2016-12-16 - Twisted Kombat

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Twisted Kombat

Summary: The God of War graces the Arena of Neo Tokyo and one stalwart champion decides to prove himself in his eyes and challenge one of Huitzilopotchli's chosen warriors.

Who: Kotal_Kahn, Archene_Night
When: December 2, 2016
Where: The Arena

Archene Night-icon.gifKotal Kahn-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

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The Arena

The air about is grey and still, brownstone walls rising up silently about you. The area you are standing in is surrounded on all sides by the silent walls, dark doors and empty windows gaping in them like mouths of some long dead ravenous beast. The ground is solid, stone, packed with sand. On the sand there are marks of combat, scuffs here and there, and spots of old dried blood. The entire atmosphere is gloomy, and reeks of old death and decay. A strange vibration in the air fills you with unease. Anyone directing any sort of attack at the arena itself will notice that the attack seems absorbed somehow, but to where is unknown.



Aah! Familiar grounds at last! Kotal Kahn has not had much opportunity to be offered worship ever since arriving to Neo Tokyo. The police has trouble well handled and whatever few head strong martial artists that have wandered into his temple either flee or get turning into pigs.. somehow, Kotal isn't sure how that keeps happening, he certainly does not hold such power.

But tonight is a eventful occasion, as his Krew has arrived from Twisted and with them they bring much entertainment at last. The great War God sits upon a throne made completely out of skulls, some human, some alien, while below upon the sands of the Arena two of his warriors do battle for his enjoyment. Well, more like two and a half. The vicious pet Xenomorph he acquired is currently fighting the symbiote Ferra/Torr. This time on much more even grounds.

The arena, What a wonderful place to be! For some reason, however, Archene Night managed to not go to such place for the few months he had been in Neo Tokyo. Due to a string of unlikely circunstances, he had managed to look for appropriate people to fight everywhere in and beyond city. Today, hopefully, would be a different day as when Archene arrives at the arena, he finds a incredibly delightful occasion.

Seeing a Xenomorph and the Ferra/Torr symbiote fighting each other... Archene could only look rather surprised. He had seen a number of creatures before, but both of those were unknown to him until now. Looking towards the one sitting upon the thrones of skulls, he furrowed his brows. It seemed to be just someone enjoying the show, no neeed to think much on it. People like that may just be that common here.

After watching the fight for a few more minutes, Archene seem to ask no one in particular quite loudly, "What does one have to do here to get a proper fight?!"

It just so happens that the person standing next to Archene is another one of Kotal's minions. Reality seems to shift and a figure turns visible near the young looking man that is Archene. It is a green clad ninja fellow that hisses an answer. "Think you have what it takesss?" Reptile talks in his serpentine fashion, a snake tongue slithering from between his mouth piece.

"You only need to ssstep forward and demand a challenge. The Kahn will give you an opponent if it so pleassses him."

Archene turns his head to look at the green clad ninja that becomes visible besides himself. He furrows his brow slightly before a warm smile appears on his face, "Of course I do." He even chuckles quietly before saying, "I'll be sure to, but who would this, 'Khan' be?" He smiles at the creature before taking a taking another look at those present. The least he needed to know was knowing -who- would be giving him an opponent.

A hissing chuckle comes from Reptile as Archene asks 'who' is the Kahn. He forgets that they are in another dimension now and not everyone knows about great Huitzilopotchli just yet. Soon, though, all shall know as it happened in Outworld and Twisted. "There." Reptile points across the Arena, beyond and above where the Xenomorph and Ferra/Torr are currently fighting. Seated upon a throne of skulls is a turquoise skinned man with an eagle helmet and great feathers sticking out from the back of his head. "Step into the Arena and call for Kotal Kahn. You can interrupt the match if you want-- it isss a good way of making an impresssion."

"The Kahn likesss it when challengers show impudence, yessss."

Seeing the way the Reptile pointed, Archene looks at the turquoise skinned man sitting upon the throne. "Oh! So that is him," he looks at the reptile briefly, smiling at him saying, "Thank you for the guidance." He turns to the arena, hmming for a moment before jumping into it. Landing on the sand, still standing he looks up towards the Kahn, whom he hoped would have enough awareness to also notice him.

