2017-04-07 - Friendship is Shounen!

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Friendship Is Shounen!

Summary: Josuke and Sarah Markham make friends the shounen way. By punching each other!

Who: Josuke, Sarah Markham
When: April 07, 2017
Where: Center of NeoTokyo


The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

        For once Josuke's not wearing his school uniform. He likes it! He's got it customised JUST the way he wants it! But until he can get schooling set up HERE, he's not going to be wearing it. And then he might have to wear another kind of uniform. Which of course he'll customise. But for now he's in a striped green shirt and purple pants. And of course his regent. Or pompadour, whatever you want to call it. Looks like he's finishing off a soda, since he drops the bottle in the trash. A sigh. "Man... Still don't know what I'm gonna do," he mutters, mostly to himself.

        As Sarah enjoys her pseudo cigarette, a paper airplane goes flyong over her shoulder and gets itself stuck in the hair of a young man a few meters away. She turns and looks for the source, but only sees the tail end of a scarf rounding a corner. She turns back and sighs. 'Dumb kids.'

        Suddenly the paper airplane embeds itself into the young man's carefully-styled regent! Josuke makes a strangled sound and tenses, his eyes going wide with surprise. His first thought? A bird hit him. "GAAH! Shoo! Go on! Shoo, shoo, shoo!" He ducks, flailing his arms above his head comically for a moment.

        ...And then his arm brushes against the paper airplane. He stills, then blinks, emitting a confused sound. He straightens, and pulls the paper from his hair. Josuke seems to pout, reaching up fix the hole in his hair that the paper plane doubtless put there. "Heeeey. Whoever threw this needs to be more careful. That could have been somebody's eye." Though as he speaks, he's unfolding the paper plane. There's something written on the paper...


        Suddenly Josuke's brows draw down quickly, and he clenches the paper in his hand. "Bastard...!" He means the Japanese version of the word 'bastard', the one that equally applies to males or females. The one that basically just means 'I don't like you'. Also his voice has gone from goofy-sounding to downright dangerous, the growl apppearing out of nowhere. Whatever was on that paper pissed him off mightily.

        To that end he starts looking around for the culprits. Gone is the laidback attitude. The goofiness is nowhere to be found. There is a very angry young man standing there.

        Sarah notices the kid go from calm to about ready to throw down and sighs. "Hey, buddy. If you're looking for where that came from, I think I saw someone run around that corner." She turns and points to where she had seen the scarf dissapear around the building.

        Josuke makes that sound again, one that sounds like 'keh!', and takes off in the direction indicated. He stops at the corner, though, peering around. "HEY!" he shouts down the side of the building. "Where did you go, you bastard?! I won't let anyone get away with that!"

        As it turns out, he's dropped the paper that sent him into a rage. On it there's a small bit of writing. Messy, but legible. It reads:

                Roses Are Red
                Violets Are Blue
                Disco Is Out
                And That Hairstyle Is Too

        Sarah looks at the paper and involuntarily snickers. 'Holy shit that kid is savage.' She feels bad for finding it funny, but it's kinda ridiculous to get that worked up over an insulting paper plane. She shakes her head and takes another drag, wondering just -how- she's gonna find a job.

        Well, Josuke doesn't see anybody back there. Maybe there never WAS anyone back there. He didn't see the scarf, after all. Maybe he was being led off the track. Or maybe...

        The snicker from Sarah seals it. Clearly she's partially responsible. At least, that's the connection in his mind.

        "...Hey. You with the cigarette." That does NOT sound like a very nice tone. It's low and dangerous. "You think it's funny too, don't you?" It's like Niagra Falls as he approaches -- slooowly he turns, step by step, inch by inch. His head's down just enough to make it really hard to see his eyes.

        Sarah turns to the young man, a brow arched as she slips her hands into her pockets. "Well, I don't find the fact that you were insulted funny, but I still can appreciate the humor on the plane." She shrugs, her tone casual.

        "The way I've always seen it, if ya can't laugh at yourself, what -can- ya laugh at?" Another lackadaisical shrug accompanied the statement.

        "I won't let anyone get away with making fun of my hair!" Josuke declares, finally tilting his head up. Honestly, if he was thinking straight he'd realize just exactly how UTTERLY RIDICULOUS that sounded. But then that would just make him more pissed, wouldn't it? But for the time being, he ISN'T thinking. As demonstrated quite well by what happens next.

