2016-08-18 - Meeting The Neighbors

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Meeting the Neighbors

Summary: Sae moves in to her new department and gets to meet her neighbor Lee! Artanis also happens to show up when a teleportation to the Usual goes wrong and weirdness ensues.

Who: Artanis, Sae, Lee
When: August 18, 2016
Where: Neon Inn


The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

Sae is...well, being Sae! So excited to have finally found some place cozy, on the top floor even, the girl's running around the lobby, twirling and skipping with joy, giggling at everyone she sees! Even hugging a view bemused strangers! Rushing over to hop face first onto a floofy couch, the giggling schoolgirl does a lazy roll to turn face up as , staring at the ceiling. "So cute here..so cute! Flan's gonna love it!"

A beam of blue light falls through the ceiling of the apartments and a tall figure wearing golden armor appears. It is Artanis! Who takes a few steps forward into the hallways of the inn whilst tapping his forearm bracelet. "Teleport successful." His telepathic voice is heard to anyone that may be nearby. He looks around whoever and furrows his hairless eyebrows looking concerned. "Wait, this isn't the Usual. Did I put the wrong coordinates?" Then he looks at Sae laying down on a sofa and shakes his head. "Defenitly the wrong coordinates."

Lee strolls into the lobby from outside. The top of a sock is hanging out of a vest pouch in front and a leg-length stick is strapped to their vest behind the head. Wrapped around their arm is a collection of wares- bracelets and necklace pendants. The jewelry consists of polished lumps of clear resin, but it's not flies trapped in the artificial amber. Rather, the resin binds together conglomerations of tiny ferrous objects- flakes of rust, iron ore earthly and extraterrestrial, rusty screws and tacks, and some electronics bits that might have come from some crashed car (or something more exotic). On the way to the elevator, Lee spots Sae. "Heyas, Sae!"

Sae sits up as soon as that beam of light comes down, blinkblinking, then rubbing her eyes. "Huh..?". She rubs them again, staring dumbly at the alien man with her mouth agap. She only stays frozen for a moment though, and before long she's rushing over to the much taller being, looking up at him with wide eyes. "Mister MISTER! HI! Are you an alien!? Are you cosplaying?! Is this real!?", bending and leaning so she can look to his sides and back whilst standing at the front. "You are SO COOL! You teleported didn't you?!". That's when Lee chimes in and Sae waves like crazy! "LEE LEE! Do you live here too?! I just gotta place on the top floor!", waving her friend over to the pair. "Have you met him before?" she looks "..her? Neither?"

"Aaah!" Artanis has no mouth and yet he screams! The space warrior leans back and tries to shield his face with his open palm when Sae rushes to him and all but threatens to tackle him, his telepathic voice heard within the mind of Sae as it seems that's the only way he can communicate. "For the love of Adun, will you Terrans stop calling me an alien already??" He says sounding annoyed, even his eyes are narrowing. "I am a Protoss! Nothing more, nothing less." Scoffs said Protoss and mutters in a lower tone of telepathic voice. "At least I wasn't called an it this time." It appears that Lee and the Protoss might indeed be acquainted as he raises his hand and waves at the lizard person. "En Taro Adun, Lee." Wait, did he really hear Sae correctly and she can't even tell his gender?? "I am a male!" Artanis sounds pretty indignant!

Lee spins to look as Artanis 'speaks' blinking at him. "Uh, hi!" Lee greets him uncertainly after the outbursts, though regard him curiously after he mentions his gender. Apparently Lee hadn't noticed that one either. "Yeah, we've run into each other before," Lee replies to Sae, wandering over closer to them with her invitation. "Looks like your landings're better than Skeeve's teleporting!" Lee remarks. "Yep, I live here, Sae. You need any help moving stuff in?"

Sae giggles, putting her hands on her hips and looking up at Artanis with her big smile. "Mhmmm! You're cute enough to be a girl though! All big and stuff! Perfect for being the big spoon.", complimenting a complete stranger on their aparrent ability to shnuggle being something that's right up her ally. "Hey, wait! Are you reading my mind?! That's SO COOL!". What would probably be an existential crisis for most people is just a neat little party trick to Sae. In fact, she leans up and peers REALLY hard at the protoss, thinking 'Cute cute cute cute cute' to see if it reaches his head back. Regardless of if it works, Sae turns to lee to grin. "Not yet! I still needa by furniture! Flan-chan can lift a mountain and stuff though, so I /think/ we'll be okay. Though might need teleporty-magic or something to get a big, fancy princess bed upstairs! What floor do you live on anyways! Hopefully close! Am aaaall the way at the tippytop!"

