2017-04-15 - Owl Knowledge

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Owl Knowledge

Summary: The God of Knowledge, Thoth, and Minu's previous employer, wishes for his most valuable scribe to return to his Grand Archives. Little does he know that in the time she spent outside of his realm, Minu went off and married the God of War. A family reunion takes place in Thoth's realm as Kotal Kahn storms the Grand Archives with every ally he can muster to save his wife.. some of those allies being more reluctant than others.

Who: Kotal_Kahn, Muradin, Urus, Dorian, Minu, Morgana, Rayne, The_Trio, Marina
When: April 15, 2017
Where: Kotal's Palace and The Grand Archives

Dorian-icon.gifKotal Kahn-icon.gifMarina-icon.gifMuradin-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

It has been the better part of a week since Kotal and the Krew along with a cute three headed puppy left for extreme training. During that time a certain elf lady got it into her head that THEN would be the best time to try out the portal spell that would return her to her former employer, The Great Scribe, in order to offer her official resignation from his service. When Kotal and company arrive back at the Palace and scatter to their own places to clean up and recuperate, Kotal finds a note tacked to his throne which reads "Sun of My Life, If you get this note, then something has gone wrong and I am in trouble. Urus knows where I am...Help."

Indeed, it had been because of that fateful meeting that Kotal had taken the Krew to prepare themselves for that Konfrontation. Centeotl was no warrior deity, in the Pantheon of Gods, he had been regarded as bookish, studious, he busied himself with gathering all knowladge possible whilst all the other Gods squabbled amongst themselves. Kotal and Raiden certainly paid him little mind while they battled each other.

That being said.. Centeotl or as he was better known, Thoth, was still a God, and formidable as Kotal may be, assaulting a God in his domain is never an easy feat.

If this meeting were to turn into a fight it would be a formidable indeed.

And thus the Krew was set to prepare, but imagine Kotal's surprise when he found the note on his throne of skulls-- Minu had gone ahead without them!!

He crushed the note in his fist and began glowing gold.


Reptile smelled the air and looked around. "Hey.. do you ssssmell that?" He asked as Ferra replied. "Yahuh! Something's burning!"

Then the seven chosen warriors where thrown asunder as an EXPLOSION OF SUN came out of the palace followed by a mighty scream.




Muradin was happily giving Marina a piggy back ride when he heard the ground tremble and a scream in the distance. "Sod me, mate. Wot did that lad do this time?"

Dorian had not been part of the 'extreme training'. Sadly, the Altus mage has been being lazy, since he hadn't really seen any serious threats lately. He knew of several that were occurring, but they hadn't directly impacted him. He might even have put on a few pounds, much to his regret!

But he forgets that when he hears the shout in the distance. Yes he knows whose voice it is. That and the explosion of sunlight... Dorian scowls. Kotal wouldn't make that sort of noise or let his power loose like that unless something was incredibly wrong.

Fortunately he's been learning some interesting magical tricks since he got here. One of them? Go to people that he knows, as long as they're within his range. And it's going to come in handy here.

The eyes in the trio of dragon heads at the top of the staff he carries begin to glow a sharp, bright green. The air seems to swirl behind him, turning into a vortex that he steps backwards into. And so, as the last vestiges of Kotal's anger fade from the palace, a swirling green portal deposits one Dorian Pavus into the courtyard.

The first one of Kotal's warriors that he finds (likely in a heap on the ground), he asks, "What's wrong?" They'll probably need healing too, which he will indeed provide.

Urus is near the family, his ears twitching at the yell, easily able to tell who and what about is screaming. he pokes his head out of his part of the cave system "Do not look at me... I did nothing. At least, I think I did nothing." he responds "I'll go outside and see what in hell is going on. If you hear gunfire you know what is going on."

The pups saw what was coming, without a word they darted off to their kennel to hide just before their master imploded in sun energy. Throwing all three of their heads down together and covering their heads with their forepaws as best they could. Good thing the kennel door is heavy duty.

The first one of Kotal's chosen that Dorian finds on the ground is D'vorah, who being part insect particularly dislikes getting set on fire! She rolls on the ground a bit and decides to throw off her robe before she runs into Dorian. "Ah! The mage.. it is good to see you." She dusts some cinders off her yellow skinned arms. "Uh, the Kahn is very angry." Well, that explanation probably doesn't help anybody, but that is why Kotal quickly runs out of the pyramid looking absofreakinglutely LIVID!

"BRING ME URUS!!!" He yells. "NOW!!!"

Dorian winces at the burning. He can't really do much for D'vorah's clothing. But he can heal her if she or any of her brood have been injured. Of course, he's quickly distracted by the appearance of the very angry Kahn!

So, logic dictates, if Urus must be found, then they need to determine where he is first. He looks in Kotal's direction and asks, "Do you know where he is? If so, I can narrow the search area significantly." Yes, he's prepared to magic again!

Urus stands outside, only armed with the magnum pistol at his side in a holster. The god of war is invulnerable so the most he would be able to do is piss him off. as for the rest of the crew, it will only take a single magazine if he has anything to say about it. "KAHHHHHN! THERE how do YOU like it.... wait I swear I saw this in movie once."

Morgana is unamused with the all the noise and chaos so close to her lair. She rises from her place on the floor of the family room, leaving her mate with her offspring and stalks out to stand behind Urus, silent in her predatory movement.

D'vorah sighs in relief as she is healed. "Thank you, Dorian." Then she's turning to see the furious Aztec God walk out of the temple, burning yellow energy radiating off from his body.

"He must be with Morgana and her family." Kotal says to Dorian. "The dwarf.. he opened a blacksmith in the volcano.. if we can find him we can find Urus!"

Dorian nods once to D'vorah's thanks. And then as Kotal says mentions the volcano, Dorian concentrates. The eyes of that staff glow again, and he tries to make a portal outside the volcano. Said swirling green portal can be seen through if one looks, and Dorian's there, clearly keeping it open. Though for the moment he only looks through it, not stepping through just yet. "Urus? If you're there, we need you at the palace. It's urgent." At least he assumes so, otherwise Kotal wouldn't be so upset.

Urus watches the green portal open, and being the guy he is immediately draws on it, holding fire until he know what exactly he is aiming at. The voice is familiar though that comes through the portal. "Wait minute? Dorian? Long time no see, and still working for Kotal I hear well, I wonder if he can hear me. Kotal, would you mind coming out here instead of hiding behind your mage please? If this is what I think it is I need the stuff here."

As the portal opens , Morgana drops into a defensive crouch and hisses. Her sharp teeth exposed, hands held up, fingers flexed, talons glinting in the dappled light. who dares this trespass?!

Kotal Kahn doesn't take kindly to challenges- particularly when members of his family are in danger.

Without a word, the glowing turquoise skinned figure of Kotal Kahn emerges from the portal looking all kinds of angry. Next to him, D'vorah follows, missing her signature robe and hood.

The Aztec pays Morgana and her defensive gesture. His whole gaze fixated on Urus.

"Where is Minu!!?"

Standing just a tad behind Morgana is Muradin, shielding Marina with his body and holding Mirithos in his other hand. He'd be remiss if he lets his wife do all the fighting in case things go south.

Marina just stares at the blue giant with wide eyes, saying nothing for the moment.

When Kotal and D'vorah go through, Dorian does as well. He leaves the portal open for anyone else from the palace to come through who wishes, and then closes it when everyone's through that's going to go. For his part, he seems to pay the raised hackles all around no mind. Instead, after hearing the question from Kotal, he takes a cautious step forward. Now at least he understands why Kotal is so frantic.

He bows to those assembled. "Do please forgive the abruptness of the appearance, ladies and gentlemen," he offers amicably. "But Kotal appears to have misplaced his wife, and I believe he has reason to believe that Urus may know how to find her. Might we be able to bother you long enough to borrow him to find her?"