        A neon purple aura springs to life around him, burning almost like a fire. And then... something ELSE weird happens. Overlaid over his arm is the image of a large, muscular arm with pink and blue armor. The hand on the end of that arm balls itself into a fist...

        And takes a swing at her!

        Sarah doesn't see the aura, nor the fist, and thus is caught entirely off guard when the fist connects and sends her flying back, breaking her nose in the process. She picks herself up off the ground, spits out a bit of blood, and snaps her nose back into place. "Ow, sonuva bitch, that stings." She turns to the boy. The hell was that? This kid psychic? A mage? She sighs and blinks, her right eye becoming enveloped in a rusty red haze that burns from her eye like a small flame. She sees the purple aura now. Sarah shrugs and puts a hand back in her pocket. "Look, buddy. You really don't wanna start something like this."

        People are starting to back up now, giving the two of them distance, after seeing Sarah go flying. Her words, though. That gets a response, his tone still low and dangerous. "I told you. I won't let any get away with it. Pisses me off. I just can't help it. I won't let it go. I can't!"

        With her eye glowing like that, she should see what happens next. That armored figure appears, totally this time. It's a very tall, wiry figure, bubblegum pink in color, and covered in plates of a shiny, silvery blue. There's a definite heart motif going on. But that flat, angry stare from the pink-and-blue figure does not indicate that he is in any way cuddly.

        Particularly not when the figure starts punching at Sarah. In super-speed! It looks like all but a solid wall of arm and fist. And as it does, the armored figure growls out loudly, "DORARARARARARA!" It's not translating to anything understandable, so this is probably just a battle cry of some kind.

        Sarah's magic is quicker to react than she is, a wall of typewriter keys forming in front of the pink figure. 'Was that a Persona?! I didn't see his card, or an evoker, so maybe not. Either way, I'd rather not half to fill this kid full 'a pens.' Her form flickers and she reappears a few meters behind the kid. She sighs and pulls out another false cigarette, the scent of office supplies filling the air as she lights it. "Ya know, it's a beautiful day outside. Sun is shining, pedestrians are going about their days...it'd be a shame to ruin it with needless violence, wouldn't ya say?" She shrugs.

        As Sarah disappears, Josuke pauses, to get his bearings. It's his sense of smell that alerts him to her presence. He turns to face her, putting his back to the wall of keys (if it's still there). As for her words? Maybe he's run out of clever quips. Or maybe he's just too mad to concentrate on them. Either way, what happens is...

        Well, more punching. That seems to be the only thing the figure can do. Then again, it DOES punch super-speed. Sometimes one trick is all the pony needs!

        Sarah flickers again, this time appearing to Josuke's left, a few meters away. "Well, I guess we're doing this then." She snaps her fingers, and a few lance-like pens appear behind her. She sends them flying at him, not putting as much force or speed behind them as she normally did. She didn't want to kill the kid, just get him to back off.

        To be fair, the kid is clearly a teenager, and kind of emotes like a hotblooded shounen protagonist. He'll probably back off when his anger's spent. So all she has to do is keep him busy 'till then. Or hit him real good.

        Those pens have a good chance of it, and he does seem to register WHAT THE HELL PENS?!, since his eyes widen as they fly at him.

        He seems to have presence of mind to engage the armored figure again, and the figure's timely "DORARARARA!" barrage saves Josuke from being impaled. It doesn't completely deflect the pens, though. One slips past his guard and slices across one of the figure's arm, between two of the armor plates.

        And there, on Josuke's arm, a similar wound opens. The pens didn't even touch him. But it did injure the figure. The figure's not bleeding, mind. But Josuke is. He claps a hand over the injury, gritting his teeth.

        Sarah's eyes widened at the sight. 'Damage reflects onto him from that thing? Shit. I need to be careful. Maybe I should lay off the pens for now.' She snaps her fingers, and 3 tendrils of scalding hot coffee lash out at Josuke, 2 intending on slapping him upside the head and the other one trying to grab him by the arm and toss him around. "Ya might wanna -cut- this scuffle short buddy. It isn't worth getting roughed up over a burn."

        Looks like it works both ways, too. Sort of. As the coffe smacks him around, the figure disappears. So when he goes flying? There's nothing to dampen the impact. That poor taco cart, though. It's completely destroyed. And Josuke doesn't immediately get up. Surely that wasn't all it took to take him out. But at least it's pretty clear that he's 'normal', at least when it's HIM that's hit instead of the armored figure.

