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Latest revision as of 14:16, 2 June 2016

Looking for Fun at the Amusement Park

Summary: A bored, green trouble maker goes to see what's up at a certain green haired trouble maker's base.

Who: Scourge, Harley_Quinn
When: May 15, 2016.
Where: Outside the entrance to the Funhouse


The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

The park is actually a bit busy tonight! People are bustling around, moving boxes and carting cans and just generally looking busy. Presumably these are all park workers, as they all seem to be wearing clown masks - though aside from that the attire varies anywhere from 'actual clown costume' to 'dude in a business suit'. A woman in a red-and-black harlequin suit seems to be overseeing it all from her perch atop the giant clown face that constitutes the Funhouse entrance - she's sitting on its nose, kicking her feet idly while calling down the occasional instructing. "No no no, Lefty, that one goes to the dunking booth! Punch, if you fall in that crater again I ain't pullin' ya out. Rocco I swear if you drop those fireworks again... c'mon boys, chop chop, we're on a /schedule/!"

Scourge wanders over to the park he first arrived near when he popped into this place. He's got no real thing in mind, he's still just trying to figure out what all's going on in this place. He hears the lady ordering around the people in the masks and gets a bit curios. As such he wanders right into the park like he was invited. "Sooooo, sounds like something is going on here..."

One of the masked men turns to look over at him. "Hey, what the heck are you supposed t'be? We ain't running a petting zoo, spiky. Run along home to your owner." They were no strangers to 'unusual' animals! ...Green ones were kinda new. As were ones wearing clothes. But nobody ever accused henchmen - ah, /workers/ - of being too bright.

Scourge grunts and balls his fist a little. "Well good freakin' thing I'm not here for a job," he states, "Only one person is the master of me and that is me...sooo what's going on Tiny?"

The goon stepped back a bit, presumably startled - though it was hard to tell because, well, mask. "Woah! It can talk? What the hell kind of place is this?" He peers at the hedgehog over the box in his arms. "...Are you one'a the Boss's... experiments?"

Scourge says, "No, I'm not some experiment. I'm Scourge, used to be king of Mobius. Not so great to meetcha. How about you answer the damn question before I decide I'm bored of talking to you?"

Can a clown mask look suspicious? This one makes an attempt. "Who're ya askin' for? We're... movin' stuff. What're you, some kinda spiky spy?"

"Maybe 'e works with the Bat," another lanky, masked minion offers as he passes by with a can of paint. "Bat an' a Rat, all we're missin' is th' Cat."

Scourge says, "Uggghh...apparently you're all as deaf as you are stupid. I'm not a rat, and I work for my own damn self, AND I don't know any freakin' bats. I ask one more time and I'll see if I can BEAT some smarts into ya."

The bulky goon gives a faintly offended huff. "Yeah, like I'm gonna be intimidated by a spiky green hairball. You wanna go stickin' yer nose where it don't belong, huh? Maybe we should take you to the Boss and see what he thinks." He moves to set the box down, as it is hard to grab things while holding a box.

Scourge says, "Well, if the boss knows how to talk to people and you know HOW to show me where someone is, I'd be fine goin' to talk to them. Don't screw up now..."

"Oh, we'll show yeh, a'right," the lanky goon says with a chuckle, as the bulky one moves to try and grab up the hedgehog with big ol' hamhands. Who expects a fuzzy animal to be all that dangerous? He's encountered much bigger and not been mauled! Yet!

Scourge quickly jumps high into the air, and comes back down spinning, aiming to drop both his feet down hard onto the goon's back. His speed is making the force of his hits WAY stronger than his small, scrawny frame looks like it can produce. "An' that's just a love tap, don't make me actually HURT you."

The man is sent sprawling with a surprised grunt, wind knocked out of him. The lanky goon takes a step back - apparently 'courage' is not his forte. "Hey! Yeh little pest!" Is he going to do anything about that? Apparently not. That can of paint isn't going to transport itself!

Scourge says, "You want some too Twiggy? What's the matter, too scared to deal with the guy who took over a planet? How about you just do the smart thing and talk or take me to someone who WILL?"

'Twiggy' seems to weigh his options. He glances to his winded co-mook, and clears his throat a bit. "Yeh wanna talk t'somebody in charge, eh?"

Scourge says, "Somebody who can actually talk smart, sure..."

He gives a little snort, clearly still /trying/ to look like he's got some kind of authority here. "Fine, fine, c'mon, yeh hairball. But yer the one who asked fer it." He turns to head for the Funhouse, still lugging the can of paint.

Scourge follows along after the mook, crossing his arms. "So you dumb asses CAN be taught after all. Do anything stupid like your friend did and you'll be lucky to see tomorrow in one piece.

The mook chuckles dryly. "Fuzzy, /yer/ the one askin' t'go talk to the Boss." He leads the way towards the Funhouse entrance, but doesn't quiiite get through the clown mouth before-

"And just where do ya think you're going?" The harlequin-clad woman peers down at the pair, draped over the clown's nose, chin on her hands.

The goon clears his throat. "Ah, 'e's demandin' t'see the Boss, Miss Quinn," and he jerks a thumb over at the hedgehog.

Scourge says, "Well /actually/ I was asking to talk to someone who had enough brain cells to answer simple questions, but they seem to think you're the only one with a brain! I'm just bored, so I was askin' what the heck's going on here. Heck, when I showed up at this place, /this/ place of your's had an explosion, and now something else is going on..."

