2016-08-28 - An Unusual Encounter

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An Unusual Encounter

Summary: When Flandre Scarlet decides to visit the Unusual Restaurant all Hell breaks loose.

Who: Flandre, Lee, Talia, Archene_Night, Sonya and Sae
When: August 28, 2016
Where: Outside the Unusual

Archene Night-icon.gifLee-icon.gifSae-icon.gifSonya-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

(Well, tomatoe is technically a fruit, and catsup is like half sugar and some vinegar) "Not sure digital credits hold much value, especially since I doubt they have the appropriate tech to receive them." she explains. "Think after I figure out where I am and what my spot is, I'm gonna set my sights on that Shinra tower." an idle comment. "I want it." giving a smirk.

Flandre skips into the bar looking particularly pleased about something. Sure, the blond haired vampire girl always looks to be in a good mood, but today that fangy smile of hers seems to be somewhat devious. Nevertheless, Flandre sets closes her parasol once she's indoors and sets it aside before entering the establishment proper.

"Oh, yeah, digital- probably not so much," Lee agrees. They dig into a vest pocket to get some decidedly non-digital money to pay the bartender, then lean over to grab some napkins, using some as an impromptu plate for Talia. They raise a brow at her wish regarding the tower. "The big place downtown?" Lee grins. "You don't plan small!"

Talia nods. "I had a place like it before coming here. Want to see how this one compares." she comments with a grin. Then she peeks down at the napkin, brow raised in return to Lee.

Not too long after, Archene comes walking into the Unusual with his usual clothes. He stops a few steps after coming in, looking at the place itself before actually taking notice of the people within. His attention is caught by 3 people. A strange winged person as pale, if not paler than himself, with rather interesting wings. Though he stares at the crystals on them for a short while, he moves his attention away to a familar face and their company. The friendly Lee was certainly guiding yet another newly arrived wandering soul about. He then glances at the supposedly wandering soul, that does have a hiking back pack or something of the kind. "An interesting... unusual place.. with unusual people." Unless this is the standard around.

Today, Flandre is not so distracted that she's wholly oblivious to people around her as she normally would be. Catching Archene's stare towards her, the vampire girl spins on her heel and gives the boy a friendly wave and a tilt of her head, very much not fake wings flexing upwards letting the crystals that are her wings to sway about. Having acknowledge the boy's presence, she skips over towards where Lee and Talia seem to be conversing and -somewhat rudely as children often do- butts into the conversation, attracted by Lee's wares as she is. "Hey, those are pretty!" She exclaims to Lee and all the art she's got dangling from her vests. "Are those for sale??"

Lee shakes some chicken nuggets onto the napkin for Talia. "Thought I had it rough, losing all my friends and contacts," Lee remarks with a pensive frown. "Gotta take a whole lot more contacts to own an run whole skyscrapers, I bet." Lee doesn't notice Archene entering at first, their attention stolen by Flandre's interruption. "Oh, hi there!" they exclaim. "They sure are. And they've got past lives, too!"

Talia nods. "You don't just build a corporation overnight. Planes, yachts, you know, a regular fortune five hu-" someone butts in? If the unusual wings weren't enough of a warning sign, there's pale skin and fang? While it's probably not much as far as such things go, a metallic click fills the air, and aforementionedly-armed person's got a twin barrelled 10-gauge aimed at potential vampire. "So, really, before I just leave this place and cross you into my blacklist." she starts, narrowing her eyes, "Mouthparts to self." the woman adds in gruff warning, eyes glinting into the air. Then she gives a polite smile to Lee.

Archene smiles at the friendly winged person, giving her a wave back. He is rather surprised as the certainly not-fake wings are flexed, or maybe he just really liked watching the crystals. While he had his thoughts about speaking with her, he noticed her skiping towards Lee and the other one.

Without skipping a beat, he began walking forward towards the three. Although the mood was quite alright... until someone reacted to the vampire bit of the nicely winged vampire. He stands where he is, a few steps behind them... because it tends to not be wise to get closer in situations like that.

Maybe back in the day when Flandre spent an eternity locked in a basement she wouldn't recognize a shotgun for what it is and stare dumbly at it. After running around Twisted and Neo-Tokyo for so long though, Flandre is quite accustomed by now to get shotguns pulled on her by people that know what she is. As such her reaction is immediate.

