2017-01-04 - Yew Time in the Park

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Yew Time in the Park

Summary: A sizable group are in the park when a card happens to arrive and go active there.

Who: Miyu, Jason_Inugami, Minerva, Hisako, Rainbow_Dash, La_Pucelle, Ari
When: Jan 5th, 2017.
Where: Tai Park

Ari-icon.gifHisako-icon.gifMiyu-icon.gifRainbow Dash-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

Tai Park

This is a nice park with benches and a fountain. It's a nice place to have a picknick or just wander through the trees. There is a sign that says "Please Don't Litter".

[Exits  : (Saku)ra Road, Fly up into the <We>stern Sky (Locked), Fly <Up> into the Sky (Locked), and <T>ai Street ]

It's a nice, clear day at the park. It's starting to get late into the afternoon...but it's still early enough that if it weren't winter it'd still be bright out. Since it IS winter, however, the day light's slowly starting to fade out already. Sapphire and Miyu had been contacted about Jason's find yesterday, so they'd some how sent word to him about meeting with him for further information here at the park... Miyu's in her warm casual clothing, sitting on a bench, waiting alertly for this person who's proven to be an unexpectedly helpful ally in the capture of the class cards so far. Seriously, where in the multiverse is her big brother getting tied up with his side of the search for the cards so far?

"Hey Miyu." comes the voice of the aforementioned Jason Inugami from behind Miyu and Sapphire's bench. "Lancer and I found Beserker last night." he says as he goes over to the other side of the bench. "Frey has the area locked down..but so far this card is..well, it's not like the other. Just hates the lights being left on." he says with a sigh. And yes, he has a couple cups of coffee, one he offers to Miyu. "It most likely can keep for the time being."

Minerva is walking along dressed for bear, at least, her definition thereof, which means v-neck shirt and jeans and boots and a leather coat left open save for a belt at the waist. Life's been getting a bit too interesting lately to leave her coat at home. Mina's absentmindedly juggling a couple snowballs as she walks, apparently not aware that her boytoy would end up in the same park for a meeting. She's just... walking. And enjoying the weather. Hopefully without trouble. Her familiar, a large dog, gambols about, sniffing at interesting things but staying within a certain distance of his master.

It's a little weird for Ari to like parks so much. Or maybe it's because it's the direct opposite of what she grew up in that makes them so appealing. Either way, the half-elf finds herself walking down the path on a break from working on her current project, bundled in a hip-length sleek winter coat, eating an apple and hoping no more wayward kids ask her why Santa didn't take her back to the North Pole with him.

Hisako is still particularly wary of the chance of Sentinels turning up - or additional Terminators, for that matter - but going out on patrol is a way for her to try and keep the fear from overtaking her. She's actually in her X-Men uniform, most of which seems to be a close-fitting dark grey body stocking for an underlayer, with a fairly snug jacket and miniskirt over it to cover her hips and upper body; those are mostly navy blue, but there's some gold trim at the top of the apparent 'skirt,' and some more accenting her waist and her shoulders. Her boots are black, with similar gold trim around the top. And at the moment .. she's just walking around, waving as she spots Minerva (but not calling out to her).

La Pucelle is out on patrol! She jumping from rooftop to rooftop looking for anyone in trouble or that need a hand! But so far she hasn't found any.. Been a slow day so far. She head towards the park, there a few people in the park and she jumps to a top a treetop to just watch the goings on. A bit of the snow falls to the ground from the tree she perches from.

Miyu takes the cup from Jason as she peers up at him, listening carefully. "Thank you..." she says as she gives a small bow of her head. She takes a little sip of the coffe, being the mature young girl that she is, before returning her attention directly back to Jason. "...a berserker that isn't causing damage," is the responce that comes out first, "That's a lot different than the one we fought before." It's nice and quiet here...come to think of it, isn't it TOO quiet? And for winter and snowy enough for Mina to have snowballs, things seem to somehow be slowly getting....greener. Sure the grass and plans are seeming greener...but ....something's off....

Jason nods, "Lancer and I couldn't figure it out either. It hates the lights being left on..but that's it." he says softly as the hmms. One thing about Jason Inugami: He fought in the second World War, and in some bad situations he learned to trust his gut and his senses, and right now they're starting to scream at him. Something is wrong. And he adjust his coat a bit so he can pull his gun if he needs to and rolls up his sleeve a bit, revealing the mystic bracer he stores his sword in. Note to self: Thank Frey again for that. It's damn useful.

