2017-05-03 - Wait, I have a date?! Pt 2

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Wait, I have a date?! Pt 2

Summary: Joshua Fireseed shows a lady a good time by taking Ponset to the UR gym and shoot holographic images of her previous trainers. Also he pops the question.

Who: Joshua_Fireseed and Ponset
When: May 3, 2017
Where: UR Gym

Joshua Fireseed-icon.gifPonset-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

Ponset walks into the UR's gym, seemingly perfectly fine walking first. There is a bit of an air of confidence in her that was missing before once she's in the room. This is farm more her element than a date is. She looks around, seemingly looking for someone, but apparently she's happy to not find whoever it is. "....Have you used the holo opponents before?" she asks of Joshua.

"Not this one in particular." Answers Joshua as he enters the training room tailed by Sprinkles. "But I've uh, used other holo opponents before. In the Lost Land." Like Ponset, this is also much more his kind of date and his previous goofy attitude now returned to his more usual hotshot personality. "Let's see. We did say Perfect Cell didn't we?" The Hunter moves over to the wall where the H.O.G panel is and starts typing in Cell's power level and other characteristics. He seems quite familiar with the generator as he is rather disturbingly familiar with how Cell fights, almost as if he had fought him before.. though in truth its only because he used to watch Dragon Ball rather religiously back in the day. Soon, the familiar image of Cell appears in the center of the gym, radiating his usual cold cockiness. Arms are crossed and the holo figure regards Joshua and Ponset with obvious disdain.

Ponset raises an eyebrow slightly at the disdain Cell is showing her, but then she shakes her head. Not only does only one Cell really know her, but the programmers of this wouldn't have known even that. To this day, she's still slightly disturbed by the time Cell said he would 'totally hug her if that was something he did'. At any rate, she looks from the hologram to Joshua. "...So... you want to solo him?"

Joshua gives a slight chuckle when Ponset puts it in such terms. "Ah, well. I wouldn't say it quite like that." He steps forward, closer to the Cell hologram, and flips his scouter thing again so it's covering his right eye. "That would imply I'm going to fight him at all." Thankfully, Joshua is none the wiser to Cell and Ponset's previous tender moments or he might have had some missgivings about doing what he's about to do. He picked Cell because to his understanding he's a bad guy! Not at all aware of the true relationship between the two.

At any rate, Joshua is just standing there with a cocky grin and the Cell hologram beginst to take a fighting stance. Joshua's scouter begins to beep much like the scouters Ponset's is familiar with would do when they start detecting an energy signal. Othere than that though, Joshua is just standing there weaponless and just grinning at Cell while his opponent is clearly getting ready to attack him. Even if its just a hologram getting punched by Cell would still hurt like the dickens, particularly to an allegedly mere human like Joshua. What could he be thinking, if anything?

To call Ponset's training under Cell 'tender' is a bit of an understatement. Unless you're referring to the bruises Ponset would come away from their sessions with. As far as what's currently going on Ponset is waiting patiently to see what is going to happen. Without being able to sense the energy of either oponent, she's going to have to rely on her eyes. For now, she doesn't look like she's even considering intervening, in fact she has her arms crossed in a pose very much like that which Cell appeared in.

Suddenly, Ponset will be able to sense the hologram's energy rising as he flash steps towards Joshua with nary a warning. True to form of the fighters from the Dragon Ball universe, he springs into action trying to catch his opponent off guard by clearing the distance in a micro second.

And yet, a micro second seems to be all Joshua needs.

Out of nowhere, a wicked alien looking gun is pulled out of Joshua's messanger bag and he fires purple blue lighting at Cell. The energy from the gun seems to suck at the Cell hologram and Ponset will be able to sense Cell's ki leaving him completely and dissapearing into the nether. With Cell's power level effectevily neturalized to 0, he falls to his knees right in front Joshua.

The Hunter then trades guns to a much shorter and stockier one and fires a single round at Cell which vaporises him to a subatomic level in a flash. Not even a molecule of Cell surviving.

Even if the Saiyan knows that the Cell who just got disintegrated was just a hologram, the way her Ki sense percieved things would tell Ponset a different story.

Ponset tilts her head slightly, actually looking not so impressed. "....So... you yourself can't actually do much, then. You're relying on tools." Well, she's a martial artist. Of course she's going to have some disdain for guns. "I suppose it's a tool you'd need on your world."

