2017-04-30 - Bees and Hyenas

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Bees and Hyenas

Summary: Mravo, a sangheili TASK officer from Twisted, arrives to Neo-Tokyo to pledge his services once again to Kotal Kahn. With him comes a disguised Urus, that uses the opportunity of entering Kotal's palace without resistance to challenge D'vorah and pay her back for what she did to him in Thoth's domain.

Who: Urus, Kotal_Kahn
When: April 30, 2017
Where: Kotal's Palace, Kourtyard

Kotal Kahn-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
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Kotal's palace Kourtyard , mid evening.

The sun is barely touching the horizon, the clouds above begining to show hints of their sunset colors. a slight nip is in the air for the occasional wind that passes over the mountainside, but one that is easily ignored by the sturdy folk who live here.

Two figures come upon the gate one, a figure clad in full black banded armor, obscuring most of any dicerning features, minus the digitigrade legs that are somewhat less common. The second, A sangheili, by the armor a Minor, only allowed to command the Ungogoy and occasional Kig-Yar. The armor is however a very recognizable shade of TASK blue. Mravo has apparently found his way here after being dropped into the realm.

Within the hallowed halls of battle, the worship of the War God continues as it is normal here. Unlike other Gods however, worshiping Huitzilopotchli is a lot less kow towing, and a lot more proving yourself a good Kombatant upon his eyes.

That may be why there are no guards at the entrance today, for Kotal's chosen appear to be all in the Kourtyard witnessing a duel between Erron Black and Ferra/Torr. Kotal is seated on his throne of skulls as usual sorrounded by his other minions when he spots the two figures approaching. "Enough!" He calls out, stopping the duel before he stands up to look at the two. "Do my eyes decieve me?" He begins walking down the steps towards the two.. guests.

Urus continues to stand by the enterence, only taking a few steps in, saying not a word, knowing that would blow his cover. in fact, he is weapon free save for the built in claws and a magnificently made sword in it's sheath on his back. glimering steel, gold, and other accents note precision dwarven craftsmanship. The sangheili though walks through unafraid coming to the base of the throne before kneeling on one knee and bowing his head. "They do not, My lord. The realms have thrown me around yet again, but I find great pleasure in finding you again." he says raising his gaze from the floor. "As I have promised I am still in your service my lord. Your will is mine."

Kotal lowers his gaze towards the sangheili and while he doesn't look upset about his presence, something about the way the Aztec's features remain stoic mean he's not entirely thrilled either. "I remember you, my loyal Mravo." Speaks the God of War and his minions remain silent and listen. "You, who was one of my bravest and strongest TASK warriors. It seems the Eldergods have yet again brought your path to mine."

"But tell me.." And here, Kotal grows more somber, his glowing eyes and tattoos growing a bit dim. "Do you really wish to follow me once more? Do you not feel betrayed that I left you and the others of TASK to the mercies of Twisted? Why would you wish to follow me..?"

Urus is walking foward slowly, gazing out upon the krew. looking for one bug in particular. The matriarch of the Krew in the absence of higher orders. D'vorah.

The sangheili stands tall and speaks plainly. "It was difficult my lord. Rayne is an apt tactician, but folds under stress. I have been tested, but not betrayed. You are the god of war and battle, you were with us even if not in person. I will continue to serve if that is what you wish Lord Khan. If not I will find my way, the choice is yours to make." he says, seeming more than willing to give himself up, he made a promise and is keen on keeping it.

Kotal stays silent for a moment or two, the inate glow of his body not shinning as brightly as it normally does, a sign that he is not certain of which road to take. In the end though, he opens his eyes and the glow within shines on. Additionally, two pair of giant eagle wings sprout from his back making him look even more godly. "Nothing happens without reason. If your path has set you once again upon then I would be remiss to deny you entry upon my hallowed halls." Kotal extends his arms and his giant eagle wings extend as well. "Be once again welcomed amongst us, my brave Mravo, and join my cadre of Chosen Warriors." Most of the Krew cheer at that or at least nod approvingly, for Mravo was indeed one of the strongest officers they had and they are quite happy to see him again.

