2017-04-16 - Xeno Armor

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Xeno Armor

Summary: Muradin goes over the last details of Urus' armor

Who: Urus, Muradin, Marina
When: April 16, 2017
Where: Muradin's Diggs


The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
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Today is a nice cool day, the sun is half covered by clouds and there is a nice breeze going by. Well it would be nice if one was not inside a volcano smithing away. To Muradin's credit, the Dwarf had been working on and off on the project, but since Urus was in an all fire hurry since he got back to get it finished, today is the day it all comes together.

Urus is not just standing back and doing nothing in all this, oh no. he is physicaly working on a few items of interest. Mainly, the helmet, which to be honest does not look like much as it only covers the back of the head and the jaw, leaving the rest wide open. Then again he has a plan for that. He is sitting nearby at a bench working on the helmet and getting some personal touches and specialty items working. a hot sautering iron to his right as he fiddles with small electrical wires.

More like its a beautiful day SPECIALLY because they happen to be inside a volcano!

This is the perfect environment for Muradin to thrive on and work, the warm atmosphere and the underground setting remind him of his home of Khaz Modan, which becomes all too nostaligic as rings of steel hitting steel are heard all within the caverns of the volcano, giving it the music of a legitimate Dwarven Forge. Ah, if only Morgana were around today, he would be singing along with his siren wife! Singing to the steel, and the fire, and his mighty hammer and.. uh, well, the xenomorph skin is certainly an unusual material to make armor out of, but certainly not the strangest thing he's forged before. Why, Azerothenians make armor out of dragon scales and the like all the time! Xenomorph skin is no different.

"Oh yeaaah, I think this quite nearly done, me laddie!!" Exclaimes Muradin as he comes out of his forge, pulling what appears to plate armor covered in Xenomorph hide. "Gotta say I've nearly outdone meself this time. Wish me older brother Magni were here to see this beauty."

Marina has been admonished enough times for nearly getting in the way of Muradin's hammer that she, by now, knows to keep back at least a yard or two. Regardless, she's still watching with wide eyes now that she's gotten herself a higher up perch. She's gotten better at climbing, using her surprisingly powerful tentacles more than her hands.

Urus looks back from his work "looks good, sorry to have you make alll those individual plates but, you know, best case senario." he says holding up a book with his left hand, "armor through the ages." A little number he stole from minu's library before anyone left twisted. She's gonna be pissed when she finds out where it went, or releived. he's not quite sure. "Anyways, thank you for hard work. Just stick it with rest of the peices, may want to attach shoulders and the few peices on the midsection." he says as he gets back to what seems like a tiny white strip connected to a few wires. and placing those inside at the front part of the jawline before securing it with some double sided adhesive.

"Ey laddie, ye know wot we say in Ironforge. Better to sweat in the forge than to bleed in the battlefield!! Only tha' best armor will suffice here, I donna care how much I gotta put on each plate." Muradin chuckles and then examines the plates covered in Xenomorph hide. "Hm, aye, shoulders might prove tricky but I think I know just tha' technique for that!" He spots Marina surveing things from a high perch and chuckles at her. "Heey me lassie! How did ye get up there??" He reaches up to scoop her. "Ye donna want to fall do ye?? Here, why don't ye play with yer hammer instead?" Naturally, Muradin has gotten Marina a toy hammer of her own, although it IS actually made of steel and not plastic as one might first assume. Obviously, all dwarven toys are made out of nothing but top quality material and plastic would simply just not do at all.

Marina squeels as she's picked up, and looks slightly dejected as she's put down. On the other hand, she does eagler take the toy hammer into hand. "Hamma!" she cries out, and holds it up before she looks back up at her father. She then crawls over to find a spare scrap of metal lying around, then looks back up at her father yet again. She appears to be waiting for something now.

Urus chuckles "well, even with the best, I bet there is going to be a bit of both going on. not sure for which side yet." he says obviously already having some plans. "anyways with all this..." he has a sudden realization and just the biggest smirk anyone has ever seen on him appears. Obviously that dememented mind in there is having an appifiny. he continues his work, going over the the right hand side of the helmet and doing even more wiring work. he has a small bulb as well as a camera on the table that he starts toying with sautering a few of the wires together. "Umm, those small peices that I asked you to make... where did they end up?" he asks. He looks to smile at his neice as he has the spare second. Urus' smiles always end up looking half malicious on even the best of occasions but its rather clear what the intention is by his eyebrows.