        Shit. Sarah didn't have the money to pay for that...she sighed. This didn't feel right. This kid wws gonna get hurt if this kept up too much longer. "Look, kid, I -really- don't feel good about this. Why don't we both just calm down and talk about this?" She let the coffee disappear, let the magic in her eye fade, and walked over to him, a hand in her pocket, the other held out to him, a hopeful smile on her face.

        Thankfully, the knocking-around seems to have knocked some sense into him, because the kid doesn't immediately get up and start swinging. Also thankfully, he's still conscious. He does manage to pull himself out of the remains of the cart, though. ALSO thankfully, the owner isn't there. He doesn't say anything for a moment, not sure what to say.

        But uh. NeoTokyo has a police force. And they're on their way. Sirens on cars? Horns on mecha? Whatever it is, it's approaching.

        Josuke looks in that direction, making that strangled sound. "Oh, just <great>," he mutters. A look to Sarah. "We better get lost, I don't wanna spend the night in jail. What do you think?"

        Sarah smirks. "Knew you were a good kid. Follow me, I know a 'shortcut'." With that, she ducks into a nearby alley, trusting him to keep up.

        Josuke doesn't have to be told twice. As Sarah ducks into an alley, he follows. Despite the fact that the two had just been fighting, he easily follows her into the alley without question. Who knows if he even cares if it's a trap or not?

        As they step into the alley, it becomes quite apparent that this is a dead end. Sarah seems undeterred as she turns around and winks, holding out a hand. "Hold on tight kiddo, I have it on good authority that the ride's a bit bumpy for first timers." She looks to the side as she says this, a lazy grin on her face, and one hand still in her pocket.

        They're out of the main street, so Sarah wouldn't notice that the taco truck is suddenly fixed and back to normal...

        Josuke skids to a stop when he notices the wall. "Eeh?" Japanese confused sound! He looks around. "...This is a dead end," he observes. A look at the wall. "I could break it and we could go through that way..."

        Though he blinks at the instructions, looking more than a little uncomfortable. "What's a bumpy ride?"

        "C'mon kid. Shortcut. Cops sound kinda close. Let's make like a banana and get the fuck outta here." She wiggles her hand a bit, looking at him this time. Her eyes hold a sort of nonchalant amusement, and her grin is still pretty relaxed.

        Josuke blinks, looks to the extended hand... and then takes hold of it. There is a thought going through his head, one that says 'I'm going to regret this, aren't I?' But he keeps it quiet, because ESCAPE!

        Sarah smiles. "Hold onto to your lunch kid, don't want it ending up on the floor." And with that, their bodies flicker amd disappear, the alley seemingly disintegrating around them and being replaced by the interior of the library.

        Josuke stumbles a bit when he finds there is substance around him again. "Gah! What was that?!" he exclaims, before realizing where they are, and hunkering down sheepishly. "Sorry," he whispers to anybody who might be listening or looking at them. Possibly looking at him like he'd grown another head, too. Josuke blinks. "How... how'd you do that?"

        Sarah smirks and wiggles her fingers at him. "Magic." She winks before chuckling. "The funniest part about that one is I'm not kidding."

        "I believe it," Josuke replies. He's seen a lot of weird things since he's come here, and he hasn't even been here that long. And then he seems to remember something... and raises a hand to rub at the back of his neck. "Right uh... I'm sorry. I just... I kind of lose my temper when that happens..." An understatement, definitely.

        Sarah shrugs. "Happens to the best of us friend, don't worry about it. I'm doing fine, cept for the shatteres shnoz, and you seem alright, so it's all good." She smiles and holds out a hand. "Whaddya say we try this again? Name's Sarah Markham, pleased to meet ya."

        Accepting the offered hand for a handshake, the teen responds, "Josuke Higashikata. Good to meet you too." Though yes. He looks at her nose. And he doesn't let go of her hand immediately. Suddenly... the figure appears again! But instead of punching, it reaches slowly towards Sarah's face. Presuming she doesn't pull away first? An orange aura surrounds the figure's hand, and... her nose might just be fixing itself. Josuke's concentrating, and he's not angry now, so he's unlikely to botch the repair job.