"Miyu." he says in a ton that screams 'Danger'. "Something..something's off." Minerva throws the three snowballs high in the air, just so she can wave in a friendly manner towards Hisako before catching the snowballs again... well... two of them at least. The third lands directly on her head. "Gak!" Mina shakes her head, sending snow flying about as she does her best to get it out of her hair. This only sends her off balance, and her dog noses the back of Mina's knees at exactly the wrong time... FOOMP.

And now there's a Mina shaped hole in the snowbank bordering the path. The dog traces a circle around the fallen Mina and gives a big doggy grin, almost as if he is going 'Vengeance! Vengeance for making me wear a bright red doggy sweater!!!' ... Okay, to be fair, the doggy sweater makes him look far less like a vicious war-trained dog and far more like he couldn't even harm a fly if he wanted to. "Laugh it up, fuzz-ball!"

Ari finishes off her apple and puts the core in a trash can. She wrinkles her nose a little and takes out a pair of lined leather gloves, slipping them on her hands as she shivers slightly. Maybe she should have stayed inside, but eh. A little fresh air never hurt anyone right? Especially when you spent the morning working on your step-niece's wedding dress and the afternoon working on the wiring of a spaceship. She sighs slightly. Skeeve and Miri are right, she needs to get out more.

La Pucelle spots someone she knows Hisako! She smiles as her and Minerva have a snowball fight. But she turns to the direction where Jason and Miyu are something seems off over there, she heads in that direction hopping from treetop to treetop.

Hisako can't help but giggle as Minerva gets distracted, then ambushed and *more* distracted. "You okay?" she asks, walking over to help Minerva out of the snowbank again. No snowball fight here ... not yet, anyway; that could change. "So is the telekinesis part of your magic?" she asks quietly as she's helping Minerva up, brushing some stray snow off of her.

Miyu looks around as Jason voices his sense of danger. It's not immediately obvious for her....but there's soon a vibration behind her. Sapphire raises slightly out of the back of Miyu's collar. "The mana signature here has spiked suddenly," the winged object warns Miyu, Jason, and Mina from it's spot in Miyu's clothing, "A card may have activated right under our noses, everyone..." The green about the park seems to be getting heavier somehow. How does a color get heavier, one might ask? It's because, not only are the plants peeking through the snow, but it feels like the AIR is turning green. It's like some one is slowly raising the strength of a color filter that's covering everything. The edges of the part are starting to take on an oddly glassy look as well...

With the fact reality is deciding to shift a bit. Yeah, Jason is getting ready, "Avalon." and with a flash from his bracer the mystic sword appears in his hand. "Miyu..might need to suit up." he says to the magical girl as he looks around. Okay..yeah, little to no info..unknown card. Just another day on the job.

Rainbow_Dash has been keeping kinda of an eye on Hisako, since she's been such a target lately! So she spies her out from way up, her flight geared senses picking her out easily from the people below, even from way up! But wha..?? Something else is going on down there. "What..the hay??" the Pegasus senses danger, and she's not gonna let her new friend/s get harmed if she can help it! She bolts down like a rainbow rocket!

Minerva grins at Hisako as she accepts the other woman's help up. "Pretty much. Elemental manipulation of air, using that as a medium to interact with other objects." She pauses. "Or, it's off of my psionics and I can't tell the difference because of the visualization tricks used to utilize it." she answers in the same quiet voice. Her first sign something is wrong is her dog dropping into a crouch and growling. At that, Mina's attention sharpens. "Hisako, the visible spectrum, there's been a green shift! Trouble's incoming." Mina reaches behind her, and pulls out from the neck of her coat a rather sturdy looking metal pipe with a single blue gem sparkling at the top. The pipe extends, hitting a solid six feet in length, and ice forms a sparkling blade over the gem, and a crosshilt. Juuuust in case it's some weird overgrown boar. "Where is it, boy?"

Ari blinks as existence seems to turn green around her. She looks around to see if she can figure out the source of it, hands on the handles of her holstered combat knives. "What the..." she says to herself. "This is new." She sees Dash out of the corner of her eye and looks up. Kind of hard to miss the pegasus!

