2016-08-29 - Red Battle

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Red Battle

Summary: Two fiery redheads, Sonya and Myst, do battle in the UR gym.

Who: Sonya, Myst
When: August 29, 2016
Where: UR Gym


The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
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Sonya follows Myst into the gym and moves towards the other side of the room almost as soon as they enter. She seems quiet, almost deathly so, although she's certainly not as boastful as her valkyre counter part it seems rather odd that the barbarian will say absolutely nothing. Perhaps its the fact that she hadn't had a real fight in a long time and she's far too concentrated on the task at hand. Nevertheless, she stands on the far end of the gym and looks towards the red headed Myst. Her hands resting on the pommels of her two giant swords strapped to her belt.

As Myst had strode into the gym she carefully took in the premises. Asuring herself that a full range of motion could be achieved for her and her...assets. She was not unduly prideful, but she was the daughter of Odin. Some called him Odin Storm-bringer, some Gallows Sweeper,and Bring of Woe, but most simply called him All Father. She had spent all her long life as one of his ravens, his reever of the battlefields. She had gone to war and slain frost giants in battles of the nine realms. She was a Valkyrie and she was every once a warrior and she loved what she did. She could feel Sonya behind her and she turned with an almost angelic smile "name your terms warrior..."

Though Sonya's gaze is obscured partially by the horned helmet that protects her fiery locks, Myst will still be able to tell that she's staring right at her with nary an unblinking eye. It seems there is nothing in the gym for Sonya other than her and the Valkyrie before her. Indeed, where Myst was so shamelessly proud of her heritage, Sonya was simply quiet, boasting no titles other than wanderer or perhaps even so bold as to call herself barbarian. Titles that one could argue where more like marks of shame than something to be proud about. And yet this human had the gall to stare at the heavily creature that is Myst with unflinching, fearless eyes.

"Fight until you can no more." Sonya truly is fearless as she essentially taunts Myst to go all out. She clearly doesn't intend to use fake weapons here as she crosses her hands in front of her and draws both great swords from her scabbards at the same time. The blades sing with a low hum, a most unnatural at that, clearly enchanted in some way to enhance the strength of the steel.

At Sonya's words the Valkyrie nods and places her winged helm upon her head. "until there is no fight left then" she softly intones, her voice sounding just as calm though holding a note of pleasure to it. Myst hefts her great ax one hand high and one low on the weapons handle. Her dark cloak shivers and seems to oddly compress against her. She has not yet shown her wings as more then a cloak to those at the restaurant. It would perhaps depend on weather Sonya knows a great deal about Valkyrie. With a lithe grace Myst starts to circle Sonya, shifting and readying for whatever the warrior woman had planned.

Sonya does indeed know a lot of Valkyries, though just how much she hasn't said. The benefit of not being the verbose sort, opponents don't know much about your abilities. So what if people think that she may be dull or peg her as the stereotypical meat headed barbarian, when you are a warrior its better to play your cards close to your chest.

The barbarian is no stranger to the encirclement ploy and breaks into a jog towards Myst, closing the distance quickly though without looking like she's in a hurry to get there. Get there she does though, being about a head taller than Myst, her long legs carry her quickly towards her opponent which she engages immediately. A look of pure calmness is upon Sonya's face even as she hops slightly towards the Valkyrie and brings a massive two handed sword up and unleashes an overhead swing upon Myst. Her aim is to crash the impossibly looking heavy blade upon the Valkyrie's winged head. Her other sword remains at her side in the meantime, though its clear Sonya is capable of using it at any moment.

As Sonya jogs toward her the Valkyrie breaths and smiles. Vibrant blue eyes dance and she meets that over hand swing with a lift of her ax, the shining, carved handle coming up to meet the blade then the Valkyrie twists to the side angling that great sword of the barbarians to the side, even as she pivots and one wing snaps outward on Sonya's exposed side aiming for her ribs. The thickest part of that wings leading edge would be like being hit with a bat.

