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(Created page with "{{Logsummary| Title = Owl and Hyena |Summary = Minu prepares to undergo a great journey and she lets her brother in law of what she has planned. |Who = Minu and U...")
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Title    = Owl and Hyena
Title    = Owl and Hyena
|Summary = Minu prepares to undergo a great journey and she lets her brother in law of what she has planned.
|Summary = Minu prepares to undergo a great journey and she lets her brother of what she has planned.
|Who    = [[Minu]] and [[Urus]].
|Who    = [[Minu]] and [[Urus]].
|Date    = April 1, 2017
|Date    = April 1, 2017

Revision as of 14:29, 1 April 2017

Owl and Hyena

Summary: Minu prepares to undergo a great journey and she lets her brother of what she has planned.

Who: Minu and Urus.
When: April 1, 2017
Where: UR Gym

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

Urus is in the Gym, lying back on one of the benches, pressing a sizable bar, along with the somewhat impressive looking weights attached. He is currently in his own zone, controlling his breathing, earbuds playing music with a small MP3 player attached. overall it is a relatively mundane day in the gym, in fact it is rather empty for the time being, maybe one or two other people in here with him.

The door to the gym opens an a little elf lady slips inside. She is dressed in a medieval style dress with fitted sleeves and floor length skirt. The little lady's brown hair is coiled in neat tight bun, and her customary wire rimmed spectacles frame her big gold eyes. Looking around the little lady spies the hyena focused on lifting the weights and makes her way through the gym toward him. Once close by, she reaches out and unplugs the earphones from the MP3 player. Instantly a bouncy tune fills the room and there is a wail of "I'm Sexy and I know it.do the wiggle dance!" The little elf lady smirks and folds her hands before her and waits for the hyena to notice.

Urus notices the tug before the music fills the room instead of his ears. He takes about three seconds to throw the weight into the holder before going to the button to pause the music, the other two patrons have stopped their activities and are now looking at the two. "Hello little bird, why you do this?" he says sitting up and looking the elf in the face despite the fact that she is standing. the other two shake their heads and go back to their activities. "What do you need?" he says flatly, obviously unamused.

Golden eyes dance with mirth as Urus sits up and turns off the music. She giggles softly "hello Urus...interesting choice of music.Wiggle Dance??" Her lips quirk into a smile. "I have discovered that since we are no longer in Twisted, I am no longer barred from returning to the Grand Archives. I mean to return to offer my resignation to the Great Scribe, so that he knows what became of me."

Urus looks at her curiously. "What? you do not know what wiggle dance is, Is not Kotal supposed to be showing you these things? he is husband afterall..." he prods. He listens to his compatriot. "Ah, well congratulations, but... If I can ask. Why are you telling me now before you have done it?" he asks. he takes a more compfortable sitting position as he plants his paws on the ground, strattling the bench.

Minu's eyes go a little wide and she blushes brightly. "I am aware of what males and females do Urus...I just have never heard of it referred to as "The Wiggle Dance" nor have I ever heard music quite like that." She reaches into her dress pocket and pulls out a crisp white envelope. "Kotal and the Krew are away doing some heavy training. I have decided this is the best time for me to go offer my resignation to The Great Scribe. I am not sure what will happen but I wanted to make sure that if something when wrong, Kotal would know how to find me. This is the spell that will open a portal to the Grand Archive. If I am not back by the time Kotal arrives, He will come to you to find out where I went and you will give him this." as she offers up the envelope.

Urus cackles a bit at minu's blushing. "what, It is clasic from where I am from." he says defending his taste in music. he holds on to the offered envelope but without taking it out of minu's hand. "I see. Well I hope it goes smoothly. I understand employers can be a bit crabby so beware." he warns finaly taking it. "I will keep this safe. though for all three of our sakes lets hope we don't have to use this." he says getting up from the bench over to his nearby cooler, to which Ivan is silently guarding. "Excuse me Ivan, just a second." he says taking the duck off and opening the cooler with his free hand before laying the envelope inside and closing it, placing the rubber duck back in his spot. "Alright then. so does the great scribe have a name that can be uttered by mortals such as myself?" he asks somewhat cheekily.

