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Yamamoto Boulevard(#241RL)
Yamamoto Boulevard
Just north of the city's center, the area seems to begin to make a slight incline upwards as it heads up towards the mountains far off in the distance.  The popular place to stay, the Neon Inn, is built alongside this boulevard.  Bushy green trees line the walk here, the street rather clean despite the busy factories up ahead.  An off ramp heads east toward a massive skyscraper that rises up like a beacon of justice with a "POLICE TOWN" sign glowing on the side of the tower in bold white stenciled font.  On the other side of the highway is another tower, a glowing sign atop it pronouncing that building is "The Shinra Tower".  A few other buildings spot the side of the highway. You note a delivery shop of some kind and one building that most have served a purpose at one time but is now abandoned.  A small, nondescript brick building near the off ramp to the Police Town tower is now sporting the sign 'Detectives Inc'.
Just north of the city's center, the area seems to begin to make a slight incline upwards as it heads up towards the mountains far off in the distance.  The popular place to stay, the Neon Inn, is built alongside this boulevard.  Bushy green trees line the walk here, the street rather clean despite the busy factories up ahead.  An off ramp heads east toward a massive skyscraper that rises up like a beacon of justice with a "POLICE TOWN" sign glowing on the side of the tower in bold white stenciled font.  On the other side of the highway is another tower, a glowing sign atop it pronouncing that building is "The Shinra Tower".  A few other buildings spot the side of the highway. You note a delivery shop of some kind and one building that most have served a purpose at one time but is now abandoned.  A small, nondescript brick building near the off ramp to the Police Town tower is now sporting the sign 'Detectives Inc'.

Revision as of 02:00, 6 June 2016

A Tale of a Pulled Tail

Summary: A kid starts bothering Fluttershy, which winds up with unexpected results. A minor bit of OOC left in for maximum enjoyment. Beginning missed due to logging player showing up belatedly.

Who: Scourge, Fluttershy, Lee, Lulu, Jason_Inugami
When: 06/05/2016
Where: Yamamoto Boulevard


The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

Yamamoto Boulevard Just north of the city's center, the area seems to begin to make a slight incline upwards as it heads up towards the mountains far off in the distance. The popular place to stay, the Neon Inn, is built alongside this boulevard. Bushy green trees line the walk here, the street rather clean despite the busy factories up ahead. An off ramp heads east toward a massive skyscraper that rises up like a beacon of justice with a "POLICE TOWN" sign glowing on the side of the tower in bold white stenciled font. On the other side of the highway is another tower, a glowing sign atop it pronouncing that building is "The Shinra Tower". A few other buildings spot the side of the highway. You note a delivery shop of some kind and one building that most have served a purpose at one time but is now abandoned. A small, nondescript brick building near the off ramp to the Police Town tower is now sporting the sign 'Detectives Inc'.

Fluttershy has gotten herself out of the way of the grabby kid. At least she thought she did. The kid breaks away from her ever vigilant parent and runs for Fluttershy, who yeeps and takes to the air, "Um.." she gaps, 'You really shouldn't grab my tail..." she says in a whisper, her wings flapping to get out of range again.....

Lee has thus far been trustworthy and so Lulu has no reason to doubt the lizardfolk's words. If they say that Fluttershy is real then she must be. Besides, as Lee mentioned, it really does look like she's having a hard time in the city. "Hm, I see." This pulls at Lulu's motherly strings and makes a come hither motion towards the pony, bidding her to come join them via way of curling her index finger. "Come here, little one." She asks sweetly. To Lee, she nods again and taps her chin. "Whichever makes you feel more comfortable. I've always find it best to find a good middle ground between practicality and fashionable." It might come as a surprise but Lulu is wearing military boots underneath the dress. She had to do a lot of hiking in the past and there's no way she was going to do all that wearing heels.

Lee, with forearms decorated in a collection of their wares, stands out of the sidewalk traffic next to a building and near Lulu. Fluttershy isn't far off. "Makes sense," Lee agrees, "though I'd go with 'expressive' more than 'fashionable' like those designers." Lee gestures toward the department store. Lee glances up as Fluttershy takes to the air again. When Lulu beckons Fluttershy, Lee leans back against the building and smiles encouragingly.

