2016-10-30 - She BIT Me!

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She BIT Me!

Summary: Ponset gets into her first fight since arriving in NeoTokyo! Except her 'sparring' partner doesn't understand what that really means.

Who: Dragonmaster_Cale, Flandre, Ivy, Ponset, Sae
When: October 30th, 2016
Where: The Usual Restaurant


The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

Flandre is rightfully distracted! Sae is notoriously good at distracting the little vampire, hence why she's probably so good at being her girlfriend. Flandre nods a bit as she's startled by the reminded of Thalia. "Ah yeah, I'll beat her up good!" She pumps her fist again before grinning wickedly when Sae offers herself as a meal for when they get back home. "Oooh.. okay, nothing beats Sae when it comes to tasty.. not even candy!" Mercifully distracted for now, Flandre seems to forget all about Carla, at least until she starts talking in that odd way of hers. The vampire tilts her head to one side and then to the other whilst scratching her head. "Are you Canadian by any chance?" She asks of Carla rather abruptly.

"Waitaminute!" Sae blinkblinks, then rubs her eyes! "You're really a dragon! AND a kitty too!? You're like, a combination of two mega cute things! That's awesome!". Sae claps once, leaning to one side, then to the other, trying to get a better view of those wings. "But yes! I'm totally ready! Where do we do the interview?". The girl's shoes are click-clacking quietly on the floor as she lefts up one set of toes, then the other, while keeping the heels on the ground, an excited little nervous tick.

Dragoness Carla sweatdrops over towards Flandre. Canadian? What is that? Surely there isn't something that has the same species properties as hers are, considering she's all mixed up, "Ehhh, no, eh heh...Lunarian, actually n stuff. From Lunar." She looks back over towards Sae and sweatdrops even more, glancing back at her wings and tail, "Er, y-yeah...I mean...w-well...sort of. I mean...eh heh, I guess, yeah? I'm kind of...a combination..b-but, er, I wasn't born this way n stuff." She looks back towards Sae, "An old friend of mine once shot me with a DNA reorganizer gun and it kind of had a lot of side effects, eh heh heh...I think she thought they were reversible...?" She doesn't really remember, it was a long time ago and she hasn't seen the friends in decades, "Er, ah, yeah, interview n stuff! Okay!" She gestures her hand towards the kitchen, "Through here and into the back n stuff, if that's okay." She then looks over at Ivy and Flandre, "Anooo, feel free to help yourselves to something, just leave money on the bar n stuff."

Ivy sips her rose tea and just watches the happenings all around. She can't help but wonder how often this place blows up.

Sae notices the sweat dropping and takes a deeeep breath. Calm! Stay calm. Even if she's a combination of mega-cute animals, gotta be calm! First impressions and all that, said Ivy! "Okay! Kitchen it is! Aren't you kind of glad it's not reversable, though? If someone made me a kitty-dragon I think I'd be super happy!". At that, Sae grabs her purse from the table and heads into the kitchen, a biiig giggle echoing out towards the front like she's letting it all out when out of sight of her potential employer!

Dragoness Carla sweatdrops and follows Sae!

Suddenly, the front doors open! Behind them, Ponset blinks, apparently slightly surprised at how quickly they opened. Regaining her composure, the redhead goes ahead and starts walking in as if absolutely nothing out of the ordinary was going on. Everything is fine, nothing to see here! She makes her way on over to the bar, where she quietly takes a seat.

Ivy says, "Oh..hello Ponset, how are you today?" she sitting at a table, drinking Rose tea...and just kind of observing the antics around her."

Ponset blinks and looks back over her shoulder at her fellow red-head. "Oh... Ivy, right? I'm okay. Not seen your friend, though."

Ivy says, "She'll show up...she's like a bad penny, after all."

Ponset nods to Ivy. "I'll keep an eye out for her, still. And let her know you're looking for her." She looks back to the space behind the bar again and frowns. "Service was better last night... where's the staff?"

As someone finally does get to Ponset, she proceeds to order enough food for five people.

Flandre is here! She wandered off to a bar stool whilst Sae is doing her interview. Having nothing to do in the meantime, she currently is kicking her feet and humming quietly to herself. For all in the know, it appears that she's singing Death Waltz.

Ponset looks back over the people in the restaurant while waiting for her food. Her gaze comes to a stop on Flandre... who is apparently confusing the red head somehow.

The vampire stops humming to herself as soon as she notices eyes upon her. Flandre's red eyes shoot towards the muscled red head eyeballing her momentarily, as if regarding any skills she might accidentally posses. "What'choo looking at? Want to fight or somethin'?" She's a very bratty little girl isn't she?

