2016-09-02 - Date Night

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Date Night

Summary: Sae and Flandre have their first night out together in NT. (EXTREME CUTE WARNING!)

Who: Sae, Flandre, Miyuki
When: September 02, 2016
Where: D's Flower Shop and Cage


The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

D's Flower Shop and Cafe Ahh! Sweet aromas of freshly cut flowers and baked goods cloud fill the room as you enter. The layout seems to be divided into obvious sections, with the cafe to the right and the flower shop to the left. Brightly colors lilac and sage-green colored tiles form a checkerboard tile design under your feet. The walls are painted a complimentary sage green, with a purple, yellow and pink ivy border around the ceiling. At the flower counter, you can view many pre-made assortments with their pricing, along with taking a free smell-test. A spinning rack of cards and other sentimental stationary is located in the far left corner, along with a few shelves of small stuffed animals and other trinkets. Behind both counters are doors labeled ?Employees Only? ? perhaps housing workstations and other necessary elements needed to keep both counters running as well as the rest of the building. To your right stands a bar-like serving counter which encompasses the entire right wall. Scattered about are 10 sets of small tables with three chairs surrounding each. Upon each table sits a vase with fresh flower and normal condiments... sugar, salt, butter, and napkins. A menu is displayed above the Cafe counter, but for the more visual customer, many of the pastries and baked goods are displayed in the glass counter. With how large and open the layout is, nothing seems to be clashing or too cluttered.

Wanting make sure things were extra perfect, Sae decided to sneak out ahead of Flandre for their little date, slipping into the cafe and flower shop combination with a giggle! Dressed in a white, sleeveless summer dress with lace trimmings all about, a lace collar around her thigh and a pair of white, low-heeled pump slips, along with a comfy light-yellow shawl to keep her warm, the girl ran over to the counter as fast as she could in those click-clacking shoes. "Miss Miss! Do you have it ready?!". The girl behind it pulled out a flower-hair wreath in a rainbow of colors, perfectly matching up with the crystals hanging from Flandre's wings. A squeeeeee sounded out that was so loud birds fluttered from the trees, echoing around NeoTokyo in a way that was bound to catch the vampire's attention! "Oh gosh oh gosh! SO CUTE! Flandre's going to LOVE IT!". Careful as can be, Sae bowed forward to present her head to the girl, who then put on the flower wreath gently. With that, the teenage girl went dashing towards a seat, waiting for her love to arrive, feet swinging back and forth out of sync beneath the chair. She'd sat down at a wrouth-iron, circle table with wicker chairs, each covered in fluffy-soft cushions.

Flandre has had an interesting couple of days lately. She an eventful encounter with Talia and finally got to stretch her fighting muscles in what felt like an eternity. However, it also meant that she missed her chance to buy Sae anything nice due to her distraction and that put the little vampire in a sour mood. Fortunately though, she can always count on her lovely girlfriend to turn that frown upside down. Despite having nothing to give to Sae, Flandre thought the idea of having a night out was amazing. Finally, they could explore this weird place on their own and not have to worry about school or problematic foes.

For this night, Flandre had worn a white long sleeved sweater that left her shoulders bare with short shorts and pink stockings that complimented her lover. On her head was a more contemporary version of her usual mob cap.

Somehow though, Sae managed to get ahead of her causing the vampire girl to blink in confusion. "Hey! What's the rush??" The girl skipped towards the cafe/flower shop and opened the door looking for her wayward girlfriend. Finding her seating with a lovely crown of flowers on her head that matched the vampire's wings, the little Flandre giggled and fluttered her wings. "Hehehe~ I see! That looks so good on you, dear!" Heh, looks like Flandre was starting to call Sae with pet names now.

As much as Sae loved (literally) anything Flandre bought her, gifts were the last thing on her mind when Flan came back all bruised and battered! After a few nights of shnuggles and caring for her wounded Flandre, she'd set up this wonderful little date, the first real outing they'd have in this new land! Rushing out of her chair to embrace her girlfriend in a tight hug as she arrived, Sae giggled with joy, twirling and swaying slowly with Flandre like two lovers dancing, all happy from the compliment! Except..she froze! Putting both hands to cover her mouth and nose, little bits of blushing skin peeked out, eyes wide and slowly blinking at the little vampire. "D-dear..? That's like..what..two.." mumbling something since it makes her heart thump-thump to even think about it "..call each other.". Oh Flan! She knows just what the schoolgirl loves.