Fluttershy alights atop a lamp-post so she can get herself together and be away from the grabby kid. She peers down from above, her blue eyes regarding the child. "Um....please don't do that..." she then glances to Lulu her calls to her as if she were a little filly. I'm...I'm okay..." she says in a soft voice. She doesn't seem to in any hurry to get back down.

There's a sudden blast of air like someone turned on a really powerful fan just turned on full blast and then was just turned off again. A smack sound resounds through the area as the kid is sent onto it's tail end somehow, seemingly replaced in his previous standing position by a small, uppity, green jerk wearing shades and leather. "Yeah, don't you know it aint nice to be grabby with ladies, ya snot nosed little brat?"

Scourge adds. "You've gotta at LEAST take her to LUNCH first."

Lulu gives a faint shrug of one shoulder, full lips pursed forward whilst a dainty hand motions sideways. "To most people there is not much of a difference." And Lulu should know seeing that everyone she had to deal with back in her world was not much of a fashionista or otherwise. In fact, Lulu has yet to find a kindred spirit and Lee may very well be the first person she ever exchanged fashion tips with. But that's all besides the point right now as Lulu continues to regard Fluttershy. "Are you sure, darling? You don't look okay." Poor Lulu, she can't help but be a mother hen. But she can also be a mother bear too, as her crimson eyes alight with anger when a small green quilled creature comes in and shoves the little girl down. "Excuse me!?? Did you just throw that girl to the ground!?" Lulu's indignant voice is followed by her body being literally covered in black flames, her tiny armored doll that is a whole foot taller than Scourge advances and brandishes its spear.

Scourge crosses his arms and nods toward Lulu, looking rather as if she asked him if he just stepped on a cockroach. "Yeah...so what? She's gotta get some 'tough love' somewhere or the world'll swallow her right up..."

Fluttershy gasps! She didn't want the girl to be pushed down....She drops down in front of the girl; raising her wings protectvely! "You shouldn't do such things!" she almost yells, her blue eyes just a bit narrowed, "You could hurt her like that, I..." The little girl yanks Fluttershy's tail again as she's protecting her. X.X "Eep!" she can't win!

Scourge says, "...and she didn't even learn s^*$ anyway...."

The Parents, nearby are busy taking selfies in front of a Statue...


Lulu very seldom raises her voice, mostly because when she does, things around her tend to experience very.. explodey.. deaths.

The sorceress vanishes momentarily only to appear right in front and off to the side of Scourge via use of a teleportation spell, the miniature armor right next to her. But its not Scourge whom she addresses first. Its actually the little girl still trying to pull on Fluttershy's tail. "Return to your parents, child." Lulu says coldly and gives the little girl no room for objection. She grasps her tiny body via magic and levitates her putting her next to her parents who better restrain her if they know what's good for them. Its only after that's settled that she turns to stare coldly at Scourge. "You have some nerve bullying a child, you loathsome creature."

Scourge eye twitches as he notes the parents and full on GLARES in their direction. "You've GOTTA be effin' me...look, big sexy lady," he says toward Lulu, "Can we continue this later?" He pops his knuckles some, "I think I just found my real target..." Oddly enough, despite what he just did, one with enough attention span could probably suddenly feel a killing intent just ROLLING off of him.

The parents take the child, "There you are, Mindy! Time for us to go to the Lego-Musuem, then see the Gorillas at the zoo!" None the wiser for any lesson the might've learned. Fluttershy sighs a little. It's not easy for her around human children. She then "Ohs!" as the two others here about to rumble! "Um...please don't fight...please..." she asks politely, 'There's no need for that, okay?"

