2016-05-14 - An Enterprising Arrival

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An Enterprising Arrival

Summary: The USS Enterprise arrives through a wormhole in Lunar Orbit pursued by an alien ship. Captain Mitsuo Hasai intercepts and an unscheduled rescue mission is launched.

Who: James_Kirk, Mitsuo
When: 05, 14, 2016
Where: Near Lunar Orbit

James Kirk-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

The space around Earth Orbit has been pretty quiet lately. Ever since the NeoTokyo universe's reconstitution there hasn't been much for the NTSDF to get involved with. It's no wonder Mitsuo has been spending so much of her time playing superhero rather than starship captain. That all changes in the blink of an eye, however. There's a brilliant flash and a sudden burst of radiation as some kind of wormhole tears itself open near lunar orbit. A ship streaks out of it, bursts of weapons fire spraying from it as a swarm of smaller ships followed by a much, much larger ship emerge from the same wormhole in hot pursuit.

Mitsuo has secretly really been doing more of the Superhero stuff to take a break from the mounds of paperwork and updates that the NTSDF has taken up till now. Not to mention getting the OTEC plant re-opened. But she's on her bridge doing some of that much hated paperwork when this provides a welcome escape. Even as the first ship emerges she's already breaking out of orbit and heading for the area, scanners reaching out to get a reading and most likely match the ships to something in her database, or at least close to something there. As the weapons fire starts she raises shields and directs the nearest patrol to keep back but go to alert status. She opens a hailing channel, "Unknown vessels, this is Captain Mitsuo Hasai of the NTSDF, you are in our system and will stand down weapons now or I will be forced to take action.

On the bridge of the Enterprise the ship shudders under heavy impacts to the shields, the crew getting momentarily jostled around as she shields flare and the inertia dampers compensate. "Tell me we lost them, Sulu!" Lt. Sulu shakes his head, "I wish I could, Captain." Spock turns from the science station, "Shields are at 67%, Captain. I estimate roughly two more minutes of this level of bombardment before they collapse completely." Kirk glances over at Spock, "Well, at least that gives us a little time, Spock." Uhura suddenly sits up a bit straighter in her position, "Captain, I'm receiving a communication." Kirk turns to her, leaning one arm on the chair, "From the aliens?" Uhura gives a slight shake of her head, her eyes meeting Kirk's for a moment, "No, sir. From a Captain Mitsuo Hasai of the NTSDF." Kirk raises an eyebrow and looks at Spock, then back to Uhura, "Give them a reply, tell them our situation, standard emergency frequencies." Uhura nods and turns back to her station, "Yes, sir!" Her hands fly over the communications controls, "Captain Hasai, this is the Federation Starship USS Enterprise. We are under unprovoked attack by an unknown assailant and request immediate assistance! Repeat: This is the USS Enterprise, we request all immediate assistance, please respond!"

Mitsuo can't help but eye twitch at the response, her eyes narrow as she gets the results of the scan back, "What are Wraiths doing chasing Feddies. " she mutters as her ships closes with the fighting ships and she engages the Wraith stingships with her PD Phasers and a barrage of anti-fighter/mecha missiles. She starts a detailed scan of the Wraith hiveship to check for non wraith life signs and responds to the Enterprise, "Engaging the Wraith vessels Enterprise, do you know if they have any prisoners on board?

"Wraith?" Comes Uhura's voice over the comms, turning back towards Kirk, "She referred to them as the 'Wraith', sir. She asked if they have any prisoners on board" Kirk's eyes narrow sharply, "Spock, give me a full scan of that ship. Are there any life signs not matching the primary species." Spock turns towards the science console, "Scanning now, Captain." The Enterprise shudders again, its own point-defense phasers firing in rapid barrages, tearing through the legions of Wraith Darts that are attempting to swarm the vessel, one Dart slamming into the shields and causing them to flare. "Sulu, take us around Captain Mitsuo's ship, Pattern Kirk 7!" Sulu nods, "Aye, aye, sir. Pattern Kirk 7 it is!" The Enterprise banks hard, RCS thrusters firing and the bridge leaning to one side as the dampers attempt to hold steady, "Everyone hold on to your butts!" Kirk calls out as the security seat belts slam into place around seated crew members