Once she's recovered from that bit of doki-dokiness, Sae's back to her normal self! "Flan Flan! Can you move that big fancy loveseat over here? It's a date! So we should totally share the same chair. Super super cute!", pointing to a wicker loveseat that could comfortably fit the two of them side by side in its cushiony self. Once it's over, Sae sits down and pats beside herself. "So! How're you feeling love? Know that fight with Talia took the wind out of you a bit..", slipping a hand behind the blonde to rub her back through the sweater, murmuring a "So cute.." under her breath as she really looks the outfit up and down. "But but! We've got a three day weekend! Three days! So can go super crazy having fun and doing stuff and all that! Cause have an extra day to rest and recover!", giggling mischievously at that before waving to get the waitress's attention! Miyuki would be that girl behind the counter...? A little old to be called a girl, but just don't say it out loud. Smiling widely as her work is well received, she nods softly to Sae, "Let me know if there is anything else that you'd like," before she watches her run off to take a seat. Her smile softens as she leans a little on the counter, tilting her head to watch as Flandre makes her entrance, then after watching their greetings, perks up at Sae's waving her over. She steps around to the counter, heading to their table. "Good evening. What can I get for you?" There is a menu card on each table, of course.

Flandre catches her lover in a warm embrace and swings and sway around with her, as if they were indeed dancing to a tune of their own. The vampire giggles at Sae's hesitation when she's called in such a way but she nods and kisses Sae's nose lovely. "Mhm, just like girlfriends call each other. Which is what we are!" They've been dating for months and its only now dawning onto them? Well, Sae and Flandre aren't exactly the most attentive of sorts, so it might make sense that they are until now realizing what they are.

"Sure thing, honey bunny!" The vampire girl agrees with Sae's suggestion of using the same chair and she lifts the love seat with one hand, carrying it clear over her head at that, before placing it on the designated spot. As Sae takes a sit, Flandre jumps right onto the girl's lap, draping her arms around the girl's neck to kiss her on the cheek. She does roll her eyes a little though when Sae tells her that her fight took the wind out of her. "Oh please, don't be silly, I barely broke a sweat." Flandre, ever the stalwart little warrior. "She was nothing in comparison to Marisa. Now that's a dodgy fighter."

Flandre giggles a little mysteriously when Sae comments on their three day weekend and she nods before whispering something to her ear. Of course, Flandre stops with her sweet nothings as the waitress arrives and offers the menu. "Sae! Order anything you'd like my love. This is your day as much as mine."

"Girlfriends girlfriends~!" Sae giggles out in a singsong, oh-so-happy tone. Sure, they'd been more or less presenting themselves as such for these months of dating, but to say it aloud with one another and make it offical? That sends the romance loving Sae's heart pounding away with giddy feelings! Once Miyuki comes over, Sae giggles to her and says "Miss Waitress Miss Waitress! We're girlfriends! Me and Flan are girlfriends! Is offical!", kissingthe little vampire right on the lips with a loud smooch, arms loosely drapped around the small of Flandre's back.

Sae's cheeks do get a bit red at Flandre's little whisper, but the girl's quickly over it as she starts eskimo kissing the blonde's nose. "Anything..? Love..? OH FLAAAAAN~! You'er the best! The best!", more happy about the cute pet name than the order, but still! Both are awesome! Looking to Miyuki, she asks "Could I get a big-big tall iced mocha please? With loooots of whipped cream! Extra!", squeezing Flandre. "And what do you want Flan loves?"

The little vampire all but cackles wildly, legs kicking and head thrown back in what sounds like an awfully amused evil child. Flandre is not at all as young as she appears and sometimes in particular moments of lucidness, she acts her age. This is one of those cases as Sae's infantile nature amuses her to no end and she laughs heartily, elated at the antics of her lover. Naturally, she accepts Sae's kiss and she slides her arms around her lover to pull her tighter into that heated kiss of the moment.

Rubbing her nose with her, Flandre pecks Sae's lips and chin a few more times and nods. "Of course, baby girl~. Aaaanything you want." Flandre is getting a little too into these pet naming thing, perhaps because its the first time she gets to do that with anyone. Despite being hundreds of years old, its as new to Flandre as it is to Sae.

But she does have experience with something though and that is sweets. When Miyuki asks her in turn what would she like, Flandre's expression far too serious and stares with her piercing red eyes back to the waitress. "Chocolate." She states. "A big. Tall. Mug. Of chocolate milkshake!" Flandre does love her chocolate after all, and she hasn't had sweets in sooo long!

