2016-06-03 - Making Rock Deals

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Making Rock Deals

Summary: Priss stops by the Usual to find out how to get stage time for her band.

Who: Priss, Ari, Skeeve, Lee, Gonfei, Miriam, Batman
When: June 3rd, 2016
Where: The Usual Restaurant


The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.


You walk into a well lighted room, it's high ceilings lit by dozens of fluorescent lamps hanging from the ceiling. To the south and west are windows, which you would normally expect to see the outside world from, but looking out of them, you see only a misty gray haze. On the walls to the north and the east of the inn are an eclectic collection of paintings, photographs and even holographs of many cheap 1970's to 1980's B-movies. The bar on the east side is made out of hardwood, it's surface polished and shiny. Behind the bar, the various beverages that are served here are kept in relatively neat containers on wooden shelves. There is a large stage in one of the corners of the restaurant with a impressive sound system and a few microphones strung about it. Multiple round wood tables are in this room, near the north wall, is a double swing door that leads to the kitchen. On the east wall is a door leading to the UR's dance club and on the west one leading to the Gym. To the south, is the exit to the outside. A recent addition to the UR is a large fireplace against the west wall, it matches well to the rest of the restaurant and looks like it should have been there all along.

[Exits  : UR's Workout (G)ym, UR's (D)ance Club, Private Booth(2), Private Booth(1), [K]itchen, and (O)ut ]

[Players : Lee, Ari, and Gonfei ]

[Things  : The Usual Pinball Machine, and The Banned List ]

Priss comes in, stuffing her hands in her pockets after she gets through the door. What was it about this stupid place that made her always want to stop in on the way by? She heads toward the bar, putting as much room as she can between the other bar patrons and herself, waiting for the bartender to head over.

"Hey, can ya brew tea in liquor?" Lee suggests playfully, nudging Ari in the side. Lee glances over toward Priss breifly as she appears, but doesn't say anything after she sits at the opposite end of the bar. Ari sticks her tongue out at Lee for a moment before turning to Gonfei. "Creative, and with high proof. Six of them. I would like to get a /little/ buzzed." she smirks.

Gonfei raises an eyebrow, and starts looking through the liquers to make his selections. The first drink comes up. "Pluque. Have fun with that one." Then another. "Venusian Beet Liquer. Sounded interesting." And a bit of rooting find the third, which he pours and it sets itself on fire. "Sulfuron Slammer." He then pours the fourth into a metal cup. "Chech'tluth." A bit more searching finds the fifth, "Moloko Plus." Finally comes the last drink: "Kentuky White Lightning." The six drinks now arrayed before Ari, he nods and says, "Enjoy," before walking down to the other end of the bar. "So, what can I do for you today, Miss?" he asks of Priss.

Priss pulled out her pack of smokes and laid them on the counter. "Give me a Hitachino White Ale if you got it and information." She stabbed a thumb at the empty stage. "Who do I have kill to get some gigs for my band up on that stage?"

Ari takes the first shot and downs it, grinning. "Not bad, not bad.." she kind of perks up at Priss' question. "Oooh, another musician!" She nods to Priss.

"Six?" Lee exclaims, looking to Ari in surprise. "You got a robo-liver, too? I'll /maybe/ have a couple beers..." Lee peers suspiciously at the drinks. "Okay... beets are a pretty color." Lee waves a hand over the chech'tluth. "And the smoking's a nice special effect." Lee eyes the pulque. "Uhh... not gonna say what that looks like."

Gonfei grins at Priss. "Ma'am, we've got everything. It just can take time to find the rarer stuff." At the second question, he glances over at the stage. "Well, I don't think you need to kill anyone, actually. I can send word up to my bosses that you're interested, but that's... not something that came up in job orientation. Not a whole lot of people ask to use it, to be honest."

Priss grinned. "Well that's because I wasn't in town. Few should be allowed to use it because some can make paint peel off the wall." High and mighty ain't she!? "Well do you have contact info for said boss? Really looking to get to playing some. Gotta start somewhere right? Stage in a little bar and probably the NT Arena next month." She grinned again.

Gonfei raises an eyebrow. "Tell you what... lemme go about this the other way around..." He slides a pen and napkin to Priss. "I'll pass on the message with your contact information to 'em." He then turns to retreive the Hitachino White Ale!