"Tools that allowed -me-, a totally average human, to take out Cell in two shots." Says Joshua as he flips his scouter back up so he can look at Ponset, his devastator rifle resting on his shoulder. "See, not everyone can have a Saiyan lineage, or have magical powers. No matter how much I train I'd never be able to fly or shoot ki balls, that's just not how the universe I'm originally from works." He flicks the panel again and makes Cell appear once more. "But baby, I got guns from every corner of the Multiverse. I kill Gods and Primordial horrors that'd eat Brolly for breakfast. Heck, I don't even need the devastator to take out Cell." The scene repeats again with Cell flash stepping towards Joshua. This time he hits him with a different gun. "Blast 'im with a EMP charge and depower him to regular level Cell." Sure enough Cell collapses and vomits Android 17 and 18 who both are depowered. "Then just shoot 'em up with the fussion cannon." He switches gun to what looks like a gatlin and unleashes a barrage of atomic energy that obliterates Cell and both androids to both. "Aaand call it a day." He straightens back up and flips his scouter up again. "Of course, I'm cheating. I already know Cell's weaknesses because I watched Dragon Ball. But even if I didn't this baby right here tells me all I need to know about an opponent." He taps his scouter. "Once I know what makes them tick its just turns into Pokemon. A Negative Particle blast is super effective on Ki users." He grins and then frowns slightly. "Uh.. you -do- know Pokemon, right?"

Ponset starts to look lost about halfway through the explanaition. It takes her a moment before she finally says, "Uh... no. I don't know Pokemon. I've... not been paying that much attention to the other worlds' stories here, honestly..." Yes, she's nearly the opposite of a fangirl. "But... let me see... it's kind of like... rock paper scissors, then? You have a different... gun for each type of enemy?" She does look like she's struggling slightly to comprehend it. She's self-acknoledged as not being the brightest light bulb in the stairwell, afterall.

Joshua hits the side of his head when Ponset tells her she doesn't know Pokemon. "Man, I feel like I'm in High School all over again." What with no one getting the references he's making. Though, despite Ponset's self proclamations of not being all too sharp, she does eventually figure it out and Joshua nods. "Yep, essentially."

Ponset nods again slowly. "Okay, then." She then glances away slightly, looking a bit awkward once again as she's not sure what she should be doing now. "High school... Does suck," she eventually says. "But, uh, it's good you have the tools you need for the job you had." She's trying to be social, she's really trying. She's just very bad at it.

"Oh yeah. Big time!" Joshua agrees with Ponset with no small amount of exasperation. Nothing like being a time displaced Native American kid in High School to really learn to hate the system. That, however, is a story for another time, and possibly even more convoluted than the creation of the Lost Land itself, so he spares Ponset for now. Joshua tucks his weapons away in his bag where they all seem to fit despite the obvious disproportionate sizes. He then grins seeing Ponset confused look and creeps a little closer to her. "So.. why am I showing you all this you may ask?" He slides next to her and puts an amicable arm around her shoulders. "I guess it bothers me to see an awesomely powerful chick like you look so depressed. If its your power that makes you think you can't have anything normal... well, I've been to waaaay too many universes, and there's always a bigger bad that makes the last challenge look like a walk in the park."

Ponset looks over at the hand as it goes around her shoulder, unsure of how she should feel about this. "I'm not worried about the physical challanges. I'm worried about the social ones. I don't like the social challanges, and they're the ones that are coming my way the most recently."

"Really??" Joshua arches an eyebrow, not moving that arm of his from Ponset's shoulders. "You're telling me an all powerful time patrol agent like yourself is concerned about menial things like.. oooh, I don't know. Dating?"

Ponset looks downward and nods. "Yes. That is exactly what I'm saying. That and making friends at school, and not looking like a total fool." She's very much avoiding eye contact now, looking quite nervous again.

Joshua of course notices that he's making Ponset nervous which is by no means the right way to go when someone's trying to woo a lady. He releases her gently and walks around to face her. "Weeell, I can sympathize with that, actually." He rubs the back of his head somewhat sheepishly before snapping his fingers. "But hey! Maybe what you need is to date a fellow weirdo like myself! Maybe the two strangeness will nullify themselves and turn normal!" Joshua pauses and raises a finger. "Actually, full disclosure, it's probably going to get even weirder." Neverthless, Joshua grins and puts his hands on his hips trying his best to look like passable boyfriend material.

Ponset looks up as Joshua walks around to in front of her. As he finishes his little speech, she sighs and hangs her head. This doesn't last particularly long before she leans forward, letting her head lightly tap Joshua's chest. Yes, she's definitely in full control of her motions, and no, she doesn't seem like she's about to pass out. "Maybe. I guess only time can tell, right?"

Joshua shuts his eyes tightly when Ponset simply rests her forehead on his chest. In fact, he cringed a little when she did that, somewhat expecting a headbutt. However, suddenly realizing that his jaw hasn't been shattered he opens his eyes and blinks down at the Saiyan. "So.. uh.. is that a yes?" Now he's the one that sounds nervous!

Ponset nods silently before saying, "...Yeah. Sure."

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