Overhead swing meets overhead block. Pretty standard procedure for the start of a battle. What may not be so standard is the twist of the ax and the whirl of Myst's body. A motion that is rather strangely mimicked by Sonya. A veteran of billions of battles, Sonya approaches battle almost like a dance despite her bulky, muscled body. She spins on her heel when Myst twirls around to disengage from the sword slam, almost as if mirroring the Valkyrie. As she spins, she seems to have expecting the attack from those angelic looking black wings and puts her other giant sword in the way, angled down so as to put the flat of the blade in between her and the wing. There's a resounding CLANG noise as steel meets wing just before Sonya completes her circle. The barbarian doesn't merely come to a complete stop when she completes her turn however. Sonya uses the full centrifugal force of the spin to now bring both giant swords up and deliver a double over head strike upon Myst's side. This time, the blades begin to glow an intense red color when Sonya brings them down and as if they were hammers of the gods, the blades aim to crash upon the Valkyrie like meteors. Even without hitting anything yet, its evidently clear that a strike like that could split a mountain in half. A strike that no mortal could or should ever hope to attain. And that is when Sonya's true nature perhaps begins to be revealed.

She's not human.

As Sonya spins with her, matching her, Myst lets out a joyous laugh. She was born to battle and it is what makes her blood sing. That sound of her wing edge hitting metal almost sounds like a musical note and it pleases the Valkyrie that this will be a spar worth having. As she comes round to face the barbarian , she catches sight of hose twin glowing blades dropping toward her. She spins her ax up and hooks into those blades, using the great heft of the ax head to carry the whole mass of ax head and blades, up and over. As all of that metal turns she follows enough to shoulder into the barbarian.

With her blades hooked by the great ax, the swords have nowhere to go but straight down. The tips of the swords strike the gym's floor like thunder and a great tremor makes the building shake as a fissure blasts out from the point of impact. Fire erupts form the ground and the gym seems to split in half leaving a great chasm where there was once solid ground. Of course, it doesn't matter how hard Sonya can swing if she can't hit her target. When her blades are forced up the barbarian returns the Valkyrie's shoulder bash with one of her own, Sonya's great metal shoulder pads crashing against Myst's own strike to cushion the blow.

The Berserker ends up being pushed back though, not looking worse for wear, and she cracks her neck to ready herself for real battle now that she's all limbered up.

The thundering and violent rending of the gym floor brings another hearty laugh from Myst. "and here I was worried I would break something. Hail to you Sonya." She rocks back from the shoulder slam contact and a smile of unmitigated joy and pleasure glows on the valkyrie's face. She shrugs her shoulders back and those wings lift and spread ever so slightly. The Valkyrie fens a forward lung with her ax then suddenly she turns the ax being pulled into her body and her wings whipping out . The twirl aiming the bladed tips of those outer most feathers on her wings tips toward the backs of Sonya's knees, in the tender place between armor straps.

"Hail." Sonya's response is gruff with seemingly no joy in it. In fact, for a so called Berserker she seems to be completely devoid of emotion. No laughter on her lips or eyes, no rage either on those piercing blue eyes partially obscured by that horned helmet. There's only a plain stare and calmness. A deep concentration that speaks of a warrior that's lived through far too many battles. Sonya looks decidedly inhuman, no mortal could maintain that level of tranquility whilst in such a fierce battle, not to mention delivering such colossally powerful blows.

The unnerving tranquility of the Barbarian serves her well. She slowly advances towards Myst and raises her sword to parry the incoming lunge. She doesn't eat the feint however, realizing its a fake attack quickly enough and shifts to a defensive position that'll parry the incoming wings. Sonya spreads her arms to the sides, blades pointed downwards, and again the flat of the blades stop the sharp wings with a double resounding CLANG noise that makes the steel of her swords sing.

Its not just a defensive position though. Sonya uses that movement to gain momentum and twirls her blades with a spin of her wrist, bringing them over her head again to slam the ground in front of her in a similar manner that she did before. Her swords glow an angry red color and that thundering blow crashes into the ground right in front of Myst. Fire erupts from the ground as a second fissure cracks the earth beneath the Valkyre, threatening to swallow her with the kinetic impact of Sonya's seismic slam. Taking such a strike head on would be like eating an entire ton of TNT to the face.