Urus has his weapon in hand at least, The nearby hiss of Morgana gets a bit of an eyeroll from him. "Morgana, go back inside, you too Muradin, I have this handled." He looks undisturbed by Kotal. "Look, you are the god of war, not the god of bad manners. At least say hello before you insinuate I have done something wrong." he says turning his attention to the other two. "Dorian, still the pride of your world I see. And D'vorah, looking good, let me guess you did something with your wings perhaps." The first one a legitimate compliment the other sort of a joke. Rises and strides forward, tossing waist length black hair back over her shoulder. Her dark eyes lock on the blue god and there is a physical crackle like rubber bands snapping against skin as the sirens voice comes forth imperiously. "you are on MY island Kotal, you do not make demands here. This one belongs to ME." The siren eyes Urus for a moment and then the others. "You are sure you are willing to deal with this blue bastard? I do not trust him and his around my offspring. He could be taken to the depths and...dealt with where the sun will not grant him aide." Her voice has softened so that it is mostly to Urus but she does not take her alien gaze from Kotal or his folk.

Marina says, "Boo Bafferd!"

D'vorah gives Urus a flat, unamused look, though she does wiggle her antenna and her insectoid wings buzz behind her, perhaps a silent gesture that she actually hasn't done anything other than lose her hoodie.

Kotal for his part remains perfectly still, perhaps showing just to how much restraint he's willing to go to save his beloved owl. If this were ANYONE ELSE other than Minu or Silencia, Kotal would have no quabbles about returning Morgana's posture or coerce Urus to cooperate through force.

Instead, Kotal does the unthinkable. He actually swallows his pride and says something he has probably not said in a hundred million years.

"Please...I need your help." If anything this might learn him some humbleness.

Dorian bows his head to Urus, with a smile. "Good to see you again. It has been a while, hasn't it?" Though he's still keeping close eye on the situation, in case it needs to be further diffused.

He offers an easy smile Morgana's direction. "I can assure you, if he didn't think Urus might have information about his wife, he wouldn't be here, particularly not in this ill humor. I'm sure you would feel the same if the shoe was on the other foot." He pauses, realizing Morgana only has feet part of the time. "...I mean... well, you know what I mean."

Kotal's sudden humble attitude, though? Dorian fixes surprised gray eyes on the War God. But he doesn't say anything about it. He remains quiet, ready to step in should it prove necessary.

Urus smirks at Dvorah's reaction. However the smug look vanishes as Kotal actually asks for help. nicely. his jaw visibly drops. maybe he underestimated his brother in law's love, it made him actually feel bad for having a quip set up for the scathing remark he was expecting. He turns to Morgana, humbled himself. "Look, I have this. I know what they are talking about. I need to go help them, please. Back inside. Muradin, please, get me my cooler and get the duck out of his bowl, we are heading out." he says closing his eyes and actually bowing his head in return, not once, but twice to both Dorian AND Kotal.

The siren tilts her head to the side and makes a slow blink as Kotal actually humbles himself. Dorian's words explain to her finally what has Kotal on her doorstep. She moves forward and lifts her eyes to look into Kotal's face "You feel the madness of being without your chosen mate.you now understand my grief at last, that which drove me to madness when your blood magic called me out of the abyss." Her expression neutral. "You have our...understanding." She has no concept of sympathy so Kotal must be content with her empathy. She turns and heads toward the cave. Taking Marina from her father so Muradin can do as Urus asked. She calls back to the hyena "return to us safely my warrior, I do not wish to have to hunt for you to bring you back, Marina would be sad."

Marina clearly has no concept of the gravity of the situation, as she merely squeals happily as Morgana picks her up and takes her away.

Yes, its taking a lot from Kotal to stay polite. Not because of an innate dislike for Urus -although THAT is very true- but the worry he has for Minu is wracking at his nerves. He is a God of War and he deals with troubles by DESTROYING them. Being at the mercy of the hyena is not a position he enjoys in the least-- and yet, he is willing to remain civil, if only for Minu's sake. This is the true test of a warrior, to be strong no matter what, and true strength sometimes comes from self restraint. Even D'vorah is giving him a look of surprise, but realizing she can't stand tall while her emperor is humbling himself, D'vorah falls to her knees begging for help as well.

"Thank you, Urus." Kotal manages to say as the hyena bows to him. The Aztec then glances at Morgana with glowing eyes as she approaches him. His gaze that of resentment more than anger. He remains quiet as Morgana chastises him in her own way.. he dare not risk anything by opening his mouth and angering the Siren who at the moment essentially has his wife as a hostage by simply commanding Urus not to go.

Kotal then glances at Dorian. "Thank you again, Dorian. You have been most helpful. If you do not wish to go into this journey I will understand--although we would most definitely appreciate your help."

In the meantime, Muradin does as told and brings out the cooler and takes the rubber ducky out of his bowl. "Ye sure ye donna want me to come with, lad? It sounds like yer heading off to war. Could use me hammer!"

Dorian bows respectfully to Morgana. "Thank you. You have my gratitude, milady," he offers honestly. As for Urus returning? He assures her, "Not to worry. He'll be in good hands." Because he does intend to go. Minu's his friend as well as Kotal's wife.

The mage offers a smirk in Kotal's direction at the suggestion of staying behind. "Not go? Why wouldn't I? Your odds would improve so much with me with you." Arrogant? Yes. But Dorian hopes that familiarity might help Kotal calm himself a bit, and a remark like that is typical of the mage. And also quite harmless.

Urus Smiles, not maliciously, but kindly at the god for the first time in a while. "I will return when I can." he tells Morgana. he looks back to Kotal. Giving him the run down. "She came to me with scroll that should open portal to her world, will need someone with magic, the spell itself, and the... wait what in hell did it call that." he says before getting the call from the dwarf. he takes a few steps to Muradin. "Thank you, but that will be all, it is not your fight. Just keep little one safe." he smiles taking the two items and walking back, putting Ivan the duck down in the sand and opening the cooler, taking out the painstaking note that he had mulled over once or twice. "The Site of incidence." he reads. "So wherever the hell she left from I would assume." he says handing it over to Kotal.

Urus looks back at Muradin, unable to help himself. "Am not heading of TO war. Heading off WITH him..." he jokes cackling at his own play on words.

Kotal smiles and places a hand on Dorian's shoulder. "You are a loyal friend, Dorian. I am honored to have you as one of my chosen." D'vorah looks up and then gets back to her feet noticing that they are ready to move out. The Aztec then grasps the note and reads the spell, and though he is no sorcerer, as a God, he has acquired much knowledge which include magic.

"I know where this is." He muses. "Come, we will gather the warriors and then we shall pay a visit to Centeotl."

Muradin chuckles at Urus' pun. "Aye, suppose I can respect that. Good luck, laddie. Bash some heads fer us!"

Dorian offers kindly to Muradin, "Take care." Adorable little one, even he has to admit that. No, it's not making him consider making a few of his own. That would require... well, something he won't do. Anyway. Back to the matter at hand, finding Minu.

The joke from Urus gets an amused smirk. "Always a good distinction to make." And as Urus explains what he needs, Dorian spreads his hands, indicating himself. "Well, you have one thing. You have a mage available," he offers.

And Kotal's being mushy now! Is Dorian blushing? Maybe! "Pish." A dismissive wave of his hand. "You'd be lost without me, I know." But his tone is fond, and clearly he's teasing. And then he notes, with less of an edge to his voice, "...Thank you." It's always nice to be needed!

However, thankfully Kotal seems to have the spell well in hand. A portal of THAT degree might weaken Dorian to cast by himself, and then he'd be little use to the group after that. Still he asks, "Is this a portal that's going to need to be opened? I have some experience with those, but one leading to outside NeoTokyo might be a bit of a stretch for me."