Flandre's hand shoots up to the shotgun and, unless its made out of wholly unbreakable material, begins bending the barrel of the gun upwards with her monstrous vampire strength. "Ooh! Do you want to play with me!?" She asks with an excited look up to Talia, Lee and everyone around all but forgotten as her ADHD kicks in. "I haven't played in so long!"

Lee doesn't get a chance to remark on the wings, but yelps and hops up and backward in alarm as Talia pulls out the gun. Polite smile notwithstanding, they glance quickly between Flandre and Talia, stepping to the side of both. Archene, too, gets a worried look as Lee catches sight of him. "Woah, what's with threatening k...?" Lee starts to protest to Talia, then stops abruptly as Flandre grabs for the gun.

Talia responds to having her gun bent by matching that action, curling it further over against Flandre's grip. "Friend always told me not to make trouble in a bar. Let's have some fun outside, hm?" she asks with a polite smile displayed to Flandre. "Tyrone isn't around to stop the fun early."

Talia then adds, in reply to Lee's questioning, "Best way to make friends is at gunpoint. Or over a mountain of cocaine, but gunpoint is much more fun."

A nicely winged vampire bending a shotgun... A rather Unusual Place indeed. Archene looks at the two 'fighting' before smiling at Lee, with a rather calm smile. As they mention going outside to have some fun, he briefly asks to either or maybe both of the two that aren't really fighting yet, "Mind if I watch? This is on the list of things I don't see everyday." He chuckles quietly.

The by now obvious vampire doesn't try to contest the grip from Talia. She wasn't expecting a human to be able to bend back her own shotgun after all and is pleasantly surprised to see that this one might have some potential after all. "Yay! A tough one!" Flandre claps excitedly, her wings fluttering about as she begins levitating. She looks far too excited about fighting potentially to the death, almost like how a child would react over having a new toy or puppy. As she floats, Flandre nods to both Talia and Arachne, agreeing that they should move outside. "Okay! The lady that sings and gives candy did tell me not to break things anymore. And sure! Come one come all!" Flandre giggles maniacally and flies out of the Unusual looking very giddy about the prospect of violent entertainment.

Lee blinks at the metal-bending, taking a few steps back behind Talia after concluding that the 'kid' is not in need of help. They raise a brow at Archene's smile. "Uh... any chance you could warn folks on the street?" Lee asks him. "Not exactly a rural area, yeah? Or... there's a protected arena right down the road...?" Lee ventures hesitantly, looking to Talia. Then they notice Flandre levitating and step a little farther back.

Talia spends a moment to uncurl her weapon and stow it back into her right pantleg. She pulls that bottle out from her pack and gives a small bow to Lee, "Worst comes to worst, my clone'll pick up on the cocoon and run out here not after too long." she comments with a wink. Then she heads outside herself, uncorking the bottle of firewater and guzzling the remaining quarter down without a missed note. The next step is shrugging off her jacket, bundling it, and stuffing it into her pack, sleeves rolled up, bottle crushed in her left hand and choice shards run over her forearms to get a little red flowing, in time for her to stop in the side of the street. "Gonna keep me waiting or what?"

Archene doesn't seem to understand the reason for Lee's brow being raised, only tilting his head slightly. Their resoning for there being an arena was certainly sound enough though. He quietly ponders to himself, 'So they do have cloning around here... or maybe it came with her.' He hmms as he follows them out glancing back at Lee on his way out.

"Heee!HAHAHAH!!" Flandre all but cackles when she flies outside, twirling gracefully in mi-air and then flying a bits away from Talia to give her some room to maneuver. Flandre might be insane and psychotic but she's not one to wholly ignore the rules of danmaku. Additionally, its quite clear that she's focusing exclusively on Talia now and its not too keen on heeding Lee's calls to go further out away from the city. She wants to play and she wants to play now!!

"I wouldn't dream of it!!" The vampire begins floating upwards now that she's fully facing Talia and looking down at the woman with the firearms. "I never let my playing partners wait for long!" Suddenly, Flandre's wings get slightly bigger and brighter, burning with unholy power. A crooked long wand appears next in the vampire's hand and she ignites the power of the Laevateinn, red flames crackling across the wand that looks like a crooked clock finger.

"Okay! I'm ready!" Grins Flandre baring her sharp vampire fangs, crimson eyes burning with excitement.