Myst was born to battle, the Asgard gods were bold beings that reveled in war and ferocity. Myst was an odd mix of fierce and jovial, taking pleasure in the physicality of the fight. As her wing blades were blocked the Valkyrie brought herself around to face the barbarian again. Her black wings mantled around her like some great bird of prey. When the sword strike comes and the earth opens she leaps and turns, those great wings down beat, and the force of the blast is spread across those dark feathers. There is a slightly acrid smell as if some of those feathers got a little singed. The force of course sent the air born warrior back several paces but she back wings before she can hit the wall. In fact her feet find the wall and she twists herself and pushes off coming back toward Sonya face first, ax held before her , moving like an arrow toward the barbarian.

Though wingless Sonya is not entirely bound to the ground. As the impact of her seismic slam sends Myst flying backwards to the opposite wall of the gym, only for her to redirect her trajectory and lunge back at the barbarian, Sonya actually begins jogging towards the Valkyrie again. She doesn't stay on the ground for long though, her left sword arm is raised and one of her snake like tattoos on her forearm seems to take life taking the shape of a long chained spear. The spear shoots upwards in a diagonal trajectory and seemingly imbeds itself on the air itself, a few meters away from Myst. Once firmly set in place via levitation, the chain pulls Sonya upwards and directly towards the air borne Myst. The Berserker clearly intending to meet the flying woman in mid-air. Sonya's left leg extends attempting to slam her foot on Myst's ax handle whilst she swings her giant sword down simultaneously, aiming to crash her monstrous blade atop Myst's helmeted skull.

As Sonya rises up to meet her the valkyrie ducks her head and when that food lifts she turns her ax to streemline herself. Sonya has presented a fine target for the arrow like valkyrie to aim for, center of mass like a giant battering ram.

Giant targets also tend to hit really hard. As before, Sonya shows that she has no real problem controlling her giant swords and recovers from her missed strike by spinning her blade with a flick of her wrist, resetting it to a ready position. With her magical chained spear retracting as well, that means that Sonya suddenly has both arms free and at the ready to meet the incoming Myst who seems to be aiming for her torso. With another spinning movement of her blades, her swords glow red as they circle beside her once to gain momentum and are swung towards the Valkyrie's shoulders said blades aiming to slam the winged woman out of the sky. All while in mid-air too.

As much as power and force are wonderful things, nature has its own will and the forward momentum of the Valkyrie are nothing easy to pull back from. She is a missile and she is locked on. The swords rush and the power comes but soon bodies collide in a loud thundering crash that would make Thor proud.

Huh. She took the blows head on. Quite frankly, this is probably the first time someone has willingly stepped into Sonya's seismic slam and not be reduced into bits of chunky salsa. Taken back by the bold power of the Valkyrie, Sonya freezes up as she's pushed backwards in mid-air, momentarily stunned by the deafening blast of the collision. The stun lasts for a whole half a second however, as Sonya, ever the peerless warrior, adjusts to the circumstances. Knowing that gravity is going to take hold of her at any moment, the barbarian woman straps her muscled legs around Myst's waist, latching herself to the winged woman so she can stay afloat too. If Sonya's sheer weight doesn't force Myst to land, then Sonya raising her swords up and crashing both pommels of her swords on the Valkyrie's helmet might do the intended trick of taking this fight back to the ground.

The crash rattles the walls and no doubt the folks beyond the gym will wonder what is going on inside NOW. Myst can feel the other womans legs go round her and she actually laughs , crazy that such joy should come from such conflict and battle. She knows that gravity will prevail simply because even strong as she is the gym is not the wide open sky with limitless space to work in. Myst folds her wings tight and lets nature take its course and the two fall hard toward the ground. The clang to her helm brings a grunt from the Valkyrie and she grumbles "you mark it, you polish it" OK that was unexpected. Yes that kind of hit does make the Valkyries ears ring a bit but it far from incapacitates her. Since the barbarian clings like a tick, Myst simply lets the added weight carry them down, her own limbs intentionally shifting to hold Sonya to her and those wings keeping them from turning on the air, Sonya gets to be the bottom cushion when they finally hit the ground.