Urus feeling a bit of the love of the party sweeps a hand out. "Lead the way." Wait, did they EVER get along before now, wait thats an absolute nope so this is rather new. "Centeotl? umm different name for that "great scribe" minu was talking about right?" he checks. "If so, might I give minor suggestion?" he asks as he closes his cooler and picks it up, as well as putting Ivan in his pocket for safe keeping. "Might I suggest diplomacy to start off with? I know that might not be your best side but, we are heading into the lair of another god here."

"Centeotl has gone by many names across the centuries just as I." Explains Kotal Kahn as he bids Morgana and her family good bye and goes back to the Palace by way of Dorian's portal. "In ages past he found his most favored culture with the Egyptians and took the name they gave him, that of Thoth. Similarly how I adopted the Mexica as my chosen and took on their name. Centeotl will probably still call me Horus, which is the name the Egyptians gave me."

Entering the Kourtyard again, Kotal gives his fallen Krew a disapproving glare and summons the sun down upon them. Just like the sun can burn, it can also heal, and all six of them are returned to full vitality. "On your feet, my warriors! Battle awaits us!" He turns to Dorian then and nods. "Fear not, my friend. This is a rather simply spell once I have the instructions, albeit one that requires a lot of energy. You will be fresh if Kombat where to incur." But his talk of War does make him notice Urus suggestion. "Diplomacy.." The Aztec purses his lips, none of them other than Dorian is any good at talking things out, even D'vorah who is the speaker of the Krew, always prefers to turn things violent. Though Kotal trusts Dorian greatly, without Minu or Silencia to provide the voice of reason.. things might get out of control.

Only one could always be counted on to keep Kotal under control other than Minu or Silencia.

"Perhaps.. it is time..."

He raises his gaze to the sky and raises a hand.

"You who fought for me before. I call upon our pact to stand by me one more time." He begins casting his summoning spell.

"Heed my call, o' Chosen Warrior. Come back to me-- my Phoenix!!"

Wait, who is he summoning again?

Dorian blinks a bit at the mention of another god. 'Great Scribe'? Then... a god of knowledge?

...Yeah, wild archdemons wouldn't keep Dorian out of this once he hears that.

But as Kotal seems prepared to leave, he opens the portal again, back to the palace. He listens to Kotal's explanation, nods. "Makes me wonder if the Maker, or Andraste, went by any other names in other worlds..."

At the mention of the word Phoenix? Dorian's eyes go wide. There IS someone he can think of by that classification. But could even Kotal do that? Could even Kotal wrest that particular Phoenix from the iron grip of the other world? Is that even who he's summoning?

Either way, Dorian reaches out on a magical level, offering Kotal what power he can, just in case. More power for such a spell can't hurt, right?

And then, in what at first appears to be a seated position... no chair, mind you, suddenly drops a rather familiar rainbow-haired woman, pen in hand. Why no, she doesn't appear to have any clue what's going on whatsoever, and her first reaction is to lose her grip on the pen... followed by a mad scrambling to regain it before she realizes the larger problems of NOT BEING IN HER OFFICE AND IN THE AIR. With a shout, she finishes her drop to the ground, splaying out as she hits. "Owww..... what the hell just...." She blinks, looking around, and her voice lowers in tone. ".....Where am I?"

Urus nods. "I see. and is the animal head thing just something they came up with or it it just something you prefer not to use? I mean, being what I am now or being blue, not sure really which one I would have chosen." he admits. he sort of rolls his eyes as the warriors are called, but goes back to smiling when his suggestion gets contemplated. he looks curiously at the summoning but shrugs, its as good a time as any to do this, even if for a brief second. "Arron co..." then he looks to the voice, today is apparently time for the reunion of TASK. "R...Rayne? he says smiling, the only other people other than Morgana's family and Minu that he has even partially opened up to. So it just so happens that first things first that Rayne would find herself in a rather furry embrace. "Great to see you again!" Well they say distance makes the heart grow fonder.

With the aid of Dorian's magic Kotal is able to pierce through the veil of Twisted-- without needing to be in the Badlands to do so-- and summons a very familiar rainbow haired girl. The Krew seems elated, Ferra in particular who begins jumping up and down, and Kotal walks over to the fallen Rayne.

"Welcome back, my warrior. It has been some time."

Which thankfully for everyone involved puts him just in the path of an overly cheerful Urus that tried to give her a hug. "Ah ah! Restrain yourself, Urus." He grabs the hyena man by the back of the collar and hoists him away.

Aha. Dorian thought as much. However, when he opens his eyes, there is Rayne! He smiles, and steps towards where she fell. "Hello there," he offers, with a bow. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

And then Urus goes in for the glomp! Dorian winces. He remembered Rayne had some... issues with being touched. Hopefully Kotal can handle it! Dorian will stand by just in case. One never knows, after all.

Urus Yipes a bit as he is picked up by the scruff by surprise. Flailing for a half second. Its also at that time he remembers Rayne's dislike of physical contact. "First of all thank you for reminding me. Second of all could you put me down before I say something we both regret." he says pausing before continuing his conversation. "Sorry for Bumpy ride but welcome to party. Most of Twisted ended up here in metropolis named neo-Tokyo. You can consider yourself included. Though it was through power of a certain god holding me up right now that got you here. That sum it up Kotal?" he asks trying to crane his head around Kotal's large fist to look at him in the eye.

"Yes, that about sums it up." Kotal drops Urus, though he doesn't necessarily seem to care if the hyena lands on his feet or his face. He then looks over to Rayne awaiting her reaction.

"I did find that rather odd," Dorian replies. He'll pause to help Urus to his feet if the need arises. Then continue, "That we all ended up here. I've yet to figure out what happened, or why."

But then there's another problem, and Dorian explains. "Minu is here too, but it seems she's missing. We were going to find her, but diplomacy might be needed. As much as I'm good at talking, I think I'll need all the help I can get this time."

Rayne looks like she's trying to mouth the words as she comes up with what she should say. "You pulled me... Away? I... Look... I'm... I'm glad to see you, I really am, but... I have so much work to do! When everyone vanished, I had... We're horribly understaffed! And with the Power incident, it's just gotten worse!" She then blinks, and deadpans slightly. "Neotokyo? That sounds famil-" She then facepalms. "Oh, gods, I thought that was a fever dream. It shouldn't surprise me it wasn't..." She looks between her fingers at Dorian. "Minu... is missing? Kidnapped? You realize that you've basically done the-" She stops herself and shakes her head. "Never mind. I'll help her out, but..." She looks over at Kotal, looking perhaps a bit peeved at him. "I will need to get back."

Urus drops onto his hands and knees. "oof, thank you." he says attempting to stay nice with kotal at least until after the rescue mission. Picking himself up is relatively simple and quick. "Yeah, well I know you have a lot to do, and you wish to return. But after we rescue minu, I need to take you to see special someone before you go. You would not happen to have something that can, never mind the shops are open today. can do that when we get back." he says. Thinking of more than one family reunion.

Rather uncharacteristically, Kotal has little to say in regards to Rayne's request other than a nod. "I can arrange for your return." He says simply before moving towards the palace. "Come, if there is anywhere Minu would cast a spell it is at her library. We should be able to open the portal there."

Dorian does have the grace to look sheepish at Rayne's admonishment. "Wasn't my idea," he admits, pointing at Kotal. "But I think it's a good one, nonetheless. It HAS been good to see you again, and we do need help."

The mention of a 'family reunion' from Urus gets a raised brow from Dorian. He doesn't ask though. Not yet. He'll ask later. For now, Kotal's words of heading into the library get a nod. "We should try not to disturb anything, else Minu will be... rather cross," he cautions.

