
From NeoTokyo MUCK
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The self-governing autonomous region known as NeoTokyo that was created in an attempt to isolate the phenomena known as 'gates' was, perhaps hastily, given the simple boundaries that were prior the City of Tokyo, with the exception of the area east of the Arakawa river and the islands to the far south. To those unfamiliar with Tokyo, this means much of what people think of when they imagine Tokyo actually may lie outside the boundaries of NeoTokyo and are relatively unaffected by the Gates, including Narita Airport, Tokyo Disneyland, and the entirety of the Tokyo Bay Aqua-Line.

While on a map this may appear to be quite simple, the reality is far, far more complex. The dimensional instability means much of the area is far, far more vast than it should be when looking at a map. For example, from inside NeoTokyo, Tokyo Bay and the Arakawa River appear not to be a bay a river feeding into a bay, but instead a vast sea, enough that there is a beach on what should be a riverbank. This 'Arakawa sea' as some have called it extends fully around the Badlands. From the outside, however, things are much stranger, appearing to have no such vast sea until one reaches halfway across the river, revealing a shifting landscape of large cliffs and mountains that should not fit into what is seen, but somehow always looks normal when looking at it directly. The Tama river has a similarly opposite shifting terrain, but there is never a vast sea between Kawasaki and NeoTokyo, leaving this an area where a bridge actually remains feasible, even if most traffic into and out of the city is handled at the spaceport.

Furthermore, the internal structure of NeoTokyo is now completely unrecognizable from what it once was. Entire special wards such as Nerima have shifted location entirely while others have been been erased or replaced. Entire mountain ranges have arisen in the north and south, while the Nishitama region has also greatly expanded. Haneda Airport, now known simply as NeoTokyo Spaceport, has a much more vast area that includes docks for seafaring cargo vessels and starship launching complexes and shipyards.

When viewed from space, Neotokyo can be even more disorienting. It never quite remains the same, the area viewed sometimes seeming to shift and ripple while watching. Sometimes it seems to try to squish everything into that small area, sometimes it seems to just leave out vast areas of the city. Despite this constantly shifting confusing mess when viewed from the outside, on the inside everything seems to just be fine and normal, nothing disorienting at all.

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