Minu smiles as she watches Urus tuck the envelope away. She lifts a dainty hand "hi Ivan.." she calls softly. The little elf lady giggles a little "you know, Kotal asked that same question. He like many gods has many names, My People call him The Great Scribe, the ancients of your realm, I believe called him Thoth. There are many others of course." She moves closer and offers Ivan a gentle pet on his head when Urus puts the duck back on top of the cooler.

Urus nods. "Thoth. Well... that sounds familiar somehow... probably when I was sleeping through history class or somthing." oh well, it's not like anyone figures they would need to know an egyptian god of knowledge for any important reason. "So, since you are here I might as well ask. How have you been. It has been long time. Those dogs of yours staying safe?"

Minu lifts her golden eyes to Urus'. She smiles softly "those who worship him, know him. He is not a flashy god or one that seeks out attention from the masses." Her hands fold before her again and she nods "the pups are fine, learning and growing. Kotal and I are doing very well. We miss Silencia but then, she needs to have this time to learn and grow too. I have missed you. I do wish you would come up to the Palace for a visit some time."

Urus smiles. "Hey, a god I might actualy like..." he says chuckling. returning to his bench and laying back, he continues his weights as he talks. "That is. Good though they. Interupted party." he intersperses between the lifts. "She seemed a little lost, hope she can find herself soon enough. As for this palace buisness... I have had a plan or two but I need to complete some things first. Besides, not like Kotal welcomes me with open arms."

Minu frowns a little and sighs "I know you and Kotal don't get on well, and that is unfortunate really. How have things been for you? I heard that the scary fish lady had a baby squid or something.I hope things with them are not terrible for you?"

Urus nods. "I know. but his ego is big enough to fill a cargo ship, and have enough left over to qualify for free shiping on rainforest..." he says before awnsering the other questions. "Actualy things are great with Morgana and little Marina. The little one has a serious likeing for her uncle. Morgana is as protective as ever, but then again. mothering instinct. what is one to do. Muradin and I are working on a small project. Once we finish that off I will take some time to come up and see you. The mountain pass just north of here correct?"

Minu nods and smiles "Yes, thats the one. I am glad things are going well. Kotal told me about Morgana. She sounds positively frightening. Marina, thats the baby? You sound happy to be an uncle. Maybe someday you will have other nieces and nephews...it could happen...maybe. I don't even know if Kotal and I are biologically comparable that way..it takes more then sex to have children after all."

Urus shakes his head. sitting up again. "She is. Absolute monster of a woman. Then again. who am I to talk. I look the part." As Minu mentions other neices and nephews he visably cringes. "Don't even go there... it's bad enough I am his brother in law. Don't even need to think about that you Dirty bird." he says "Ohhh that is going to need more than vodka to wash out..." he regrets.

Minu wrinkles her nose up "you do NOT look like a monster, you look like a hyena, now you occasionally act like a monster but that is by your choice as we both well know." She purses her lips primly then gasps "Urus...I am NOT...I am life bonded to him, there is nothing inappropriate there. She makes a huffing sound and stamps her little foot. I heard Gonfei has some brain bleach if you ask nice. She sighs softly and looks at the clock on the wall. I should go Urus. I need to do this before I loose my nerve and before Kotal gets back so he doesn't have to worry over it. You take care of yourself and hopefully I will see you again soon to get that envelope back.

Urus says "Sister, there are still things about me you still do not know." he retorts. "Alright. Well, good luck then. If he comes to the island to try and find me he beter watch out. he and morgana do not have the best relationship either, and she is very protective as of late."

The little elf smiles softly and nods "I am sure if he comes, he will have better things to do then annoy Morgana. Thank you for tending this for me. I will see you as soon as I return." She darts forward and hugs the hyena's neck then turns and hurrys out of the gym.

Urus hugs her back and watches her leave. "Ivan." he says. "Guard it with your life. Little sister is depending on you." he tells the rubber duck as he goes back about his activities.

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