"Kotal Kahn! I have come here for a challenge today! And one has told me that you could provide me an appropriate opponent! Is that the truth?!" Archene shouts quite loudly, sounding rather serious with his eyes fixed upon the Kahn.

Reptile simply nods to Archene and watches him jump into the Arena. A sly smile beneath his ninja mask as he watches intently on what will befall this overly trusting boy.

The Xenomorph and Ferra/Torr do not stop fighting when Archene jumps in. Seemingly completely oblivious to a third party entering the grounds of Kombat, the two and a half warriors continue trying to overpower the other, with the Xenomorph pushing against Torr's massive gauntlet hands whilst also keeping Ferra at bay with its tail.

Its only when Kotal notices the boy shouting up at him whilst speaking his name that all fighting stops. The Kahn's voice booming across the Arena. 

"What is the meaning of this!!?" Kotal's eyes glow bright like miniature suns and he stares down at Archene from the tall height of his throne. The Xenomorph, Ferra and Torr all freeze and look up at the Emperor before staring towards Archene.

"To interrupt an offering to me is a most displeasing transgression." Continues Kotal Kahn. "Who are you that dares to walk in so brazenly and demand things from me?"

Trust has never lead Archene somewhere he shouldn't be, whether it was plesant or not is an entirely different idea. He did get the gist that this may be some absurd amtter of the more deadly kind... somewhere deep in his mind. Right now, he only smiles rather brightly at the Kahn showing no sort of fear, "This is a challenge of course! Is this arena not a place for this kind of request?"

Archene brings a hand to his heart, throughly ignore the not-too-far fighters, as he does a quarter bow towards Kotal Kahn, "I am Archene Night, and simply that this evening. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Kotal Kahn seems impressed and yet ever so vexed at Archene's boldness. He was so enjoying the Kombat in his name, and to have it interrupted by one of the locals did not sit well with the War God.

Alas, Archene is right. This is the Arena and it is the place to seek out such things.

"Very well." Proclaims the Aztec deity and dismisses the Xenomorph and Ferra/Torr with a wave of his hand. The two (three?) going back to their respective corners.

"It appears we have a new challenger." Concludes Kotal as he leans back upon his throne, considering the boy's potential.

"An intriguing challenge calls for an intriguing opponent."

"Archene Night, your opponent tonight shall be.."


With a snap of his finger, Kotal summons yet another of his minions. This one is similar to the ninja Archene spoke earlier, though this one is clad in red garb. He floats down from the sky surrounded in green power, his arms folded across his chest.

As he descends to the sands of the Arena, he unfolds his arms and cracks his fingers, his feet never touching the ground whilst he points towards Archene in a challenging fashion.

"We are many. You are but one!" Ermac's voice is like a choir of people, as if there more than just one person speaking at all times he talks.

Archene smiles at Kotal's actions and says, "Thank you," as Ermac is called. His eyes shift from the Kahn to the ninja in red. He observes his oponent rather seriously... and as the ninja begins cracking his fingers, and speaks in choir with himself. Archene just... chuckles, "And you are taking pride in saying that you need many to deal with a single me."

Archene grins at Ermac, one feet being pushed against the sand as his legs begin to spread slightly and his knees bend slightly. He brings his hands to the height of his chest, one fist closed by his chest and the other hand extended towards Ermac as he montions for him to come.

"Your wit will not save your from us." Ermac responds in kind and summons great magical and chi energy to his hand. It crackles with power and the green energy begins to take shape in the form of many faces, the souls that compose Ermac. They do not seem to be bound to him rather, they aren't enslaved as one might think a being made of souls works, but rather they seem to be working in unison. The faces in the energy all look towards Archene and frown, ready to fight.

"Enough prattle." Calls Kotal from his high boney perch.


The order by his God given, Ermac's shoulders and head burst with energy power and he flies straight towards Archene. He shifts position in mid flight, extending a leg towards his opponent, aiming to slam the side of his foot upon Archene's throat with a flying guillotine attack.

Archene grins Ermac, the grin lightening in some way as he watches the energy expelled by Ermac taking the shape of varied faces. Archene had briefly assumed that this being would be of the kind that did in fact enslave souls.

