2017-04-15 - Tyrannosaurus Regina

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Tyrannosaurus Regina

Summary: Joshua Fireseed escapes the Lost Land in hot pursuit of Thunder and her army of dinosoids. Fortunately, the NT police along other heroes are there to push her back to her dimension.

Who: Joshua_Fireseed, Sarah_Markham, Ponset, Jenny, Iris_Kara, Sucy, Hisako, Gourry
When: April 15, 2017
Where: Yamato Boulevard

Hisako-icon.gifIris Kara-icon.gifJoshua Fireseed-icon.gifPonset-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.



It's an afternoon like any other in Neo Tokyo. People are minding their own business, shopers are walking out of comic books and cafes after a hard day of work and/or school, ninjas are crawling the sides of the buildings, space ships zip across the sky.. you know the average day.

It is particularly normal when a giant circular rift opens in the middle of the street and a velociraptor hurriedly exits from the portal. A raptor that happens to have a rider. A young man with a red bandanna, and bow and arrows strapped to his back. He wears what appears to be a mix of civilian clothing and native american hunter straight from the 1800s.

The raptor and rider dash around the streets frantically, apparently attempting to hide somewhere. They are running away from somthing which becomes even more evident by the screams of "SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!" coming from the rider.

Hisako was windowshopping at Lady 633 when the velociraptor and its rider bolted past, the latter swearing and the former just bolting this way and that. She's still in her school uniform, and now that her attention's been drawn away from the storefront, she's giving the portal much more of an alarmed look than the raptor-rider pair. If anything, she's wondering how a velociraptor is holding up a human's weight and still dashing around that fast ... "Oi!" she calls out after a few moments, waving to try and get the rider's attention. "What are you running from and is it going to chase you through that portal?"

Ponset was just minding her own business, also in her school uniform still but a bit too distant to be anything more than a coincidence that the two teenagers are both in the same stretch of road, wandering the streets of NeoTokyo in a fairly aimless manner. She can get home quickly from anywhere, so it's not really an issue of getting lost for her. She looks up as the rift appears, then turns to watch as the man riding a raptor goes past cursing. "....Well, they don't like to be ridden like that, right?"

When Hisako approaches the raptor and rider it becomes clear how a sleek raptor is able to have a rider and still run at top speed. Its very clearly cybernetically enhanced, with half of its face replaced with a metal plate and a cybernetic eye, one of his arms is metal, both of his legs and its tail appears to be more of a drill than anything. Segemented links of metal showing on whatever clear robotic prosthetics the raptor has instead of limbs.

The rider in mix matched clothing looks over to Hisako first and then covers his eyes when the police lights startle him momentarily. "What the-- is that police??" He seems to hesitate before he realizes that the portal is still open and panics again. "RUN! EVERYONE FREAKING RUN!!!"

At that moment, a dozen monsters jump out of the giant portal, all wearing disproportionaly large blades and guns crackling with purple energy. They seem to be muddy brown in color and have purple eyes on their face and giant serrated maws potruding from everywhere on their body. Armed humanoid masses of eyes and maws is what they can be best described.

"KILL HIM!!!" A mounstrous voice appears to come from the portal itself and one that makes the nearby buildings tremble, the windows of cars and stores shattering. "KILL THE TUROK!!!"

And on cue, misbegotten creatures make a mad dash towards the raptor and the rider, giant swords raised high. As they dash in they unleash a barrage of black anti-matter particles from their guns, desintegrating anything they happen to fire on.

Captain Kara eeps and then shouts "Oh Hell No" as she dives under car. she's barely crawled underneath it's dubious protection when she's got the mike of her radio and is shouting "10-2000, 10-2000!" into it.

Officer Gourry looks around at the monsters and fighting people, and begins to shout to all who can hear, "All right, move along. Nothing to see here. Just another day in NeoTokyo, people." As he says this, he unclips a roll of police tape from his utility belt, and begins to cordon off the area. His radio squawks, and he replies, "This is Officer Gourry, come in."

Captain Kara says, "10-2000! 10-2000! dispatch this is technical one. dimensional incursion at Yamato boulevard. appear to be Humanoid Dinosaurs. Dispatch all forces."

Ponset is still looking at the man riding the cyborg dinosaur when she hears the voice demanding the death of who she assumes is the dino-rider. She turns her head to look at the monsters and gets a blank look on her face. "Whaa?" Okay, the extra eyes and mouths in fact do creep her out a bit, and she backs slowly away. No, not running. It's really more the police officers taking over that get her to move more quickly as she makes her way over towards where she would be outside the tape. "So, uh... do these things show up a lot?" She may usually hide her strength, but she is terrible at faking fear. At least she knows it, and isn't trying.