Ivy says, "Oh dear...such a temper..." she shakes her head, "Listen, little Vampire...when someone looking at you, it doesn't always mean they want to fight. maybe try talking to the girl."

Ponset blinks twice. "No, no! Well, kinda, honestly, but that has nothing to do with you, I'm just a little bored." Yeah, that's not going to make things worse. On the other hand, she does sound more cheerful than threatening. "I just get a wierd sense from-" she stops and looks to Ivy. "...Vampire? Oh. I guess that could explain it, maybe?"

Well, Ivy has thus far proved herself to be a reliable source of advice, so Flandre has no particular reason to doubt her! After all, she generally listens to those she views as adults. Therefore, the vampire relents for now despite a slight pout before nodding. "Okay." She glances up at Ponset with more calm red eyes. "Waddaya want to talk about?" She's also no good at this whole socializing thing, the only person she talks to seems to be Sae. Ponset showing some concern about her nature, plus saying that she's somewhat inclined to fight draws a bit of curiosity from Flandre who leans closer towards the red hair whilst still being seated on her stool. "Explain what?"

Ponset blinks and scrambles for an explanation. "It explains the, uh... weird feeling I was getting from you. Like, you know. 'Something's unusual about that girl!'" She then frowns a she thinks on the first question. What would she want to talk about?

Ivy rests her chin casually in her palm and observes Ponset and Flandre.

"Aaah yeah." Flandre leans back and starts spinning on her stool. "I know what you're talking about actually!" The girl comes to a stop, which surprisingly happens to be facing Ponset directly despite the speed in which she was spinning. "I can't hide my aura. Don't know how!" Flandre shrugs her shoulders. "Sis could do it, but I never bothered to learn." Her explanation said, the vampire girl leans forward again, giving Ponset that odd look again, the one a person would use to appraise a valuable object rather than another person. "So, want to fight? I got nothing else to do while my girlfriend is having her interview."

Ivy says, "Maybe...sparing might be a better way the phrase it. Don't want to kill each other too quickly, really."

Ponset blinks, then tilts her head before nodding! "Yeah, why not have a spar! Except, you know, my food's coming soon... and, well, this really, really isn't the place. Mmmmmaybe we can meet up in, say, theeeee..... Badlands tomarrow?"

Ivy says, "There is a sparring room, right here in the restaurant......"

Flandre perks up at that. "Yeah! We can use the sparring room! I've seen people use it and they come back even if they explode into chunky bloody bits."

Ponset still looks really reluctant. "I dunno. I'm more worried about... well, collateral damage."

Ivy says, "I really don't think that's an issue here, Poinsetta."

The vampire just shrugs at that. "Its okay, I understand if you're scared." Then she resumes spinning on her stool. "Wheee~"

Ponset looks at Ivy, perhaps a little molified by that... but then turns and absolutely glares at Flandre. "Alright. Fine. But if we blow out a wall, the fight's stopped until we can get a rematch." She hops down from her stool and immediately... looks around. "Oh, is it in the gym? I've not been there before, I've only been here once before, last night."

Flandre stops spinning and hops out of her stool too. "Yaaay! Fight time!" She cheers in delight and skips over to the gym, paying no mind to Ponset's worries, Flandre for her part has never worried about collateral damage-- that's nearly her middle name at this point. "Hurry up!" Demands the little girl before rushing inside.

Ponset steps into the place, her hands in her pockets as she looks around. "Not bad," she says. . o O ( Not as good as at the Tower, but not bad. ) She looks around and spots the sparring area and walks on over. "Sooo, what rules we wanna do? Standard tournament can't touch the ground outside the ring? Man, this is small, though..."

Flandre rubs her chin in thought. 'Standard' rules for her would be no melee attacks and such due to the nature of the Danmaku duels in Gensokyo, but she has loooong gotten over those archaic rules and developed her own more versatile style. "Eh!" She shrugs. "First one who gives up. That sound alright?" Losing due to a ring out is oh so very cheap.

Ponset frowns at that. "This isn't gonna be enough space," she says simply, but she walks over to the ring anyway, where she takes to a fighting stance.

"It's never enough space! Hahah!!" Flandre cackles as she steps forth into the ring. She could have the whole world as her fighting ground and it -still- wouldn't be enough space for her to not have collateral damage and unnecessary bystander deaths. Fortunately, living nearly five hundred years in a basement -no matter how spacious- has made her very good at maneuvering, so she really doesn't care about space or lack thereof. She stretches her wings and then summons her magical wand to her hand before holding it as if it were a two handed sword. "Ready!?"