As Ermac flies at him, Archene lowers his body rolling to in a diagonal to his own right, taking a handful of sand with a hand, as he dodges the guillotine attack from Ermac. Standing again and facing him, Archene returns to an stance quite similar to the one he had initially. albeit with his front fist closed. He didn't expect an opponent so far high in his scales for his fight, but certainly, it wasn't something he wouldn't be able to deal with.

Archene should be thankful that he's not fighting the one who really does enslave souls from Kotal and Ermac's universe. The sorcerer Shang Tsung would be far less forgiving than the soul golem Archene now faces.

With his kick dodged, Ermac comes to a halt in mid flight, turning on a dime and floating backwards whilst facing Archene. Seeing as his opponent seems intent on keeping his distance, Ermac summons a green orb of pure power and fires it at Archene. The impact would feel not unlike being punched by a giant flaming fist.

Everything could be far worse, clearly! Archene is already thankful his opponent didn't start the fight with over the top techniques. He has seen that before, it is un-fun.

Getting out of harms' way was, regardless of anything else, Archene's speciality! As he orb comes flying his way, he ducks as quickly as he is capable which clearly goes faster than a human would be capable. As the orb passes no more than two inches away from himself, he dashes towards Erma. A fist being coming to what seems to be the air before Ermac, Archene's hand opening to throw sand at Ermac's face. A petty trick, probably useless one, but given the sand he had to try.

The hand not reaching Ermac at all, would not stop Archene's body however, as he kept moving to attempt to elbow his opponent's face.

No stranger to opponents that can move faster than the average human, Ermac starts backpedaling when Archene rushes his way. When its clear to the soul golem that Archene's chosen form of attack is a punch, he stops to try and catch it in mid-air, only to get a face full of sand thrown at his eyes. "Gah!" The soul golem closes his eyes tightly as the sand get in his way and tries to shake it off, leaving him wide open to an elbow on the face.

A figure standing next to Kotal Kahn chuckles. "Boy's got some nifty tricks." Says Erron Black approvingly.

Another figure standing on the other side of Kotal disapproves however. "Such petty Earthrealm maneuvers. Finish him quickly, Ermac!" Yells D'vorah.

The elbow to the face got most of the sand off Ermac's face though, and though Archene may have gotten first blood he's now up close and personal with a very irritated soul golem who seems more angry than hurt. Ermac surges forward and swings a bone crushing roundhouse kick sailing straight for Archene's ribs, striking with enough power to bend a steel beam in half. 

'So something like that can work,' Archene briefly assumes as Ermac seems to be successful blinded, however briefly. He did expect his elbow would do more damage, sadly. As Ermac comes towards him aiming to hit him with a roundhouse kick, Archene raises his hands as if to block the kick. Luckly, for Archene, he is no beam of steel. As the kick is about to land on his hand, Archene jumps along with it. Considering the toughness of his enemy, he had no doubt that this kick would have been... very unpleasant to feel if it properly hit him. Despite all his efforts, the kick still manages to hit him, the sound of at least a bone being broken can be heard.

Landing on his feet, Archene makes quite a line in the sand as he slows down. He doesn't even stop before gritting his teeth and dashing towards Ermac. An arm ready for a punch... but just a step before getting into proper range, he jumps attempting to kneel Ermac's guts, should the kick hit, the other leg ready to come from the side to execute a kick against his ribs.

Even if Archene wasn't split completely in half by his kick as any other human would have, the fact that he was sent rolling on the ground a ways off Ermac meant that the red ninja had ample time to adjust.

As Archene finds his footing again and dashes towards Ermac, he'll find that his opponents is better prepared for the onslaught this time. Rather than risk dealing with Archene's attacks through conventional attacks, Ermac extends his hands with both palms open forward and summons a magical barrier to stop the blow. Fake or not, the soul golem simply keeps the barrier up to stop the incoming knee strike to his gut. This also puts him in a great position to deal with the round house thrown his way. As Archene swings a kick at him, Ermac brings his arm down upon the leg and slams his forearm against Archene's shin. While this does hurt the soul golem slightly, he does so in order to get inside Archene's circle of defense and throw a kick of his own, the red ninja spinning in the air as he throws a tornado kick aimed to the side of Archene's jaw.