Hisako had sort of noticed the shift in the visual spectrum, but helping Minerva to her feet was the more immediate priority. Once Minerva's standing on her own and getting that pipe ready - a magical naginata? - *then* Hisako armors up, the field of psionic energy manifesting around her and growing to about two meters' height around her. "Hey, Rainbow Dash, La Pucelle," she calls out to the people she recognizes ... and then she's looking around, focusing on trying to localize the threat. If Minerva's canine companion has a lead, that'll at least be a direction to focus in until otherwise indicated.

Everything is going green. Literally. "What the heck?",La Pucelle says, she jumps down the to the ground looking around. This situation is quite abnormal! ..and then Dash rushes down from the sky. "Oh hey Dash and you too Hisako. Any idea what's going on? ", she say taking her oversized sword out of it sheath ready for any trouble!

Rainbow_Dash says, "It looks like it's forming around the edge of the park," she warns, "I dunno what's going on, but it looks like it's kinda closing in! The edges of the park....kinda look glassy!"

Miyu finds herself starting to cough just as she reaches for Sapphire. The distorted, glassy effect reaches higher and higher until it's domed the entire area. It's like the thicker the green in the air is and the more the plants are growing, it's getting harder to breathe. Miyu manages her transformation, but immediately falls into another coughing fit. With Dash's words she narrows her eyes. "...sounds like...a barrier," she manages between coughs, "Sorry...I'm not going to...be able to avoid taking people....to the mirror dimension with me."

Jason coughs a bit himself and grimaces. "Dammit." he grates out. Last thing he needs is other people drug into this..and he sees Mina. Okay..good. "Mina." he calls out. "Clear the air." he says as he stands close to Miyu acting as a guard.

Minerva gets a wicked grin. "Rainbow Dash, that means that the property damage from whatever fight's about to happen will be ... out of phase... with reality. Feel free to indulge in as many explosions as we feel is needful." Then, Mina coughs. Long and hard enough to drive her to a single knee, holding onto her staff for support. "Scratch that. Air's an issue. Fire... uses it up faster..."

Mina's spare bottle of water gets the cap ripped off, and the water streams up and out in ribbons, then begins to spin in a tight ball of frothing white bubbles that quickly take on the green tinge of whatever pollutant is making it hard to breathe. Mina's lips tighten to a disapproving white line as she focuses her concentration. "I'll keep the air breathable for as long as possible, but I can't fight while I do so!" Why is quickly evident as a smaller air purifying ball of water breaks off from the mass and is sent to hover by Miyu's face, trying to help the magical girl.

Hisako looks around with growing concern, the visual 'glow' of her exo-armor growing sharper, more intense - trying to keep whatever harmful elements are in the air away from where she'll inhale them. She can't keep her exo-armor 'airtight' indefinitely, but she can buy herself a little extra time. "Focus on the atmosphere, Minerva, I'll protect you!"

Ari scowls a little. Magic stuff. Nothing she can really help with unless something physical shows up. She really needs to install that knowsoft chip and soon. Next project. She spies Mina and heads over, taking her combat knives out. Just in case. "The hell is going on??

Rainbow_Dash staggers in the air for a moment, having trouble breathing before Mina casts her spell. She narrows her eyes, flying in low over Minerva's head. "I'll protect her!" she says, "So you guys can focus on what's going on we'll all keep breathing!"

La Pucelle gasps for air, it getting a bit hard to breathe. "What is this??", she confused as to what going on. This was some sort of magic for sure! "I think is best we keep close as we can!", she says rush over to here Minerva is. Best to keep on the keep the air clean protected! "Not the best way to meet but I'm La Pucelle.."

Miyu breathes a couple of deep breaths as the air starts to clear up. "...thank you," she replies with a little bow of her head, "I am Miyu, and it seems we accidentally were present for the arrival of a class card. I will have to go to where the spirit attached to it is to stop what it's doing, but because of the barrier it means you'll all have to come over as well." "Sapphire and I will try to keep you from harm if you need it..." she says in what MIGHT be some kind of apologetic add on. With that, she wastes no further time and starts opening the portal with her wand.

Rainbow_Dash says, "These things?? If you see any black Gooo DON'T TOUCH IT!"