Mitsuo doesn't bother to maneuver her ship yet, she's heading directly into the battle. She may make rude comments about feddie tech but honestly most of her stuff is more advanced versions of some of the same stuff. But, her multi layer shields can handle anything the Wraith can throw for a lot longer then the Enterprises shields can. And her ship has a more extensive selection of weapons. She's avoiding hitting the hiveship until she finishes her scan or hears from the Enterprise about prisoners. As the Enterprise maneuvers around towards her it clears the field to allow her missile batteries to go to rapid fire. She's got a rough idea how many Wraith there might be, but she has lots of missiles and phasers.

"Fascinating, the entire vessel appears to be layered organic systems. The entire structure is a series of chitinous substrata not unlike an insect carapace or exoskeleton." Spock says, to which Kirk clears his throat, "Prisoners, Mr. Spock?" Spock lifts his head up and turns towards Kirk, "Confirmed, Captain. Non-Wraith life signs but all weak, possibly held in some kind of stasis." Kirk motions to Uhura, "Open a channel." Uhura lifts her hand to her earpiece, "Channel open, Captain." "Captain Hasai, this is Captain James T. Kirk, USS Enterprise. We confirm prisoners on board the Wraith ship. Mr. Spock's scans indicate they're in some kind of stasis or hibernation. I'm bringing the Enterprise around your rear, once we're clear we'll fire a full spread of Quantum Torpedoes at this ship's engines."

Mitsuo responds over the com, "Copy that Enterprise, I'll follow up your torpedo barrage with my main phasers if needed. If you are going to send boarders in with me then bring extra power packs for your phasers, these things take a lot of killing and can suck out your life force it they get a hold of you " she says as she continues firing on the Stingships to keep them away from the enterprise and gets her main phaser banks ready for the followup shot if it's needed.

"Understood, Captain. We'll beam in armed for Gorn." Captain Kirk replies, "Kirk out." Sulu makes a slightly displeased face at the mention of Gorn, to which Kirk can't help but smirk. The Enterprise swings hard around the rear of Mitsuo's ship, the rear of the ship kicking out almost like it was drifting before the RCS thrusters and the main impulse engines are able to stabilize her motions. "Mr. Chekov, Quantum Torpedoes, full spread." Chekov's hands fly over the controls, "Yes, Keptin! Targeting rear of ze Wraith ship, focusing on main engines." He presses his hand on the fire button, "Quantum Torpedoes....AWAAAAAY!" A barrage of bright blue orbs explodes from the front tubes of the Enterprise, both tubes firing in rapid sequence. A few torpedoes are intercepted by Wraith Darts and others are destroyed by energy weapon fire from the main ship. Enough of the spread gets through to slam into the rear section of the Hive Ship. The explosions rapidly flower along the organic hull, the vessel's engines flaring brightly and then beginning to wink out, darkening one by one. "Direct hit, Keptin!" Chekov calls out, "Spock?" Kirk asks, turning to his science officer. "The Wraith ship's power levels are fluctuating rapidly, Captain. Power levels at 20%...15%...10%...power levels at 0%, sir."

Mitsuo checks over the scan of the ship, trying to find an open chamber somewhere near the non wraith life signs She opens a channel to the Enterprise again with visual this time, "Enterprise, I'm not sure if your transporters can penetrate the Wraith hull and blocks. Since I don’t think Feddie ships come with assault shuttles it might be best if you stage your boarding party through my ship.

"We have a handful of military shuttles, Captain Hasai. Their main purpose is as troop transports." Kirk replies, "If we land the shuttle on the hull of the Wraith ship we should be able to use the shuttle's transporters to beam through that carapace." Commander Spock quirks an eyebrow, "I am impressed, Captain. It is unlike you to be paying attention to Mister Scott's lessons." Kirk smiles up at Spock, "I pick up a couple bits here and there, Spock."