        Sarah sees the faintest outline of the figure and her eye flares to life, bringing it into full detail. She barely restrains her magic as it slowly approaches, she looks into Josuke's eyes, suspicion and tentative trust clear warring in her gaze. When she feels her nose begin to mend, however, the trust begins to win out, and she smiles. "Yep, knew you weren't a bad kid."

        Josuke finally releases Sarah's hand, when her nose is mended properly, and looks carefully at the job, to make sure it's right. Satisfied, he nods, and leans back again. "I try not to be. My grandfather would hate it if I really went bad."

        Sarah shrugs. "That's good. So, what's up with your ghost thing? It looks familiar, but I know it can't be what I'm thinking of." She lets her eye snuff out, ignoring the light stinging in her retina.

        "It's... a Stand," Josuke replies. "I think... I think it's some sort of manifestation of my 'psychological strength'." He says this as if it's someone else's words that he's quoting. "I guess most of the people in my family have them."

        Sarah shrugs again. This may seem like it'll be a common occurence. "Sounds pretty cool, and kinda like a Persona, though I don't think I ever saw someone use a Persona as freely as you did, or had the damage dealt to it reflect on themself." She pulls out another odd cigarette, lighting it and enjoying the familiar motions of snapping her fingers a tiny flame appearing at the tip, and bringing it to her lips, as well as the scent of office supplies and coffee that the cigarette produced. "I don't have anything fancy like that. I'm just a pencil pusher." She shrugged and winked.

        Josuke looks thoughtful. "Well... it's... me, basically. But stronger. If Crazy Diamond gets hit with a forklift at terminal velocity, it'll hurt both of us. If /I/ get hit with a forklift at terminal velocity, I'll probably die. But since he's me, when he gets hurt, I get hurt just as much." Though at the mention of her being 'just a pencil pusher'? Josuke smirks. "I'd say that was a lot more than just pencils. I've never been smacked with COFFEE before." He seems impressed by it. And a little amused.

        Sarah smirks back. "What can I say? My brew's got a bit of a kick to it." She summons her trusty pen, a metal caligraphy pen with a deceptively sharp edge, and begins idly twirling and flipping it between and around her fingers. "Pencils, pens, same difference." She chuckles a bit.

        "Kick, punch, and a bit of throat-slashing, yeah," Josuke adds. Sounds like he's kidding yes, given the chuckle. The summoning of the pen gets a blink. "Ooh. Was that pen somewhere else, or did you make it just now?" he asks.

        Sarah tosses it up in the air, letting it vanish as she pulled out another one. "I like to keep one on me at all times, but yeah, that one was conjured. That's my magic. I push pencils into people till they stop doing a violence." She shrugs and tosses this one up, letting it dissapear too.

        Josuke has to cover his mouth to keep from laughing out loud at Sarah's artistic definition of 'pencil pusher'. "I do something that's not too different. I push fists into people until they stop doing a violence." Pointing at the pen, "And that would be a useful ability."

        Sarah laughs openly at that. "Pff, smartass. Ahh, seriously though. I was an accountant before I started getting tossed around the multiverse like a chew toy. I literally -was- a pencil pusher." She chuckles a bit. "And it does come in handy sometimes. I never have to worry about finding a pencil sharpener, or running out of ink in a pen." She smirks.

        Josuke grins at the 'insult'. To be fair, Sarah probably meant it, but Josuke didn't really take it as an insult. But yes. He does have a question. "How do you go from accountant to... to... office supply elemental?"

        Sarah's smile falters somewhat at this, before she gives a halfhearted chuckle and replies. "I-it's not that interesting a story, you probably don't wanna hear it." She looks to the side, her tone sounded somewhat strained.

        Josuke winces. He's no stupid kid, despite how much he acts like it. Particularly when somebody insults his hair. But he can see that his question was a bad one. He draws back a little. "Ah... s-sorry. Didn't know it was something you didn't want to talk about." He pauses, then, thinking. "...Four. I was four," he offers, seemingly randomly.

        "I-it's fine kid, you didn't know. I just...that story's not a happy one, and while I've always -had- magic, the story you're asking for is how I started using it to fight." She sighs, pulling out another cigarette and lighting it. "So, if'n ya don't mind my asking, what happened when you were four?"

        Josuke nods. "I understand. We all have things we don't want to talk about." Speaking of which... and he did offer it. So as Sarah asks the question, he offers the rest. "I got sick. REALLY sick. Mom wasn't sure if I was gonna make it or not. But her car got stuck in the snow when she was trying to take me to the hospital. A high school student came out of nowhere... he was hurt. But he didn't ask for a ride. He put his coat under the wheels and helped us get out. We never saw him again. He had his hair like this."