Jason looks at Dash, "Up for another round with them Dash?" he says in a comradely tone. Hey, they fought one before..so there's something there. "And I have no idea which one this one is. Hopefully no Goo this time." he says as it keeps his sword at the ready. "If any of you can fight, the back up would be appreciated." he says with a look at the others.

La Pucelle nods. "Okay we are in a pocket dimension and we have to beat up some..thing so we can leave? Sounds simple enough.", she mumbles. "sounds like one of those side quests from that smartphone game.."

"Yes," Sapphire's voice agrees. Sapphire is now in the form of Miyu's wand by the way. "The black substance is VERY dangerous, avoid it if it is present. However, the goo should be a rarity. That class card was the first time I'd seen it attached to one of the class card's spirits."

Minerva nods, and rises to her feet, most of her concentration on spinning the air through water to filter out contaminants, pollutants, and scrub the CO2 back into breathable O2. "I'll come to keep the air clear, but, as I said, reeeally can't fight or do anything else while I do this." The dog at her side barks once as if to say that Mina doesn't need any other help while he's there. Mina puts one hand on her dog's collar, trusting her Alastair to keep her from walking into any trees while she works her magic.

Rainbow_Dash hhm....she won't be able to use her lightning attack in here! Oh well, she's totally awesome anyway...

Ari nods a little at Jason. "You know I'm in. After it's over someone's going to have to explain what the hell this card business is about anyway."

As Miyu finishes with the portal the world around them seems to turn to glass and shatter...revealing an area that looks like the same place, but very different at the same time. They're still in a park, but the plants have become wild and overgrown, vines, trees, and flowers everywhere. It's as if it USED to be the park, but was abandoned in some sort of world that time forgot. The air looks even GREENER here, but the source is now more apparent. The most OBVIOUS thing here is one particularly LARGE and very HEALTHY looking tree. It's a tree that's somehow spewing out all the green...all the POISON in the air. The OTHER thing that's immediately obvious about the situation is a change in feeling of the place. Before it seemed quiet and peaceful, now it feels rather like there's some kind of predator out there, stalking... The murderous aura is STRONG, but where in the world is it's source hiding?

Rainbow_Dash says, "This reminds me of the Everfree back home...watch yourselves!"

"That some tree..", La Pucelle says. "..but that presence.. it reminds me of someone.", she shakes her head keep her focus on the situation on hand.

"We will explain as much as possible on such short notice," Sapphire speaks again. "Cards have appeared here from the worlds Miyu-sama and I arrived from. These cards are almost like a haunted object. They are holding the power of a spirit who has been reduced into a maddened state, causing the results of the spirit's wrath to start affecting the world around the card, even though the spirit's in a different place...we can stop the effect of the card and collect it's abilities for the sake of Miyu-sama acting to help stop any other cards that appear."

Jason looks at the tree, "Right now, job one is destroying that tree." he says as he looks at it. "But the spirit that summoned it, where's it at?" he comments as his eyes flare brightly. "I can tell you right now..it's here..watching us. Hunting us." he comments softly as he stretches out his senses, trying to find it hopefully. But then he couldn't sense Beserker, but then Beserker was a oddity..this one..he's hoping he can sense.

Minerva's shoulders drop from around her ears, and even in the middle of casting, "Familiar, and yet really not. Like meeting the relative of a friend I used to know, long ago. It's weird. I can't place it at all." That said, she closes her eyes to blot out the forest, adjusts her grip on her staff, and turns all her concentration to purifying the air through elemental manipulation. Tooootally ignoring the similarities between what they're facing now and Card Captor Sakura.

Rainbow_Dash maintains her vigil over Minerva! She gets up a bit higher to get a better eye on all around, and, using her flight-geared brain, it may not be easy to get past her!

Ari cracks her neck a little. "Down the tree. Got it." She crouches, putting her cyberpunk goggles over her eyes. She says something in her world's version of Elven, and gets ready to head to the tree.

La Pucelle looks at Jason. "Chop down that tree? Okay.", she holds her sword out and the blade extends out to about 20 feet! She bring the massive BFS up and swings down planning to chop the tree right down the middle!