Miyuki looks more than a little amused at witnessing such young love, sighing contently to herself as she remembers her own. It truly is so very nice. Waiting patiently, otherwise, she stands by, notepad in hand until the time comes that Sae is the first to order. Noted. Extra extra whipped cream. Directing her glance to Flan then, she doesn't look too taken aback by the vampire's cackle, or by the sudden shift into seriousness. In fact, she doesn't appear to be the least bit intimidated by that piercing gaze. Her own eyes even soften, and with a light nod, she takes the order down, offering a small bow before stepping away behind the cafe counter.

Even if Flandre might be putting on the pet names a little too much for most people, it's pretty clear that there is no 'too much' for those when it comes to Sae! The newest one brings the white dressed schoolgirl into a fit of giggles, playfully twisting to pin her girlfriend to the back of the cushiony loveseat, nibbling on her neck to try and get some giggles. "Rawr! Now I'm the vampire! Kidding~.", pulling back, then adjusting herself to sit sideways on Flandre's lap, her legs straight out in front of her along the long loveseat, a pillow beneath so her knees are comfy too.

Waving to Miyuki as she takes off to the counter to put in their orders, Sae lets out a content sigh and pecks a chaste kiss to Flan's lips. "Life's been extra good lately..scary fighting aside. Made lots of new friends! Went to the mall with Lee a couple of days ago! They're that humanoid lizardy person! Super cute! It's where I bought this!" pulling down on her skirt to indicate the dress "..and got a bunch of cute little handmade charms to dangle from my cellphone! I think I'm gonna commision Lee to make one of you! Maybe your levvy tail's spade, or your wings..or even a stlyized Flan! Not sure yet! They're mega-good at arts and crafts stuff, though.". Hmmm'ing to herself, Sae puts her cheek on Flan's shoulder as she thinks of all the thing's that'd happened. "oh oh! I met a person who talks with telepathy! They talk to me like..in here! No mouth!", poking her temple. "Super cool! I think I'm so cute I scare him, though..he always cowers when I go to hug him!", leaving out the fact that her overly energetic self had managed to scare a freaking inter-dimensional protoss warrior!

"Ehehehe~" Sae is about the only one ever that could get away with nibbling Flandre's neck and not get blasted into oblivious. While normally a no-no zone, Flandre squirms and giggles a bit when Sae starts smooching the nape of her neck. "That tickles!" She says in mid laughter only to snuggle closer to her girl and peck at her lips again.

"Ahuh, Lee is super cool!" She agrees. "I was going to buy stuff from her to you but then I got distracted by that fight with Talia." As fun as it was it really did interrupt Flandre's original plans of going shopping for Sae. "I think Lee got super scared afterward and hid somewhere, couldn't find her." Pout, so frustrating. "Oooh, I wanted to buy cute things for Sae!" Hopefully next time.

The vampire smiles when Sae relates her the stories of what she's been doing in NT and Flandre flashes a toothy grin. "Ooh, I know him. Artanis! He's weird." The vampire giggles. "One day I'll find him and find out how strong he really is." The mention of the Protoss being scared of Sae draws another laugh from Flandre making her lean closer to her girl. "Aww, he probably likes you and doesn't know how to express it. He's a shy boy I think." She grins, then without warning starts nibbling on Sae's lower lip! "Nom!"

Sae gasps when Flan says she was going to buy cute things for her! "AWWWWWWW! Even if you got all distracted, it's still the thought that counts!", planting an extra noisey smooch on her girlfriend's forehead, one where she suckles gently to make a cute pop sound! "Next time next time! You're super cute, so anything you buy is going to be extra cute!" she reasons. The girl pauses again as her mind runs through various things, even mumbling "..what to buy Flan.." under her breath, oblivious to just how obvious it is when she's scheming.

"Ooooh! You know him too? He's silly!" Sae, grins, then tilts her head to blink dumbly at Flandre. "You really think so? Aww, poor Arty! I don't like boys.." she murmurs, deflating for a half second since she feels a little bad for the protoss. "I mean! I like boys! But I don't../like/ boys like I like girls! Like you Flan! I like you LOTS LOTS LOTS! Big!", saying like so many times everyone's probably beyond confused. "Do you think that makes me a lil weird Flandre? Like..not liking boys? 'cause I'm sposed to like boys! People back home thought I was kinda silly for not liking them too.." she admits, smiling sheepishly.