        He points to his hair. "So... that's why I got so mad. Because... it just makes me mad when anybody insults it... because I started wearing it like this because he did," Josuke explains. "Insulting it feels like insulting him. And he stopped to help a stranger, even though he was hurt too."

        Sarah nods in understanding. "I get it. You do it because in your eyes, they're spitting on his legacy." Sarah sighed again. "...I...I guess I have to tell someone some of the story at some point. And you shared spmething pretty personal, so fair's fair I guess." She took another drag.

        "Mhm," Josuke responds quietly. "So it... kinda pushes my buttons pretty bad." Tilting his head, Josuke goes quiet as she takes a drag of her cigarette. "I'd like to hear it, at least a little. But if you don't want to, it's okay. I didn't want you to feel like you were the only one on the spot."

        Sarah lets out a melancholy chuckle. "Thanks kid. You're a good egg. Now saddle up, cause this is about to get heavy." She walked over to a nearby table and dragged a couple chairs over, setting one by Josuke and setting her own near that one, sitting down and sighing, pulling out a different package of cigarettes. This one was blue, and she withdrew one of the last cigarettes in it with care as the one in her mouth broke back down into the mana it had been made with.

        "Ah, thank you," Josuke replies, as he sits down in the provided chair. However, he tilts his head at the pack of cigarettes. But he doesn't ask anything, he just waits, turning his attention back to Sarah.

        Sarah lights the cigarette and the scent of disinfectant and calcium fills the air. "Alright...where to start?. I guess I should say that this happened to be the first jump I can remember. There might have been more before that, but this is the first time I remember waking up in a reality that wasn't my own. I woke up in a bed of flowers, in dust filled ruins, alone...or so I thought. I walked through the ruins and eventually came upon a cozy home, vacant, but not abandoned. I walked further and got my first glimpse of that little megalomaniac. I should probably preface this with some of the history I learned later on to put what was happening into context. Ya see, in that world, there were two races. Monsters, and Humans. Humans began to fear monsters and the magic they wielded after years of peace, and started a war, eventually sealing them underground with magic. Monsters, for all the magic they had, were actually quite fragile, due to lacking a body with substance. Monster's bodies were formed from their magic, and when they died, their bodies broke down into dust." She sighed. "Still with me so far kid?"

        That's an odd way for cigarettes to smell, Josuke thinks. But he's not going to comment on it. Sarah's talking about something far more important. He listens as she talks about the growing rift between humans and monsters. He is, like most Japanese, a 'loud listener', offering verbal confirmations when there's a lull in her words. And not just 'uh-huh', 'yeah', etc. More, 'Oh I see', 'Is that so?', 'Oh wow', etc. When she asks if he's still with, her he nods. "Yes. Go on," he confirms.

        Sarah sighs and presses on. "Well, I think you can guess why those ruins were so dusty. I walked out the other end of that home only to find a 14 year old kid having just murdered the kind monster woman who lived there. She fell to dust, and that...thing that looked like a kid turned to me and looked at me like a new pawn on a familiar chess board. Then they stabbed me with a toy knife. Like, actually stabbed me. I bled out and everything. I woke back up in that bed of flowers for reasons I wouldn't find out until later and rushed through the ruins, realizing what was going on, and made it to the same spot only to find the door out of the ruins open, and dust spread across the floor to spell out the message 'Stay out of my way'." She gave a shuddering sigh. "And so a race began, I was trying to warn the monster people of the danger, and they were trying to commit genocide, because the sick little bastard knew they could do it. Eventually one monster managed to buy the rest some time to flee, and myself time to get a crash course in how to use magic to kill. Later, after the kid had cut through almost everyone in the underground, they came upon me."

        Josuke pays rapt attention to the story as it's told. Particularly the part where it was... a kid? His eyes go a little wide at this. "Most of the monsters got away?" he asked. He's not asking it as though he'd be disappointed by a positive answer. It sounds like he WANTS them to have gotten away. But then again, Sarah hadn't indicated that the monsters were evil, and there was no reason to kill something that wasn't evil.