It seems like Minerva is adequately protected; Hisako is still keeping half an eye out for threats to the ("retired") magical girl, but Hisako's powers are marginally better suited for offense - getting in the monster's face, to the extent that the tree HAS a face, and punching it a whole lot. Her armor expands - which means some more air, tainted or not, has to be let inside - and then Hisako charges, rearing back before dishing out a punch that could put a sizable crater in a brick wall; then she leaps back again, making sure she won't be in her allies' way with their own attacks.

The spirit is VERY much sensable, not just cause of the killing aura it's exuding. Problem is, tracking it will be an issue, as it seems to be very much in it's element right now. This is either an assassin class, or just someone who was VERY lucky about where they ended up for the battle. It also doesn't help with said tracking that there's suddenly a quick spray of arrows, aimed at Mina and those protecting her instead of anyone attacking the tree. As for Miyu, she's currently blasting at the tree....which is DEFINITELY taking damage from everyone's attempts, but still seems to be hanging in there strong.

Needless to say, Jason was expecting a attack. Rule one of snipers, go for the useful one. And as the arrows go screaming at Mina, Jason moves and throws his blade, "Barrier!!" as soon as the blade hits the ground a series of spell circles appear, acting as barriers against the arrow attack. "...Archer." he says softly. And he takes off in the direction of the arrow strike, moving in a erratic fashion as to keep from being a easy target.

Rainbow_Dash's senses go into slow motion for her; but to everyone else, the blue Pegasus is suddenly a Rainbow Blur! She spins in a tight circle around Mina as the arrows come in, kicking and striking at the arrows as she does! Hopefully keeping them away from Mina and also hopefully keeping a lucky show form herself as well!

"Arrows?", La Pucelle says in surprise. She wasn't targeted but is mad that her friends were shot at! She keeps her focus on the massive tree able to keep her distances as she keep hacking away at the tree with her massive sword.

Ari dodges some arrows as she heads to the tree. Once she gets to the trunk, the elf takes a good leap and disappears into the branches. Gotta love bionics! She starts hacking and breaking what branches she can, trying to weaken it if anything.

Minerva smiles warmly, and just keeps casting. Honestly, she's a spot of tranquility amidst the forest. It could just be that she's got that much faith in those around her, allowing her to concentrate on her part of the teamwork. Could be that there's something in her that loves a forest, no matter the context. Put her on the edge of a lake in the forest and she'd be PERFECT. Either way, eyes closed in perfect trust in her companions, she continues to keep fighting the poison in the air.

Arrows start bouncing off of Hisako's exo-armor, and she grimaces briefly. If this is a single threat, it's too fast for her to even zero in on the archer - or, given what Miyu was saying, the Archer. If it's an Archer card. She doesn't know enough about the magic involved, but since the tree is the clearest target, she keeps at it. She's not bounding back and forth so much now, though; in fact, she's going to tweak her armor's size further - possibly going bigger still - and try to give La Pucelle some cover, shielding the magical girl with her own armored form. Maybe between La Pucelle's giant sword and Hisako's giant psi-armor punches, the tree will go down faster than if they weren't coordinating - or as close to coordinating as they currently are, anyway.

With the combined efforts of those targeted, NO ONE gets hit by the spray of arrows. The tree is taking HEAVY damage now, it's barely hanging in there anymore. A second spray of arrows comes from somewhere high up, but this time ALL of them are targeted on Jason. And Miyu's still helping get the tree down.

Rainbow_Dash sees that the tree is barely standing; hoping Hisako can take care of covering Mina, she shoots from her spinning motion like a blue bullet at the tree itself! Spinning her back-legs from with the full force of a speed kick, she tries to finish the thing off!

Yeah, figured this would happen, Jason thinks. And he left the Avalon sword near Mina as a added defense. And here he is, the one being targeted, which is all according to plan. Keep the Archer busy allowing the others to work on the tree. Bring tree down, clear the air..then focus on the main threat. But yeah, arrows. No need to use his powers yet. And he darts to the side, going into a series of flips and handstands to keep clear. A couple come close, grazing him..but the worst are stopped by his jacket and it's chainmail lining and sewn in armor plates. Gotta love that jacket.

Once the desperate acrobatics are done he pulls out the stops and in a burst of superhuman speed heads at the tree line, going into a leap he goes to land on the tree. Will he be fast enough to get a shot at Archer. No telling, but his role is clear..keep the sniper occupied.