Ari downs the next shot (in order recieved), which would be the beet liquor. She nods appreciatively. "I can get behind that one." she looks to Priss. "I'm remodeling my night club, and it has a stage. I can play, but I usually just DJ. If you're interested when it's open, anyway.

Priss looked the pretty half-elf over as she butts in on the convo. Normally she'd be a little annoyed by Ari has two things going for her; 1) She's cute and reminds her of a friend, 2) Another possible gig. She writes her contact info on the classy napkin. "Oh yeah? What's the name of the place?" She says to Ari.

Lee listens in intently at the talk of musical performance, looking from Priss to Ari as Ari makes the offer. For the moment, Lee keeps quiet and watches the sulfuron burn.

Ari downs the next shot, shivering. "Woo!" she grins. "It's called the Haven. It's right on the beach, so it's in a great location. Plus I pay for gigs." She looks back to Lee. "It takes more than a few shots to get me buzzed, hon."

Priss slides the info to the barkeep and puts trust in that he'll deliver the note. "Beach front property? Nice. Yeah. Sign me up. We can talk about it when you are done drowning yourself in booze." She smirked then pulled out a cancer stick and lit it up, saluting the barkeep as her drink was delivered and opened.

Gonfei offers a quick salute back in return, then heads back to the center of the bar to look over the place.

Lee nods at Ari's assurance about the alcohol. "Would be nice t' get someone who's playing at the arena into your club for the opening." Lee then adds curiously, "You still wanna call the place 'Summon the Kraken' when ya reopen it?"

Ari shrugs. "I don't know yet. I may." she downs the fourth, fifth, and sixth shots in rapid succession. "That.. was in an interesting combo." she chuckles. "The name will evolve with the place, I think. Which reminds me, I'm tooling the holographic displays into an interactive building planning grid, so we can design the place in 3D glory on the fly." Her speech starts slurring very slightly towards the end of that sentence.

Priss just goes back to her own little world, smoking, drinking and checking her cell phone messages as she soaks up the ambience of the bar.

Skeeve appears in a puff of purple smoke with a soft *bamf* Skeeve has arrived. Miriam has arrived. Skeeve enters, with Miriam walking along next to him.

Lee raises a brow at Ari's combination of milk, smoke-emitting drink, and a more conventional-looking liquor. "Sure hope the bartender knows what he's doing there, Ari..." Lee remarks, waving to the empty shot glasses. "Or ya have a cyber-stomach."

Ari giggles a little. Oh boy. "I do not, in fact, have a cyber stomach. But that would be awesome!" she definitely has just downed six shots of various origins. She stands up and is a little unsteady on her feet. "But.. 'sworth it!" she grins as the effects start hitting her. All of them. She kind of looks up at the non descript ceiling at something that isn't really there. "Ooooh... pretty!"

Skeeve chooses this opportunity to appear in a burst of purple smoke, as though he just walked through the door next to Miriam. "...wanted fourteen for it. *Fourteen*. Anyway, when the smoke cleared we all just kind of left. No reason to stick around after that."

Miriam shakes her head, "Those guys get crazier every year. "

Gonfei raises an eyebrow. "You said it takes a lot to get you buzzed. Did you lie to me?" He speaks to Ari in a tone suggestive of an adult talking to a child as he crosses his arms.

Priss ignores the antics for now at the other end of the bar, taking a drag from her cigarette as she thumbs through her phone text messages. She exchanges the cigarette for her beer bottle and takes a drink before swapping out again for the cancer stick.

Lee braces their tail against the bottom of the barstool and leans the long neck back to get a better view of exactly what Ari is looking at. Lee frowns a little when there is nothing there. Then Skeeve and Miri appear, and Lee gives them a finger-wave and a smile while looking at them upside-down. Lee then straightens and looks back up to Ari. "What'cha seeing there, Ari?"

Give the elf a break, one of the drinks was Moloko Plus. This is not exactly just booze

Give the elf a break, one of the drinks was Moloko Plus. This is not exactly just booze. She keeps looking at the ceiling, eyes going back and forth. "The dragons are having a tennis match! They're adorable!"