Rayne smiles weakly. These are... her friends, the ones that have been missing... well, most of them. But there's the nagging feeling in her mind... that she was abandoned. That she was left to deal with the insanity of Twisted on her own. The now Director shakes her head and straightens up, but she still looks quite emotionally torn... but is definitely trying to hide it behind a smile. She then looks specifically to Urus. "Special... what?" She glances around, then frowns again. He can arrange for her return. Under her breath, she mumbles, "So you could've come back anytime, then." She looks up to Dorian again as he speaks to her, a look of anger remaining on her face for a split second before she offers him a smile. "Yeah, well... Sure, I'll help you guys rescue Minu, sure..."

Urus shakes his head, his ears being able to pick up the slight sounds at such a close distance. "I would have, I did not have a choice." he says, Rayne will understand but the rest who did not hear her comment might not understand. He looks to Dorian, eyebrows raised. "Absolutely. She is mean when you mess with her books." He then picks up his stuff and follows Kotal.

"No doubt you have questions, Rayne." Kotal can obviously sense Rayne's trepidation about the whole ordeal, and he can hear her mumbling. Whether Rayne may have liked it or not, after all they had been through, Kotal had become something a kin to a surrogate parent-- at least to the point that he could tell what troubled Rayne merely by looking at her. "Questions that I would certainly answer without hesitation."

"But I must ask you to cast aside whatever worry you may have right now and help me with this."

You were once my Chosen Warrior.. nay, dare I say we were a family. If you hate me for leaving I will understand.. but do not punish Minu for it, she does not deserve it."

He leads them all to the library whilst he nods towards Dorian and heeds his warning. "You are right of course, but I have my ways to ensure we are not running blind here." Kotal then gives a loud whistle. "Here boys! I need your assistance." Surely the Trio will be able to pin point the exact location of where Minu opened her gate.

Dorian blinks at the mention of going back to Twisted. "Well, I couldn't," he notes. "As much as I hate to admit it, making portal of that size, between worlds that both want to stay isolated, is a little beyond my capabilities. I might one day grow that powerful, but that day is not today, I'm afraid." However, Rayne seems willing to help! So he smiles. "Thank you. Terribly sorry to have taken you away."

And then he heads into the library with Kotal. When the Trio is called, Dorian nods. "I might be able to assist in that too," he offers. He can sense magic, after all.

Rayne offers Urus a weak smile, then looks at Kotal without bothering to try to smile. She clearly hears in his words that it was a matter of choice for him. "No. I won't leave Minu just because of your transgressions," she says as she follows along. At what Dorian says, she merely nods. "Just... I have a lot to do there still. Someone has to run TASK. I haven't found a suitable Second."

Urus walks behind them. "Look, Kotal, I don't want to sound like complete douche here but I think extra firepower is unnecessary." he waves a hand motioning to the crew. "hell, I am sure the only reason you are keeping me is because of the scroll." he notes. continuing on regardless. The palace looks nice but... seems rather sooty. they have a kitchen fire or something?

The Trio does not respond, however they seem to be ahead of the game once again. Already laid down at a spot on the floor nearby Minu's computer within the library. Rex is whimpering to himself ears back and not his cheerful happy go lucky self. Buster's head is down as well, though silent. Jackson in the middle has his head up, probably stifling any emotions so he can look regal and be of use. "Here Master." Jackson says rather coldly "Right here in front of us. Tier three, dual way conjuration magic, or for the uninitiated, a portal." Obviously Jackson has been listening to Minu and absorbing some sort of information.

Kotal's lips stiffen as Rayne calls his actions transgressions, but offers no comment. Deep down, it hurt that Rayne no longer thought kindly of him, and surely she had plenty of reason not to considering that for all intended purposes she was abandoned. Perhaps in the end he was no better than Gonfei after all. He had his reasons to leave of course, and yet he knows that this is not the moment to argue that, Minu's safety was in the line and that's all that mattered.

Kotal waves a hand as Dorian tries to explain himself and shakes his head. "It was no one's fault but mine.. but it is as Rayne said, no one should be punished for -my- transgressions." The Aztec then rolls his glowing eyes at Urus when he questions his decision of summoning Rayne. "Have you not been paying attention, Urus? I brought Rayne here because she is a -diplomat- something -you- suggested we did." Kotal's patience is running thin and he clenches his jaw tightly before he goes off more on Urus. He's still saving his anger for Thoth.

As the Trio come, Kotal follows, and he walks towards the area they lead him. "Good job, Jackson. You boys stay here to defend the palace from intruders. The realm of Centeotl is no place for you to be. Everyone else.. gather around me."

Kotal brights forth the scroll and his eyes and tattoos glow gold, preparing to cast the teleporting spell.

"Lend us your power, Dorian." Says Ermac suddenly as the soul golem begins channeling magic towards Kotal, as it will apparently need a lot of energy to pierce through this particular veil.

Dorian kept out of most of Twisted's politics. And his own leaving wasn't really his doing. So he really isn't sure what's going on, why Rayne is so upset. But, he can understand her needing someone to help run things now that Kotal's not there anymore. But, none of that is any of his business, so he doesn't get into it.

Instead, when the Trio leads them to the area, he extends a hand, and the eyes of the triple dragon-headed staff he carries light up. Second opinion? Or maybe he's just getting the 'feel' of the magic. And he emits a thoughtful 'hmm'.

Ermac's sudden words startle him, but he nods. And as Ermac begins to channel his own power to Kotal, Dorian does the same. As he'd done before, he opens his connection to the Fade, and the reaches out with that connection, offering the power from the Fade to Kotal.

Kotal Kahn may be seeing so very much green in his mind's eye right now...

Rayne follows in, looking about the library with a bit of a frown. She does, however, reach over to scratch at Rex's head as she gets within arm's reach. "How're you doing, boys?" she asks with a bit of melancholy in her voice. She then stands back, letting the spell begin. In theory, she should be able to help with channeling energy... but as a relative beginner in spellwork, she's not going to be adding much power to this spell, it would be more a drop in the bucket. Not to mention the fact that she's never tried to 'lend her power' before to begin with. And so she stands back, out of the way for the moment. Oh, she stays fairly close, ready to get to the portal quickly should that need be necessary, but for now, there isn't much for her to do other than gather her thoughts.

Urus looks at kotal, loosing his kindness as well. "I understand Rayne, I meant the small army of the cowboy, the bug and the tale of too many chromosomes.." The first two are obvious, the other is easily figured out when one notice Urus looking at Ferrah and Torr on the last one. But whatever, you know the guy better than I do." he leans backward on the war god like a living wall, already being next to done with the lets team up bullshit.

The three half smile at rayne and the tail flicks a few times. "We could be beter, But it is great to see you again." Rex replies, being the people dog he is. Jackson seems more than ready to take charge. "Yes Master, as you wish. We will do the best we can." He assures. the other two nod slowly. They pad out of the room to do a patrol of the grounds as ordered.

Kotal Kahn sighs as Urus starts trying his patience- as usual. "Urus, I am not going to waste time explaining why a numerical advantage is important when entering enemy territory." Warfare 101 as far as Kotal is concerned, but its to be expected really since Urus isn't exactly Sun Tzu.. quite possibly Kotal's best ever disciple.

"This should be sufficient." Says the War God to Dorian and Ermac as the two of them lend him their power and rips a tear through reality, opening a gate to the Great Library.