"Och, tell me about it. Ye never know wot yer gonna end up running into 'round 'ere. Talk about unexpected, who knew sodding Ragnaros was living next door! And then that bugga' Kotal and his curs come a-knocking." Grumbles Muradin whilst shaking his head. "Might want to get me a new suit of armor meself actually." He strokes his beard and then glances down at Marina with a grin. "Aye! It's hamma time, me lass! Hammer that down!" The dorf gives an encouraging grin to his kid before glancing over to Urus again. "Oh, they're already done, was leaving them to cool off away from the forge." He points where he has essentially a drying rack for freshly made equipment.

Marina isn't hammering. No, she's just watching Muradin. She does, however, shout out, "Hamma Time!"

Urus begins laying out the general scheme, adding in a USB adaptor and some other cables, by his speed and sureness it seems like he has done this before or at least somthing similar. "ahh, thank you." He says walking over to the rack and picking up the few small peices, all of them able to fit in one hand. "The casing for the wires and whatnot." He says beginning to mount the wires inside as well as the connectors and small rail so the part he is working on can be detached or attached at any time. "Then there is one more peice, the battery hookup and I will have this done."

Muradin chuckles at his little girl although he rubs his beard again, slightly bewildered why Marina isn't hitting anything yet. What could she be waiting for? Oh well, kids, amrite? He figures that Marina will hammer things out eventually. Hahah, get it? Oh man, Muradin cannot -wait- until he starts unleashing his barrage of dad jokes. It's gonna be so much fun. But anywho, back to business, he rubs his palms and looks over to where Urus is making preparations with the other pieces of armor and notices that he's planning to insert some kind of power generator within the armor. "Och... now that's some gnome business if I've ever seen any." Making armor out of Xenomorph hide was exciting enough for Muradin, he didn't have to take an extra step and put gunpowed in it too! But hey, this is Urus' armor, he can do whatever he wants with it.

Marina looks distinctly disappointed for some reason. She then does start grumpily hammering on the scrap of metal.

Urus has about two feet of wire that he is packing up into a one by one by two box. in other words, its cramped and messy. "No... Gnome buisness would be alot cleaner than this. You learn some tricks of the trade by having to fix up a space ship ever two or three months." He notes popping some peices together with one of the sides being able to slide in and out as needed. "I thought if this was going to be my armor for a while I might as well put a few extra bells and whisles on it." he says, obviously not taking it litteraly as there are none of either on the table. "There is somthing special in my cooler," he tells Muradin as he finishes up the current project. "Bring it out for me would you? you will know it when you see it." making mention to a specialy made visor that he outsourced, pretty much the only large item he outsourced in the entire project. "You know, she takes after you in the emotion catagory you know that?" He says noticing the grummpy face Marina is making. "Definately did not get it with your wife."

Muradin gives a chuckle at Urus calling gnome business cleaner. He doesn't know if Doommuffin might appreciate it or not, since after all, her shack had the nasty habit of exploding every now and then. Nevertheless, the dwarven thane just shrugs. "Oi, putting a sodding blunderbuss in there for all I care. Its yer armor, just as long as ye donna go and blow yerself up I'll be fine with it." He pauses. "Uh, -do- make sure not to blow yerself up though, Morgana would -not- be happy." Noticing Marina's grumpy face, Muradin purses his lips and arches an eyebrow wondering why his daughter seemed unhappy. "Och! I donna get it." He said to Urus as the hyena told him that his daughter got his temper. He crouched to get closer to Marina and kissed her scalp before ruffling her long bronze hair. "Daddy will be right back to play, okay?" He then got up and walked off to get Urus' cooler, still looking confused as to what was bothering Marina.

Marina's attention span is short enough, thankfully, that as her hair is ruffled, she squees in delight and that's apparently all it took to get her back to what is her more typical normal. She continues hammering away on the peice of metal... not doing anything constructive with it, mind you. Perhaps she just likes making the loud noises. Like neice like uncle. Loud noises happen to be one of his specialties as some may understand. He cackles a bit remembering doom's shop. "No worries. Worst case senario I get a little static shock. that is about it." he says no chance of blowing up when the power source he has in mind is simply 3 nine volt batteries. as he awaits the last part he gets to work with how it should mount, working with a top mounted hinge setup. he begins putting in the small batteries in a small compartment in the back, waiting to test it until the entire thing is together. "Are you going to be a smith like your father when you grow up, or more like the hunter your mother is?" he asks not expecting any awnser out of her but more or less thinking aloud.