Let's just say that if Artanis had a workable jaw it would be hitting the floor right about now.

The tall Protoss warrior leans forward and stares at Sae with big wide blue glowing eyes. "Ah.. uh.." Possibly for the first time in his life Artanis seems to have absolutely no idea of what to say.

He straightens up and raises a finger, still trying to concentrate to try to formulate some comprehensible words, though he's clearly failing at it. "I'm sorry.. are you implying that.." Then his face starts changing color to a deeper shade of blue- IS HE BLUSHING!? THAT IS A PROTOSS BLUSHING!

"No I'm not reading your mind!" Finally the Protoss reels back away from Sae as if horrified and covers his face. "Frankly I do not think I wish to do so even if I could. There is no telling what I would find in there!" And at last, yes, the five foot tall schoolgirl brings the veteran Protoss warrior to his knees by overpowering amounts of cuteness. Artanis collapses to one knee and continues to shield his face. "I need a moment." He says, muttering something telepathic that somewhat sounds like 'I can't believe she called me a girl'.

Lee giggles at Sae's expression as she looks up at Artanis. While not a mind reader, Lee doesn't have much trouble guessing the content of her experiment in mental communication. Lee raises a scaly brow as she describes Flan's strength. "Oh, I'm on the sixth floor, too. Room six-fifteen. But where'd ya get a big canopied bed? I've found some pretty cool stuff on the curbside, but don't think anything like that," Lee remarks inquisitively. Glancing to Artanis, Lee looks a little concerned by his kneeling protest. "You all right there? Anything we can do for ya?"

Sae glasps her hands together, fingers intertwined like she's praying, then puts the back of hone hand against her cheek, head tilting into it. "So cute...!", giggling with joy since she seems to really be enjoying the way her newest friend(can you even call him that?! She does!) blushes. With Artanis down on one knee, Sae nodnods! "I gotcha Mr. Protoss!", running over to one of the lobby's vases and 'borrowing' two flowers. She sticks one in each side of the crown esque headpiece that he's wearing, using the long stems of the white flowers to get them to stay. Also, given the way he answered that question she thinks Protess is his name! "Yeah! Need anything else Protoss? Always glad to help! And I dunno yet Lee! Might have it custom made. Had a really cute one before things poofed!"

'Maybe call my mother' Artanis all but whispers telepathically when Lee asks him if there's anything that can be done for him. Never did the Protoss warrior ever look so distraught, not even when his homeworld of Aiur was overrun by the Zerg. He seems to gather enough of his bearings to at least shake his head at Lee indicating that he doesn't need any help. But that is when he feels Sae putting two flowers on his head piece and he feels them up with his hand.


That is it.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!" Artanis stands up and emits a telepathic scream, arms raised up and with enough force to levitate slightly and emit slight psionic energy around his body. Somewhat hilariously, the psionic energy isn't enough to burn the flowers on his head and they remain where they are.

"I AM NOT A GIRL!!" He says beyond the point of being indignant. "I am Artanis! Heirarch of the Daelaam! Leader of the High Templars, the Nerazim and the Purificators! Liberator of Aiur and slayer of Amon! I will not be ridiculed like this!!"

Thankfully, rather than go full archon mode on Sae and Lee and destroy the inn while he's at it, Artanis simply calms down and rubs his head looking more annoyed than angry. "Ugh.. perhaps it is time I reconsider cross species dating and get a girlfriend. If only to assert my masculinity." Although he's not looking particularly manly with those flowers sticking out of his head piece.

Lee looks on appraisingly as Sae adds the flowers. "Custom-made sounds expensive to me. Stuff like that's a way better deal if ya assemble it yourself. Little draped cloth'll hide a lot of imperfections, even if the parts ya find don't fit together exactly right," they offer Sae with an encouraging smile. At Artanis' telepathic and telekinetic outburst, though, Lee looks alarmed. They manage to take a few steps toward Sae, evidently aiming to push her out of the way of Artanis. A flicker of distortion starts to spring up around Lee, like the heat ripples of a strong fire (or the sudden escape of someone's collection of pet mini-black-holes).