"I'll be happy to continue this 'discussion' whenever you wish." Lulu says with an ugly scowl to her otherwise fair features. Somehow though, her baring her teeth in anger is somewhat fitting despite her make up. This is definitely a lady that is used to the rough and tumble. She also happens to be very aware of her surroundings and she notices that Scourge actually wants to go teach the child's parents a lesson in responsibility. If that's the case then he's quite welcome to do so. Just so.. you know.. he doesn't kill them. Lulu crosses her arms and keeps an eye on Scourge. She listens to Fluttershy's pleads for there to be no fighting but very uncharacteristically doesn't acknowledge them.

Well, seems that the universe finds a way to make this even crazier. In comes a young man clad in a leather jacket and he looks around, taking in the surroundings as he sighs a bit. Okay..right: One of those ponies that everyone's been talking about. A...hedgehog? Hell, he had to deal with a human-sized Kung Fu cat one time, Drunken Fist no less. And a woman that looks like she should be in a bondage magazine with that outfit. Thank you Neo for proving that everything is possible. And from the killing intents being thrown around, he wonders if he should get a bucket of popcorn and a lawnchair to watch this before the cops charge out of their precient.

Scourge rolls up his sleeves as he approaches the parents. Looking like he's already restraining from knocking thier day lights out. "Hey, f***heads! YEAH, I'm talking to you. Don't you have any damn clue what just happened here?! You too busy with your heads where the sun don't shine?! Is that it?!"

[OOC] Scourge says, "and in case you're wondering I'm doing the censoring as a stylistic thing, I'm sure all of us are old enough to know what they mean and don't need them, heh"

Fluttershy isn't sure he should be so mean to Mister and Misses ****head. That must be their names, right? At least he seems to have forgotten about fighting, hopefully. The Pegasus decides maybe this area is the best for her...she begins to s-l-o-w-l-y back away, hopefully to not be too terribly noticed....

[OOC] Scourge says, "though if anyone DOES every get bothered by the words being used in said stylistic censoring, I can tone them down" [OOC] Lulu doesn't mind. [OOC] Fluttershy Fluttershy doesn't know what it means anyway. :) [OOC] Scourge says, "heheh" [OOC] Jason says, "........Scourge...you're corrupting a innocent Pony!!!" [OOC] Scourge says, "I'm doing my job then! ^.^" [OOC] Jason is SO gonna get blamed for this.. [OOC] Scourge says, "Anarchy wins the day, hahahah" [OOC] Fluttershy Later; Oh, Hello Mr and Mrs. ****head! I'm glad your child is okay. :) [OOC] Scourge says, "hehehe"

Lulu is aware enough of her surroundings to sense the presence of another young man approaching and that Fluttershy is using that distraction to slowly start to back away. The sorceress doesn't try to prevent either, the young man staring or Fluttershy leaving, she'll deal with any or both of them if it because a problem though. For now, her gaze is focused on Scourge and the parents of the incorrigible child. As previously stated, she's trying to make sure this tiny green thing doesn't end up killing them.

If Jason had any confusion about the situation, it's cleared up when Scourge goes ballistic on the parents. And tilting his head he gives a sigh. Yeah, not hard to figure out. Parents sight seeing, left kid along, kid almost got hurt or something, knowing this place, could be anything from making a deal with a supercute manifestation of pure evil that grants wishes to make young girls into corrupted magical girls..or, and he glances at Fluttershy, messing with the pony. He's guessing the Pony, kids always go for the cute, it's a written rule.

Scourge says, "I coulda KILLED your little snot nose for all you two care! You're too busy taking your own damn pictures to give two craps! TAKE-CARE of your CROTCH-DUMPLING, or she might grow up to "TAKE CARE" OF YOU! If something else doesn't do it for her first, morons!" Wait, he's so pissed even though he's apparently the one that hurt the kid? Ooookay then."

Fluttershy glances over her shoulder as she makes a slow retreat. She recalls Twilight once upon a time. o 0 (These Ponies are CRAZY!) Maybe she'll go have lunch at the park or at that cafe she's passed by. The parents get berated and threatened as she slinks off. Was this somehow her fault? All the child did was pull her tail....should she let it me? Maybe staying would make it worse?