No sooner do the monsters start showing up than Hisako is surrounded by what looks, at first, like a suit of armor. It's not solid matter, though - it's a field of psionic energy, like shaped telekinesis. And since it's not physical matter, it *should* be relatively immune to the antimatter guns - at least as long as Hisako can keep her armor up. For now, though, she's protected from most harm *and* she's evening out the size difference, her armor growing in size to match the attacking monsters. As for the strength difference ...

When the first sword is swung at her, she smacks it aside with her armor's left forearm, following up with a devastating punch from her (armor's) right fist - probably hard enough to knock the first guy into anyone who was charging in behind him. If they're only human-sized and similar in weight, she could well knock her target across the street, but she's more interested in trying to tangle the attackers up in each other than inflicting collateral damage while she's busy *protecting*.

Officer Gourry says to Ponset, "Oh, yes. A 10-2000 happens at -least- twice a month. Not aways robot /dinosaurs/. Sometimes it's robot chickens. But chickens are related to dinosaurs, so the code is still valid." He's still stretching out more tape as he explains, "Have to keep everyone safe and all when it happens, though. No telling what robot dinosaurs will get up to. It's a mess to clean up after, though, I can tell you. But a hero will show up in five to ten minutes and nuke the site from orbit or something, I expect, so there's nothing to worry about. Sometimes Lina comes by with Dragon Slave. Naga used to just laugh at them and they'd go away. If the NTSDF shows up, it'll be power armor and spaceships." He smiles reassuringly.

Hisako's strategy works well! Presented with an obvious formidable opponent and with the apparent Turok still trying to run away, the mutated dinosoids all start try and swarm Hisako.

One giant blade is knocked aside and the counter attack from the armored girl knocks the monster clean across the street, sending him flying right back into the portal where it came from.

The dinosoids though are more cunning than their bestial visage may allude to. They spread out, avoiding the dinosoid punched out by Hisako and quickly sorround the armored mutant, attacking her from all sides. Giant swords, wreathed in anti-matter energy are swung at her head while one sweeps at her feet to try and knock her down. Weaving in between sword strikes, they also begin shooting her at point black range with anti-matter guns from all sides. Seeing that Hisako is currently the only target, it appears that they all decided to gang up on her.

"Aw hell!" The raptor skids to a stop as the rider notices the dinosoids ganging up on someone and starts running back to try and assist Hisako. "Get out of there! Don't let 'em sorround you!"

Ponset widens one eye as she tilts her head at Gourry's explanaition. "...So you... don't... do it yourself? You just keep people out while waiting for... other people to show up?" She looks out at Hisako with quite a bit of a worried look on her face. "But what about..." she trails off, unusure of what she should do or say.

Captain Kara has her issue pistol/taser thing out and just looks at it, then at the dinosoids and back again. "Yeah Right" with a sigh she starts crawling out from under the car on the side away from the fight. Her pistol holstered again she checks the scene for civilians, less obvious hazards etc. looking over the whole area quick and carefully.

Officer Gourry is paying out police tape around the other side of the street now. He's a whiz at cordoning off. So at least he's learned some part of police procedure. It's about time. "Well," he says to Ponset. "I'd help if they need me to, I guess. But it looks like things are well in hand. You can tell when things are going OK because they look kind of hard up to the untrained observer." Gourry, for instance. "But then an ass-kicking happens. Just you watch."

from the roof of the police town tower comes the distinct beating noise of a handful of choppers. also the first strains of a some classical music. Yes it's 'Ride of the Valkeries'

Hisako is smarter than to stay in one place and get surrounded easily - and the fact that the portal seems to go both ways is filed away in a corner of her mind. When the dinosoids spread out like that, Hisako is quick to react - leaping at one of them almost at random, trying to smack away or outright smash his weapon(s), and then a clubbing forearm strike to try and knock this one unconscious before she flings him bodily at one of the other dinosoids.

It's not as easy as she makes it look; she's still conscious of the risk of collateral damage, and any of those rifle shots which have gone on to hit a storefront or something ... well. She's REALLY grateful for her armor right now, but she doesn't want to be responsible for more property damage every time she dodges a shot.