Meanwhile, amidst the commotion, D'vorah notices that the other figure seems to be advancing towards her and she squints her insectoid looking eyes at the armored man. "Who is that?" She buzzes in an insect like fashion, antenna wiggling.

Urus simply points at the bug lady with a peridot claw, cracks the knuckles on his right hand and motions to the fighting area. Taking large strides Urus walks to one end, Boots clattering metal against stone. He stands and waits, either oblivious or uncaring of the two already there.

The sangheili nods his head in pride. "Thank you my lord. I will not dissapoint." the alien turns to Urus and admits. "I do not know. We happen to walk together up the trail, they said not a word." as he watches the gesture he tells d'vorah. "I beleive he wishes to fight." sort of captain obviousing the situation.

The Aztec smiles and crosses his arms. "Really!? Then a challenge it is." He turns to his Kytinn advisor with a questioning look. "D'vorah?"

The insectoid woman narrows her eyes and then lowers her hoodie before cracking her own knuckles. "This one accepts the challege."

"Let Mortal Kombat begin!" Announces Kotal. "Come, Mravo. We can watch the duel as we did in Twisted!" Inviting the sangheili to stand next to Krew, Kotal sits back and watches the proceedings.

As Erron Black and Ferra/Torr leave the Kourtyard, D'vorah flies down to take their spot with the armored stranger. "This one doesn't care who you are or what is the reason of your challenge." Says D'vorah haughtily as she takes a familiar Hapkido stance, bouncing on the balls of her feet. "This one will simply end you quickly."

"Yes my lord." The sangheili jogs a few steps to stand near Reptile, whom the two have had more time to chat than with the others.

Urus smirks under his visor. he quickly taps the right side of the helmet to start the camera, he wants the entire video of this when he is done. Urus takes a somewhat wider stance but does not seem quite in any true form, just sort of standing there. waiting for the first move, taunting with the index finger in the 'come on over' sort of gesture.

"Round One." Calls the familiar booming voice and the entire palace seems to shudder for what is about come.


D'vorah wastes no time with taunting and charges immediatly. She clears the distance by flying with her body sideways, still mantaining that Hapkido stance even though she's now airborne and shoots two large stingers from her back to try and pierce Urus on his face and chest, trying to punch her way through the obvious armor.

Urus does the one thing no one would expect, seeing the flying punch he simply drops flat on his stomach to avoid being hit in the first place. Just because armor is there does not mean it should be used for every attack. he quickly rolls to his back to kick with both feet upwards and pushing off with his hands, half in an attempt to get up, but deliver the first blow.

There are many advantages of attacking with your stingers such as; they have quite a bit of range and they also leave your hands free. D'vorah comes to a halt when she sees Urus duck under the swung stingers, putting herself at enough distance that she still has some room to manuever when her opponent rolls on his back and tries to push off with a flying double kick at her.

Rather than try to get out of the way, the bee woman braces herself and strengthens her core to take the double kick to the gut. Absorbing the blow as best she can, she wraps her arms around Urus' legs and uses that same momentum he used to push himself to flip him over and try to slam him face first on the cobblestones of the Kourtyard.

On the sidelines the Krew start to cheer D'vorah on whilst Kotal simply watches silently.

Urus did not see this as a possibility, so he does what he can to mitigate the damage and braces himself with his arms as he hits the stone pavers with a resounding thud. He is down, but nowhere near out. he chokes back a witty remark before simply picking himself up and facing his opponent, this time alot more serious, because he actualy put's his claws up readying for a strike. Two can play the reversal game.

D'vorah pulls back after slamming Urus on the ground, rolling her shoulders a bit to limber up before removing her cloak entirely. "Hm, didn't break your neck." She notes with some dryness to her voice. "This one might need to get serious."

Noticing that Urus is likewise now taking this fight seriously and even takes up an actual fighting stance, she decides to adopt a more.. unorthodox approach. D'vorah shoves her hand into her own stomach and pulls out what appears to be a fat, slimy, wiggling maggot.

Without any warning, she hurls the maggot Urus which screeches and tries to latch on to him.

