2016-06-01 - BGC: Reunited

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BGC: Reunited

Summary: Priss meets back up with Sylia after being apart for a long time.

Who: Priss, Sylia
When: June 1st, 2016
Where: Sylia's Penthouse


The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.


A large circular glass elevator that can easily hold 15 people. It's glass is kept remarkably clean, the floor tiled to match the lobby, and gentle lighting coming from teh ceiling. The interior facing section is perfectly clear, while the outward facking section is auto tinted according to light and season, offering one a view of both inside and outside the building with ease.

[Exits  : (P)enthouse - Private(#14363EC), (2)nd Floor - Food Court and Eateries, and (G)round Floor, Lobby ]

[Things  : None ]

Priss walked up to the door of the elevator she knew all to well and called it with a press of the only button on the control panel. With a ding it opened and she walked inside the glass enclosure. It had been a while since she'd seen the person on the other side of the elevator door on the 2nd floor... if they were even home. She probably should have called first but that would ruin the surprise wouldn't it? She took a hand out of her pocket and pushed the penthouse floor button then stuffed her hand back in her jacket and backed up against the glass wall across from the elevator door, crossing her feet at the ankles as she waited for it to move.. if it would move. She knew the security system was scanning her for clearence.

Priss sighed as the elevator started to move as it recognized her even after all this time. Slowly it climbed to the penthouse then dinged as it came to rest on the floor and then opened allowing the rocker entry into her old friend's place.

Priss says, "Well at least she didn't erase me out of the database." Priss walked off the elevator and into the penthouse.

Sylia is in the penthouse, taking plastic wrap off of the furniture and folding it up, as it looks as if the space hasn't been used in a while. She looks up as the elevator opens and closes behind you "Hello Priss"

Priss stepped out of the elevator as the doors opened for her. She was happy she hadn't been removed from the authorized access list. It had been a long while since she'd last talked to Sylia. She was wondering if Sylia was home still but that question is answered quickly as she is greeted by the one she had come to see... and why was everything covered in plastic wrap? "Uh.... hey..." she says with a little bit of puzzled wonderment. "Long time no see."

Sylia nods. "How was your trip?" she says in that way that tells you she was aware you were away. She finishes folding the wrap that was on the couch and goes to the kitchen, which is tidy and neat, and gets some tea for herself and a soda for you, motioning to the couch.

Priss knows Sylia knows because she left her a hand written note the day she walked off explaining why and where she was going. Soul searching and all that business. "Eh. It wasn't fun and games but it did what I needed it to do. Clear my head. How have you been? Sorry about not talking or e-mailing or anything. You know.. busy and things."

Sylia smiles. "That and you tend to frequent places that sometimes have no public access to the net." as she sits and crosses her legs "I was out of town for a few months myself, got back a few days ago."

Priss nodded and looked around the place, hands still in her pockets. "Love the new look. Very retro plastic like."

Sylia smirks "Was easier than having to dust the furniture or hire a cleaning service."

Priss says, "Suppose so... how are the others doing?" She leans against the wall, not wanting to sit on dusty plastic.

Sylia is sitting on the couch, as she just took the plastic off it "Haven't heard from Linna or Nene in some time. Mackie is off enjoying being an almost Adult. The peace has been somewhat enjoyable actually"

"Knock on wood when you say that," Priss smirked. "Well just how needed are the Knights in a city where regular human beings punch holes through buildings?"

Sylia smirks "Remember, we don't always go around blowing holes in things." as she takes a sip of her Tea "fewer jobs, but some none the less, mostly information gathering. Besides, our arsenal was always more geared around boomers than anything more generalized."

Sylia looks out the window "The suits are still here, the slaves are still maintained, the truck is kept gassed, just in case. Even made a few changes to the Star. Sorry, it's now my ride..."

Priss shrugs. "My bike is more than fine for me. Well.. the good news is, I didn't put on any weight so my butt should fit in the hardsuit still. And the boomer business must be a little lacking lately with things like those EVAs and Angels in town. I saw the news the other day before I got on the plane to come home. Wasn't quite sure if I wanted to come back after seeing that crap."

Sylia says, "Impressive on the scale yes, but not very discrete."

Sylia smiles "Besides, I know the speed freak in you would be bored with the updated Star anyways."

Priss says, " Faster, Stronger, Better~" She smiles as she sings a little Daft Punk. "Well, glad you didn't disown me. It was kind of shitty of me to run out on you like that."

