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Latest revision as of 05:13, 16 June 2018

Marina Bronzebeard
Full Name: Marina Bronzebeard

Series: N/A
Class: Smol Child
Alignment: Neutral Good
Gender: Female
Species: Cecaelia
Age: 1
Birthdate: 10/08
Height: 3'4"
Weight: 30 pounds

Short Description: Small half-squid child

Marina Bronzebeard
Before you is an adorable small child! She's an adorable little red-head, a few shades blonde of bronze. Her wide eyes are the color of the deep sea, a dark blue in color, but slightly greenish as well. She is, however, a very pale child, with skin almost the color of pearls, even almost luminescent like them. That paleness ends with her tentacles which are a ruddy red, at least usually... what's that? Oh, you weren't expecting the tentacles? She's a cecaelia! Of course she has tentacles instead of legs! She's an adorable little octopus child! YOU WILL LOVE HER.
Marina Bronzebeard
She's just a baby, so not much. She can say single words and cry really loud! She also shares her mother Morgana's vocal screeching abilities, though they're not as strong or as focused.



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