Minerva has been casting this spell for a while, in terms of a trained battle mage. But something has to give soon, the mass is more poison than water at this point and she needs to end it or risk loosing control of the spell. Then, Mina smirks.

Those who know Jack would recognize that smirk.

Mina lets loose with a wild cackle as the ball of spinning water spins faster, and faster, shrieking as it begins cutting the air, not just filtering it. Spikes of ice form on the exterior of the ball of water, green with poison. Then, the ball of spinning death, full of magic-charged water to the super-saturation point, full of poison, and now full of ill intent... spins at a high speed towards the tree. BOOM.

La Pucelle watches as Jason takes off after the person that is shooting arrows at the group. A forest? Arrows? "Oh you got to me kidding me!", she says having a good idea who attack them. She takes another swing at the tree! "TIMBER!"

Ari keeps hacking at the branches until she sees the tree is just about done, then launches out of the branches and hits the ground, rolling to a crouch before standing, wiping some splinters off her arms.

Hisako is winding up for one more swing when she hears Minerva laughing, and looks back over her shoulder - right as La Pucelle delivers one more swing, possibly the last one, and Ari drops out of the branches. "Hang on!" the mutant teen calls out, reaching out with her armor's hands to scoop up both the magical girl and the - whatever Ari is, Hisako didn't see clearly enough what she was up to.

And then Hisako just LEAPS back, getting herself and - hopefully - two 'passengers' *OUT* of the way of Minerva's spiky ball of spinning magical malice. If she was able to grab both Ari and La Pucelle, Hisako will curl her armor up some around them, and turn her back to the incipient explosion for good measure.

On the plus side, that puts multiple layers of focused psionic force between the anticipated explosion and the two she's trying to protect. Hisako herself only has *one* layer of psionic force-field armor - and if the impact rattles her badly enough that she loses focus and her armor goes away ... well, she can only hope that her distance will provide more protection.

Miyu's hesitant to use the Avenger Class card she got from her last battle (due to her big brother warning her that it may be an EXTREMELY dangerous card to use), so she's continuing to hope that relying on her vanilla magical girl form and the help of these people who got trapped in the park with her will do that job. That said, she fires once more from Sapphire, making a large, concentrated shot of her generic magical blast. She's out of the path of Minerva's attack, which'd be why Hisako hadn't went after her, most likely. On being grazed by the arrows like Jason was, it may become obvious after a moment that those arrows are just trying to bring that poison in through another method instead of the air. Yes, no one having been fully struck by these yet is a very GOOD thing. However, this and the spray like nature of the shots also probably means he's not actually aiming for deadly shots yet either. The Archer's apparently spray and praying in attempt to weaken them... As Jason lands on the tree he'll JUST miss a shadow fleeing back to the ground below...and a dagger flies up at Jason from that direction for his trouble. The tree finally shatters into pieces from all the combined attacks, becoming not more than leaves and splinters on a soft wind. The tree's death is already causing the poison in the air to start fading out. It also seems to affect the other plant life around slightly, as it starts seeming as if it's wilting and emitting shadow. Still nothing that looks like black goo around though. The wilting plants are starting to peel away, leaving the spirit fleeing from Jason with less and less space to hide from everyone as time passes.

Hisako seems to concentrate for a moment. Suddenly a swirling silver portal opens up before her, allowing a glimpse through it to a dark void, speckled with silver energies. As you look, she steps through, the portal fading about her.

Yeah, Jason shoulda figured there would be poison on the arrows. A standard rule for stuff like this. And with all the adrenaline and the like pumping through his veins, well..it moves fast. But of course he's got that lovely Harmonixer healing factor going, trying to negate it. But still, there's gonna be problems.

The glint of steel is his warning as the dagger is flying at him, and Jason twists to avoid it, but due to his precarious position on the tree and also the position. But he does try, and it's a good effort. But alas..well, things won't work out for the Harmonixer this time.

And there's a *THUNK!* as the blade hits home in his chest. "..Ah hell." he gets out as he falls off the tree and slams into the ground below. "Ow." and reaching up he goes to pull the blade out. Yes, it's gonna sound sickening, but it hurts even more for him. "Okay...gonna heal now." he says as he lays there.

Rainbow_Dash rockets after Robin Hood! (Hooves!) "I've about had it with you guys, you're not even a shadow of Robin Hooves!" she tries to barrel down on the shadow outlaw with a spinning hoof attack!