Ponset raises an eyebrow at that. "You're using a weapon?" she asks, then lowers her stance slightly. "All right then. Sure." She's already pegging Flandre to be the impatient type, and is going to let the little vampire open up.

Flandre rolls her head, indeed, looking very impatiently. "You don't have one?" She says sounding rather undignified. "Fine, I won't use it if you don't think its fair." The vampire dismisses Laevateinn which floats and attaches itself to her rear as if it were a prehensile tail. Waiting no longer, Flandre launches for the attack immediately! "Yaaah!" She yells and rather surprisingly goes a side thrust kick to the face first. Needless to say she is making ample usage of the fact she can fly to even reach Ponset's face.

Ponset looks a little surprised at the speed and the fact that the vampire can fly without really using the wings as, well, wings. That said, she's still able to react fast enough to duck under the kick as she reaches up to try and grab and throw Flandre, using her current momentum to aid in the maneuver. Her feet, meanwhile, don't even move through this.

"Whoa!!" Flandre all but flails around as she's grabbed clean out of the air. Normally, there would be now way for her to react to the defensive maneuver, but just as she's about to crash on the ground the little girl instead explodes into a cloud of red bats which all merge together back into Flan right behind Ponset. "Not bad, not bad." The vampire begins floating away, now thinking more carefully about her attacks.

Ponset, having spun in the process of the throw, just continues the spin to face Flandre again. She grins and nods at the floating vampire before taking to her stance again, ready to see the next attack.

Though more calculating in her next action, Flandre is still the impatient sort and is going to attack if not challenged for too long. The vampire floats towards Ponset at less speed now to maneuver properly. Just as she's reaching Ponset's circle of defense, she throws a wild right haymaker aimed at the Saiyan's face! This turns out to be just a feint though, as she flips over forward doing a full somersault trying to deliver a devastating axe kick at the top of her opponent's skull.

Ponset takes the bait of the feint, except that it's a leap to the side by about six feet, ending in a somersault of her own that leaves her facing Flandre. "Come on, stop trying to hit me and hit me!" she yells out as a taunt before taking back to her ready stance again. She smirks at the smaller girl and shifts a foot forward a few inches before taking a leap of her own at the girl, almost sliding across the floor as she aims an elbow at her gut.

Flandre snarls as her axe kick misses, though mostly at Ponset taunting her. As it turns out, that is an incredibly bad move since it pisses Flandre off which is never a good idea even in the best of situations. The vampire flies towards the Saiyan to meet her charge and uses the elbow thrown at her as leverage. She's a very tiny thing which makes her hard to hit, and thus, she steps right on Ponset's extended elbow to launch herself at her opponent. If Flandre was thinking straight she might have just thrown a punch-- but since Ponset pissed her off she instead latches onto the Saiyan and brings her fangs to bear. Grabbing Ponset by the shoulders, she dips her face down to dig those sharp vampire fangs into the Saiyan's cheek like a rabid dog.

Ponset's smirk goes away FAST as the teeth rip into her cheek. She reacts quickly and perhaps rashly, effectively sending an uppercut flying straight up alongside her cheek, hoping to dislodge the vampire. If she's able to pull that off, she tries to grab at the hopefully flying not under her own power Flandre's foot and swing her to slam into the ground, after which she takes a leap backwards that suggests she's not quite following the laws of physics herself. "You *BIT* me!"

Flandre doesn't linger on Ponset's face for long. She is -very- experienced at biting people and she knows that they -usually- don't appreciate it. Thus, as soon as she rips a good chunk of Ponset's cheek off, the girl is backpedaling and veering away, narrowly dodging the uppercut sent at her face. She doesn't escape the grab for her foot again, having shown that she's particularly susceptible to being grabbed, but as she gets slammed on the ground she merely poofs into a cloud of red bats and appears a few feet away. As one might expect, there is blood pouring down her mouth making her look like a wild animal. "You don't want me to use weapons." She gulps and swallows Ponset's flesh. "You don't want me to bite you. Is everyone you fight just super polite or something??"

Ponset shakes her head. "No. They jussst don't fight like animalsf." It's an odd experience, trying to talk while having an extra hole in her mouth. She's gonna have to see if Caracol has a sensu after this. Still, she's not about to call it quits just yet. "I guessth you don't understhtand the conthept of a spar, do you? Am I going thto have to actually put you down?" She lowers her stance raising a shoulder to wipe at some of blood dribbling down her chin.