Harley_Quinn blinks. And stares for a beat. Aaand gives a happy little squee! "Awww! Oh my gosh, what're you? You can talk? That's so awesome!" She swings herself down from her perch on the clown's nose in one fluid motion, even managing a flip in the process before landing lightly on her feet as if the at-least-six-foot drop wasn't a problem at all. She shoos the mook away with one hand, and when he tries to protest with a faint, "But..." cuts him off a little sharply. "Mistah J ain't seein' visitors! Entry goes through /me/, Ace. Now get that paint where it goes b'fore I start thinkin' it's time to test out the ferris wheel." He hesitates a beat before scurrying off, and she gives a faint snort. "Imbecile. Sorry 'bout that."

Scourge says, "Yeaaah, it happens. I've had a few mooks of my own. They never seem to last. Hard to belive a dame like you isn't swimming in mooks though. I'm Scourge, been trying to get a handle on what this world is about, but I was having trouble finding anyone that seemed...right to talk to. Oh, and I'm a hedgehog."

Harley_Quinn seems just absolutely thrilled by that! "That's so cool! I've never talked to a hedgehog before. Harley Quinn! Pleased to meet'cha." She gives an excited little bounce on the balls of her feet. "I dunno much myself! We just sorta popped in. Only mooks we got are the ones who were in the park when it all happened, I guess? But a new place is full of /opportunity/! So we're makin' plans. Gettin' things set up."

Scourge says, "Intrestin'... What kinda things is a beautiful task master like yourself interested in doing? I mean, I'm not after your secret plans or anything. I don't even know people yet, so I aint got no alliances or anything. I'm just trying to meet people, learn what's what so I know who I should an' shouldn't start making problems for."

Harley_Quinn giggles cheerily, though she does eye him up and down as she leans back against the Funhouse entrance, crossing one leg in front of the other casually. "I wouldn't suggest makin' problems around here. Mistah J's already a little heated over the... crater incident." She casts an idle glance towards the half-filled hole remaining from the aforementioned explosion. "...Buuuut I guess ol' B-man wouldn't do somethin' so fun as to start working with a talking hedgehog!" The idea is... apparently hilarious, sending her into a bit of a gigglefit for a moment before she composes herself. "I guess I can probably say we're plannin' a few little... pranks, is all. It's a new place! A new town! We gotta see if people 'round here got a sense of humor."

Scourge says, "Pranks? That's got a damned lot of potential to be awesome. You keep sounding more and more like my kinda people. Depends on what kinda pranks it is, but I think I'll just letcha surprise me. Don't wannt be TOO nosy." He smirks and gives a little shrug. "Might inspire me to stop poking around and get to work too.""

Harley_Quinn grins widely - which seems to be her default. "Oh, don't worry! My Puddin's a comedic /genius/. It's gonna be a good time. And best of all, nobody's expectin' it! I haven't seen him so excited in months." She seems to find this very pleasing! The nearby mooks filtering in and out of the Funhouse seem to find it a teense unnerving.

Scourge snickers a little. "I can't wait to see it...or at least the looks on people's faces. If your boss is so excited it must be HUGE. Hopefully whoever that Bat is you guys keep mentioning gets it's wings all tied up in something ELSE. Hrrmmm...who IS this Bat?"

Harley_Quinn gives a little huff. "Oh, I dunno. None of us do. Mistah J says that makes things more fun, but I think knowin'd probably help things, y'know? He sure causes us plenty of trouble, the old grump." She says 'grump' with the air of one who considers this one of the most unpleasant things a person can be. "Just a real party crasher, y'know? No sense of humor."

Scourge says, "Oh yeah, I know one of those types. 'Have to HELP everyone, what you're doing is too violent, I'll stop you from causing all this chaos, blah, blah, blah...' Stupid loser doctor." He shakes his head. "Anyway...I'll have to see what this comes out like. Looking forward to seeing stuff happening."

Harley_Quinn chuckles and shakes her head slightly. "I think more of us are doctors than he's got on his side..." She seems to consider this for a beat, then shrugs. "Well, you can hang around if you like. I'll tell the boys not to bother ya. Just don't go poking 'round too much in the Funhouse. Mistah J won't let nobody but me get around him when he's workin'." She sounds /quite/ proud of this status level. "Somebody should remind Ace of that before he gets himself in trouble."

Scourge says, "If 'e's anything like those goons that greeted me, good luck with that one. I think I'll check out some of the rides and games out there, but I don't wanna get in the way of anything. If I get too bored waiting, I'll just do some of my own pranking elsewhere."

Harley_Quinn chuckles and waves a hand. "Ah, he thinks he can get in with Mistah J an' go over my head. Like I wouldn't notice. Sure, explore, have fun! ...Maybe skip the ferris wheel, though, we're still workin' on that."

Scourge says, "Oooh, one of those kinda idiots. Wonder how long that'll last...anyway, you seem busy with this, so I'll drop in some other time."

Harley_Quinn grins. "Sounds like a plan. Scourge, was it? I'll make sure the boys keep off your back. Hey, if you /are/ in with B-man, maybe it means he's lightening up a bit, and that'd be fun too." She giggles and shakes her head. "But I doubt that."

Scourge says, "Yep, name's Scourge the Hedgehog. 'Call' me sometime if we haven't ended up as enemies and we can have some thing like...I dunno, drinks and dynamite?"

Harley_Quinn giggles. "I like the way you think. Just don't go hittin' all the good targets before we get a swing at 'em. Mistah J doesn't like to play the follow-up act." She says it jovially enough, but there is a slight warning in the tone. Less 'threatening' and more 'no seriously I'm saying this for your own good', but it's there!

Scourge is making his way off to look around the park as he waves over his shoulder. "Eh, I don't have any real motivation to get off my ass and attack anything juuuuuust yet, so we shouldn't have much problem there. If I get TOO bored, that might change, but yer boss just might keep things interesting enough."

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