman, worked in their respective careers.
Growing up under traditional values, she was a quiet and socially withdrawn girl with little in the way of friends and who spent most of her time alone studying or tending her family shrine as a Shinto priestess. During this time, she learned the family styles in Jujutsu and Kendo from her paternal grandfather as a means to defend herself, being a small girl and frequently bullied in the all-girl schools she attended.
Following her grandfather's death when she was 8 years old, she was largely left to train on her own, becoming impassioned with Chinese philosophy and technique after two years and began to adapt what she learned into her personal style, demonstrating proficiency in the dual-wielding of the katana.
Some time before she was to turn sixteen, she had embarked upon a field trip with her class to England, where they were ambushed one night by FREAK vampires. Managing to hide while her entire class was slaughtered or subverted and turned into ghouls, she was nonetheless sniffed out and held hostage upon the arrival of vampire hunters working for the Hellsing Institution. Able to fight back against her captor holding her, she was nonetheless overpowered and inadvertedly shot by Seras Victoria.
Dying in Victoria's arms, she expressed her wish not to die. Having lived through similar circumstances directly prior to her own rebirth, Victoria pleaded to her master Alucard to spare her and, in effect, turn her as well, electing to take responsibility for her. In a rare and unexpected act of compassion, having seen some potential in her, Alucard agrees and turns her into a vampire, giving Victoria full responsiblity for her and her training. It was not long before this potential is acknowledged and she was accepted into the Hellsing Institution to train as a vampire hunter, officially taken under Victoria's wing, whom she comes to regard as a "big sister".
This new life came at a tremendous cost, as she was then legally dead and strictly disallowed from ever making contact with her family again under pain of death, the latter which devastated her and caused her to become fully cold and withdrawn in public, and a depressive and emotional wreck in private. Her career as a vampire hunter in-training was ended prematurely upon her being thrown out of a moving subway train into the path of another by a major target that was waiting in ambush.
Finding herself stranded and alone in NeoTokyo after regaining consciousness, she wandered for only a brief time before making contact with this dimension's Victoria. Finding what was then assumed to be a temporary home with Victoria and her domestic partner, Maya Jingu, she soon met the then chief of police Rio Kinezono, and her tech expert Lilica Ebett, curiously exploring a lesbian relationship with the latter, then the former, which eventually blossomed into love.
Without any means to find her home dimension, much less return, she settled in NeoTokyo, joining the police department with the aid of Kinezono and served in the AMP division for some time until the entire dimension suddenly collapsed, causing her to flee to another dimension, Metropolis Universalis, along with Ebett and the Kurihara family, losing Kinezono, Victoria, and Jingu in the process.
The loss of Kinezono, in particular, proved the most devastating, in effect strenghtening her relationship with Ebett and causing her to explore further relationships with the Kuriharas through Ebett, meeting and subsequently falling in love with their sister Antimony, who was then confined to a life pod. Settling down in Metropolis, she was unexpectedly reunited with Kinezono, and became an honorary member of the Kurihara family following her role in the rebirth of Antimony to Azusa, with whom she lived alongside Kinezono and Ebett while working as a mercenary with the Kuriharas for the decade that followed.
The unexpected return of NeoTokyo's dimension on the dimensional charts prompted her and Kinezono's return alongside the Kuriharas who were in turn following Dragonmaster Cale's trail. After apparently losing Kinezono again following her sudden disappearance from the ship they were in after its jump to the restored dimension, she soon found her again in Police Town, and has since rejoined the NTPD's AMP division. In fact, it was as if she had never left, having found this world exactly as it had been over twelve years ago prior to the great collapse.

Revision as of 23:30, 2 June 2016

Alice Arisaka
Full Name: Alice Arisaka

Series: Hellsing
Class: Vampire Hunter, AMP Officer
Alignment: Lawful Good
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire
Age: 29 (Physically 17)
Birthdate: 11/28/1986
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 122lbs.

Short Description: Looks like a cross between Miku from Rei Zero and Yoko from Ergheiz, with the distinctive blood-red eyes.

Alice Arisaka
Nothing being too overly remarkable about this young woman, possibly in her mid-teens and maybe about 17 years-old by sheer physical appearance alone, she nonetheless may stand out in a crowd once in a while. Quickly distinct in her Asian heritage, she is, most notably Japanese. That put aside, however, she stands at perhaps 5'2", maybe an inch or so more, depending on what footwear she may be using at the moment.