Mitsuo smiles, "In that case, if you don’t mind I'll join you, better if we go in a single group. I can have marines here in half an hour but that might be too long for whoever is in there.

"Roger that, Captain. We'll beam over with Mister Spock, myself and Dr. McCoy along with three security guards and yourself." Captain Kirk gets out of the captain's chair. "If your Marines get here while we're still engaged they're welcome to join the party." He nods to Sulu, "Mr. Sulu, you have the bridge."

Mitsuo nods, "Give me 5 minutes to change into something more suitable for boarding and I'll join you.

Several minutes later, Kirk, Spock and McCoy are standing outside one of the shuttles in the shuttle bay McCoy is just staring at Kirk, "Are you serious, Jim? We're going to get on a shuttle, land on that gigantic Crawdad ship and /then/ beam over into it?" Kirk and Spock exchange glances for a moment, "That is the plan, Doctor." Spock says, to which Kirk is merely smiling, "Is there a problem with that plan, Bones?" McCoy grits his teeth, "You're goddamn right there's a problem! I was just getting halfway comfortable here!"

Mitsuo beams into the Enterprises shuttle bay a few moments later. Spock at least would notice the difference in the transport field. She's switched over to her flight suit since it is some armor, not that she needs it but still. She's got several micro grenades on her belt along with a scanner and her Force Lance, "Hello Gentlemen. I hope you don’t mind me beaming directly to you. " she says with a smile.

Spock tilts his head slightly, "I see your transporter works on a slightly different quantum frequency." "Different technology, different rules, Spock." Kirk replies with a smile to Mitsuo, "Captain Hasai, I'm Captain Kirk. My first officer, Commander Spock and my Chief Medical Officer, Doctor McCoy." Spock nods his head, "It is agreeable to meet you, Captain Hasai." McCoy rolls his eyes, "Oh, yes, Mr. Spock. Very agreeable."

Mitsuo offers Mister Spock a datacard, properly formatted for their systems, "I've got some information about the Wraith here. They aren't from this dimension but I've encountered them before. I know Mister Spock wont get this reference but if you think Vampires of myth you aren't too far off. Not that they suck blood or anything, it's life force they consume. Very strong, very fast.

"Indeed? That would explain their sudden appearance along the edges of Federation Space." Spock replies as he slots the datacard into his Tricorder, "Doctor, with your permission I will upload all relevant medical data on these Wraith to your own database." McCoy motions towards Spock, "Please, Mr. Spock. Be my guest and upload away. If I'm going to be beamed over onto a ship full of aliens named after a Mississippi spook tale I'd sure like to know what I'm signed up for." Kirk smirks at the pair and just shakes his head, "What Mr. Spock was saying, Captain. Is that these Wraith apparently showed up some months ago on the edges of Federation Space. We began getting reports from isolated colonies of attacks. Attacks that left no bodies, no real signs of damage. It was like the raiders were simply beaming everybody up." McCoy glances at Kirk, "Like Orion Slavers." Kirk nods, "Just a bit faster about it, Bones."

Mitsuo nods slowly, "They can strip a city in minutes, they haul them back to their hiveship and feed on them as they need. When they run out of sentient lifeforms to feed on they go into a stasis like state for years to allow the planets to repopulate. " she tilts her head a bit, "We should move quickly, we just killed a large number of them and their ships can regrow fairly fast.

"Just like something out of an old 20th Century vidshow." McCoy mutters with a small shudder. "You big on those, Bones? 20th Century vidshows?" McCoy gives Kirk a flat look and a frown, "As a boy growin' up in Iowa you should know just how little there is to do in the country on a lazy Friday night, Jim." Kirk shrugs, "I always found something to do, Bones." McCoy snorts, "Uh-huh, I'll bet you did, Jim." Spock steps up onto the shuttle, "Gentlemen, as Captain Hasai said, time is not on our side." Kirk nods, waving a hand, "Of course, Spock. Of course." He starts to climb on board with McCoy starting to follow and then pausing and motion for Hasai, "Ma'am?"