"Heh! Why not both??" Cackles Muradin as he carries the cooler back in. "Already got 'er that nice sword from the magic shop. I canna wait till she's able to swing it. Ooh, she's gonna be a tough one, I can feel it! Just look how at those hammer swings!" The dorf says as he sets the cooler down next to Urus. "'Ere ya go, now wot's all this about this little surprise of yers? It better not be another bloody bomb though!" Muradin still remembers last time Urus tried to pull that.

Marina chimes out, "Humpersmif!" between clangs on the scrap metal. She's listening, apparently.

Urus smiles toothily at Muradin's awnser. and down right cackles his brains out hyena like at Marina's. He tries his best to take deep breaths and gets himself under control. "ohh speaking of which you have that sword for the one guy done?" he asks opening up the cooler and rooting around. "no, just somthing important. and no, I will not blow up the workshop like doom does... it was one time." he defends himself as he pulls out a green curved, mirrored peice of glass that he places on the helmet itself and suddenly, the minimalist and strange look makes alot more sense with the new peice. He quickly mounts the visor in place and looks all around it, making sure there are no other things he has missed or needed to work on. "Should I get everything on and show off what it all looks like together?" he asks, content with the helmet.

Muradin cackles at what Marina says but when Urus asks for the sword he was making for Jason he makes a face and crosses his arms. "No, I donna have tha sword yet because ye told me not to forge it until ye were ready for something." He shrugs and takes Urus' word about not blowing up the workshop. Even if he did, he's got it pretty well built anyway. Considering they live inside a volcano -and- there are all sorts of monsters running around Neo Tokyo, Muradin made 100 percent sure that his forge was explosion proof. "Sure, lad. Let's take a look at it." He said nodding approvingly at how the visor look on the helmet.

Urus notes "Well that something might be pretty soon. in fact I can be ready as soon as you are if everything checks out." he says. "Excuse me." he leaves the forge to get the armor on, taking peices and putting them in the cooler of holding before getting to a somewhat private spot to equip it all. all in all its about three quarers of an hour from start to finish to get it all on. The results however when he walks out, the clank of metal against stone being heard with each step, are more than worth the wait. The full set of armor addresses nearly every part of its occupant. Made in a Banded style construction, the outer layer is made entirely of layered plates of glossy black chitin. The plates are put together as to overlap slightly and allow for the full range of movement while leaving no part unprotected. Dwarven steel makes up the bulk of the armor, serving as the skeleton upon which the chitin has been laid. The only amount of the steel that can be seen on the outside is the studded bottom of the close fitting boots. The armor itself is relatively thick, obscuring the somewhat lithe figure underneath. The Greaves and sleeves stay close and relatively tight to the body it was based upon. The gauntlets encase the hands fully, leaving space and cushion for the claws of the wearer. Peridot claws extend from the fingertips replicating the form it is protecting. The helmet itself is not as tight, being rather sparse in the armoring in lieu of a large green mirrored visor that curves from the chin up to the top of the head. The only plating is from the ears down to the crease of the mouth and continues out along the line of the lower jaw. This design overall allows for an unobstructed view. The visor is able to hinge at the top to allow for eye contact in non combat situations. The inside is backlit by a small strip of LEDs only visible if the visor is up. Similarly, there is a flashlight and camera mounted on the right in a small detachable pod. The only thing that is not shown nor specially armored is the tail, which is tucked carefully in the greaves.

Sod, nearly an hour to get the whole armor on?? Muradin is gonna have to go over with Urus on some techniques to put armor on in a hurry. You wanna have that on as soon as possible in cases of emergencies. The result is well worth waiting for though, as Urus walks out wearing the full armor. "Blimey! Now I see wot ya were trying to do with that power source!" He looks at Urus from head to toe and nods approvingly. "Looks like a less clunkier version of me diving suit! Ooh, aye, yer gonna wreck some havoc with this one, lad!"

Urus he raises the visor revealing his face underneath as well as the lighting job that gives a bit more of that erie look as it only glows from the bottom up. "That was the point." he grins flexing his fingers and by extention the large gemstone claws. "and." he brings a hand up to the right side on the little pod and turns on the flashlight, which inevitably ends up in Muradin's eyes before quickly turning it off again. "Cannot hit what they cannot see."

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