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Joshua Fireseed
Full Name: Joshua Fireseed

Series: Turok
Class: Son of Stone
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Age: Apparent 21, real 187
Birthdate: July 23
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 180 lbs

Short Description: ...Is this Rambo?

Joshua Fireseed
Coming Soon!
Joshua Fireseed
Joshua is essentially the ultimate Hunter. There is no prey he cannot stalk, there are no prints he cannot track, and there are no lands where he doesn’t know how to survive. This comes from spending years in the Lost Land, a dimension that eats chunks of other planets and attaches it to its own. By living in the Lost Land, Joshua has had to deal with not only creatures from all dimensions but landscapes as well. He can survive in jungles, deserts, frozen tundras, vast oceans, forests magical or otherwise, volcanos, even cities of vastly different technological natures, for they too are naught but hunting grounds full of prey.

The name of the game for Joshua is survival; he can fend for himself in a wide variety of situations and can make weapons out nothing but what may appear to be trash. From bows, knives and clubs in forested areas, to firearms in cities, and plasma reactors in advanced civilizations, Joshua can adapt to whatever environment where he’s in, and is almost never unprepared. He’s like the ultimate Boy Scout.

Also, he’s a pretty good shot on account of his hunting lifestyle.


• The Green Sense: A psionic ability. Raised as a Kiowa Brave, Joshua was trained from a very young age to heed the call of nature and be aware of what the earth had to say. After living in the Lost Land, this ability grew into super human levels to the point Joshua can actually speak with animals and plants. Magical animals and plants may also apply although it varies from case to case (the magical beast in question could be too smart or too dumb to need/understand the Green Sense).


• Light Burden: The Light Burden appears to be a small messenger bag which is slung across the chest and strapped around the waist to avoid too much movement. In reality, it is a miniature dimension that Joshua uses for storage. The equivalent of a bag of holding, Joshua can use this bag to hold an enormous amount of items and weaponry. The bag however is limited of space and he prefers to use it sparingly. Additionally, it is also not indestructible, and if destroyed all the items inside are gone forever. Currently Joshua holds armament from all over the dimensions in there. Ranging from alien melee weapons to highly advances guns from all kinds of alien races.

• Folding Eye: This magic lens appears to be a polished black stone in the shape of a small mirror. Joshua keeps this strapped to his bandanna and he can flip it down to use it as goggles. The Folding Eye is magical and acts as a true sight effect, revealing invisibility, magical disguises, and otherwise things that try to hide their identity through supernatural means.

• Hawking Site: This highly technologically advances lens appears to be a polished orange stone in the shape of a small mirror. Joshua keeps this strapped to his bandanna and he can flip it down to use it as goggles. The Hawking Site is essentially a highly advanced HUD which tells Joshua of impending dangers by registering their life signature, not unlike a Dragon Ball scanner. Additionally, it can also be used as a targeting system and telescope.


• Moccasins Too Big To Fill: Originally, Joshua’s real name was Andar, and he was naught but a ten year old boy that got dragged into the Lost Land with his uncle Tal’set Tan’Celle’Nyo. Tal’set would then go on to become Turok, Son of Stone and revered across the Lost Land as the greatest defender of the multiverse that dimension ever saw. Joshua has no such skill, and deep inside doesn’t even want it, but the weight of being second best weighs heavily on his shoulders, and he worries that he can’t live up to the legend of his uncle Tal’set.

• Actually Kind Of Naïve: Ultimately, Joshua can be an average twenty year old, baseball enthusiast from Oklahoma. Even with all his background of actually being from the 1800s and spending several years in the Lost Land, he still bases most of his opinions from the perspective of a young man living in the 90s.

Port of Adia
        --Turok 2: Seeds of Evil


Joshua Fireseed’s story begins in the 1800’s in the Northern American continent. At that time and age he was known as Andar, and he was naught but a Kiowa boy growing up in the middle of the great Indian Wars. Andar was no warrior at the time being about ten years old, but his uncle, Tal’Set Tan’Celle’Nyo was one of the fiercest Kiowa warriors known to all the tribes and the United States army. His battle prowess was legendary as was his blood thirst and even his fellow Kiowa began to fear it. Tal’set would have no peace until every single pale face was dead, and seeing no end in sight for their war, the Kiowa betrayed him.

Tal’set’s small warband was ambushed by a battalion of Union troops with information from his own tribe. The battle was fierce, it took days, and another battalion of Union soldiers was needed in order to finally put an end to the threat that was Tal’set Tan’Celle’Nyo. However, even after sacrificing so many soldiers in order to take him down, Tal’set actually survived, and fled into a nearby cave with his nephew Andar who had been tagging along for the whole battle.

But the cave was more than it appeared. It transported Tal’set and Andar into a dimension known as the Lost Land. It was place where the Big Boom originated which created all the Multiverse and at its very center a small black hole was created which started bringing back parts of realities into its being creating a giant planet. Tal’set and Andar became the dimension’s protectors through a series of adventures, eventually taking down a being known as the Campaigner, who planned to control all of the Lost Land and use it to enslave the Multiverse.

However, in the battle Andar was lost to a rift in reality, which catapulted him back to Earth at least 200 years later. He fell in what was present time Oklahoma and told people of his adventures.. solely in Kiowa. Naturally, no one believed a 10 year old Native American kid that didn’t speak any English. People thought him as an estranged orphan and he was taken into an orphanage. He was given an English name, Joshua Fireseed, adopted the culture, studied high school and went to Oklahoma university on a sports scholarship.. eventually, Joshua forgot all of his adventures in the Lost Land, believing them to be the overactive imagination of a young boy.

But Joshua would not get the normal life he sought. After his 20th birthday, Tal’set appeared before him and dragged him back to the Lost Land. Only a few months had passed for Tal’set, but time has no meaning in the Lost Land and thus he was not surprised to find that his nephew was all grown up. Forcefully was Joshua made to remember his time in the Lost Land, and he eventually came to terms that he had actually been born in the 1800s. Taking up the mantle of the Dinosaur Hunter along with his uncle, Joshua relinquished his normal life and became the next Turok. Son of Stone. Defender of the Lost Land.


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