Sylia just shakes her head "We are family. Everyone has a point they need to re-evaluate thier lives. I've been there, you went there, everyone will. We weren't in dire straits, no one's life was on a limb, and you at least wrote a note this time, and didn't just take your suit and motoslave."

Priss says, "I am not that much of an asshole." She pauses then nods. "Well.. I am... but just not to you guys."

Priss thinks again. "Well you and Linna..."

Sylia giggles "One of these days you will push to far and find out what does really happen when you piss off a female green eyed read headed russian who is one of the best hackers in the workd and works for law enforcement...."

Priss pshhess! "Whatever... I'll just say she gained ten pounds and it is showing in the middle and she'll fall apart."

Sylia just smiles "We'll see....some of us do mature a little as we age Priss."

Priss smirked and said, "Yeah like old shoe leather."

Sylia says, "Are you impling something about me as well wtih that remark?"

Priss smirked and pulled her hands from her pockets to wave them in front of her defensively. "Hey! You're a tough old bird but not leathery! You'd never look good in lingerie again!"

Sylia just gives you a brief, but very deliberate stare.

Priss says, "Glad to see your sense of humor is still intact." She pushes off the wall and walks toward the kitchen. "Do you have anything to drink in the cave of wonders?"

Sylia points to the counter where there is a soda for you. "No beer though."

Priss says, "Had enough beer for the day." She picked up a soda and cracked it open and takes a few swallows. "So where did you run off to that you had to cover everything in plastic?"

Sylia smiles "Paris, Italy, New York, a few weeks in London, Switzerland, and a few other places."

Priss groaned, "Don't rub it in. Gezzzzz.. Rich brat..."

Sylia says, "It has nothing to do with that Priss....you do recall I run a shop downstairs? A clothing shop?"

Priss took another drink and nodded. "Yeah. I didn't lose my memory. Shopping for new products or something?"

Sylia nods "New lines every season, new looks, have to see what is needed."

Priss took another drink and added another nod. "Yeah, I guess I forget you sometimes have a real business to maintain when not breaking boomers. I didn't think we'd be rolling around in vigilante requests so I did some stuff while I was away too... mainly, picked up a new talent agent who is promising me some good stuff in the near future. Might actually get out of the club and on to a real stage."

Sylia nods, "Although a stage is a stage. Some of the better nigtlife music when I was traveling was in small bars, very far away from larger, 'reputable' stages and performace halls."

Priss says, "Yeah well.. I've done all that. I want the big time. I want to be center stage packing in fifty thousand in a mega performance hall with my music so loud they can hear me in outer space! You'll be front row on that day, right?"

Sylia says, "Or backstage, either way prolly with a set of earplugs, but I will be there."

Priss gives Sylia a 'Eff You' glare. "As if. My music owns this city. Don't be jealous."

Sylia says, "I'm not. But at 120+ decibels, hearing protection is needed. Not for the music, it's fine, just the raw volume."

Priss chuckled. "Well.. they like it loud and proud." She finished off the soda and crumpled up the can, looking for the trash or recycle bin. "Mind if I take a look at the old suit?"

Sylia says, "The lab is still on lockdown, sorry."

Priss says, "Lockdown? Something happen?"

Sylia says, "Priss, I was out of the country for over 2 months. You think I'm going to leave it in a state where someone might find it?"

Priss says, "Right, duh. Stupid me. Sorry. So.. need any help around here getting things set back up? I got some free time on my hands and I don't really feel like going back to the mobile home at the moment."

Sylia hehs "No, I'm just idly getting things uncovered inbetween running the shop."

Priss says, "Well I have two hands and I'm smart enough to take plastic off shit. But if you don't want me helping so be it..."

Sylia says, "If you want, fine, but it's not neecessary."

Priss nods and does start helping. She doesn't really say much more while removing plastic unless Sylia talks to her, focusing her mind on doing something constructive. Towards the end when the living room is devoid of further plastic she asks, "Do you mind.. if I crash here tonight? Like I said.. kind of don't want to go home right now."

"Of course, you can use the couch here. I'll unpack some blankets and a pillow for you," Sylia says as she rises to go do just that.

Priss nodded and sat down on the couch and laid back, staring up at the ceiling, arms spread across the back of the couch. Day two back in the city. One friend located... two more to go.

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