La Pucelle ahh and Hisako leaps on her and pushes her to the ground protecting her from Minerva spell. "You could at least give a warning next time!", with the tree and most of the plants withering way she can see Robin Hood now. "your not getting away!", she returns her sword to it normal size, it still pretty big and throws it at Robin Hood!

Ari gahs! as she's scooped up, moved away and shielded. "What the frak just happened?"

Minerva staggers a little, leaning on her staff, the cackle with a touch of insanity fading to a much more sane giggle. "Whew! When a spell's about to blow up in your face, make sure it blows up in the other guy's face instead." She looks a hair punch drunk, to be completely honest. Mina glances around, only to see... Okay. Jason can heal from that. She KNOWS he can heal from that. That...

does not mean she's one less iota pissed. Ice based armor snaps into place around Mina so fast it's audible, complete with a hoarfrost collar that looks like fur and a delicate crystalline cape. "An insane cackle from a mage isn't warning enough?" She crouches low, and a wave of water rushes under her feet, propelling her along on a thin disc of ice, her magical focus tipped with ice into a spear homing right in on the shadow. She's got no horse, but, this'll act like a lance just the same.

Miyu actually shows a little relief as the tree's taken care of and attacking the actual end goal seems far more possible now. She leaps in the direction of Robin Hood's shadow and the others chasing him, landing on little magical platforms along the way, rather than flying. This time, she holds an attack, however. There's ALREADY two attacks flying at him AND a pony. She doesn't want to accidentally hit Dash or derail the other attacks.

As for shadow archer, he turns and attempts to let out shot with an old school looking bow, rather than the cross bow attached to his arm...but he's far to quickly 1, 2, 3 punched by a large sword, a spinning pegasus AND an ice spear in unison. Annnnd with that it twitches there, kinda attached to the ground by the sword and spear that went through it... It stops moving and seems to just blow away in the wind, which also seems to blow away all the remaining plant life. The place looks completely dead now, but it makes the placement of the card very obvious.

Rainbow_Dash says, "and THAT'S how we roll in Equestria!"

La Pucelle high-fives or hoofs Dash. "You got some good moves there Dash!"

Ari had a feeling that with the attacks happening that by the time she'd have gotten there, it would have been over anyway, so she stands and watches, just in case she was needed for backup.

Minerva snorts a hair inelegantly. "That was supposed to be the last loyal servant to a king away at war?" She pulls her spear free, and turns with a flourish of her cape. "Had he lasted longer I would have put him over my knee." Mina joins in on the high five. "Well done you two, that was awesome!"

Miyu lands back on the ground and goes to check on Jason now that things seem to be done with. "Do we need to get him a healer," she wonders, really not knowing what his self healing levels are.

Rainbow_Dash high-hooves La Pucelle, "Thanks, you too," she grins. Then flits over to Jason, "He gonna be okay?" she asks...

Well, Jason is out. And one can see a glow coming from the wound area along with a blackish liquid coming from the wound. Yes, seems his body has strong healing abilities. But yeah, stabbed in the chest..pulling it out..poison..and that was such a long fall from a tree. Oh yeah, he's out of it now.

Ari dusts the rest of herself off from the debris from the tree branches. She even manages to pull a twig out of her ponytail, wrinkling her nose at it.

Minerva nods. "Yeah. He'll be okay. His healing factor can handle this. He'll just be out of it for a while. I've got some poltices and medicines at home that should help."

Miyu, on hearing that the only damaged party member will be fine, goes to stand near the card as she does the spell that returns everyone to the Neo Tokyo version of the park. The park is as they left it, sans poison filled barrier, but it's actually kept the minorly improved growth of the plants despite the snow. She'd pick up the card that's now hidden under the snow and tuck it away along with the Avenger class card. "Sorry about the trouble, and thank you for the help," she says to the others with a small bow. "Sapphire and I have been trying to find these before they're a problem but...the mana levels here make pin pointing them very difficult.

Rainbow_Dash says, "No prob," she grins, "That's what we do, right?" she adds, remaining floating in the air, her small wings beeting steadily. 'Glad I was around to help out. I was kinda keeping an eye on Hisako. She's been having robot troubles lately."

Ari shrugs a little. "All I did was beat up some branches. Wish I could have done more." she hehs.