If its the loss of life that Hisako is worried about, the dinosoids have her work cut out for her. When she jumps into one of them to clubber him silly and toss him at his compatriots, the others react by cleaving the dinosoid clean in half in mid air with their swords. They figure its just faster to kill the one that's getting in the way than worry about having to go around.

Not only that, the rider is coming back quick and he stands on the saddle of the raptor to draw his bow and arrow. Now what's a didly arrow going to do against these aberrations you may ask. Well, as the Turok fires a shot at one of the dinosoids, the embedded arrow explodes into multiple blue plasma firethat shoot out into the other dinosoids. When struck by the plasma explosion, the dinosoids begin to burn, peeling the flesh off their bodies, then the skeletons, and then they liquify into blue goop, all while screaming in agonizing bestial pain.

But hey, that's about half of them down, they have this wrapped up quick when the NT police arrives--

"TUROK!!!!" That monstrous voice comes from the portal again.. a voice that sounds strangely female.

The ground trembles as something massive approaches and the head of a cybernetic T-Rex peeks out from the portal, the head alone easily the size of a skyscrapper.


This cybernetic T-Rex lady is really pissed off at the rider.

Oh, also, there's more of those dinosoids pouring through the portal. Yep.

Officer Gourry is still paying out police tape. He's apparently planning to cordon off the entire area. Well, he wouldn't want civilians, those who haven't fled the robot dinosaurs, to wander in by accident. Though anyone deaf and blind enough to do that would probably miss the police tape. It -could- stop them, though. You always have to hope, right? Well, having a giant sword is useful, too, as he demonstrates by using it to deflect a piece of debris that's knocked towards him. "So you should be careful," he continues to Ponset in calm tones as if robot dinosaurs weren't tearing up the place.

Ponset looks like she's about to just stand by and let everyone else deal with this problem, but then that kaiju sized one shows up, and she takes to a fighting stance almost reflexively. She lives over the Badlands. She knows Kaiju. "Crapbaskets," she mumbles, then looks around. The people involved already have their hands full with the creatures that were already there... Even with the incoming military equipment, are things even under control with that... /thing/ there? "....Oh, this is gonna be stupid," she says, then starts jogging /towards/ the giant beast after hopping over the police tape that Gourry so carefully put up.

Captain Kara doesn't bother with police tape but she too is clearing the scene as best she can. Not that there's a lot of civilians about. People in NT know the drill by now. She spots Gourry setting up the tape and shouts "Officer Gourry. Over here!"

Out and about and new to the area is Sucy Manbavaran, she really isn't walking however she is riding on a broom holding a book in her hand, one of the guides to Neo Tokyo it would seem as the broom glides along at a lazy place with her unaware of whatever danger might be happening below or above as she turns a page in the book. Very funny Kara should say that as a civilian unaware of the danger just keeps flying along. Captain Kara attack helicopters, four of them, spiral down from the roof of the tower. They waste no time firing their nose mounted tribarrel autocannons at the any Dinos they can track The lead chopper hovers near the T-rex and fires it's rockets, Dumb warheads of inert concrete backed up with a lot of rocket fuel. Hisako wasn't THAT worried about keeping the invaders alive, although seeing them casually kill an inconveniently vectored member of their own force makes her cringe nonetheless. Still, if they value their lives THAT little ... one less thing to feel guilty over later, maybe? She'll have to work through all of that later, though.

So apparently the raptor-rider is a 'Turok' - and he's not exactly helpless. That's good news. Seeing Ponset approach reassures Hisako somewhat as well, but she doesn't have much time to be grateful; the giant cybernetic T. Rex poking her head through seems like a big threat, and another wave of attackers is coming through as well. "Sorry, Tyrant Queen, but we're not letting you drag him back!" she calls out, charging and upscaling her armor - again, trying to just punch the apparent big bad, a haymaker RIGHT on the nose. Then she leaps back and downsizes again, to get out of the helicopters' firing line. There is a loud clanking sound from the police town tower as the heavy vehicle bay door starts slowly cranking up.

Officer Gourry looks over to Captain Kara and waves to her. "Hello, Captain," he calls out. He tears off his srtip of police tape at a roadsign and ties it off, then jogs over to her, ducking the occasional piece of flying debris. "How can I help you today?" he asks brightly.

NT Police attack helicopters, four of them, spiral down from the roof of the tower. They waste no time firing their nose mounted tribarrel autocannons at the any Dinos they can track The lead chopper hovers near the T-rex and fires it's rockets, Dumb warheads of inert concrete backed up with a lot of rocket fuel. There is a loud clanking sound from the police town tower as the heavy vehicle bay door starts slowly cranking up.