Sae hops up and waves her arm over Artanis when he starts to levitate, like she's checking for strings! She drops to all fours and does the same wave beneath him, giggling as she finds out it's real! "So cool! You can fly and do weird mind stuffs! And that whatcha-call it you just did was SO SO pretty! With all the energy and lights and stuff!" Sae claps once. Like her encounter with the ork Gorgutz, she seems to be a little too unworried about her personal saftey. Lee's rippling catches her notice though, and she tilts her head while looking towards her reptelian friend. "Are you hot Lee? You look really hot! Here!" she dashes off behind the front desk and takes out a bottle of cold water from the mini-fridge, rushing over to gently press it against Lee's cheek! "There! All better.", flashing them both a big grin. "But yeah! You really should Mister Protoss Artanis! My girlfriend's a vampire-youkai thingy and i'm just a normal human, but things work out REALLY well! You should try it! There's plenty o really cute people here! Even ponies maybe, if you like those! Or elves? Elves are cute!"

At this point, Artanis can only let his shoulders slack and narrow his glowing blue eyes in annoyance. Even the uncharacteristic sight of Lee trying to defend themselves rather than hide and back away from danger isn't stimulating enough for the warrior to pry him out of the irritation caused by Sae's over sugary personality. "Stand down, Lee. I assure you I pose no danger to anyone here." He says that even though he's kind of giving Sae the evil eye.

'You are anything for normal.' Artanis mutters with a very low telepathic voice though quickly composes himself on the off chance he was actually heard by Sae or Lee. "I see. If one such as you is capable of acquiring a mate then it should not be so difficult." Even though Artanis doesn't actually know what a vampire/youkai is, he plans of looking that up later.

"No ponies." Is his closing statement as Sae suggests that and then looks at both the lizard person and the bubbly school girl. "At any rate, I seem to have interrupted something. If you are moving here I can very easily have all your things teleported to a room instantaneously." A show there's no hard feelings for Sae calling him a girl.

Lee freezes in simple confusion as Sae takes off in exactly the direction that they were not expecting her to go. Lee stands there and stares at Artanis and Sae for a few moments before the refraction effect disappears. They hold up the bottle just where Sae pressed it. "Uh, thanks, Sae," Lee murmurs before they venture to say to Artanis, "Can't speak for Sae, but don't think you're winning any boyfriend points with the angry yelling at a teenaged girl who's a lot less strong than you are..."

Sae awwwwws at that little insult, but doesn't seem affected in it the least. Instead, she simply takes Lee's hand and puts it on the waterbottle so it doesn't fall, then dashes off behind the counter again. She takes a few of the little bite-sized chocolates, then rushs over to the protoss. "Here! A thank you gift!", doing her own little thing to patch up things, since she can tell she got off on the wrong foot! Though still not sure /how/, given how oblivious she can occasionally be. That said, she doesn't seem to realize he lacks a mouth.. "Oh oh! Artanis! Can you teleport /me/ to my room? I think that'd be really cute! I still needa go furniture shopping with Flan, so there's not much to teleport up yet! Just got a bunch of pillows and blankets and cushions I brought up earlier."

"And I am super strong Lee! Watch!". Sae does a mock flex next to the protoss, giggling at herself since there's clearly nothing that's toned about her. "Look, I can even lift Artanis-chan up!". Artanis..chan? Sae rushes around behind him, then uses the lack of perspective to make it look like she's lifting the floating warrior all on her own!

"I will not apologize." There's no snarkiness or snappy comeback from Artanis when Lee attempts to chastise him. He is a warrior and doesn't take insults lightly even if they may just be perceived. Leaving it simply at that, Artanis takes the offered chocolate and holds them on his hand. Indeed, one would wonder how he's going to eat those things if he has no mouth! And just then, one of those chocolates disappear, and then another one, until there are none left. It looks like Artanis just ate them with his mind.

"I can yes, but I need the coordinates first." He tells Sae as she request to be teleported. Then, as she stands behind him and pretends to pick him up while he's levitating slightly off the ground, the Protoss warrior shakes his head points his open palm back at her. "In the meantime I can do this."

A prism shoots out from his hand to land on Sae's head. Instantly, the girl will be teleported right in front of Artanis and on his own cardinal plane too. Meaning that Sae gets to appear way up where the Protoss is and she gets grabbed from behind by the Heirarch. Essentially, he just switched positions with Sae and now he's carrying her instead of the other way around.