"Let's play!"

Talia's response when Flandre summons the wand is to close the distance. Immediately. Not waiting for that 'I'm ready' to leap herself up for a lunging fist for the lolipyre's gut, crimson dripping from her forearms and draining quite nicely from fresh gashes, ready to get this ON.

Fortunately, putting distance away from the opponent works both ways. Flandre sees Talia rushing towards her just as she says that she's ready and thanks to the fact that she's flying and away it gives said lolipyre some room to react. "GRAAH!" Flandre's response to the haymaker flying to her gut is to knee the incoming fist, smashing her knee into Talia's knuckles to cushion the impact of the blow. "Aah! Up close and personal! Just how I like it!" The vampire then raises her crooked wand showing that its not a wand at all-- but a sword! The laevateinn shape shifts into a burning blade and Flandre uses the pommel of said claymore to try and bash the pommel of her sword on the top of Talia's skull.

Talia's fist is hard, taking that elbow with stride! And repositioning. Hitting solid object, the woman twists herself to bring in her right arm in a hook to swat at the lolipyre from the side and respond to her block, pressing in closer and swinging up her right leg as well for a lunarsault from below, not being still.

As if summoned by the sound of battle, the tall redheaded figure of Sonya is seen walking down the street. She looks on to the fight that rages across the street and crosses her muscled arms across her chest. The barbarian content on watching for now.

Flandre is not exactly a boxer perse but her affinity for what she calls 'melee danmaku' has attuned her well for the gory glory that is hand to hand combat. She retracts her leg back after minimizing the blow of Talia's punch, quickly bringing her right arm up to stop the hook punch aimed at her side via taking it on the shoulder with a shrug block. This however does leave her exposed to that backwards sumersault kick that nails her on the chin. Flandre rears back from the blow and seems about to fall over only to surge forward again with a mad grin on her face.

She uses that very same momentum to bring her laevateinn sword on an overheard arch and try to smash her fiery blade on Talia's collarbone.

Talia, of course, isn't quite airborne after her kick lands. Equal force has her smacking and tumbling on the ground, but rather than close in again she's got two options. Either avoid, parry the sword, or reposition. She's not even straightened before the choice is made, legs extending and she whistles into the air to perch atop the roof of the Unusual Restauraunt, staring down at Flan, still bleeding quite notably and adjusting her poise. Legs tucked beneath, preparing for another lunge?


Flandre's flame sword hits the ground and it splits the street in two. A fissure of fire extending across the road as buildings are pushed apart from each other by the force of the impact.

This time though, its Flandre who doesn't wait for a reaction from her opponent. No sooner has she noticed that Talia is up at the Unuusal's rooftop that the vampire lord clenches her fist to use a spell card.

"Cranberry Trap!"

Flandre calls out causing bubbles of pure burning energy to be conjured around Talia. These energy spheres then explode into beam of brilliant multiple colors aiming to scorch Talia from all sides.

Ow! Fire, heat, enough to punch an exceedingly cold breath out of Talia to soak the heat from her, but not before putting out smoulders of her suit. She tugs a pair of gloves from her jacket, hastily slipping them on, heavy metal things while she decides to just freefall off the roof, time to keep moving. She hits the ground and tumbles, head up, one more lunge. "If you wanted to just keep it face to face, could have said so. I don't have problem keepin' my hands on a shortstack." she calls in reply, the single extension of her leg has her zipping right for the cleaved street and Flan.

"Up close or far away. Its fun either way! o/~" Seems that Flandre belongs to the worst kind of vampire out there. The rhyming kind!

The little girl of a vampire lord cackles and takes to the skies again, colorful wings that somehow word flapping loudly to gain altitude. If Flandre is irritated at all by Talia's comments of her height she certainly is not showing it. All the vampire girl does in response to the woman's taunts is to lunge back at her in retaliation. Her massive fiery sword is pointed forward and she thrusts with her Laevateinn, aiming to simply let Talia impale herself in her stomach with the vampire's blade if she doesn't change her trajectory.

Talia's trajectory does shift, moving to orbit around Flan, out of immediate reach of fire sword. "What, think I'd just jump into your arms?" a smirk, "Haven't even had a first date yet." she chimes musically. Rhymes aren't irritating, not when you have to deal with the kind of business her home is full of.