        "No...most of them died. Only a fraction of the population survived" Sarah took a long drag. "At this point I should mention the other sticking point. In that world, humans had this power called Determination, which allowed them to bend time to their will to change fate in the right conditions. This kid could do that, saving and loading whenever they died. That's how they carved a dusty swathe through the underground, and how I didn't die after bleeding out. So what do you think happened when two determined humans clashed at the end? We both died an unholy amount of times. We fought in that damned throne room 738 times. I kept track." She let out another shuddering sigh.

        Josuke is visibly upset when he hears that most of the monsters died. The mention of 'saving and loading' gets a blink. "Like a video game?" he asks. He IS a teenager, and a teenager from the nineties at that. But her mention of having died and 'respawned' so many times does bring a question. "If the other kid couldn't die... how did you beat him?" Assuming gender, to note.

        "...I didn't. He gave up. Reset everything back to how it was when he first fell, and played us all like a damn fiddle, acting like he'd changed. That he had let his power go to his head, but wouldn't let it happen again. We believed him. Things were nice for a time. I met my best friend there, a skeleton man scientist named after a font. The kid turned out to seem like a good kid. Then, he pulled the rug out from under us. We fought one last time, in a place where neither of us had the luxury of loading a save. The kid nearly killed me, and if it hadn't been for my friend, I would have died. I had to kill that child in the end. I had to kill a 14 year old kid cause they were a time traveling, genocidal, megalomaniac who wanted to erase that world entirely, just because he could." She finished the cigarette and let it fade as she sat, her expression haunted. "After that, we tried to get on with our lives. My friend helped me quit smoking, teaching me how to make these with some magic and water. Then I had it all ripped away after I was starting to almost get over the idea of never going home."

        Sarah looked at Josuke. "And that's it. That's how I learned to fight."

        Josuke shakes his head. "That's... a wild ride," he said. "Sink or swim approach, huh? Man. At least I had like... thirteen years to learn what I could and couldn't do. And I thought Angelo was weird...."

        Sarah gives a melancholy chuckle. "Understatement of the year kid. Understatenent of the year..." She withdraws the blue pack and looks at it. "You figure out why my cigarettes smell the way they do yet?"

        Josuke seems to note the need for a change in topic. So. TOPIC CHANGE! The cigarettes smell like neither cigars nor... ettes...! Or something. Josuke tilts his head to the side. "I guess it's because they're made of magic. So when you make them, you can make them smell like anything you want them to smell like."

        "Heh, close. The magic bit's right, but I can't choose the scent. It's part of my magical signature. It's an expression of who I am. That's why the red ones smell like an office. The blue ones are all I have left to remember Wing Dings by. And yeah, his name is really Wing Dings, I already laughed at that as much as he would let me before the joke got old." Sarah chuckled a bit at that, a more honest, fond chuckle at good memories.

        Josuke thinks about that. And, seeing that Sarah probably needs an honest laugh, he offers, "I'd hate if someone taught Jotaro-san how to do that. His would smell like fish and rotten seaweed. Blech!" He makes a disgusted face at the notion.

        Sarah laughs at the thought. "What? Is he some kind of freaky fish guy?"

        "No. He's a marine biologist, though," Josuke replies. "He's really into the ocean, and he likes studying it. I'm glad it makes him happy. I dunno. Maybe they'd only smell like saltwater and... and... I dunno, what do boats smell like?"

        Sarah shrugs, a small but genuine smile on her face. "I dunno, maybe metal?"

        "Hopefully they wouldn't smell like starfish. Those things STINK when they get out of the water," Josuke observes. Holding his nose to illustrate, he comments, "Phew!"

        Sarah chuckles. "Thanks kid. I needed something to pick me up, and getting that off my chest...feels much better. I've always been the type to bottle stuff up and just kinda forget about it." She smiles openly.

        Josuke nods, getting serious again. "I had a feeling. Jotaro's a little like that too. He's super cool about everything. But he's not really good at talking about things, especially how he feels about things. I guess he bottles things up too." Pause. "...Hey. Want me to treat you to something to eat to apologize for earlier? I mean... it's a student's budget, so it wouldn't be much, but it would make me feel better about being stupid."

        "If ya want, go for it."

        Josuke smiles broadly -- and there's the goofy teen again, in that smile -- and stands. "Sounds like a good idea! I'm hungry too. I think I use energy like that." He'll walk with her out of the library. "...I guess no tacos?" Because he hit a taco stand, and he's also kind of teasing.

        Sarah stands and follows. "Sure. No tacos. How about fish?" She smirks right back.

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