The maggot slaps against the armor wetly. he looks down and plucks it off between two gemstone claws. he drops it before crushing it under his boot. he shakes his head before showing off all ten claws and striding foward, not running, not even jogging. Intent on at least maiming the bug for their treachery in the library. getting close he pounces but staying off to his left, D'vorahs right, bringing both hands to bear and flexing both sets of claws to try to tear into the beetle.

And that's when all the wasps come out.

D'vorah takes a step back as Urus steps on the maggot and hundreds of angry wasps swarm out like a suffocating cloud at Urus, trying to get inside the armor and sting him with horrifyingly painful venom. The hyena will have to get past that before getting anywhere close to D'vorah.

well, nuts. there is a bit of wild flailing at first before an actual plan, a severly stupid one, but one just the same pops in. he quickly scrapes up what is left of the maggot and flings it back in a hope that will send the wasps elsewhere, however, barring that he drops again and simply rolls around, any wasp that makes it between the plates will get crushed as soon as he rolls onto that portion of the armor. Is it fool proof, no, but it's better than nothing.

Not at all a foolproof plan, no, but it does disperse the swarm of insects just a tiny bit. Enough that they give Urus at least some respite while he's frantically rolling on the ground trying to get rid of the stinging insects. Some do manage to sting them though, there's simply too many of them for Urus to get them all, even if he does manage to crush them right after they deliver their deadly sting.

Ultimately, it doesn't really matter, because as soon as Urus goes prone he'll find that D'vorah has leapt on top of him. Trying to grab him by the back of the neck, she begins to slam him face first on the cobblestones where even the armor can't fully protect him from the repeated impact.

Urus grits his teeth hard as the stings find their mark and burn incessantly. lets hope there is little swelling or else this armor might not come off until tomorrow. The glass is layered and was meant to take the impact of alot of things, just not repeatedly. the visor cracks and fisures as it gets repeated damage. He does all he can in this position to get himself free, and that includes reaching up to the forearms that are banging his head against the pavement and skewering them with the ten sharp daggers on his fingers.

The sharp claws find their marks and out comes out green insect like blood from D'vorah's arms. The bee woman recoils in pain and cries out, but not for long as she decides to show Urus that she has claws of her own.

Stingers pop out from her open palms and she presses her hands against the back of Urus' neck, trying to brute force her way through those plates and inject Urus full of venom. Not the kind that paralyzed him the other day either, its the time that causes body numbing pain and swelling.

Urus has the upper hand, as he grips with those claws as hard as he can to control the assailant. He goes to rip her away from his head and down so that he can roll over and get on top. the stingers seem to have made some small holes to which she can see small tufts of fur pop out, if they are paying attention things might start adding up. the pain wracking him from the chemichal warfare is unbareable, as he tries his hardest to simply continue to think and not cry out in pain.

D'vorah is not keen on getting yanked forward and due to the relative frail nature of her body and the sharpness of Urus' claws, when she yanks backwards she manages to dislodge her own arm in the process.

The bee woman snarls as green blood pours of the socket and Urus is left clinging to one severed yellow arm.

However, D'vorah looks more irritated than hurt and begins standing up when suddenly. "Enough!"

Kotal Kahn calls out and waves a hand. "The Stranger wins."

"But Emperor! This one can still fight!" Argues D'vorah despite her missing arm to which Kotal simply shakes his head. "You've done enough D'vorah. He's gotten what he has come for."

Perhaps having noticed the fur peeking through the holes has made Kotal realize who this stranger is and why he's so eager to attack D'vorah.

Urus Gets up shakily after the call. dusting himself off. small clatters of glass hitting stone as peices of the shattered visor fall out before simply taking the entire peice off, the section mounting it to the hinge also shattered. Everyone now seeing full and well the hyena underneath. still in obsurd amounts of pain. He takes a look at the severed arm on the ends of his claws... oh thank god he is recording this. the flash drive is SO going in the computer when he gets home. he takes the limb off and tosses it unceremoniously to it's original owner. He contemplated keeping it as a trophy but decided otherwise. "Call me when you get it re-attached, We're not through yet." He speaks for the first time to the bug lady. "Hello Kotal. We have buisness to discuss."

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