A long and straight silky mane of thick dark-brown hair would pour down to about waist-length, were it not currently held into a neat bun under a large and shiny oval-shaped black hair comb decorated with an ivory butterfly design a little high upon the back of her head, to hang down from under said ornament, splaying a little to the sides and reaching down to her shoulders, loose eartails a little over chin-length framing a lovely and smoothly carved, fair-skinned facial frame with bangs hanging loosely down over her forehead and eyebrows, though not so long as to become bothersome. Said face is accentuated by a small, yet pert nose, thin reddish-pink lips, but most peculiarly of all, eyes of the color of blood, red and bright from light that may be reflecting from their insides, as they are slightly larger and more expressive than the norm for a Japanese girl of her age, the latter which would only add to the factor of cuteness. Not failing to follow suit, the rest of her flows down to earth in the way of a trim, toned bodily frame, modestly curved and bearing a just as-modestly-sized bosom, slender hands and arms, all in proportion to her age and height, leading down a pair of well-toned legs to smallish feet. She could be considered rather ordinary, though significantly cute, if not beautiful and pretty well fit, aside from the very oddity that is her eyes, which at the moment reside behind a pair of small oval brass framed glasses. Currently, she's dressed in what could unmistakingly be a police uniform, consisting of a prim white short-sleeved shirt, sleeves cuffed in blue with a complementing shiny golden button each, and buttoned up to the collar from which a blood-red tie held together with a golden clip neatly comes down to tuck into a snugly fitting yellow-trimmed blue chestless vest. Upon the left breast, on the flap of the respective breast pocket, is pinned a NTPD badge reading: "Arisaka", said pockets, as for their size and placement, one could say that they might've been placed in such a way for the uniform on purpose, as to emphasize a female wearer's chest. A large patch on each sleeve indicates to her placement in the AMP division. A thick black leather belt bearing a large chromed metal buckle encircles her slender waist rather snugly through loops in the vest specifically designed for such, letting the hanging sections somewhat spread to the sides with the expected widening of her hips as they drape down over them at the front. A tight black miniskirt hugs her hips almost too daringly from underneath the vest to end a few inches above mid-thigh, lending to the possibility that said uniform might've also been designed with the eyes of men in mind, alas. At the very least, the skirt, though it yet remains modest enough whilst, at the same time, providing adequate freedom of movement via the short slits at either side of it. Upon the belt's rear are integrated loops into which two long implements could be inserted in a crossing fashion, usually occupied by a contrasting pair of black and white katana. Additionally, other implements such as appropriate handcuffs, nightstick, and spare magazines can be also found upon said handy belt. From her right thigh, a long, oversized gun holster can be seen, wrapped around it, and from which a wide strap of leather can be seen running up her side into her skirt. As for how a small girl like she can so carry such a large, heavy-looking firearm, even like that, without the slightest bit of apparent difficulty in even moving around or with balance, can be left up to the imagination. Finally, a pair of functional black leather boots, reaching nearly to the bottoms of her knees complete this, in place of the usually seen stocking/shoe combination more typically seen among her female peers, as do protective black reinforced leather gloves upon her hands.

Alice Arisaka
A first generation Draculina of Hellsing vampire classification, she possesses super-human strength, agility, reflexes, and heightened senses, as well as allergies to silver and ultraviolet radiation, both which will burn her, the latter to a drastically lesser degree. Sunlight will, at most, weaken her and sunburn her skin fairly quickly.

Her saliva is a powerful aphrodisiac, able to fully incapacitate most victims through overwhelming and debilitating pleasurable sensations within seconds, akin to "mind blowing sex," indicating its main purpose of subduing prey as has been observed in her particular breed of vampire. Practices her own form of Zanji Shinjinken-Ryu, or the Way of the Sword, accompanied by Kenjutsu, the more combat-oriented version of Kendo. Having trained in these styles, she's well-familiarized with the katana, which she particularly specializes in, wakizashi, bokken, naginata, spear, and bo staff, though her experience with the no-dachi significantly lacks in comparison with the rest. To clarify, Zanji Shinjinken-Ryu is an ancient school of samurai swordsmanship, differing from other, similar, martial arts in that it's intention is for killing outright, as per the belief that the sword is an instrument of death and to be used as such. This style in particular has been merged with that of Chinese Shaolin swordfighting for the graceful wielding of two katana simultaneously, effectively combining her native fighting style with that of Shaolin Kung Fu. Training with the Kuriharas and their own hybrid styles of Kung Fu, she has further refined her own style and possesses the potential to fully master her art, due to her longetivity.