Mitsuo steps onto the shuttle and takes one of the seats, "Funny you should mention that. In this dimension it's currently the year 2016. You are fairly far from your home dimension.

McCoy's just about to sit down when Mitsuo brings that up, "2016? That can't be right." He looks over at Kirk, "Jim, tell the lady that can't be right!" Then he looks back to Mitsuo, "No offense, of course." He says as he settles into his seat. "Easy Bones, easy. Deep breaths." He looks over at Spock, "Spock? Give me something." Spock takes out his tricorder and starts to match things as the shuttle begins to lift off and slides out of the shuttle bay, "She is correct, Captain, Doctor. At least in a sense." McCoy leans back in his seat a little heavily, muttering something. Spock looks up, "I said in a sense, Doctor. While this is indeed the solar system at a previous stardate, I also detect that the quantum signature of the area is also the same." Kirk blinks, "And what is that in layman's terms, Spock?" Spock turns towards the Captain, "We are in our own universe, but I believe that the copy of the solar system we currently reside in is beyond maximal limit." McCoy stares, "English, man!" Spock raises his brow, "That was English, Doctor."

Mitsuo smiles a bit, "He means Doctor, that you are in a different reality then your own. It is 2016 here, but this dimension is kind of a garbage pit. People and things, and monsters, pop in here all the time. Our history is different then yours, at least after a certain point. " she shrugs, "For that matter this isn't the first Enterprise I've been on, and you aren't the first Doctor McCoy I've met. " she grins, "We also occasionally end up getting sucked thru wormholes and such and end up other places, that’s why I'm semi familiar with your tech and know some generalities about the three of you.

"Not exactly, Captain Hasai." Spock corrects in his usual cool, collected tone. "We are of the same universe as you are, however, it appears that our own galaxy, our own universe exists beyond the maximal limit of observability. We are in the same universe, but separated by such vast gulfs of space and time that we cannot directly observe each other. It is possible that the wormhole we leapt through in our attempt to escape the Wraith works as a conduit between our section of the universe and your own." McCoy seems to have just turned himself off, folding his arms over his chest and looking towards the cockpit. "So what you're saying, Spock. Is our universe, our galaxy was dumped here with these 'Wraith' brought along with it and we're in the same universe as a copy of Earth but we're too far apart to see one another?" Kirk asks, trying to put it as bluntly as he can manage. Spock turns to gaze at Kirk, "That is a highly simplified version of events, Captain, but it is essentially correct."

Mitsuo tilts her head a bit, "I'm not going to argue because I haven't run in depth scans of you and it is possible, " she shrugs, "And if that’s the case then I may have a way to get you back home, assuming I can get the thing to work again.

"Hopefully." Kirk says with a smile, "But right now we've got a job to do."

The shuttle streaks through the darkness, luckily it looks like the Enterprise's point defense systems combined with the Mitsuo Hasai's has pretty much wiped the void clear of Darts for the time being. The Hive Ship doesn't have enough power to open fire on the shuttle, either. Though, it's obviously regenerating. As the shuttle closes in one of the pilots turns to look back at the passengers, "One minute to contact, Captain!"

Mitsuo is just along for the ride here, which is kind of new for her, she's used to being the shuttles pilot for these things

There's a loud *CLUNG* as the shuttle fires off grapnels to link itself to the organic hull of the Hive Ship. Kirk rises to his feet along with Spock, McCoy and the Security. "Lieutenant. Keep an open comm link to us at all times. If it goes dead for more than five minutes at a time head back to the Enterprise. No questions, understood?" The Lieutenant nods his head, "Yes, Captain." Kirk nods once as he moves to take a phaser rifle from the armory rack, checking his belt as he clips on some spare power packs and photon grenades before holstering his personal phaser. "Everyone make sure your PSGs are fully charged."

Mitsuo stands up and pulls out her force lance, setting it to plasma pulse for now, "If nothing else my ships transporters should be able to get us out. " she says, following the others to the transporter.