Skeeve returns Lee's casual little wave, starting to head over in the direction of the bar. "Yeah, pretty much. Just completely have lost it at this point." As he sidles up to the bar, he says lightly, "Evening, Lee... hi hot stuff. Uh..." He can't help but tilt his head up a little, following Ari's gaze. "Are... are you okay?"

Miriam blinks. Several times, even. She looks around, hanging onto Skeeve while getting her bearings, then looks at Ari, the ceiling, Ari, the ceiling, and Skeeve. After a moment, she gives a half wave to Lee, completely confused. She stammers out a "Yeah... um... lost it. For sure."

"Oookay..." Lee says to Ari with a grin, still seated and finishing off the citrus tea that the two of them started with. Lee turns around in the seat to lean their back on the bar and look up at Skeeve and Miriam. "Ari asked for six shots of 'something creative'. Looks like ya get all the colors of the rainbow when ya mix 'em together."

Ari watches the dragon tennis match that only she can see. "Aw, the blue one won! But the red one doesn't look too happy..." her eyes grow wide, and she eeps! and dives under a table. "Don't singe my hair! I'm having a good hair day!"

Priss looks over as the half-elf dives under the bar and raises a WTF eyebrow and watches the antics unfold as she nurses that beer and cigarette.

Skeeve kneels down next to the table, reaches out a hand to put it on Ari's shoulder. "Hey, maybe you should come out from under there, huh? You'll get dirt in your hair, and then where will you be? Let us worry about the dragons."

Miriam nods at Skeeve. She makes a gesture, "There. Protective bubble. No scorching Ari." She blinks at Lee, "Six?" she eyes Ari again, "Yowch."

Lee digs into a vest pouch for the money to pay for the tea. (It's all in change and small bills.) Lee then looks in Ari's direction and goes ahead to pay for her drinks too before hopping to the ground. Lee wanders over to join the three.

Ari wrinkles her nose at Skeeve and Miri, then cautiously peeks out from the table, and says in a loud whisper. "But it's /mad/ at me! And you said the red ones were bad!"

Skeeve shakes his head a little bit at that, suppressing a smile. "Only when they're bigger than a pony. Promise." He tugs gently, but insistently, on Ari's shoulder, trying to pull her out from under the table. Looking up and over at Lee, he asks, "What did they give her, anyway?"

Miriam nods encouragingly, "He's right. Plus, bubble! Singe-proof!"

Lee peers between Miriam and Skeeve to offer Ari an encouraging smile. "Oh, dunno if I remember," Lee answers Skeeve. "Lessee... Something White Lightning, something that looked like milk, something smoking, something flaming- a Sulfur Slammer, beet liquor, and something that looked like, uh... white and goopy." Lee adds, "Oh, and citrus tea. I had that."

Ari crawls out from under the table slowly. "Okay, but if that thing charges me..." she does the two fingers back and forth 'I'm watching you' gesture to the non-existant dragon as she stands up.

Skeeve shakes his head a little at the list of various liquors that Lee runs down. "Nothing like a variety, I guess..." He helps Ari back up into a seat at the bar. "C'mon, take a seat before you fall over, okay? Let's get some water into you...." He snags up a pitcher of water, pours a glass for her. "Miri, you want anything?"

Miriam nods a little, again, looking to Lee, "None of that sounds like good..." She smiles cheerily at Ari, "It'll have to get through us first!" After a moment, she nods, "Just an apple juice, I think."

"I've sure never seen anyone do /that/ kinda variety," Lee agrees with Skeeve, then grins and motions toward Ari at Miriam's remark. "Hey, sounds to me like she enjoyed it." Lee hops back into a seat at the bar, opting for sitting next to Skeeve rather than Miriam in apparent defense of their cell phone. "So how're you two doing?" Lee asks brightly.

Ari takes the glass and tips her head back to chug it. She's not exactly being graceful with it, and in fact a bunch splashes out of the glass. She empties it, and says in her best Thor impression: "This drink, I like it!" she throws the glass to the ground. "Another!"