As the group steps through the portal the find themselves in grand chamber, huge with no end to it insight to the right and left. The ceilings are vaulted in grand arching domes and rise a good thirty foot over head. The walls are lined with book shelves from floor to ceiling as far as the eye can see. Each shelf is filled with books of all sizes and shapes. There are shelves with cubby holes filled with scrolls. Spread around the vast space are risers with large stone tablets with all manner of odd writings on them. Around the top of the room, dozens of pairs of eyes fall on the group. Owls of every shape and size roost along the top of the shelves. Directly before the group sits an expansive desk and beside the desk, a large pole supporting a golden bird cage, rounded at the top with a flat bottom. Its the kind of cage one of would expect used for a canary and low and behold. What do we find within, one tiny elf owl looking dejected. From the rafters a great eagle owl swoops down then shifts. A tall well built fellow, close to Kotal's height but more lean of build with piercing blue eyes and sharp hawk like nose suddenly appears from the great eagle owl. "Oh so the usurper dares enter my realm...not enough that you steal my servants but now you bring your base and uneducated minions into my presence Horus?" The blue eyed fellow waves his hand and a web of some kind of energy surrounds the group, The Group finds themselves rooted to one place, the sensation of their personal energy being, stymied. "I do not enter your realm with such...an entourage and you should not have done so in mine. You know the rules .cousin...We are each strongest in our own place. Why are you here? There is nothing for you in my Archives. My servant has returned and you may leave."

"Stay safe," Dorian offers to the Trio as they walk out of the room on their patrol. The portal is opened, and he steps through with the others... and then immediately finds himself stuck in one spot. He notices the owl in the cage, looking sad. Though how one would tell an owl is sad is difficult to say. But since he's rooted, he can't go to where she is. Though he expects Kotal is going to explode when he sees it.

Dorian listens to the words of Thoth. Seems her 'Great Scribe' didn't take her resignation very well, if what Urus said was any indication. Mortal he may be, but he at least is suitably awed by the library itself. And possibly more than a little by the Scribe himself. "Great One," Dorian begins. If he can move well enough, he'll bow, maybe even take a knee. This IS a god, after all. And he continues, "We have been brought here so that we may try to talk, not to go against You." The capital 'Y' is audible, as if it had been written. "We mean no offense."

Rayne is not the first through. In fact, she specifically waits for Kotal to go through before she does. As she does step through, she looks around in wonder at all the books here. "Twilight would've had a ball here..." she says, then she does finally spot Minu. Well, she assumes it's Minu. She raises a hand to wave, but then the much more massive owl flies down to chastise them... or perhaps just Kotal himself? Regardless, she assumes she's not even something to consider to the other god. For now, she stays quiet and listens, trying to get a mental image for what exactly the situation is here. Thoth being overly jealous and possessive of a former servant? That was a given. But if Thoth thinks he's going to be intimidating to Rayne... Well, Knowledge is just one facet of Power. And Rayne cussed out Power herself.

Urus takes himself through as well, immediately going into figuring out his surroundings. If Kotal is going to get into a fight, Urus is going to need all the little advantages he can get, he has been outgunned most his life, this is nothing new. Urus smiles at Dorian, He seems to be using his head. "Yeah, most of his people are pretty idiotic." he agrees with the scribe, not counting himself as one for obvious reasons. The second comment is where Urus see's the problem, and yet the possible solution. "You see, That's where the slight disconnect seems to be happening. You see, We want her, you have her. you want us to leave, we would love to leave, With HER." so why do we not make deal?" Urus says trying to get what little charm he has to work for him.

Kotal Kahn enters first naturally. It is the role of a Kommander to leads his troops into battle, even if such a battle is merely metaphorical in the meantime. Only Thoth's reaction to the demands of the Krew will tell if this turns into full blown Kombat.

The Aztec studies his surroundings as well and his glowing eyes stare up to spot the little owl caged. He sees her so close.. and yet so far away.

As Thoth approaches in the form of a giant owl, only to reveal his true self and put them all in a restraining spell.. Kotal's response is to.. grin.

He allows himself and the others to have that web put on them for now, better let Thoth think they are helpless for now.

"Hello cousin.." He says with at most civility as he can muster.

"You disappoint me, Centeotl. I would think that you, the wisest amongst all the Gods, would know that I do not choose my warriors lightly."

"Why not listen to what they have to say? Perhaps you might learn today why is it that what you're doing is wrong without me needing to remind you." For now, he'll let Dorian, Rayne and Urus do the talking. It is after all the reason why he brought them, they are far more level headed than he.. with perhaps the exception of Urus.

The Great Scribe arches one dark brow haughtily as he looks over the assembled ruffians Kotal brought with him. He is visibly annoyed with the intrusion on his realm. There are sounds of rustling wings and soft sounds of movement all around the room. Bright eyes blink and watch the happenings. In the cage the small owl sees the war god and all the others and she hoots and hops up and down on her perch. Thoth turns his head and shoots the little owl scathing look. Dorians words draw his attention back to the group. "Horus does not know the meaning of the words polite discourse, he and all his followers prefer vulgar displays of aggression and unneeded violence. Even I did not expect him to stoop so low as to take my servant and taint her, urging her to stoop to his base and bestial pursuits. He has taken a fine mind that had be groomed to be a perfect Keeper of the Archives and encouraged her to become a warrior!" the outrage in the Scribes tone is clear, the god is peevish and put out that something that was his was taken. When Urus pipes up Thoth looks upon him and a clear look of distaste crosses his features. "If you have something to say ...Cousin,...say it and leave."

Dorian is aware that he seems to be the only one who's awed, either at the library or the librarian. But sadly, this is what happens when one picks a warrior from mortal human stock. For all his power in Thedas, one of the strongest mages there... here, outside his world, outside his home, he is but another mortal speck.

It's humbling. And something that the whole of Tevinter could do with learning how to deal with. It would send the Imperium into chaos. Which isn't what he'd want. But then... neither here nor there. Right now the concern is for Minu, and trying to bring her back to Kotal's side safely.

Thoth speaks, and Dorian listens. And he tries to think of a way to counter that. "Your servant has only fought for the protection of others, as far as I am aware," he offers, remaining in his kneeling pose. "There are those who do not care about knowledge. Amongst mortals, they are always a danger. Some of us only fight so that we may preserve knowledge, and those who create it."

Rayne scowls slightly as she listens, then suddenly her eyes widen as she realizes something. "We don't have the right deity here to intermediate." She looks left and right, unsure of herself slightly, then looks up at Kotal and Thoth and raises a hand. "Um, excuse me, but... I don't suppose we could call Cupid here somehow?" She actually looks fairly serious about this question. "Because in a way, I think this whole issue isn't the domain of either of you, but of him." She actually looks a bit sheepish as she says this, looking back and forth between the two, unsure especially of Thoth's reaction to perhaps calling in yet another deity to his realm.

Urus knows the look that Thoth is giving him all too well, and that makes his temper flare, he's tried to be nice, but obviously gods are just as snobby as they seem in the description. "Look here Buddy." he says becoming somewhat unhinged. "If you wanted her back maybe you should have taken steps to I don't know... make contact, bring her back, SOMETHING." he says, ignited by the slight to him but fueled by the god's distasteful tone about Minu. "NO, You ABANDONED her, left her to her own devices in some strange backwater part of multiverse, where you were lucky not to be attacked twice a month... and you expected her to stay a simple little librarian for you! NO DICE, the only reason she was able to come back here to disappoint you is because she fought to survive long enough to get here. Now I will be clear. I am not with the blue bastard to my left. I came here for one thing, and I will rescue the little bird in the cage one way or another." Urus' teeth gritted and half snarling. He pauses closes his eyes and turns to Rayne before opening them again. "So let me get this straight, you want to bring another god into this... Like the pissing match between these two bozos was not enough." he complains.

The first thing that catches Kotal's eyes is the little owl in the cage hooting cheerfully. That is definitely Minu! And it sends the warrior's heart a flutter. His glowing eyes shine brightly momentarily before they fall again upon Thoth, and he narrows in rekindled fury.

And then, when Thoth makes his argument known, the -REAL- reason why he seems to be cross with Kotal. The Aztec LAUGHS a booming laughter! "A HA HA HA! Oh Centeotl! You have -not- lost your touch at all I see."

