2017-04-15 - Office Kombat

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Office Kombat

Summary: Sarah and a few others wander into the NT Arena. There, they see that the God of War wants a bit of a spar.

Who: Kotal_Kahn, Josuke, Xiaomu, Sarah_Markham and Archene_Night
When: April 15, 2017
Where: The Arena

Archene Night-icon.gifJosuke-icon.gifKotal Kahn-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

Sarah walked into the arena, feeling like things were about to get intense. She'd invited Archene and Josuke to the arena to spar, but she couldn't shake the feeling she was about to get more than she bargained for. Archene_Night pages, "'The fragment of an entropic entity that governed luck, among other things, for selected beings across a number of words.'" to you.

Sarah's intuation is right yet again. No sooner does the party arrive to the Arena that they will see it is already occupied, easily seen by the Kombatants within and the warcries they yell. To those in the know they might recognize them as Kotal's chosen, or the 'The Krew' as they've been dubbed. Seven of them, some monsters, some normal looking men and women, and others almost comical in apperance. Seated up on his signature throne of skulls is Kotal Kahn himself, who oversees the training of his warriors, glowing eyes staring down below, wary of any newcomers that may enter his hallowed grounds of war.

Hey, an arena! Josuke hadn't known there was one of those here. So when invited to it, he'd been pretty eager to come and see the goings-on here. Mind, he wasn't intending on being the entertainment. He figured they already had people to do that. But hey, he's here! And like Sarah, he just has an uncomfortable feeling that things aren't going to be business as usual here today...

Archene isn't one to back off from friendly fights. Fights to death, yes, friendly spars, never. And given how much he has been practicing with veilfire lately... he has needed something relaxing to do. What can be more relaxing than a fighting day in the arena?! He had the feeling that the day would be a wonderful one in the end, and with that feeling he rushed towards the arena.

Sarah stared at the proceedings and sighed. 'Of course he's here.' She pulled out one of her flase cigarettes and lit it, letting the scent of office supplies fill the air. "Heads up guys. Shit's about to get violent, and this giy doesn't mess around. Remember when I said I fought a god of the sun my first day? This is him."

As Sarah speaks up, Kotal becomes aware of her presence and that of the others. His glowing eyes shine brightly as he looks up and forward to the trio and he raises a commanding hand ordering his minons to cease their fighting. "Stop!" As he bids, his seven warriors all disengage and form two lines facing each other, not yet looking towards the newcomers. Kotal stands up from his throne, resting his giant macuahuitl on the ground whilst he leans his hands on the pommel and smiles. "Ah, you have returned to me my wayward warrior made." He calls to Sarah. "And you've brought others with you.. some that I even recognize."

"Eh?" Josuke pauses, looks around. He sees Archene, and waves at the man, with a friendly smile. And yes, he does finally sees Kotal on the throne. He blinks. "Whoa..." Yes, he is suitably impressed! More to the point? "...Wait a minute. That guy... he looks kinda like Star Platinum!" he observes. Too bad he can't call Jotaro and ask. Or at least tell his much older nephew that there's a dude here that looks enough like his Stand to be noticeable!

Kotal laughs, "No, I think not." The Aztec God flies up in the air and lands into the arena proper with nary a sound, straightening up after a moment whilst he rests his serrated macuahuitl on his shoulder. "I believe we have.. unfinished business." His glowing gaze falls upon Josuke as he calls him Star Platinum and he narrows his eyes at him before glancing back at Sarah. "I see you're starting to be in the company of powerful warriors. That does bode well for your future here."

THUD! A big sound when a big guy lands! And also the sound that Josuke's butt makes when it hits the floor! It's not every day you see a man FLYING, after all. Well, not where he's from anyway! "H-hey! What? What's going on?" Yeah, he has no idea.

Sarah draws her pen as her right eye glows it's rusty red color, magic licking the air like a flame burning within the eye. She shrugged, "Well, it's a beautiful day out, I suppose it's not gonna get any worse just because we have to throw down." She lifts a hand and snaps her fingers, a salvo of pens appearing behind her. If Kotal was observant, he'd likely notice the more intense glow of her eye and the fact that the pens weren't plastic this time. She turns to Josuke. "Ya might wanna stay outta this one kiddo. Gotta push pens into a guy until he stops doing a violence."

Kotal is indeed observant and he notices that there is a more intense glow to Sarah's pens. That much makes him smile and he casually begins walking towards the pen pushing magician. "As I suspected.. you have grown in power since our last meeting. A sign of a warrior made indeed." He makes a dismissive hand and his chosen seven make a broader circle to give the two Kombatants more space. "I must apologize however for ending our first meeting abruptly. I was distracted with family affairs." He rolls his shoulders to limber up and adopts a Chinese Long Fist fighting stance.. which may look odd to some considering he's using a Mesoamerican weapon. "Rest assured you have all my attention this time."

Xiaomu makes her way into the Arena stands, staff resting on her shoulder. She's heard about the arena before, she just hasn't ventured into it before this evening.