"Well that's reassuring. I'd hate for a ship that looks this much like a tomb to wind up as mine." McCoy mutters under his breath as Kirk and Spock take their places on the transporter pads towards the rear of the shuttle after double-checking their weapons.

Mitsuo grins mischievously, "Hate to say it Doctor, but it's even creepier inside.

"Oh good. I really should've just stayed on Earth and opened a small practice in Mississippi." Bones grumbles as he steps onto his own pad. "Had to make something of myself. Let this be a lesson."

Mitsuo grins and shrugs, "There are far worse things out there.

"Of course there are. Space is darkness and death wrapped up in a cold void." McCoy says sourly just as the hum of the transporter starts.

Mitsuo shrugs a bit and brings her force lance up to the ready, just in case.

As the Away Team rematerializes on the Wraith ship, the heavy, almost ozone-like scent hangs heavy in the air. The interior is dark, twisted, very organic and chitinous with vaulted areas and corridors twisting through the interior hull. Kirk lifts his phaser rifle and activates the built-in flashlight, sweeping it around the area while Spock draws his hand phaser and scans the area with the tricorder. "We appear to be in an ancillary section of the ship, Captain. According to my scans the Wraith have mostly retreated towards the core sections."

Mitsuo nods a bit and pulls her own scanner off her belt, "That's normal for them I think. " she says as she runs her own scan, "Looks like the life signs are off this way, "she says motioning down the corridor, "It would be nice if we could get to them and get out without having to fight these things, but I've yet to have that much luck " she says with a slight grin as the puts the scanner back on her belt, "Shall we?

"Let's." Kirk says as he starts forwards, two of the security guards taking point with one of them in the rear to cover McCoy. Bones is advancing slowly with the group, slowly taking in the size and scope of the place. "Step into my parlor said the spider to the fly."

Mitsuo most likely annoys the redshirts by moving out on point, she's got an advantage of being able to sense more things then they can so she leads the way, unless someone objects.

The two security members look at each other as Mitsuo pushes past them and then look back at Kirk, "She knows the ship. Let her take point and watch her back." The lead security officer nods once, "Aye, Captain." The heft their rifles and push on, following Mitsuo while Kirk, Spock and McCoy do likewise, the final member of the security detail bringing up the rear, keeping an eye out that they're not flanked.

Mitsuo doesn't look back at the group since she's scanning ahead, "Sorry Captain Kirk, it's not that I know the ship, just that I have some enhancements your security personnel don't have. " she says quietly, moving along towards the non wraith lifeforms. "And technically I'm a bad ship Captain, I prefer to lead form the front.

"Well, I honestly can't say I fault you for that, Captain." Kirk replies, smirking faintly. "Indeed you cannot, Captain." Spock adds, still keeping his attention divided between his tricorder and the interior of the vessel. "I estimate we are some eighty meters from the first of the holding areas." Mitsuo nods, "So far so good. Any signs of any of the wraith coming this way Mister Spock?

"None as of yet, Captain Hasai." Spock replies, "I believe they are currently regenerating along with the ship."

Mitsuo shakes her head, "There are almost always a few moving around, they may be doing something to help the ship regenerate I guess, but that means they will be getting hungry soon.

"Which means they'll want to raid the pantry soon enough." McCoy points out, "We need to move, Jim." Kirk nods, "I couldn't agree more, Doctor." He looks at the crew and Mitsuo, "Double Time."

Mitsuo nods and picks up the pace, it's why she said something after all But these are Kirks people so she's not going to just order them around.

The Away Team quickly weaves its way through a series of organic corridors and web-like, chitinous doors before they come to a massive room filled with row upon row of what appear be be black cocoons of some sort. The ovoid structures are covered with a thick filament that resembles webbing, each of them carefully sealed to preserve the life force of those inside. "My God..." McCoy says under his breath, "It's like a horror show. These people are just stuffed in these things, harvested and jammed in a pod until someone needs a snack!"