Skeeve has to bite down on his lip, rather hard, to keep from busting out laughing at that. "Well, evidently not as good as Ari is.... but I'm doing alright." He reaches behind the bar, snags another cup for Ari - a plastic one, this time - and pours her some more water, then calls over to a waitress, "Can I get some apple juice and a milkshake, please?"

Miriam shakes her head a little, "That's... not that it's not enjoyable, or possibly tasty. But to hit that hard that fast, it's not any kind of good." She blinks at Ari, "Um... isn't it customary to have your glass refilled? Or have I been doing it wrong?" She nods a little to Lee, noting their seating choice and seemingly approving wholeheartedly.

Priss had enough fun. She did what she set out to do here. She looked at her watch, finished off the last of her beer the walked away from the bar, stopping at the place Ari was. She jammed her hands in her pocket and pulled out a card and presented it to the lesser of the trashed folk. "My card for the lady there. Have her call me some time when she's not seeing dragons." She doesn't care who takes it as long as someone takes it. She nods to Lee, acknowledging the strange feather alien she met yesterday.

Lee winces at the crash. "Might wanna avoid doing that unless someone gives ya special smashing glasses," Lee supplies, leaning back to speak to Miriam. "Glad you're good, Skeeve. Doing pretty well here, was just chatting with Ari 'bout all kinds 'f stuff. But I'm wondering if talking 'bout Ari's... uh... 'high-genetic-similarity people' might've been why she decided on doing some shots."

Lee grins up at Priss with her farewell remark. "Catch ya later! I do a mean hang-drum, by the way."

Ari chugs that water too... then proceeds to chew on the plastic cup. Not biting through it, just chewing. Skeeve lets out a little sigh as Ari starts chewing on the props, but reaches out to take Priss' card. "I'll make sure she gets the message." He offers a polite salute, with the card. "Have a nice evening, miss."

Miriam grins and nods, "What he said." She blinks then takes a few moments to consider what Lee has said, and re-parse their words. She nods a little, "I think... that probably makes sense."

Priss stuffs her hands back in her jacket and strolls out the door to her bike.


Here you are in the epicenter of the insanity lovingly known as NeoTokyo and right in what seems to be the center lies the mysterious wonder known as Tokyo Tower, now seeming to have found it's way as an epicenter in this altered world. From here you can go in many directions to various streets and homes and wherever you may want to go. The area oddly enough seems to give off an odd aura from every direction.

[Exits  : <Up> into Sky (Locked), (A)rena, (C)entral Train Station, The (U)sual Restaurant, (To)kyo Tower, (S)outh, (W)est, (N)orth, (E)ast, and (B)us to the Narita Airport ]

[Players : Batman ]

[Things  : Spirit Gate of the Soul ]

Priss walks out of the restaurant, lighting up another cigarette. "Weird ass people..."

Batman is up above, surveying the street below, noting Priss as she walks out of the usual. Yes, more weird ass people. "Hmm..." He swings down on his line, seeming to be studtying the street near the alleyway.

Priss sits on her bike, going through her phone again while finishing up the cancer stick. "Maybe we can finally start getting shit done in this lame city...." She texts someone something.

Batman turns after examining the area, then moves over towards Priss. "Nice bike," he offers, regarding her and her ride.

Priss says, "Thanks." She doesn't look up at first but she didn't like the tone of that voice. It sounded like someone swallowing granite so she looks up quickly and stares upon.. THE BATMAN. "Holy shit! You're that bat weirdo they talk about in the papers! Nice costume." She took a long drag and looked the muscle suited Dark Knight over."

Batman regards Priss for a moment. Bat weirdo. Guess he's heard worse. "Thanks," he says in reply, "It gets the job done." He ponders a moment. "I'm looking into a string of...attempted kidnappings, Miss," he adds, "The kidnappers seem to be targeting...innocents...new;y arrived. Apparently, they're being..collected. You may want to keep a look out as well."

Priss nodnods and takes a long drag looking unconcerned. "I see the police are ever effective as usual in keeping the streets of NT safe for damsels like myself. Kidnapping huh? Assholes better be wearing body armor if they try to kidnap me." She pats her jacket. Maybe she's packing heat? "So how many have they kidnapped so far and any leads?"