Lee still looks uncertain about exactly what is going on, apparently more than enough uncertain to not notice the theft of the apartment owner's stuff. Lee doesn't seem inclined to press their point with Artanis, either, just shrugging a shoulder at his unapologetic remark. They blink at Artanis raises his palm towards Sae, but don't even have time to react before he fires.

"Whoa! You ate them with..magic? That is freaking AWESOME! Can you show me how you-" before she can ramble on, the girl's teleported in front of Artanis, feet dangling. Blinkblink. It takes a moment for the girl to orient herself, looking around at the lobby from above. "..whoa. WHOA! I take everything I said back! /This/ is the coolest thing ever! Lee Lee! Look! I can see your frills from here!", grinning as she puts a spin on the silly joke. Plus, the girl loves being carried, so this works out extra well!

"Live on the sixth loor now, room 614! But but! Not yet! I really love it up here! Plus it's fun being carried and stuff! Flan does it all the time! She can even do it one handed!", leaning back into the flying protoss, she reaches up and adjusts the flowers in his 'crown', making sure they fit better.

"Essentially I teleported them to my stomach." Explains Artanis. "That is how we Protoss eat, you see." The floating warrior continues to hold Sae by the waist as she wiggles around his graps and adjusts his flower ornaments. He's smiling now, or at least as close as a Protoss with no mouth can manage to smile, his cheekbones raise which is apparently close enough.

At her declaration, Artanis lifts Sae and holds her up with one hand to show that the Terran's girlfriend isn't the only one capable of lifting her with one hand. Eh, Artanis' hand does happen to be on Sae's rear when does that maneuver though but maybe Sae won't mind.

Lee rubs the back of their neck as they look up at Sae. "More used t' folks thinking I'm a no-frills kinda person," Lee remarks, managing a smile for Sae. They don't look entirely convinced about Artanis. "So... Artanis- what kinda interior decorating d' ya like on /your/ bedroom?" they ask, shifting their weight and tail while looking up at him.

Sae wobbles a bit once she's butt lifted, but soon finds her balance. Crossing one leg over the other, she sticks both arms up and grins! "I'm like an American cheerleader now! Look Lee look!", looking over her shoulder to flash a big smile at her new alien friend. Since everyone's all happy again, the girl couldn't care less about the touch to her rear, instead shifting and wiggling to try and get more comfy. "Artanis Artanis! I bet you've got a lotta weightlifting stuff in there since you're super strong! Almost as strong as Flan-chan I bet!". Hopefully he hadn't run into her yet, given how Sae's comparing him unfavorably to a 5 foot tall blonde girl..

Thankfully, yes, Artanis has not yet run into Flandre and has no idea Sae is comparing him to a tiny blond Terran looking girl. By the way Sae's talking about her girlfriend, the Protoss is imagining some kind of tall hulking demon woman that shoots lazers out of her eyes and fire out of her mouth.. which may not be entirely incorrect considering who Flandre Scarlet is! "Haha, well, I do exercise a lot. It is part of my job as a warrior after all."

To Lee, the Protoss makes a circling gesture with his free hand whilst pumping Sae up and down with his hand, bouncing the girl slightly up in the air. "Oh a bit of this and that, I mostly enjoy to put an assortment of artifacts that I've collected in my adventures, although I do not have many material possessions due to having left nearly all of them in my homeworld. I intend to make another one here though."

Lee tilts their head to regard Sae. "Okay, maybe that does look kinda fun," Lee remarks to Sae with a grin. "Bedroom full of souvenirs, huh?" Lee says to Artanis, looking thoughtful. "Can imagine what that'd look like if I did that or Sae did that. But what'd you use? Would it have t' fit your idea of manly-ly looking stuff, or does decor get a pass?"

Sae says, "Artanis-chan! Can you do that thingy you did earlier? With the teleports? I need snooooze soon. SleepySae!". In fact, she begins to wobble unsteadly on his hand!" "

Artanis sighs, somehow, it certainly sounded like he exhaled air at least in everyone's minds that are currently listening to him. "I believe you are looking far too much into my masculine inclinations, Lee. I am a warrior and a man yes, but that does not mean I am to coin the Terran term a 'meat head'. I would not be adverse to souvenirs that are soft, brightly colored and otherwise unmanly."

The Protoss nods when Sae starts yawning and gets wobbly on his hand. "Certainly." He mentally prepares his forearm teleporter to transport Sae back to her room. "Coordinates established. Warp field stabilized. Commencing teleportation."

The same blue light that brought Artanis into the room washes over Sae and in the next instant she'll find herself in her bed.

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