"Haha~" Flandre giggles when Talia moves aside from her blade whilst taunting her. "Sorry, I already have a girlfriend." The vampire lord sticks her tongue out for her rebuttal and retracts her blade, returning to a neutral position. "I wouldn't mind making you my pet though! I can give you to my girl as a present!" Cackling still as she calls out the dark needs she might back in store for Talia, the vampire cranks her giant sword back and gives a hard horizontal swing in an attempt to slam the burning blade onto Talia's side. The buildings directly behind Talia get cut in twain as the Laevateinn slices through stone and steel like a hot knife through butter.

Talia smirks. "I'll take that offer into consideration, in the mean, why don't you consider offering yourself and your girlfriend to be my employees. Not that it'd be much different than being pets, atleast you can say thia piece of work is your boss." che coos. The flaming blade receives the limbo treatment, a small drop and contortion of Talia's body, arcing that movement to make a grab for the vamploli's leg, with a surprise in store if she manages to get contact, let alone a hold. "Not sure my wife would let me ever live down being someone else's pet to be honest."

"I'm no one's pet!!" That seem to have struck a cord within Flandre as her previously sweet disposition sours considerably. Her already red eyes begin to glow and she actually steps into the attack after swinging and missing with her blade. "Not yours, not to my sister's, not anyone's!!" Some suppressed memories of no doubt being enslaved by her sister begin to surface and she's clearly about to take it out on Talia. Flandre's leg is grabbed well enough, though she is quick to retaliate by thrusting forward and smashing the pommel of her sword onto Talia's teeth, European knight style.

Furthermore, the pieces of the buildings that Flandre chopped in half are crumbling over and about to fall on Talia's head for a pincer maneuver. Whether Flandre was actually planning that or its sheer dumb coincide is up for debate though.

Talia's hand gives one hell of a jolt on contact, the gloves packing more juice than Zeus could have chucked if he could have chucked juice! Or, uh, ionic plasma. Talia meets the pommel with her teeth, maintaining the hold on Flan so she can start spinning in the air and whorling the lolipyre around. "Good, because I have no room for an unwilling toy!" and going to bring the electrified 'pyre down to the ground. Buildings falling, a quick response is to toss a few pears to hit the debris and explode in a violent mass of fireworks to scatter while she ascends higher.

Archene quietly watches from the sidelines... which have moved from the door of the Unusual to somewhere... far away enough to have some chances of not being randomly hit by debris. Luckly, none do in fact hit him. Even as he moves away, he still seems very interested in the fight, only paying as much attention on passerbies to be able to avoid them. Specially the people who'd be running away from all the explosions and madness.

"GRAAAAAHH!!" Flandre is highly immune to pain and damage but a jolt of that massive voltage is still going to hurt like a bitch. Additionally, Flandre is quite light due to her small frame and easy to pick up which means she starts spinning around and screaming in pain whilst she's being electrocuted.

No big deal for a vampire lord like her though. Just as soon as Talia is about to slam Flandre head first into the concrete, the vampire explodes into crimson dust like calcified blood.

This cloud of dust ascends quickly and materializes back into an annoyed looking Flandre. The vampire retaliates by engaging Talia just as she's tossing those nades at the debris to scatter it. The crystal winged child of night getting in real close to swing her knee at Talia's stomach, aiming to dig it into the woman's kidney.

Flandre is probably going to meet some problems with this. Talia's built sturdily, and she meant what she said about getting her hands on a shortstack. Or maybe she's trying to avoid being slammed back into the ground by grabbing at lolipyre, with more electric consequence to come should Flan remain there long enough after impact to get grabbed. Whether grabbing and being witheld, bringing Flan with her to the ground, or whiffing and hitting the ground, she'll comment. "If you stop having fun with this, feel free to let me know. I don't mind pausing for you to get your head in the right place." still bleeding from her forearms, giving a little cough as she sits up to get back onto her feet.

Talia isn't the only one who's got a very sturdy build. Flandre behaves herself as more like kind of European blood knight rather than a little girl and makes no attempt to reset the distance once she's inside her opponent's circle of defense. She's like a rabid hold that just stays biting on the jugular once she's gotten a good hold.