Mitsuo nods, "And they have been doing it for who knows how long. I know of a galaxy that was overrun by them. We need to cut them out as quick as we can. I'm pretty sure it will be noticed when we start. "We can't just lock on the pods and beam them out of here?" Kirk asks, glancing over towards Spock as he looks up from his tricorder, "Movement, Captain. I believe the Wraith have noticed our presence."

Mitsuo pulls her scanner off her belt and runs it over the pods, "I can, just give me a moment " she says as she starts punching in some commands, "And yes, we have been noticed. " after a moment the hum of a transporter is heard coming from the nearest pod, "I'm going to need 3 minutes to beam them all out. Mister Spock, do you see any signs of other lifeforms elsewhere or are we leaving as soon as we get the last one from here?

"One moment, Captain Hasai." Spock looks down at his tricorder as he scans the remainder of the ship. "There are other cocoons on the opposite side of the ship's aft from here but they appear to be unused at this time." Kirk motions to the security team, "Get to cover positions, keep a clear field of fire. Try to block off those entryways." "Bones, keep monitoring the life signs of the people in those pods until they're beamed out of here." He turns towards Spock, "Spock." Spock looks back at Kirk, "Captain?" Kirk jerks his head towards Mitsuo, "See if you can't link your tricorder with hers, speed up her scanning. The faster we can get these people and ourselves out of here the better!"

Mitsuo smiles a bit, "It's the transporter speed I'm afraid, it's running on automatic now, 2 minutes 30 seconds. " she says putting her scanner back on her belt and readying her force lance again.

There's a sound from the main hall. Then several massive, armored Wraith Warriors stomp around the corner and level their spear guns Kirk and the security team immediately begin opening fire, pouring phaser rifle fire into the massive targets. The Warrior in the lead takes two hits, one in the shoulder, the other in the chest. He stumbles backwards before a third shot brings him down. Spock nods to Mitsuo, "Can you link with the Enterprise and use its transporters to speed up the process?" He asks just as the remaining Wraith Warriors begin to open fire. Pale blasts arcing through the hall as they fire with their weapons.

Mitsuo opens fire with a pair of plasma bursts at one of the warriors, "I can but one of you will have to tell them to accept the signal. With your ships cargo transporters we can be out of here 45 seconds later. " she tilts her head a bit and appears to be communicating with someone, then she says, "It's setup, they should be receiving the signal, they just have to allow it.

A Wraith blast slams into one of the security team, his personal shield flaring as he's thrown backwards. "Unngh!" Kirk rushes forwards to pull the man back, firing his rifle one-handed at the Wraith and looking over to Spock, "Do it!" Spock pulls out his communicator as he steps behind cover, "Enterprise, this is Commander Spock." There's a pause before Uhura's voice comes in, "Reading you, Commander." Spock fires off several quick bolts with his phaser, "Captain Hasai wishes to link her systems to those of the Enterprise to facilitate faster beam out. The Captain approves, please inform acting Captain Sulu." More energy bolts slam into the surroundings, "Acknowledged, Commander. We're accepting the request now, Enterprise out."

The Transporter hum gets much louder in the area as the Enterprise joins in the effort. Mitsuo pulls one of the grenades off her belt and tosses it into the corridor the wraith are coming from, calling out "Grenade! " as she does so, it's set on proximity detonate so even if one tries to bat it back, it wont work.

The Wraith Warrior looks down at the grenade, raising its foot to kick it back when it goes off, covering the whole of the doorway in a curtain of burning green plasma. Kirk takes the opening to pull back, using some of the support struts for the cocoons as cover for himself and his crew while still maintaining fire, trying to keep the Wraith pinned in that entryway where they can concentrate the field of fire into a killing zone. "ETA?" He calls out to Mitsuo in between phaser blasts.

Mitsuo calls out, "15 Seconds, lets get bunched up for transport gentlemen... " she says as she fires off a couple more plasma bursts from her force lance at the Wraith.