The comment earns a frown from Sonya who doesn't seem to entirely get what the Valkyre is talking about. Not exactly very witty this one, though no one ever claimed that Barbarians were known for their quick wit and silvery tongue. Focused solely on battle, Sonya braces herself when she senses Myst going down and the Valkyrie wrapping her wings around her so Sonya can't control the position in which they are falling. So be it, Sonya has survived worst falls and she slams her forearms into the ground to minimize the damage of impact, a giant crater extending across the gym's floor as it seems it was more damaged by Sonya falling on it than the other way around. Annoyed more actually being hurt by crash, the relentless Berserker is actually starting to show signs of being angry, having kept a cool and composed attitude until now. Sonya shifts her body so she can user her arms again and swings those sword pommels at Myst's head again, aiming to hammer both of the Valkyrie's temples at the same time so she can get off Sonya.

Did someone forget the wide ax handle that was currently between the two women's bodies? As they come in for a damn hard landing and frankly lessor warriors would have been maimed by now, the Valkyrie arches and jerks that ax hand side ways, bringing it across Sonya's chest so that as she brings those arms up the Valkyrie lifts her upper body, wings spreading wide to offer her upward momentum and that handle is shoved up Sonya's torso till it hits under her upper arms pushing them up and making the pommel hits just glancing blows.

If its a contest of strength that Myst wants Sonya is all too willing to comply. When the Barbarian feels that axe handle shoved against her chest plate, preventing her from slamming her sword pommels on the Valkyrie's head, she decides to forsake her weapons and take this battle as real warriors do. Her giant swords cast aside, Sonya grabs hold of that axe handle with a firm grip of both hands and starts bench pressing it. Bulging barbarian biceps and triceps tense up as Sonya begins to push upwards and throw Myst off her.

A laugh erupts from the Valkyrie as Sonya casts her blades aside. " Yes! Come Sister!" She urges the barbarian. Funny that one warrior would encourage another but, for the Valkyrie this is what life was for, drink hard, play hard, fight hard, love hard...it is the nature of her kind and she revels in simply doing all of these things and urging others to do like wise. Gleeful is the Valkyrie as Sonya shoves back against the ax and Mysts great wings offer her both stability and power. As she is pushed up , the Valkyrie jerks back, using Sonya's own force to lift the woman off the ground , Myst going to her knees , those wings beat forward to catch Sonya between the great ached bones covered in muscles and feathers.

That works too actually. Sonya doesn't resist being pulled back up by the Valkyrie, she wants to reset her stance at this point after all. When the Barbarian finds her footing again, she immediately lets go of Myst's axe having serves its purpose as her leverage point. This frees her up just in time that she can bring both arms up and shield herself from the slashes of those wings via putting her gauntleted arms in the way. The little armor that Sonya wears does its job and she shrugs off most of the damage by curling up into a boxer stance. She dashes back once blocking the first strike and stomps her foot on the ground causing the earth to shake. This is not an attack mind you, Sonya makes the ground tremble so that her giant blades jump up and fly back to her where she neatly catches them, arming herself once again.

As Sonya deflects the blows of her wings and makes that stomp to rattle the ground the Valkyrie rocks back, lifting from knees to feet. She draws her wings back and up till they frame her. Blue eyes glow brightly and she smiles at the barbarian. "Well done Sister. You will take your place with ease at the All Fathers feasting tables in your time." Myst squares her shoulders and lifts her head. Every ounce the demi-goddess and noble warrior. She places her ax on her hip and salutes Sonya, fist to chest clanging her gauntlet on her breast plate. "We have done this place enough damage I think, and I thank you for your aid in getting my mood out of ..how do they say it...the dumps? Come..let us go share a mead and see what this realm has to offer."

Although Sonya is not entirely sure she'll be welcomed to Heaven in the event of her demise, considering how she trashed the place last time she was there and all, she does accept Myst's offer to pause. "Hmr." The Barbarian nods and sheathes her sword neatly, returning the salute with a hand to her breast plate. "Well fought, Sister." Ah, kindred spirits perhaps? Either way, she is ready for a tall mug of ale, and so she leaves back to the bar with Myst leaving the repair crew take care of the mess the two women did with the gym.

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