Lulu continues to just stand there. Thus far Scourge hasn't made any physical threats, only the verbal chewing that the parents rightfully deserve. Therefore, she merely lets it continue. She's still aware that Fluttershy is leaving and Jason is staring but again, she doesn't try to stop either one of them. She'll make the pony feel better some other time if she runs into her again and if Jason tries to jump in too, she'll deal with that as well.

Fluttershy blinks and gasps! This IS all her fault! She must've over-reacted! She spreads her wings and flies off, not getting much altitude as she's upset, but she manages to get clear over the nearby buildings in a whoosh of wind and tears!

Right, now Jason's confused. Wait, he's berating the parents because the kid was almost hurt..by him? And part of him wonders how that works out, but he shakes his head and decides to just not even care. Noticing Fluttershy slink off he mentally groans. Yeah, he can sense the depression off her and wonders if he should help her..but...he also wonders if it's his place. No, probably not. He's the stranger again so he just shrugs, leans against a wall and just goes to looking at nothing but what's going on. But he does see Fluttershy leave and he mentally groans. Forget it, even his jaded self can't help but feel for the little pony. And his eyes flare as he tracks her course. "Right." and he slips off into the shadows. No sense causing a scene fusing into one of his forms. "Quetzalcoatl." he intones as his form explodes into light, leaving behind a fusion of human and bird. And with a beat of it's wings and a gust of wind the fusion takes flight trying to track Flutter.

Scourge obviously WANTS to make the parents' heads roll, but he opts for taking a swing at a nearby inanimate object, like a statue or the like, causing it to shatter into pieces due to the force of the speed behind said punch. "Take care of your kid..../got/ it? Next time it won't be talk."

Lulu also sensed Fluttershy's depression as she suddenly flew off. She looks over her shoulder to see the retreating pony and purses her lips again. Perhaps, she should have tried to stop her after all, but you know what they say, hindsight is always 20/20. No matter, if its simply an issue of the pony having her feelings hurt that is always an easy fix. The man standing nearby transforming does get her attention and she whispers to herself. "Did he say Quetzalcoatl?" Isn't that one of Yuna's Aeons? Are there people that can transform into Aeons here? Intriguing.

But, not the time to be investigating that. As Scourge begins to smash things apart with his fists, Lulu steps forward and calls to him. "All right, that's enough. I'm sure they got the message."

Scourge says, "I'd teach you right here, but you obviously aren't worth the energy it'd take to clean you off of my jacket..." He seems to calm down upon saying that and turns toward Lulu. "Yeah, you're right dame. At least they better." That's followed with a smirk as if he HADN'T just gone into a rage moments ago, "Sooooooo, you wanted to 'talk'?"

Lulu waits until the parents have left before she looks down at Scourge and gives him a nasty glare. Her fist tightens and her knuckles audibly crack showing that she might posses more strength that her dainty frame alludes to. Lulu's red eyes flicker with energy too, though just before she seems ready to unleash a spell, the sorceress thinks better of it and relaxes her shoulders. "I've changed my mind." She states somewhat surprisingly. "Perhaps you have some redeeming qualities after all." If Lulu still has a mind to fight its not going to be now. She turns away from Scourge and looks around, noticing that Fluttershy and that young man that flew after her are nowhere to be found. "Come, let's if we can find them."

Scourge raises a brow. "Eh...if that's what you want to think doll..." the hedgehog replies to her comment about him having 'redeeming qualities', "Why should we go looking for anybody though?"

Lulu makes no comment about that. She's certain that this green creature will give her plenty of reason to eat her words later anyway. "Well, you certainly seemed quite eager to defend that pony." Says the sorceress as she looks around to see where Fluttershy might have flown to. "I assumed you'd at least be willing to see if she was fine." Then she glances at him from over her bare shoulder. "My name is Lulu. What is yours?"

The green hedghog shrugs. "Eh, I was bored and the kid was gettin' on my nerves..." he states, "I'm Scourge the Hedgehog, once king of Mobius..." He gives a bow that seems sarcastic instead of anything sincere, especially as he's bothering to put that ex title out there.

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