"Move it, people!" Kirk starts to fall back towards the back edge of the room when he hears McCoy call out, "JIM!" He spins around to find McCoy pinned against one of the struts by a Wraith Warrior, "Bones!" He looks up, narrowing his eyes, "They're coming from the ceiling!" Wraith Warriors appear to be dropping down from hidden crevices in the ceiling of the hall. He shakes his head and rushes the Warrior pinning bones, leaping at the last second and using his full body weight to slam into the Wraith's back with both feet in a literal drop kick. The sudden force from behind is enough to knock the massive Wraith off balance, sending him to the ground.

And almost as Kirk hits the ground the transporter effect starts around the the people in the boarding party. Materializing moments later on the transporter pad on her ship. Mitsuo looks around, "Anyone badly hurt?

McCoy feels himself with his hands, checking to see if he's all there. "I think so. I don't feel any older so that thing didn't get a good grip on me." He breathes a heavy sigh of relief, "Thanks, Jim. I owe you one." Kirk chuckles as he picks himself up, "You can pay me back the next time I want something more than synthehol, Bones." He offers the Doctor a hand up, "Heh! As your Doctor I can only approve that on a strictly medical basis."

"I appear to also be unharmed, as do the security team." Spock states, "A very successful mission." He turns towards Mitsuo, "What were the exact numbers we retrieved?"

Mitsuo chuckles as she steps over to the console and hits a button, "Destroy the Wraith ship " she says then releases it. Which it's not the same as the Enterprise at least Kirk and Spock would be able to tell the weapons are firing, "And that takes care of that one. " she tapes a command on the panel, "562. That was well worth it. " she looks over at Kirk, "We'll have to see but from what I know of the Wraith most of them are probably some of your missing colonists.

"562...fascinating." Spock says, to which McCoy rubs at his back with a small groan, "And what's so fascinating about it, Spock?" Spock turns calmly to the Doctor, "Because 562 is the exact number missing from the most recent border colonies, Doctor. Two hundred and thirty Federation colonists and three hundred and thirty two Romulans."

"Romulans, too?" Kirk frowns, crossing his arms as he leans against one of the bulkheads, "They aren't picky, are they?" Mitsuo blinks, "Then this must have been the only Hive ship there so far. That means others are on the way, most likely. "Yeah, but, from where, exactly?" Kirk asks.

Mitsuo tilts her head and looks at Mister Spock, "You say that this Galaxy is the same as yours? Would the Colonies that got hit happen to be in the direction of the Pegasus Galaxy from your referance there?

"Possibly." Spock looks down at his tricorder, for a few moments, "Indeed. It appears they all originate along this general path."

Mitsuo nods, "Thats one of the Galaxies the Wraith are known to control in some dimensions. " she frowns, "The gulf between the Galaxies was all that stopped them. They must have found a wormhole or a Stargate or something.

"A Stargate?" Kirk echoes the word, looking at Spock who seems to understand what Kirk is getting at, "Indeed, Captain. A stargate of the scale large enough for a ship of that size to pass through would give off massive amounts of energy easily detectable by our sensors."

Mitsuo nods, "Thats the problem, I don’t think there were any of the type of Stargates I mean built that large. I could be wrong. " she shrugs, "Right now we have to figure out how to get you home so you can warn the Federation and others there about this.

"If the wormhole that brought us here can be analyzed and reopened, going home should be a simple matter of going back through it." Spock says, "With your permission, Captain, I will begin scanning and analyzing the data the moment we are back on the Enterprise." Kirk smirks and motions a hand towards the Vulcan, "Permission granted, Mr. Spock."

Mitsuo looks thoughtful, "And of slightly more concern, if the Wraith are in that Pegasus Galaxy, then the possibility exists that Atlantis is there too. And the Wraith getting their hands on that would e VERY bad...

"Atlantis?" McCoy furrows his brow, "Are we dealing with myth now?"

Mitsuo grins, "Myths are based on something, sometimes they are more correct then not. In this case the Atlantis I'm talking about is the last city ship of a precursor race of humans. And in that dimension they originated on Earth.