See Theme_Music for help with this section.


Born an only child to Japanese-American parents, repatriated to Japan to their family home in Kyoto following their education in the United States. She was largely raised by her traditionally Japanese grandparents on both paternal and maternal sides while both her parents, a geneticist and businesswoman, worked in their respective careers. Growing up under traditional values, she was a quiet and socially withdrawn girl with little in the way of friends and who spent most of her time alone studying or tending her family shrine as a Shinto priestess. During this time, she learned the family styles in Jujutsu and Kendo from her paternal grandfather as a means to defend herself, being a small girl and frequently bullied in the all-girl schools she attended. Following her grandfather's death when she was 8 years old, she was largely left to train on her own, becoming impassioned with Chinese philosophy and technique after two years and began to adapt what she learned into her personal style, demonstrating proficiency in the dual-wielding of the katana. Some time before she was to turn sixteen, she had embarked upon a field trip with her class to England, where they were ambushed one night by FREAK vampires. Managing to hide while her entire class was slaughtered or subverted and turned into ghouls, she was nonetheless sniffed out and held hostage upon the arrival of vampire hunters working for the Hellsing Institution. Able to fight back against her captor holding her, she was nonetheless overpowered and inadvertedly shot by Seras Victoria. Dying in Victoria's arms, she expressed her wish not to die. Having lived through similar circumstances directly prior to her own rebirth, Victoria pleaded to her master Alucard to spare her and, in effect, turn her as well, electing to take responsibility for her. In a rare and unexpected act of compassion, having seen some potential in her, Alucard agrees and turns her into a vampire, giving Victoria full responsiblity for her and her training. It was not long before this potential is acknowledged and she was accepted into the Hellsing Institution to train as a vampire hunter, officially taken under Victoria's wing, whom she comes to regard as a "big sister". This new life came at a tremendous cost, as she was then legally dead and strictly disallowed from ever making contact with her family again under pain of death, the latter which devastated her and caused her to become fully cold and withdrawn in public, and a depressive and emotional wreck in private. Her career as a vampire hunter in-training was ended prematurely upon her being thrown out of a moving subway train into the path of another by a major target that was waiting in ambush. Finding herself stranded and alone in NeoTokyo after regaining consciousness, she wandered for only a brief time before making contact with this dimension's Victoria. Finding what was then assumed to be a temporary home with Victoria and her domestic partner, Maya Jingu, she soon met the then chief of police Rio Kinezono, and her tech expert Lilica Ebett, curiously exploring a lesbian relationship with the latter, then the former, which eventually blossomed into love. Without any means to find her home dimension, much less return, she settled in NeoTokyo, joining the police department with the aid of Kinezono and served in the AMP division for some time until the entire dimension suddenly collapsed, causing her to flee to another dimension, Metropolis Universalis, along with Ebett and the Kurihara family, losing Kinezono, Victoria, and Jingu in the process. The loss of Kinezono, in particular, proved the most devastating, in effect strenghtening her relationship with Ebett and causing her to explore further relationships with the Kuriharas through Ebett, meeting and subsequently falling in love with their sister Antimony, who was then confined to a life pod. Settling down in Metropolis, she was unexpectedly reunited with Kinezono, and became an honorary member of the Kurihara family following her role in the rebirth of Antimony to Azusa, with whom she lived alongside Kinezono and Ebett while working as a mercenary with the Kuriharas for the decade that followed. The unexpected return of NeoTokyo's dimension on the dimensional charts prompted her and Kinezono's return alongside the Kuriharas who were in turn following Dragonmaster Cale's trail. After apparently losing Kinezono again following her sudden disappearance from the ship they were in after its jump to the restored dimension, she soon found her again in Police Town, and has since rejoined the NTPD's AMP division. In fact, it was as if she had never left, having found this world exactly as it had been over twelve years ago prior to the great collapse.


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