A magic barrier... Archene should have seen that coming. Though the kick is blocked, some damage is better than nothing... and he did expect SOMETHING to come his way. Maybe not something as effective as a tornado kick... but at least, some small flayling of leg while flying away.

Archene quickly rises an arm to block it... lacking any base to dampen the damage from the attack any more than that. He flies again... This time not landing as cleaning. That kick definitely hurt. He rolls on the ground getting his quite fashionable clothes sandy. But he doesn't take long before taking stance again, this time a bit lower than the other ones. It would be easy to see quite a bruiser on his arm, as there is some on the side of his face. Luckly, no bone was broken.

He only stands there panting, staring at Ermac with the face of someone who is ready to be finished, or at least, he hopes he is looking badly enough for Ermac to come face him head oon.

"Superb!!" Kotal exclaims from his throne as Erron and D'vorah next to him start clapping in approval. It seems that Archene really felt that one, and with him staggering up and shifting his stance weakly, it appears that he's giving the tell tale sings of someone ready to be.. well..

"Finish Him!!"

Kotal along with a good portion of the crowd begin cheering, eager to see Archene's gory demise at the hands of the soul golem.

Always eager to please his blood thirsty master, Ermac floats towards Archene with the intention of ripping him apart. However, he stops and looks at him with a narrowed gaze. This opponent has shown to be tricky before.. perhaps this could be yet another trick!

That is why, Ermac summons green power to his hand and fires another energy ball at Archene. Except its not aimed at Archene directly, rather right in front of him, Ermac's intention was to shoot the ground and cause a bunch of sand to fly at Archene's face to blind him. Looks like two can play that game!!

Once the sand is thrown, Ermac flies down to try and drop kick his opponent right on the chest in an attempt to collapse his rib cage.

Noticing the blast coming his way, Archene's leg spring into action letting him roll backwards... with the blast. He thought that the opponent may try something like that, but he didn't expect the blast to be so off forward. Realizing what this meant, he quickly pushes himself to the side. At the same time, his legs move besides him in a scissor move,one coming to kick the back of Ermac's knee and the other aiming to hit him just above his foot.. He then proceed to roll forward hopefully to bring his opponent facefirst against the ground.

Aha! Ermac knew that it was a trick!! Unfortunately, knowing that it was a trick and knowing what to do about said trick are two completely different things. Even though the soul golem had guessed properly, he had acted too quickly by attacking Archene as soon as he fired his blast. Therefore, he found himself in quite the predicament as his extended legs were caught in a scissor move. For a moment, there's quite the humorous image of Ermac flailing his arms to the side as he loses his balance and then slams hard on the ground face first!

But alas.. it takes more than that to take a Kombatant out of the fight.

Ermac's body vanishes into air and reforms a few feet up in the air above Archene, levitating as he summons a bigger green energy ball to incinerate Archene for good this time.

"That's enough!" Kotal Kahn suddenly calls, stopping Ermac from dealing what may perhaps be a fatal blow.

"You've performed well, warrior. I am satisfied with the offering you've given me." Says the Aztec.

"However, I can sense you are at the end of your strength. Go now, and become stronger, so that you may return another day and continue to honor Huitzilopotchli."

Archene grins happily as his trick is quite successful... and not-so-happily as his opponent goes up in the air to properly finish him. For a moment, he just tells himself that all will end well. Luckly, Luck lies on his side as Kotal Kahn declares it is enough. Soon enough, Archene stands up... with dexterity of someone who would have tried to roll away for their lives if that ball of energy came down

He looks towards the Kahn, the brings a hand to his heart bowing lightly to the Aztec, "I am glad the fight has been up to your standard tonight." He smiles warmly, shaking his head twice as he straightens his body. Some strange force beyond the mysteries of magic and chi seem to brief act as his hair becomes devoid of sand just like that.

"I shall be on my way, and once my strength has reached an appropriate level, I shall return." He smiles up to the one upon the throne, "And when the time comes, I hope that I may have another challenge."

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