Josuke nods at Sarah's suggestion, and stands up. Quickly he gets out of the way. Nooooope! He doesn't want to get in the middle of this! Mainly since he's not sure what's going on between these two. And as Xiaomu comes in, he calls out, "Heeeey! You might not want to go out there. They're about to fight, and I think it's gonna be a really big one."

Archene arrives a little late to the party, but still with a bright smile on his face as he notices the signs that Kotal is around. He is surprised however to see the interaction between Kotal and Sarah. He doesn't say much besides some sort of light bow towards the God. Quickly, he moves over to the stands, taking a seat to watch the fight from a good angle. He takes a look at Xiaomu, and then Josuke, but his attention really seems to be on the fight.

Xiaomu replies casually to Josuke, "I'm not going anywhere that isn't a concession stand or a comfortable seat!" ... And then she looks again. "Wait a sec. JoJo?!"

"Good idea," Josuke notes, to Xiaomu's words of staying out of the fight. A look at Kotal, and then he remarks to Xiaomu, "That guy looks like somebody I know. And if he's even half as powerful... things are gonna get REALLY dangerous, really fast." He doesn't seem to like the idea of that, from the way his brows draw down. Once more, Josuke sends a look at Archene, hoping the other fellow's out of the way of whatever splash damage may occur...

Sarah's posture looks relaxed, the lazy grin hasn't left her face, even as the sunlight glints off the pen tips and her own caligraphy pen's deceptively sharp edge. "Well, I suppose we might as well get started then." She snaps her fingers and her pens launch at Kotal, moving much, much faster than they had when she'd fough against Josuke. Coffee tendrils whipped at Kotal's feet as Sarah began to bob to the beat of a silent song.

Though faster than they might have otherwise been against Josuke and therefore also the first time they fought, Sarah's pens were seemingly still not durable enough to penetrate Kotal Kahn's defense. As before, the Aztec God extended a glowing hand forward and blocked the incoming barrage of pens by smacking each one out of the way. Wood or metal, it still gets obliterated by the power of the sun. As the tendrils of coffee then whipped at his feet, Kotal used his giant macuahuitl to take a golf swing at it, striking with such force that a current of air aimed to splash the tendril of coffee back where it came from. "Hm, you've grown so much stronger already.." The Aztec sounds genuingly impressed.

The coffee parts around Sarah as it forms around a lance sized pen behind her, hardening and giving the pen a wickedly sharp tip, turning the pen into a javelin. She shrugged, "Kinda needed to. Kaiju and gods are tough pencils to push, and I've got a reputation to uphold, ya know?" She snapped and the javelin pen launched at Kotal as a monolithic pen appeared behind him and began to tip over, looking like it'd crush him lest he move.

As Sarah shrugged, Kotal made a motion of his own and raised his hand to the sky. "Skin of Stone!!" Next to him, a small obsidian totem appeared and seemingly started chanting something in Nahuatl. Kotal's body now glowed with purple blue energy, as did his eyes. "It's not all about power." Explained the God as the javelin was thrown his way, and in response he batted it out of the way using the broad flat side of his macuahuitl blade. "You make too many wasteful movements." Without looking back Kotal raised a hand and caught the giant pen falling on top of him, lifting it with only one arm apparently with no effort.. something about the totem was making him stronger. "Kaiju, Gods.. they can all be overcome with skill alone. I should know." Said the Aztec before he flung the monolithic pen back at Sarah.

Sarah's eyes widened at the sight of him ever so casually reaching back and grabbing her pen. She let the pen fade as more javelin pens appeared behind her. She sighed as a mug formed above the totem, light pooling at the bottom as the telltale keening noise started, building to a crescendo as it charged. She let the pens fly as she stared Kotal down, bouncing ceasing and more coffee tendrils lashing out at him, sides hardening into razor edges.

The Aztec laughed as Sarah targeted the totem and it began to crack, with its power wading so did the glow around Kotal and it became obvious that he couldn't just shrug off the attacks anymore without the totem. "Not bad! You learn quickly." The first incoming javelins were met by that same glowing hand as he burned away the first volley. But as more and more projectiles were thrown his way, Kotal could clearly not block all of them and he started to give away ground. However, as the tendrils came into play Huitzilopotchli revealed that he is not a immobile opponent. He jumped backwards high into the air and used the wall of the arena to bounce up and directly overhead Sarah. Once in the air he threw a searing hot sun disc down at the pencil pusher intent on striking her with all the power of the sun concentrated into a single circular projectile.

Sarah's form flickered as she reappeared out of harms way holding her pen backhanded as coffee gathered onto the end and hardened, making the pen a sort of curved shortsword. "Did you think I was gonna stand there and take it? More mugs appeared and trained on Kotal's position as they charged, and pens seemed to sprout from the ground like a carpet of spikes.

Kotal landed on the other side and his glowing eyes flickered, perhaps showing that he was rolling them. "Do you not recognize a closing distance manuever when you see it?" As for the disc, it hit the ground and started spinning like a wheel before exploding in radiant light enough to blind anyone in the vicinity. Whether Sarah was affected by it or not didn't matter to Kotal Kahn, who threw his giant macuahuitl at the pen pusher sending it spinning towards her. The giant blade spun in the air like a buzzsaw, cutting through the mugs to then try and hit Sarah head on with its obsidian blades. This at the very least gave time for Kotal to back dash away from the carpet of pens and start circling it to get to Sarah from the oblique angle.