James_Kirk says, "Is this city still populated? Are we talking about people here, surrounded by these vampiric things?"

Mitsuo shakes her head, "No, if it's there it's deep under the ocean on a planet. Problem is it may be running out of power soon and would surface. Then the Wraith would have access to all that technology, which includes a Hyperdrive fast enough to cross between Galaxies in weeks.

"Never a dull moment, is it, Mr. Spock?" Kirk asides to the Vulcan, which gets him a blank look, "I do not see how the current situation compared to an unsharpened blade, Captain."

Mitsuo frowns and taps a command into the computer and looks at the answer, "And I had forgotten one thing. The Wraith wouldn't be awake yet if it wasn't for Humans finding Atlantis. Which means there MAY be some people stuck there from Earth. If the events there are anything like they were where they originated. " she looks up with a slight grin, "Sorry, this dimensional blending stuff can get really confusing.

"If the Wraith are dealing with our space, though, it's possible they haven't noticed this ancient city, though, right?" Kirk points out, "Wouldn't that be their main target if they knew about it?"

Mitsuo shrugs, "I don’t know. But I think I'm going to have to join you on the trip back and go from there to check out the Pegasus Galaxy. It was humans from Earth who had found a way to get to Atlantis and started poking around there that woke the Wraith back up in the first place. Something woke them up in your area and that’s disturbing. They may not be from here but if there is a Stargate Team stuck out there then they could use some help.

"We have to figure out how to get there first." Kirk says, narrowing his eyes sharply, "The galactic barrier isn't going to just let us slip through." He looks off to the side, becoming suddenly distant, "The last time we tried we lost good men." There's a space of silence, "Good friends."

Mitsuo shrugs, "Or maybe it's a group ofFederation researchers that found it. It was a one way trip for them since the power in the city was far too low to open a return gate. " she tilts her head, "I just bypass that with the FTL drive my ship uses. I'm not sure how long the trip would take at your maximum warp speed.

"We don't really have a choice in the matter. It doesn't matter if these people are Federation or from an Alternate Dimension or whatever. We just saved a bunch of people from these creatures and I'm not about to just sit by and let a whole city get gobbled up if I can help it!" McCoy states firmly.

Mitsuo ummms, "Doctor, I'm sorry but the Enterprise couldn't get there in time to do anything. And it's not a whole city full of people, I think it was maybe 60 or so if that many. I'm going anyway. If you would like to come along I'm perfectly fine with that, but I cant tow another ship with me through S-Space.

Kirk frowns thoughtfully, "Maybe you won't need to..." He glances at Spock, "Spock, you said if there's a Stargate we can probably detect it with our sensors, right?" Spock nods, "That is correct, Captain." Kirk looks over at Mitsuo, "What we have to do is get back through that wormhole and warn the Federation. Once we do that we can use the Enterprise and your ship's sensors to find this Stargate. Something that big has to be a beacon visible for light years around. Once we pull that off all we need to do is activate it to bypass the galactic barrier and we'll end up right in the backyard of these Wraith."

Mitsuo nods, "We can try that first. But if we don’t find the gate I'll head over the long way. " she tilts her head, "I should probably transport you back to your ship so we can get moving. I've got to let command know I'm going off on another long trip " she says with a grin.

"If you've got anything like Starfleet Command, let them know what the situation is. Muster what ships you can. If these Wraith have the numbers you seem to think they do we're going to need all the help we can get." Kirk says, smiling, "Good working with you today, Captain." He extends his hand.

Mitsuo takes his hand and shakes it, "We're a Defense Force. This ship here is one of the few we have for really long distance travel. And going as far away as I am I'm not going to bring any additional people from the NTSDF. I will however bring along a few select friends. " she smiles, "And it was good working with you as well Captain.

James_Kirk nods, "Fair enough, Captain." He squeezes her hand firmly before stepping back, pulling out his communicator and flipping it open, "Kirk to Enterprise. Six to beam up." And in the dancing lights of the transporter effect the Enterprise crew vanishes.

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