He lets the other talk as he brushes his eyes before looking up to the God of Knowledge. "I knew you to be naive beyond measure, little cousin, but you have certainly out done yourself this time."

"You think that a Warrior is all that Minu has become outside your domain?? How ignorant can you be.."

"Minu is more than just a Warrior, cousin.."

"She has become my wife!! And you know as well as I do the Golden Rule of Gods."

"You see, Centeotl, while it is plausible -and yet highly debatable- that I cannot slap your shit around like I did in the olden days because we are in your domain, for all your talk about rules and regulations the one unbreakable rule that binds all of us deities."

"You cannot force a mortal to love you."

"It is up to Minu to decide whether she wants to stay or leave, and neither you nor I can force her to choose otherwise." He points a dramatic finger up to Thoth. "By the laws set upon us by the Eldergods.. I challenge you!!"

Don't say Mortal Kombat, Don't say Mortal Kombat..

"To let Minu choose!"

Pausing briefly, Kotal glances towards Rayne with wide and almost nervous eyes when he hears her suggestion. "Uh, I can see how this pertains to his realm, but I do not think it would be wise for Eros to be involved.. he always makes a mess of things." And no, he's not going to elaborate.

Thoth's eyes move to Rayne as she speaks, his blue eyes looking horrified for a moment. There is a drawing back and a shaking of his head "I will not call Eros into this realm, I have had enough chaos brought unto my doorstep and I will not invite further. This is a place of knowledge and learning, not a brothel." The Scribe scowls at Urus as he sounds of and those eyes narrow and fix the hyena with a withering gaze "Who are you to call my motives in question, you are not more then a genetically engineered abomination. You have less right to make demands concerning her then He does." as he pokes a finger toward Kotal. Thoth takes a breath and grits his teeth as Kotal mentions the elder gods. "Your...wife..." For a god of knowledge the poor guy looks dumbfounded. Evidently he did not ask the little elf how life was going before he took umbrage and caged her.

Rayne shoots Urus a glare that clearly says 'YOU ARE NOT HELPING.' As her attention returns to the gods, she almost seems to take pleasure at the discomfort that her suggestion gives both deities... but in the end she looks almost dumbfounded when she gathers that Thoth apparently wasn't aware of Kotal and Minu being married. "You... you didn't know? Your servant comes back to formally resign and you didn't bother to find out why? Aren't you the god of knowledge?! Shouldn't that have been the first thing you asked?!" Rayne has always treated gods the same way she does everyone else. She's not about to stop that trend now.

Urus ignores Rayne's glare, as the insult flies straight and true. his fists clenched, digging his own claws into his palms in rage. "Kotal." Urus turns to him sarcastically cheery. "Hold me back before I burn the place to the ground." his tail stiff as a board. "Your cousin is just as infuriating as you are." he turns to a portion of the krew. "Should you not be doing something productive..." he says now almost equally angered at their lack of help and incompetence."

Kotal crosses his arms and can't help but smile broadly as Rayne's ire that is usually reserved for him is this time turned towards Thoth. Scatting isn't it? The little Phoenix had a particular knack to make deities such as Kotal and Thoth feel very vulnerable indeed.

Seeing Thoth go completely numb at the revelation, the Aztec simply stares and taps his foot whilst keeping his arms crossed. "I'm waiting, Centeotl." Ball was in his court now.

And as for Urus, when he turns to the Krew and questions their competence, D'vorah is quick to nod and agree. "You are right, we should be doing something." She turns to the others. "Grab him before he ruins things."

Cue Torr putting his monstrously muscled arms around Urus to restrain him as he requested to be. "Fuzzy man go quiet now!" Chirps Ferra and grabs Urus' snout shut with both clawed hands.

As Thoth insults Urus and she sees the hyena swarmed by the Krew, the little owlet flings herself at the walls of her cage and beats her wings against it , screeching in fury. Thoth watches the chaos and turns a withering gaze on the caged owl before looking back at Rayne. "I am a god of the written word I do not do parlor tricks like reading minds. I did not have to ask to know my servant had been tainted by HIM, she reeks of his power, her quiet, studious mind is in chaos, Look at HER...she is eager to do battle and harm as we speak. She left me a modest Keeper of my Archives and she returned with bloodlust in her soul." He makes a disgusted face and turns his eyes to Kotal "You could not help yourself but to take what was mine could you? Always you seek to throw your weight around, bluster and bully, it has been the same for millennia. Now you say you have taken my servant to wife, If I call for proof, will I find anything written that says this, that claims her as yours and you as hers? Not that I believe you are truly hers, that you truly love her."

Rayne mumbles, "Well we agree on that one, Urus," under her breath, likely agreeing to the comment about Thoth being as infuriating as Kotal. She'll definitely let the Krew keep Urus restrained, still. She looks back up to Thoth and deadpans slightly at his words to her, "Just written? Wow. Your influence sure has waned in the past few centuries, hasn't it?" She frowns slightly, then shakes her head. "Sorry, decades. It's been longer in my home universe. Is that what this is about?" She raises her eyebrow slightly as she tilts her head, looking right at Thoth. "Upset that one more isn't as interested in the written word anymore?" She is a little worried, though. Twisted didn't have much in written records as far as marraiges are concerned. And she herself has no idea what ceremony was involved, as she wasn't involved in any of it.

Urus struggles, mumbling under his breath, "That bish is firs." eyeing D'vorah. In his struggle he hears The god's ultimatum and he stops everything and blinks. "he sneers, raising his foot, and bringing it up for a low blow on his captor. nothing like a clawed paw to get a point across. with a powerful nod with his neck muscles and a stretching of his jaw he tries to get at least the ability to talk aloud back. "You won't find it. It's back in twisted, you know, the place you never sent anyone to get things from." he says. "I have to agree though Complete idiots." no matter whether or not he was let go he throws another kick Torr's way just to get some frustration out.

Kotal gives a brief half smirk despite the severity of the situation. Its just like old times really, where Urus and Rayne brazenly criticized him even whilst in the midst of a very important mission. But it serves as nothing but a warm nostalgic reminder that he is among his old warriors. A leader is very accustomed to critique, and he knows that while Rayne and Urus may not always agree with his decisions, they are decided for their own good.

Additionally, seeing Minu fly in rage within the cage makes his eyes glow momentarily, sensing her fighting spirit he too suddenly feels his power rising.. and he struggles to keep it within before addressing Thoth harshly again. "Pathetic as ever, Centeotl!! You have no right to call me a bully. You, who cares nothing for the realms. You could have been the perfect mediator for Raiden, Lady Amaterasu and I. And instead you cowered within your library, too afraid to stand up for anything that didn't involve you or your books! A hundred million times I have told you this, Centeotl, and I will tell it to you again. What good is all your knowledge if you never do anything with it!!??"

Kotal takes a deep breath, every instinct within him telling him to fight, Urus and Rayne and Minu and his Krew, their chis rise and they urge mighty Huitziloptochli to surge forward and take what is his.

And the Aztec reigns it all back in. He must be strong for Minu, and today strength means restrain.

"Centeotl." He begins again, calmly ths time. "You know very well I could just challenge you to Mortal Kombat. That would render your home advantage completely null and we both know what would be the outcome of such a thing."

"But I do not come to you as a warrior today. I come to you as a worried sick -and VERY angry- husband.."

"There are no written documents of what you seek.. for ours is a blood pact which binds our very souls." He extends an open palm towards Thoth, showing a visible scar there that did not heal, the scar where he cut himself in his marriage ceremony with Minu and Silencia. "Gaze into my soul, cousin. See the link that binds Minu and I."