Batman says, "They seem to be starting with soft targets, so far, there have been a few attempts but no known abductions. But that's not confirmed. Might be a while before they work up to a tough target like you...though...I'm sure your cycle would be high on the list. Apparently, this, 'Collector' is collecting 'living collectibles' but I'm certain he or she wouldn't turn up thier nose at high-end machinery."

Priss says, "TCh! Anyone touches this bike I'm going to jail for brutality!"

Priss grinned then took another drag and then nodded at Bats. "So... why the outfit?"

Batman says, "Long story," is there the slightest smile on his face? hard to tell, could be shadows. "Let's just say, yes, the police here are...over whelmed..." is he polielty saying 'Inpept?' probably. "It allows me to function wit a bit more impunity."

Priss says, "Right. Masked vigilante stuff. I can totally relate actually." She takes one final drag and crushes out the butt on her tire of her bike. She doesn't go into details about the whole vigilante thing. "Well I'll rely on myself anyway. When seconds count, the police are only minutes away, right?"

Batman says, "That's what they say," he smirks just slightly. 'You're a fighter, I can tell...they shouldn't bother you at this point...but it might be a good idea to keep your eyes open."

Priss says, "Ever vigilante I assure you. I didn't make it to the ripe old age of 20 being careless." Which is a complete utter bullshit lie. She is perhaps one of the most hot-headed and careless members of the Knight Sabers with a smart mouth on her that gets her into trouble more often than gets her out."

Batman hms. Finding he likes this one. She has that inner fire. "I'm betting you'll be fine," he nods a little to her. Respect. 'It's good knowing there are some real fighters here."

Priss says, "Well I fight therefor I am. I prefer to just let my rage out on stage with my music but I'm not afraid to slap a bitch if I have too." She chuckled then nodded at Bats. "You have to brawl a lot I take it?"

Batman almost laughs at Priss' remarks. "I've been known to throw a punch or two, yes," he shakes his head slighty, "I'm Batman," he usually doesn't have to introduce himself, and it almost sounds comical when he says it, at least to himself, who else could he be?

Priss says, "I'm Priss. Nice to meet the great and fearsome Batman. I thought you always stayed in the shadows and never came out to be social? Guess they got it wrong at the press office." She pulls out ONE more cigarette. She's been smoking way to much lately. Damn it..."

Batman says, "I make exceptions when I meet someone interesting. Gargoyles aren't much for conversation," was that a joke? naw, couldn't be. "Otherwise, yes, I tend to avoid crowds."

Priss laughed at the joke as she visual see's Bats sitting there talking to a stone gargoyle who looks like he gives two effs. "Ah, you just need to crash more parties. I am sure you could totally hang at a dance club doing the Batusee for all to behold in awe. You'd become the life of the party." She chuckles as she envisions this dark scary Batman busting serious DDR moves on the dance floor.

Batman waves a hand dismissingly, "I'm afraid not...not good for the image." he answers. Something about the very word 'batusi' gives him a cold chill. She reminds him a bit of Selena, maybe? "I'll stick with my modis oppurandi, thanks."

Priss nodded with a smirk, "Probably for the best. You are the beacon of the Vigilante! Everyone who aspires to kick ass and take names probably has a little shrine to you they worship out before the put on their hockey masks and get their golf clubs ready to rumble. We wouldn't want to bring you down from your god like status."

Batman is silent for a moment. Then..."Heh..heheh.." he actually laughs, just for a second, but there it is. 'Give us mortals a bit more credit, gods are over-rated." Yeah, I'm talking about you, Clark.

Priss says, "That they are. As someone who is worshipped and adored I am totally in-line with your idea there." She does have quite a few fans. Of course they follow her for her music and not her ability to demolish a Boomer in 4.5 seconds or less. A girl has to keep her secrets."

Batman says, "It's nice to have met you, I'm sure we'll bump into each othere again," he nods to her, "I have to get back to work though." He fires off his grappler into the darkness of the buildings above. "Good evening." The launches himself up, dissapering into the night with a flap of his cape..."

Priss watches him vanish into the night and takes another puff of her cigrette then throws the half smoked thing on the ground and crushes it out with her boot. She exhales and picks up her helmet. "Weird ass night. I'm going to have to write a song about this one..." She puts the helmet on and starts up her bike and peels out, racing into the night.

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