"But here people seem okay with it-AAAAH! Nibblsh!?", flailing playfully as her lower lip's assaulted! Sae whispers, "Sae groans softly into your lips, trying to direct that moan into Flandre's mouth to keep it quiet. Both hands shovebetween her legs, pushing down the skirt, squirming!"

Flandre is not so absent minded that she didn't hear that giggle, though she is also aware enough that she probably shouldn't voice out she heard. Instead, she merely plays dumb (which she is very good at mind you) and takes that kiss to her forehead with a mirthful giggle.

The vampire continues to tease Sae's lower lip a bit more until she seems to be satisfied of making her girl flail. Then she pulls back and licks her own lips. "My family expected me to like boys too." Flandre says in one of her moments where she's all too serious, acting like the adult that she should be after living for hundreds of years. She closes one eye and peers at Sae. "Sis didn't like it at all when I refused to be married off. Maybe that's the reason why she kept me in the basement." Then her winsomeness return, a happy smile on her lips. "So that makes me weird too for liking girls! That means we can be weird together, Sae!" Yaay! A true victory for weirdness this day. "In fact, everyone's pretty weird here too so that means we can /all/ be weird!" Because who needs to be normal anyway?

Flandre gets a wicked grin then. Did Sae think that she was in the clear after Flandre finished nibbling her? Well, she'd be wrong, because the vampire attacks her again! Sliding her hands across Sae's torso to start tickling her! Oh and of course since Flandre is currently sitting on Sae's lap that means the human girl has no where to go!

In an effort to help keep Flan feeling loved while she tells of her own rather sad past, Sae dips her head close to rest, forehead to forehead, eyes closed as she listens. It lets Flandre just peer at her girlfriend's soft features without feeling awkward, the girl occasionally pecking a kiss to the blonde's lips between sentences, but always keeping forehead to forehead until Flandre's finished. Leaning back just a bit, arms wrapped around the back of Flan's neck, she giggles quietly. "Mhm. Weird together! I'm weird, you're weird, so we're pefect for each other!", sticking out her tongue in a bout of playfulness. "Sorry about your sis, love..it's not nice to lock someone as cute as you up in a basement! If she ever does it again, I'll kick her butt and rescue you! Well, at least the last part..might leave the kickbutting to all my other tough friends here..".

Oblivious to the fact that Miyuki's probably watching Sae's squirming and arching her back all over the place as she's tickled, flailing against Flandre and laughing non-stop! "H-HEEEeEeEEEY~ TicklesSSSSS!", she protests, thoroughly enjoying their silliness until suddenly she hugs Flandre /super/ tight, clinging to the girl and whimpering as she pants to recover from it all. "You know..know it's probably extra weird 'cause of the age difference, and cause we've only known each other for like..4 months now? But really do lovelove you Flan. Mean it!".

Miyuki is actually watching, now! As she's making her way back, anyway, holding a tray with both girls' orders. Given that the place is quiet with only one other patron, a platinum-haired woman sitting at the table closest to the cafe counter and quietly reading a book, she could hear mostly everything. She's one more person who's not weirded out by girls liking girls, and as she closes the distance, she plucks the first tall glass from the tray. A very, very tall glass topped with a very tall heaping of whipped cream. This must be Sae's iced mocha, as is also evident in the glistening cubes floating in the drink itself, which she sets down carefully, followed by Flandre's just as tall chocolate shake in a frosted over mug, "Here you are." Folding the then empty tray over her lap, she smiles pleasantly to the pair, "Is there anything else I can get for you?"

The vampire rests her forehead on Sae's own, letting the girl relax after having endured a vicious attack of tickles by her child of the night girlfriend. Flandre may be a cruel vampire but she's not so evil that she wouldn't let someone catch their breath after tickling them. That would be just plain mean after all!

Smiling softly, Flandre coos and caresses Sae's cheek when her girl swears she'd save her from the clutches of her evil sister if Remilia were to get her hands on her again. "Don't worry, my love." She whispers softly. "She can't reach us here." Although Flandre can't help but giggle when Sae realizes that she trying to save Flandre on her own might be a suicide mission and decides that summoning her friends would be a better idea. "Heehee~ Yeah, you could get Arty to help rescue me. I'm sure he'd love to help."

She finally settles and hugs Sae back, letting the girl cling to her as hard as she wants. Being a vampire Flandre can take all that Sae might have to give. "I don't think its weird." Answers the vampire as she looks at Sae's eyes. "With you.. I truly feel like I'm normal."

But hey! Now the chocolate is here and Flandre almost all but forgets she's in a date. "Yay! Chocolate! Gimmegimme!" Acting like a five year old again, the vampire reaches for the tall mug and giggles, shaking her head. "Nothing else for me for now. How about you, Sae dear?"