In the meantime, Torr takes the kick to his groin like a champ and keeps a hold of Urus despite of it. An enrage Ferra then threatens to cut the hyena man's throat with her claws. Before things get too out of hand though, D'vorah surges forth and stings Urus' with one of her long stingers, injecting him with paralyzing venom. "Silence your words!" She hisses.

Thoth glares at Kotal, his attention briefly on Urus and his words. "the realm of Twisted is under the control of another. They jealously guard all knowledge from that realm. Ions ago I sent Keepers there , only to have them disappear and never return. So I forbid mine from ever going there again. Evidently this one did not get the memo." He gestures to minu in the cage. As Kotal shows the scar and mentions looking into his heart, the Scribe arches a brow. As Minu beats herself against the cage the Scribe looses his patience and whips around "Be Silent!" The owlet blinking her great golden eyes and sliding to the bottom of the cage , standing with her wings mantled and her small head bowed.

Rayne sighs and shakes her head, After a brief pause, she says, "What, are you afraid of what you mind find when reading his soul, Thoth? I've witnessed the two before their marriage to know well enough." She points a thumb at Kotal, adding, "He's certainly no god of love or beauty, so I'm pretty sure it was all genuine." She then laughs once, shaking her head again. "All you have to do is ask... Well, that's all I had to do, at any rate." Her attention snaps up at Minu as Thoth tells her to be silent. "Are you serious? You're not even letting her talk and show her side. This is all true and you know it." She actually takes a step forward towards Thoth, glaring at him. "You're just too afraid. Too much of a coward to face the truth. Cowardice isn't only something you face on the field of battle." With a glance to the side, she mumbles, "Still, it'd be nice if there were some other deity to be mediating between you two, rather than just an argument."

Urus continues the struggle not paying any mind to the miniature clawed pain in his ass. He then gets stabbed with the tail, and gasps. "Ohhh, you are so going to die." his eyes contract and begins to snap and struggle with renewed vigor, the animal within coming out. that is for about five seconds. before he slows and just freezes, eyes wide and mouth full of sharp teeth open. For the sake of D'vorah hopefully he regains control before the poison wears off.

Once again, Kotal's ire rises when he sees Thoth begrudge Minu and scold her as if she were his pet. The Aztec's eyes glow fiercely as do his tattoos across his body. Even here in this secluded dimension, the closest suns can still reach him and grant him power.

Despite how greatly his anger fuels him, he keeps his posture and lets Rayne do the talking. This is why he brought her, for he knew that Dorian would be too pious to talk and Urus too unruly to offer any true help. This is Rayne's gift for diplomacy and thus he lets her be his herald.

When the Phoenix girl finishes, the Aztec warrior adds. "One more time, Centeotl. Read my soul.. or I will have no choice but to call upon the sacred trial of Mortal Kombat."

D'vorah raises her stingers again when Urus seems about to lose control, Torr and Ferra still undecided if they should just rip him in half and be done with it.. but they know the Big Boss probably wouldn't appreciate the Fuzzy One dying. He still bears his mark after all. Thankfully for all, Urus succumbs to the poison and just to be on the safe side, Erron steps forth to hog tie him and gag him.

The Great Scribe and turns his eye to Rayne and her insolence. Kotal might see her as diplomatic, Thoth finds her scathing words infuriating. And yet it does garner a positive reaction. With a flip of a hand the golden cage disappears and the tiny owl is free. As she starts to fall to the floor she shifts and bounces onto her small feet. Her hair had come free of its usual bun and falls loose around her shoulders. She pushes her glasses up onto her nose and she looks around at the Krew,and Urus, at Rayne and Dorian, then between Kotal and Thoth. Her cheeks are flush bright. Silently she holds up one small hand, opening it to show a scar that matches the one on Kotal's hand. Her voice is small and breathy "We are Bond-Mates, in the way of my people My Lord. By your own words, I would have been released to celebrate my coming of age in my realm and to take bond-mates. I was trapped in Twisted when I came of age, Kotal and Silencia honored me by becoming my bond-mates. I love him..." She darts her golden eyes to Kotal but holds her place. "You love him...you are a child who has known nothing of life beyond the Archives...I expected you would bring your bond-mates here to live and serve, not to be lost to the god of war." The Scribe frowns and moves with purpose toward Kotal "I will see if he returns your love in truth or if he simply seeks to posses you for the sake of doing so." Thoth holds a hand out the tips of his fingers aimed at Kotal's head between his eyes. Coming with in inches the Scribe pauses and with a feather light touch just brushes Kotal's skin as he seeks the knowledge of Kotal's soul.

Rayne smirks ever so slightly as Thoth seems to take action based on her goading. As all eyes are on Minu, Thoth, and Kotal, however, she uncrosses her arms and steps over to a bookcase, one storing fiction, where she holds a hand out to seemingly lean on it, though she's not actually putting any weight on it. "It is a good Story, is it not, Thoth?" Something about her tone of voice changed, a bit softer and more proper sounding. Somehow, the capital S on Story can be heard, much as Kotal's Ks can be heard somehow.

At last, Minu is freed from her cage, and that action alone is enough to calm the furious fires that rage within Kotal Kahn. His gaze softens and he smiles a tender smile to her as he keeps his hand up and forward, showing that similar scar. It is for certain a gesture that Thoth would have never seen Kotal do in the past.

As he approaches, the God of War lowers his muscled arm and allows Thoth to enter his guard. He doesn't stop him when he stretches his hand towards his face and glowing eyes narrow as the finger of Knowledge presses against the tip of his Eagle Knight Helm.

Memories. A rush of them. The first day that Minu came to Twisted and how she tried to steal the Usual Restaurant's menu. Memories of her fighting alongside TASK against the fog monsters. Memories of her meeting the Krew and becoming den mother to all. Memories of a friendship blossoming between her and Kotal at first. Memories of dejection, as Kotal's heart first belong to another. Memories of the Xenomorphs, and how she fought for she who she considered a rival at first and stood against a mighty adversary in nothing but her owl form. Memories.. of how Minu came to love Silencia as much as she came to love Kotal. Memories of the tree being sought in Hyrule and how they planted a seed to bind their love for all eternity. Memories of that love holding so strongly that it carried over dimensions and brought Minu and Silencia to Neo Tokyo from the once thought inescapable Twisted dimension. Memories of, uh, Kotal burning Urus' snout with his hand. Woops, that's the wrong memory! But nonetheless one that Kotal treasures fondly it seems.

Thoth's eyes close briefly as Kotal's memories come to him. There is a brief intake of breath and then released as the Scribe sees what he needed to see. Minu lifts her voice once more "I do not worship the God of War. I love Kotal, the man. I have never stopped being a servant of Knowledge. I Keep a small but tidy library in Kotal's Palace, where I help those who seek what ever knowing I can provide. I know my spirit has gained in ferocity, but never have I sought out a fight, I have only ever sought out to offer aid and protection to those who need it." She steps closer to the Gods and frowns as her attention is pulled by Rayne's words. She blinks those golden eyes as the phoenix leans on a shelf of books. Books and fire are not a good mix and the elf lady shakes her head at the other woman as if warning her not to think of doing such a thing. Thoth opens his eyes and looks from Kotal to Minu "You do love her, you are truly her bonded -mate and life partner. I did not think you truly capable of such." He pauses and looks again at Minu as she speaks, truly looks at the little elf lady as if he had not been seeing her before now. That look though brings his eyes to where she looks at Rayne as Rayne speaks. "Story, yes..." the god of Scribes looks perplexed at the rainbow haired woman.

Rayne looks directly back at Minu, then at Thoth. But something is off about her. Her body language is all wrong for Rayne, and the way she speaks as well, but the most striking thing off about her is her eyes, which appear now to have the texture of parchment. "My apologies. Do not let me distract you from the matter at hand." She motions back towards Kotal.