"Ahahahaha!!" Flandre's wings extend and the rainbow colored crystals that are her wings catch on fire as she begins laughing. "You can -try- to put me down!" Corrects the tiny vampire as her imposing power starts to grow, seen in the form of fire surrounding her like an aura of chi. "Now are you ready to fight properly or do I need to bite another chunk outta ya!?"

Ponset chuckles low. "Oh. That's how we're gonna play it." With a mighty yell, her own aura flares out as she releases her own ki. "Sthee, this is why I didn't want to fight here," she says before snapping a hand forward and releasing a quick Ki burst before suddenly ROCKETING towards Flandre. She fully intends to collide with the smaller girl before sending a rapid series of punches and kicks from her sternum down her side to her hip.

Now that's more like it, Flandre cracks her knuckles and prepares herself for the incoming blast. As its shot at her, the girl simply kicks it out of the way as if it were a soccer ball. Of course, this leaves her wide open for the Saiyan like projectile slamming into her. She is pushed back violently and all she can do to weather the attacks is curl up into a ball, taking the punches and kicks on her forearms and shins. In the midst of Ponset's flurry of blows however, Flandre vanishes into thin air and she's seen coming from Ponset's left! No wait, she's on the right! No wait, she's right on top of her? And behind?? There's actually Four Flandres now and they all surround Ponset and collapse on her at the same time, raining punches and kicks all around the Saiyan.

Ponset blinks as the girl vanishes, then quickly looks around. Four?! She curls up into a ball to weather the initial assault, but in the process, she puts two fingers to her own forhead, and is soon gone herself. At the other end of the room, she's now floating there, one hand extended. "Bing Bang Attack!" she yells out, and soon a MUCH more massive energy blast is sent down range at the vampire.

Sae pokes her head inside to check on the commotion, and by extension, FLandre! Not that she's worried about her girlfriend. It's the other person she's worried about!

Fortunately Flandre has a lot of experience controlling her copies and they don't all just start punching each other when Ponset vanishes from sight. Instead, they all back up as they see Ponset on the other side of the gym charging up an attack.

They all grin wickedly in unison and power up, bringing Flandre Scarlet's power four fold before unleashing what can an only be described as infinite energy balls shot back at Ponset's chi blast, intending to power through it.

"Ripples of 495 Years!!" They all shout at the same time.

Sae should avert her eyes though, a normal human might go blind if they were to stare at the incoming blast straight on, even they aren't its intended target.

Dragoness Carla comes into the gym, albeit cautiously, stepping through the door and to the side of it. It's a huge place after all, so unless someone's casting Dragon Slave right at the doorway, she should be fine! o O ( So curious, can't resist looking... )

Sae is smart enough to do just that, putting a white-opera gloved forearm over her eyes(She's literally dressed in Sailor Moon's outfit now! YAY cute uniforms!), and shouts "FLANDREEEE!Look look loooooook! I DID IT! I'm a waitress now! Look loooook! Super cute unifooooooorm.". Maybe the cuteness of her girlfriend in a short skirted sailor senshi outfit, along with the congrats and happy of getting the job she wanted could knock Flandre out of fighting mode for just long enough for Ponset to escape? maybe?

The massive ball of blue energy collides with the rapid fired bursts and is pushed off to the side, veering thankfully away from the bystanders towards the wall behind Flandre. While much of the blast is absorbed by the Big Bang Attack, enough gets through to hit Ponset square in the chest. Her guard is up enough for these kinds of attacks that this doens't come close to vaporizing her. It does, however, send her through the wall and well off into the distance, launching her well on her way to the Badlands.

"AHAHAHAHAH!! DIEEEEE!!!" All Four Flandres laugh maniacally and seem just about ready to dash towards the hole in the wall Ponset made to chase her into the Badlands.

That is until.. Sae calls out of her.

"Woo Sae!!" All Four Flandres say before they merge together, leaving only one once again. The little vampire flutters towards Sae happily and embraces her, spinning her around. "Yaaay! I knew you could do it!!" She chirps and looks at her girlfriend over. "Wow! You look so cute!"

Dragoness Carla sweatdrops bigtime as Ponset goes flying through the wall. Aaahhhg, that's designed not to happen! But, it still does of course, because it's the Usual Restaurant, and even if this is the Gym portion, things happen. Well, the nanite things will fix it by tomorrow she's sure. Although, she does hope the girl is going to be okay. She looks over at Flandre and Sae, "Ehhh, well, everything seems okay in here, eh heh..."

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