Sae lights up the second she catches sight of that overly-sweet drink of her's! Like Flan, she can be a bit of a child sometime, though at least Sae has the excuse of being like, 16! Flan's centuries old! Not that either of them particularly care about maturity right now, grabbing her drink and bringing it right to her face to slurp away, getting whipped cream all over her lips and cheeks! "Flan Flan! You gotta steal some whipped cream from me! It'll make your drink taste even better!", pointing with a stupidly big grin to all the sweetness on her face!

Not one to forget her manners, Sae turns to look at Miyuki with that same messy face and smile. "Thanks Miss Waitress! I think that's it for me, too! Though might have some dessert to go! In a bit, 'course.". Stroking some of the blonde hair behind Flandre's ear, Sae laughs happily. "My love..", humming a quick, happy hum~! That was the perfect thing for the vampire to say, instantly soothing any worry that was lingering about Remilia stealing Flandre, and brightening the schoolgirl right back up! "Same here though, Flan. Between all the fancy alien races, the cybernetic peoples, and all the hustle and bustle of the big Neo-Tokyo stuff, it feels like no one really cares I like other girls. And that's.." she pokes her nose against Flandre's to put some whipped cream on her girlfriend! "..perfect. Was like, the one thing in my life that worried me a lil!"

Miyuki is trying really hard not to giggle, as shows in the smile on her face, as good natured as can be. These girls are so cute. Well, the blonde might be one to keep an eye on, but her girlfriend is nothing short of adorable. Not to mention the messy face. "My name is Miyuki," she softens at being called Miss Waitress, and offers a small bow, "Let me know when you are ready, and I shall get it for you." She then takes two steps back and turns to return behind the flower counter.

Flandre of course happily complies when Sae wishes to engage in such lovey dovey tropes. As soon as Sae shows an opening to have the whipped cream on her nose attack, Flandre surges forward and licks Sae's nose clean! Even kissing her a lot on the bridge of her nose afterward.

The girl can't help but agree at Sae's reasoning too. "Yeah! With all the stuff that happens around here it'd be silly if people cared of who likes who!" Chirps Flandre ever so happy to finally have a chance to cuddle with her girlfriend without being judged.

Flandre then raises her chocolate cup at Miyuki and smiles at her. "Thanks!" And good service too. Flandre is really starting to like this place. Because honestly, the waiters at Twisted were kind of huge jerks. Particularly at the Cafe of Doom.

Sae closes her eyes and let's Flandre clean her all up, each little tickly lick getting a soft giggle from the girl, only slowly opening her eyes once it's all gone. Life really is good here! Looking to Miyuki, Sae nods too! "Thanks too! You're really nice Miss Miyuki! I'm Sae! And this is my girlfriend Flandre!", giggling again. "Girlfriend.." hum hum humm~!. "Everyone here's so nice..even the mean people are nice too! Like, Mister Big Tough Waaa-guh orky! Or big strong protossy-chan..", thoroughly agreeing with Flandre's unsaid sentiment.

Tilting her head, Sae realizes something she has no idea about. "Hey Flan loves! How do you fight, anyway? Just kick-butt punchs? Or..magic? Or.." she leans in, blushing "N-Not Levvy, right?"

"Pleased to meet you, Sae and Flandre," Miyuki nods her head right before she is to turn around and actually go back behind the flower counter. Once she does, though, she returns to checking over her latest arrangement, this one bustling with tulips, humming quietly to herself.

"Yo!" Flandre raises a hand to Miyuki when Sae introduces her as her girlfriend. "Yep! We're together!" Says the vampire sounding oh ever so amused as how Sae makes such a big deal about their relationship. Which, to be fair, /is/ a big deal though Flandre has never been to flaunt anything and seems to be slightly embarrassed of her girlfriend's antics.

"Yeah! There are some people that prefer to keep to themselves, but otherwise its a lot of fun, and silly weird!" Giggles the vampire. "Just the way I like it!"

A wicked fanged smile spreads through Flandre's lips when Sae asks her how the vampire fights and she stares at her through one eye whilst she drinks her yummy chocolate shake. "Well- all of the above really!" She giggles and surprise smoochies Sae's cheek, leaving a chocolate kiss on her skin. "Back in Gensokyo almost everyone used Danmaku to fight but I like mixing things up and punch people silly if I need to. Or hit them with Levvy~. I know its your favorite~."

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