"Oh I'm having plenty of fun~" Answers the vampire sweetly and dismisses her giant flame sword so she has both hands free. As Talia goes for the electrified grab, Flandre raises both arms up and smashes her rock solid forearms against Talia's extended arms simultaneously, using a double side block to stop the clinch. Perhaps further proof that she's not at all the air headed loli she appears to be.

"Are you??" Flandre doesn't let Talia go to the ground. The vampire goes for a grab of her own as Talia is going down and extends her hands towards the back of her opponent's head for the kickboxing clinch. If successful, Flandre pulls on Talia's head and SMASHES her forehead on the woman's chin, aiming to rattle Talia's brain inside her skull something fierce.

Talia's no stranger to being held. Or to concussions, but there's a thing about being numbed between booze and adrenaline. "Most of the fights at home generally had someone ripping someone else's pants off by now." she comments with a wicked smirk. Responding by slamming her chin down to impact the little grappler right back, though it isn't just watching out for Talia to grab her.. Flan will soon find that with a little wiggling, Talia's gloves send an arc of ionized gasses between them to fire a stream of lightning into the vampyre having space between them.. and herself being fed into just feeds the charge back into her gloves for more and more.. "Your girl fight so thrillingly too? Could have a right brawl with three."

When its Forehead versus Chin though, Forehead always wins. Flandre smashes her head against Talia's face nice and hard, although she seems somewhat surprised when she didn't break her opponent's jaw as she expected. Not even a few broken teeth! Quite impressive!

Being wise to those electrified gloves by now though, the little vampire girl takes those gasses as her cue to back off! She may be a rabid dog but she's not stupid. Her wings flap and she skids backwards on the ground giving her enough room to summon her Laevateinn wand again. She sticks the wand forward and uses it to absorb the lighting shot at her to neutralize the damage, flicking the rod away letting the electricity dissipate in the air.

"Hmm.. you're a lot tougher than I thought." A moment of clarity perhaps in Flandre's otherwise fractured mind is seen. "A human would have broken already. What exactly are you?"

Then she's arching her eyebrow and giving Talia a strange look. "No, Sae isn't a fighter. I'm the one that protects her." The vampire explains about her girlfriend as she catches on to what Talia says about her own fights.

"Are you really hitting on me or is this some kind of trick?"

Talia breaks off and floats back a bit, removing her gloves and stowing them again. "I'm glad you appreciate my form, hate to disappoint but I'm human. Maybe a bit of mutation here and there." she admits. Oh, a name. "So you've got someone special to protect too, admirable." giving a smirk. "You wouldn't be the first fangs I've crossed fists with, and I've definately been hitting on you. Not just with my fists as I mentioned before, though I can't be sure whether that was the original question or not. Still worked up." she explains.

The vampire countess purses her lips thoughtfully, which has the side-effect of making her look even more childish than what she already looks like. So this woman is a human after all? Albeit one with mutations or some such, but a human nevertheless. Seems that there's always one or two that push past their station to rival even vampires like Flandre.

That she calls wanting to protect Sae admirable though earns her some browny points. Thus far, Flandre has been nothing short of ridiculed for wanting to keep a human as a pet. From both other vampires and humans, so its nice to hear that Talia finds it honorable.

Talia admitting that she's truly hitting on Flandre though makes the vampire raise both eyebrows in amusing surprise. "Hm, interesting." Flandre's red eyes scan Talia from head to toe, as if considering. "How about you consider my suggestion and I'll consider yours.. human." The girl narrows her eyes before she snaps her fingers to make a phone appear so she can look at the time.

"Speaking of, I think my lover just finished her classes so I gotta go see her." The phone disappears and she giggles, returning to her usual winsome demeanor. "We're making cookies together~" Aww, it looks like she really does love Sae.

Her wings flap and she begins to gain altitude looking down Talia and the people that were watching below.

"I'm Flandre Scarlet by the way, I don't think I got your name."

Talia observes Flan's numerous responses and listens. "Won't stop the consideration unless you call it off." she says in answer. "As for a name Talia, Hagane." giving a wink as she descends to the ground and pulls a sterile white box from her pack. The lid's popped open and she fishes through, pulling out a spool of clean wire, sitting down infront of the Unusual and working to stitch up those glass cuts she'd given herself earlier with a rumbling sigh. "Bested again by education."

Flandre smiles. "I'll remember that name." Giggles the vampire before giving a finger wave. "Toodles!" And she's off into the night sky flying into the city.

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