"I do love Minu." Kotal is quick answer. "Not as a librarian, or a consort, or even a close friend. She is my wife and I love her as a man does a woman."

The Aztec's gaze hardens again as he regards Thoth. "That is something you never understood about me, cousin. War is too easily seen as destruction, chaos, death. True, it has been said before that no matter how justified war is always a crime."

"And yet, it is one I am happy to make for the protection of those I love. There are no perils I will not risk, no opponents I will not fight, no challenges I will not take to keep my loved ones safe."

"That is, truly, what it means to be a warrior. To fight for what you believe and for those who you love. You should not reproach Minu for taking on this mantle, it is after all, new knowledge." Kotal smirks softly towards his elven wife before glancing once again to his cousin.

"I've done as you asked, Centeotl. Now.. let her go."

Minu tilts her head and looks at Rayne, parchment eyes.Something is definitely happening here. The little elf looks back to Kotal and Thoth, a gentle smile on her face. "My Lord, you would have allowed me to stay in my realm, had my new bond-mates chosen not to serve. How is this different? I will still be staying with those I am bonded to. Is the who any different?" The Scribe arches a brow at Rayne and then looks back to Kotal and then at Minu "You are wise for one so young. I have seen what I thought I would not. I will release you from your service to me. I bid you a long and love filled life." As he moves toward Minu and brushes her brow with the tips of his fingers "I will allow you to keep your owl form as a gift but I will take from you the knowledge of how to return her to the Grand Archives." The touch removing the spell forever from the little elf's mind. He turns to Kotal "and for you cousin, we have never been close, however it would be remiss for me not to grant you a wedding gift." Thoth reaches again out to brush Kotal's brow. "I grant you a new form, a great eagle so that you might soar with your bride."

Finally. It is as if a great weight is lifted from Kotal's shoulders. His eyes fall upon Minu with relieved joy and he watches her as Thoth goes over the proceedings of releasing her from his service. However, he is pleasantly surprised when Thoth then addresses him directly and grants him a boon, a God to another God.

Kotal's tattoos glow brightly and a great pair of eagle wings sprout from his back to match his helmet. The wings shine with the glow of the sun before they vanish into thin air, returning to reside within the War God.

"Thank you, cousin." Kotal smiles and places a hand on Thoth's shoulder. "I am glad we were able to resolve this without the need of Kombat." That should be a first for Kotal.. "If you ever have need of a warrior. Do not hesitate to call upon me.. we are after all family." He lowers his hand and begins to move away before pausing and looking again at Thoth. "Oh and.. word of advice, forget all about Twisted. I understand it is Xipe Totec's domain now." And though it may be hard to believe, Xipe Totec makes Kotal look like a saint.

After all is said and done, the Aztec walks past Thoth and extends his arms towards Minu seeking to embrace her.

Urus seems to slowly unfreeze, though being bound and gagged it's not helping him much. Then again he has his claws, to which he slowly starts working at the rope with a thumb nail. He seems perfectly cognizant of what was going on, and seems to be back in his right mind as well, so there is that. The brotherly love of the two gods gets an eyeroll from the Hyena. he would probably have a comment if he didn't think that it would come out a garbled mess.

Thoth makes a slow nod of his head and a smile plays along the corners of his mouth as Kotal is gracious in accepting his gift. The warning about Twisted though makes the Scribes eyes narrow. "I will instruct my Keepers to stay well clear of Twisted from this day forward." He steps back as Kotal steps toward !!br0ken!! For her part the little elf is quiet and patient as her Bond-Mate and her own worshiped god speak to one another and come to an understanding. When Kotal comes forward to her she darts into his arms, her small arms going about his neck as she leaps up. She hugs him tightly "You came for me. I knew Urus would make sure you got my message...speaking of which Arron, You will untie Urus right now, was it truly necessary to envenom him Devora?"

Things seem to -- hopefully -- be about dealt with now. And Minu's scary when she's mad! So, when the little elf requests that Urus be untied, Dorian will try to head over to Urus(assuming he cam move again), and start trying to heal him.

Rayne smiles warmly, but remains silent. She stands up straight again, lightly tapping on the fiction bookcase once more with a single finger as she does so, before she returns to where she had been standing before. She seems more than content to now remain just in the background.

Kotal doesn't hold back any longer. He embraces Minu tightly and spins her around happily, acting almost childishly in comparison to his usual imperious self. "At last, you are returned to me, my love!" He kisses her lips lovingly and nuzzles into her neck. "Of course, there is nowhere I would not go to rescue you." Kotal treasures the warm moment for a few more instances before he makes certain that the Krew are made aware of the chain of Kommand again. "Do as she says." He orders them which makes Erron kneel next to Urus and helps Dorian untie the hyena. Similarly, D'vorah, Ferra and Torr bow low with the bee woman apologizing on behalf of the Krew. "Forgive this one, my lady. The venom is harmless, yes? Merely a temporary measure."

Urus is already most of the way through his ropes by the time Erron and Dorian are near him. The rope snaps and falls away at the slightest touch. He gets up quickly and whips around. Of course his friend Dorian is safe, Erron on the other hand will receive an immediate and unforgiving set of claws to the face. "You really want to try me don't you." he says to them all having had it up to here with the Krew at this point. "And welcome back little sister, glad you are safe." he says to Minu.

As Urus rises up and lashes out, the little elf draws away from Kotal and before either of the gods can react her voice comes like a whip crack "that is enough! This is THE GRAND ARCHIVES! not the sparing grounds. Urus, I understand your anger,...not here!" She takes a breath and looks at the God of Scribes "My Lord if you will open us a portal back to our home? I will take my Bond-mate and our erstwhile family out of your presence." Thoth actually blinks at the little elf for a long moment, clearly he did not expect her to be so...forceful. "Yes, I believe it is time to part ways. A long and happy life to you Minu." The Scribe makes a gesture, the energy net around the group dispersing and a portal swirling into existence.

Dorian sighs a bit. "Calm, Urus... we are still in the knowledge god's domain." Though if Erron needs healing too, thanks to claws in the face, Dorian can do that too. And then Thoth seems ready to release them. Dorian turns to the god of knowledge and bows deeply. "Thank you, my lord. Your patience with us is deeply appreciated." There's nothing at all snide in the comment -- no, Dorian knows better. He does take the portal out though, when the others do.

Rayne frowns slightly, then starts walking towards the opened portal, though quickly enough to ensure she manages to pass by Kotal first. As she does, she actually taps his arm. "We know you are fond of her. But know that You are not the only that sees Rayne as Their Chosen. And know that her Story is not in NeoTokyo. At least not now." With that said, she steps on through unless stopped.

Erron quickly takes a step back and holds on to his hat when he sees Urus trying to take a swipe at him. Fortunately for everyone Minu comes through and stops the hyena before can do something that everyone is going to regret.

For his part, Kotal smiles. His owl is back and all is well again, and he particularly enjoys seeing Thoth look so taken back at Minu's newfound warrior spirit. He chuckles deeply and gives a wave to his fellow God. "Fare thee well, cousin. Until we meet again." The Krew then start to leave with a few of them gathering around Minu, rather overjoyed to see her back.

Rayne's strange behavior is noticed and Kotal does in fact stop her before she goes through, grasping her by the shoulder. "Rayne, wait. Let us talk sometime about what happened.. either in NeoTokyo or Twisted. I can arrange for either place." With that said, he releases her, letting her step back as she wishes.

Urus snorts as he just misses. "Look you saw, they started it." he tells Minu simply as he takes the portal as soon as damn well possible. It was good to get minu back, and seeing Kotal grovel for the first time will always be a cherished memory... but he has a personal mission now. He will take a minute or two here to put a quick bandage job over his wound that is still seeping over his fur. When he gets home however, he is going to have to put a rush order on that armor from Muradin. He has a new use for it now."

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