And now she is aware. Sucy glances up the moment she hears the sound of a helicopter and looks over her shoulder just in time to see them speeding along. She quickly drops her broom down then sees what is going on below and pulls up, sees the helicopters and then looks down and right before they shoot by her sending the witch spiral out of control and crashing down just in time for gunfire and rockets to go off. Taking out the wand she has she throws it up and then a barrier surrounds her to protect her from anything that might happen. And is that a dinosaur? Where is Akko!? Shit is going wrong and she isn't to blame! Sucy begins to try and crawl someplace safe to hide.


That would be the roar of the giant T-Rex, loud enough that it should alert any remaining civilians that there's something going on.

Even civilians that may be riding a flying broom and reading a book without a care in the world..

That roar was directed to Sucy by the way, just in case.

The T-Rex roars some more and starts bucking against the portal-- apparently she's stuck! "BLAST IT!!!!" She roars. "WHAT ARE YOU IMBECILES DOING!!? MAKE IT BIGGER!!!!" The T-Rex continous to roar to.. apparently there's someone riding on her head. A dark skinned man with tribal paint and dinosaur skin for clothes, holding a staff with a skull on the tip. Apparently this guy is at least human, though there are others sitting about the T-Rex's body and they don't look to friendly.

"I'm trying your highness." He's heard saying as he channels energy into his staff, the portal slooowly getting bigger to allow the T-Rex to pass through. While he's doing that, the apparent shaman looks up to see the attack helicopters opening fire on them. "Your highness..." He warns though the T-Rex is already on it.

"AWAY WITH YOU, GNATS!!" Roars said T-Rex and fires, honest to goodness, lasers from its eyes, igniting the missiles before they hit her. She then continues firing a barrage of eye beams at the choppers to desintegrate them in mid air.

But at least the first wave of dinos gets put down by the autocannons. Now just have to deal with the incoming second wave.

When Hisako turns giant and swings a haymaker at the T-Rex, the dinosaur's response is to open her giant maw and chomp down on the arm. She clenches down ferociously, trying to rip the armor apart until Hisako shrinks down and she loses her grip on the armored mutant.

"Get the shaman!!" The rider tries to get everyone's attention as he starts waving his arms, still standing on the raptor's saddler. "If he goes down so does the portal!"

Sarah looks around and decides to take action. She snaps her fingers, lance-like metal pens appearing behind her and rocketing towards the supposed shaman as she pulls out her trusty pen, it's deceptively sharp edge glinting in the light.

Ponset skids to a halt, looking back at the man riding the much /smaller/ cybernetic dinosaur, then back up at the shaman on top of the much /bigger/ dinosaur. She lifts up a hand, placing a pair of fingers to her forehead. And then she just... vanishes. Oh, she's still around... but she's now up there on top of the giant dinosaur's head, /behind/ the shaman. "Okay, look, you're making a mess," she says while floating a few inches in the air to avoid getting bucked off. "If you'd just calm down, maybe we can find a way to deal with this /without/ destroying half the city?" She's not used to dealwing with Kaiju that can actually talk. At any rate, she raises her right hand up, palm facing the shaman. Sucy is aware now! Oh is she aware now as she hides in a alley trying to play the lets not get shot game. She is holding onto her hat right now and trying to determine what her next course of action should be. Her head pokes out calmly she stares silently wondering if she should get involved in this little mess. She then reaches into her satchel and pulls out what looks to be a vial of green liquid with a skull and crossbone on it and then looks out the alley again.

Hisako grimaces, putting more willpower behind her armor so it doesn't simply collapse under the T. Rex's chomp - but shrinking down and pulling back does get her un-bitten, even if that took more of an effort than she thought. She's about to try and go after the shaman when Ponset lands on the ... should it be a Tyrannosaurus Regina, if that dino's female? ... on her head; she can't take another swing with a friendly that close. She'll settle, for now, for keeping the dinosoids from running amok - and if they can be chucked back through the portal, that's her preferred option.

Captain Kara hears Turok's shout and draws her combination taser pistol thing. Problem is... to use the taser she's got to be at very short range. "Officer Gourry. Distract that big dinosaur!" she shouts to Gourry. "I hope this doesn't go as badly as I fear it will" she starts jogging towards the great big thing trying to avoid the minions as best she can.