Minerva nods. "No problem at all, and, honestly," she winks. "That was the first spell I ever crafted, it felt good to use it for more than just clearing bad air out of caves." She laughs a little. "Erm, Ari? Sorry about that. The spell was getting close to exploding, and I figured, best it blows up against the evil tree. I forgot people were in melee distance."

Rainbow_Dash says, "Last time I fought one of these things, I got careless and touched some black goo..." she shudders, 'Not somethin' I wanna repeat..."

Miyu says, "Well, it was really important branches you beat." She doesn't seem to be cracking a smile or anything...she's not being sarcastic, right? "You helped a lot, even if it didn't feel like much. The tree might have done us in if we were too careless.""

Minerva nods. "It really did. Taking the tree down was rather important."

Ari wrinkles her nose a little again. "I could have done better. But at least we won, right?"

Rainbow_Dash says, "I wouldn't worry so much..team effort, right?"

Minerva nods. "Indeed. After fighting at your side before, I really trusted you to keep me safe while I cast my spell Rainbow Dash. Just as you guys trusted me to keep the air clear. We all played our parts well."

Miyu nods in agreement with Dash. "Besides that, it's supposed to be my responsibility and I really didn't get much done..." Does this little girl always have to be so serious?

Rainbow_Dash rubs the back of her neck, "Well..yeah..I do my best. Good job keeping the air clean; we'd have been toast if you didn't do that.

Ari nods a little. "Definitely." she chuckles. "I'm totally jealous of you magic types for stuff like that.

Minerva laugh, and goes in to grab Miyu under one arm and if successful, goes for the noogie. "Now you're just being silly. Part of being a magical girl is the power of friendship and finding people you can trust and rely on. I'd say in that way, you're doing quite well Miyu."

Rainbow_Dash says, "Yeah...just like us Ponies," she grins, she's been through a lot of that before."

Miyu blushes a little as Minerva noogies her. It's not much of a reaction, but it's still more than usual! "I...guess that's right..." she admits, "And now that I have the archer class card, I can do more."

Ari smiles a bit. "Nice! One day I'll have to get a rundown on how this all works.

Minerva mmhmms in a bright and cheery voice. "See? You're already getting stronger because you're working with people. Just watch, things will get more challenging, but you'll also be better able to handle them." Mina glances at Rainbow, and says with a slightly good natured teasing tone. "See? The technicolor pony knows exactly what I'm talking about." And Ari gets a thumbs up. "I'm pretty sure I don't know all of it, but I can fill you in on what I do know later."

Miyu says, "You, Jason, and Dash have been a lot of help, and this time I met new people like Ari-san too. ...I can try to help too, but Sapphire-san or my big brother are probably the most knowledgeable about things to do with this."

Rainbow_Dash says, "Yeah...my friends and I are all about the Power of Friendship," she winks, "You all should come on by the Tree sometime and meet my buds.""

Ari nods a little. "Maybe. I'm pretty booked through the end of the month with helping people with stuff. Maybe after.

Miyu says, "I guess I should come over some time when I'm not bringing King Arthur from her meal to purify the black good from you..."

Minerva shrugs. "Help where you can, don't worry about the rest." She looks towards where Jason is resting. Should get him home soon. "Yeah, should probably keep me away from that king. I mean... She probably wouldn't want anything to do with someone of my bloodline."

Rainbow_Dash tilts her head, "It's still in me?? I thought It was gone..." she blinks, "Princess Luna helped and everything." O.o

Miyu says, "...I never said it was back." She tilts her head, wondering what even brought Rainbow to that understanding. "...and why would King Arthur not want anything to do with you?""

Rainbow_Dash says, "And...speaking of that, I should get back home; don't want the others thinking I'm out all night fighting evil and stuff," she laughs, "Besides; I'm starved.""

Minerva shrugs. "Direct descendant and current heir of Lancelot of the Lake, at least in my part of the multiverse. Ran off with his wife, remember?" She pauses. "Plus being a magical girl was because we were all direct descendants of the Knights of the Round Table, so walking away from that and carving my own path...." Mina winces. "So, yes, I should get Jason home."

Miyu raises a brow. "Well I guess that'd make sense with the typical King Arthur of legend, but since this is the one that's a woman pretending to be a man, I don't think she'd hold /that/ against you."

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