Sarah blinked again, appearing behind Kotal and swinging her pen, the coffee blade glinting in the light as she attemptednto bring it down on his shoulder blade. Pen javelins appeared where she had once been standing, intercepting the paddle-like weapon and letting the coffee form around it, hopefully trapping it. "You know, despite how all my taunting and posturing may make me look, I'm not a complete fool." Her tone was somewhat serious.

Kotal's eyes shun briefly and his gaze shifted ever so lightly to the side when he sensed Sarah's chi approach him from behind. Something akin to relief washing over his body. As if to say, finally she got close. Sarah might find irony in her statement then as attacking a War God head on, even from behind, can be a questionable manuever. Kotal had been trying to get a hold of Sarah all through out the fight and thus her appearing behind him was highly beneficial to him. As the bladed pen was brought down upon him, once again without looking behind him, Kotal shot his hand up to catch Sarah by the wrist and pull her forward with a shoulder throw manuever using her own momentum against her. Kotal's intent was pretty straightforward, slam Sarah head first on the ground in front of him. As for his blade, it looked momentarily trapped by the coffee but it wouldn't take too long before it broke free.. it looked as if the macuahuitl had a life of its own.

'This was a mistake...' Sarah thought as her attack was deftly turned against her. 'Why did I think this was going to be a good idea again? The guy's the god of hand to hand combat for crying out loud.' Coffee formed an impromptu helmet as she hit the ground, softening a bliw that would have probably killed her, into a blow thst merely almost concussed her. As she winced in pain her body flickered and she reappeared a ways away, clutching her head as she knelt on the ground. Normal sized pens filled the sky and blindly fired at him as she tried to regain her bearings.

Getting back to zoning is probably a good idea, but with her aim faltering Kotal was free to manuever for a more powerful blow. He swatted away a few stray pens that got too close to him before raising two hands to the sky, humming what sounded like a song. "Up the stair path... to the fire's edge.." The sun up in the sky seemed to grow brighter and a beam of sunlight started to shine upon Sarah, growing hotter and hotter. "I bid to the sun, scorch this land!!!" And this would be an attack Sarah would recognize. The sun itself shot a beam of fire meant to nuke her from orbit.. except this time Sarah was dazed and it would be much harder to dodge.

Sarah felt the air around her heating up and fought through her pain to at least do -something-. She knew she had gotten lucky with that teleport, she could have easily ended up in the ground or too high up to land safely. This in mind she formed a typewriter key and launched it into herself, sending her flying out of the way in the knick of time as she felt the back of her shirt get scorched. She tumbled and rolled to a stop and struggled to stand, a salvo of javelin pens launching in Kotal's direction. "Not...going down...that easily..." She grit out.

"The fact that you've lasted this long is impressive." Answered Kotal Kahn who looked no worse for wear despite unleashing such a devastating attack. Interestingly enough however, he started to back pedal and raised glowing hands again to parry the javelins thrown at him Why was he making space when he had been trying so desperately to get inside Sarah's guard before? A whirlwind sound might be the answer that though. Kotal's macuahuitl had gotten out of its coffee trap and it was spinning right towards Sarah's back blade first!

A couple walls of typewriter keys appeared behind her, intercepting the blade as she forced herself to stand. "Thanks, but don't start counting me out just yet." She formed another salvo of pen javelins, a few larger and smaller pens scattered throughout the salvo as mugs appeared to either side of her, charging and locking onto Kotal as they prepared to fire. Sarah raised a hand, and brought it down as pens launched and mug cannons fired, coffee gathering around her feet as she stared Kotal down, her magic eye flaring brighter.

Kotal took that moment where Sarah was charing up her attacks to bring forth one of his own. Again he raised his hand to the sky and a small totem appeared next to him, this one crystaline in nature. "The Searing Blade!!" As before, Kotal glowed with power, though this one was green rather than blue purple. Wreathed in burning flames now, Kotal cleared the distance between him and Sarah in a single step, pushing through the coffee and pens thrown at him as the attacks glanced off him. An indeed searing punch swung right at Sarah's face came after, aiming to slam her back and crush her against her own wall of typewriters.

Sarah blinked to his old position, calling a mug cannon to shatter the new totem as she turned the pens that had escaped his wrath and were still coming at her back around. She formed a typewriter key underneath his feet and attempted to launch him into the air with it.

Even with a miss, Kotal had achieved one small victory. By smashing his hand into the wall of typwriters he had grabbed on to the handle of his macuahuitl and rearmed himself. Whirling around, he smashed the pens out of the way, though he didn't seem to notice the keys appearing underneath him that then launched him to the air!! Up Kotal went.. and then landed feet first on the pedestal that held his throne. "Hm, not bad, mortal." He approved before sitting down again. "But if we continue it is possible this might turn lethal for you.. perhaps it is best we pause for now.."

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