NT Police attack choppers have dealt with Gojira's Plasma breath for all but one of them dodging the Kaiju sized dino is accomplishes even with flair. One pilot actually manages to briefly put his helicopter up side down. A feat supposedly impossible. However one of the four choppers loses it's tail rotor to the lasers and starts spinning a cabin alarm can be heard whooping at the pilot as he and his craft auger into the pavement.

Officer Gourry nods to Captain Kara. "Distract him? OK." And with that simple thought completed, he charges screaming at the Tyranosaurus, sword raised over his head, bumping aside all the smaller dinos. He isn't quite so clueless in a fight as he is normally. But he's still dumb enough to charge a giant dinosaur, crying out that wild battle cry, "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!".

The doors to the Police Town Tower are barely three quarters of the way up when out come the Tank Police in a cacophony of roaring engines and competing sirens. Three main battle tanks painted NTPD blue are the first to arrive on the scene. They know their jobs, Shoot the kaiju. "Load HESH" shouts the commander of the lead tank and then three tanks fire in close sequence launch 'high explosive squash head' rounds at the T-Regina.

The Turok watches all that is happening and then brings his hands to the sides of his head. Is that woman trying to negotiate with her!!?

"You can't talk to Thunder! She's insane!!!" He tries to warn Ponset.

"WHAT!? WHO IS THAT, SHAMAN!??" The T-Rex calls out and tries to look behind her to no avail since she's still stuck neck first in the portal.

The startled shaman whirls around and stares at Ponset with blank eyes. "An outsider my lady--hrgg!!" And the distraction is enough that Sarah's pen hits him right on the back!

Ponset might want to be careful though, because being this close to the portal means that she can peek to the other side.. the Lost Land.

She'll be able to see the other side of the T-Rex called Thunder, and her body extends for endless miles, it appears that there's almost a city built on her back.. and there are more of those tribal looking folk living there! They rush up Thunder's neck as soon as they see Ponset. "Defend the Hierophant!!" Call the adepts as they extend their hands towards the saiyan, casting a spell in unison that begins to drain her life away.


Dozens of dinosoids swarm the streets. Unsure where the Turok even is at this point they attack anything and anyone they can see, those being Hisako, Iris and Gourry. The dinosoids concentrate their efforts on protecting Thunder's not yet visible feet and they charge at Gourry first, shooting anti-matter energy at him to soften him up before swinging their swords at his torso when they get in melee range.


Thunder sees the fire sent against her and matches it with her own. She opens her massive maw and unleashes a torrent of flame that could put any full grown dragon to shame. It pushes past the HESH rounds detonating them and flies directly at the tanks with the intent of engulfing them in blazing hot fire.

Speaking of the thunDer! X-J9 shoots across the rooftops, dinosaurs everywhere!! The heck?! She thrusts in towards the center of the chaos, seeing people in trouble below; her rams turn into multi-cannons, shooting electrified golf-ball sized balls at the attacking creatures! *budabudabudabuda* hoping to stop as many critters as she can and save as many civilians as she can as well!

Hisako keeps on defending herself against the dinosoids - and if any of the mooks she punches or tosses back towards the portal wind up hitting Thunder in the face? Eh, she can live with that. She'd still rather toss the dinosoids back through the portal than leave them stranded here when that portal DOES close ... whatever it takes to do that. Sarah scoffs at herself for attacking without her magic eye to help aim, though is somewhat impressed that she hit the man in the first place. Her right eye begins to glow a rusty red color as she snaps her fingers again, typewriter key appearing and beginning to rise as she stepped onto it. She straightened her tie and lined up another shot, snapping her fingers as a group of lance-pens appears behind her once more. 'Just gotta wait for the right moment...'

Ponset grimaces as she starts to feel herself grow weaker, and actually jumps off the giant dinosaur away from the portal. She's not the brightest of people, but she knows that trying to get an insane being to actually sit down and think about what they're doing is... not going to work. And she definitely doesn't want to get drained and/or stuck in some other world entirely! But really, can it be called 'jumping' off when she was never actually touching her to begin with? By now she's not paying any attention to who might be here and paying attention to her, short of trying /not/ to be in the way of the giant glowing armor that's also attacking the dinosaur... and she's not even getting very far away at all as she barely drops at all before she's halted her downward motion since she's, well, flying now. "Get back in there!" she yells as a glowing ball of blue energy starts to form in front of her outstretched palm. It then launches from her palm right at the monstrous beast's eye. Oops. Looks like she forgot what target would be more useful to hit.

Sucy frowns as she debates whether or not she should help, still the folks on the ground could use a little help. She takes a out a small vial and then she shakes it a few times before she hurls it at the feet of some of the invading dinosaurs and causes it to shatter, quick a cloud of purple vapors begins to spread out from the location. She takes a moment to tap her wand and then launches what looks to be a small bolt of fire at the cloud. Hopefully when the gas ignites it might take out some of the invading dinosaurs.

Explosions and Fire, Lots of FIRE everywhere and worse dinosoids with swords and anti-matter guns. Iris is a desk cop and a tech weenie not an athletic assualter. fortunately she does hit the gym for a bit of cardio. that keeps her moving while she tries to use her gun's taser, capable of shocking small crowds so thoroughly you can see their skeletons. Any time any of the dinosoids get close she fires it off.

Officer Gourry reaches the feet of the dinosaur unopposed, because in all this craziness, a cop with a swort is just kind of meh. Never the less, he hacks at the tyrannosaur feet with the big-ass-sword he carries, so hopefully to distract him from the Captain. Hack, slash, hack, slash. He's relentless.

NT Police Choppers, the remainder of the flight, switch from concrete 'anvil' rounds as the fly away to open the range. they're just specks in the sky when all three launch the remaining 'Dragon' Anti-tank missiles. able to range in on a tank up to 8 kilometres way and with a 'self forging round', a disc of metal converted to a molten spearhead by a shaped charge, for the warhead.

The commander of the lead tank in the first platoon barely managed to button up his hatch before the flame washes over the trio, scrubbing off red and blue lights and silencing the riotous sirens. The tanks appear to survive the flame however and fire again. This time launching HEAT rounds. High Explosive AntiTank. whose now familiar self forging rounds compress air to the density of steel as they convert their payloads from metal disc to molten javelins. And they're not alone continuing the racket of sirens as if they were a japanese motorcycle gang. more tanks pile into the fight, pulling up and around the lead tanks as if trying to muscle them out of the way for their own shots.

Sarah snapped her fingers, sending her pens launching at the shaman again, sending a tendril of scalding hot coffee to try and grab the man and hold him in place.

The adepts yell as Ponset escapes the grip of their life draining spell and continue to run up Thunder's neck to be on the head, crossing the portal from the Lost Land to Neo Tokyo. They reach in time to tend to the Hierophant's wounds, one of them plucking the pen out of his back and healing him while the others look out for Ponset, firing lighting bolts from their finger tips. By this point, Ponset is well out of reach though and there is so much opposition that the adepts and dinosoids can't keep track of all the defenders at once. Really, the Turok isn't firing back at this point so they have no idea where he even is, aiding to the confusion.

The dinosoids on the ground look up to the barrage of X-J9. Some of them are immolated by the energy rounds, though others manage to deflect some with their swords and return fire to the android, opening fire with their anti-matter guns in an attempt to disintegrate Jenny. Though Gourry might like to think otherwise, the reason why he's going unopposed against Thunder's feet is because Hisako is dealing with a great chunk of the dinosoids, Iris tazers one of them, and as they begin to from a line of defense in order to stop him, they are sorrounded by Sucy's vapors which then ignite and blows them all to smithereens. Looks like Gourry does have the way clear to attack! Though he'd have to cross the portal to actually reach Thunder's feet.

And just as he's about to engage, Ponset's giant energy attack combined with anti-tank missiles from the choppers and explosive antitank shells ALL hit Thunder at the same time. The impact is massive, even for a being of Thunder's size all that barrage pushes her back a fair amount, which is to say a few inches back into the Lost Land.

The giant beast clenches her jaw firmly and even despite all the attack she tries to push through again. Even with all that firepower Thunder is still standing.

The shaman though.. that's another matter.

Being only human, he loses his footing and falls off the side of Thunder, meaning that he's fair game to get skewered by Sarah's pens and then held upside down by the tendril of hot coffee. "AAAAGGH!!" Oooh, hot coffee is the worst to get splashed on.

Jenny works her way in towards the center; Oh look! Freaking huge T-rex thingie trying to push through a vortex! She tries a different approach then just slam-banging the beast; she contorts her arms into sound cannons, amps up a high-pitche frequency that should give Gojira a headache and fires in a tight beam at the incoming Thunder! Hold onto your fillings, everyone! *SQUEeEeeEeeEEeeEEEeeEeeEEEeeEEeeeEEeeEEeeeEEeeEeeEEeeEeeeEeeEEe*

Ponset looking a bit shocked at the size of the explosion, then looks behind her at the helicopters. Oh. Right. She's far from being here alone. Her mind a bit more clear, she's remembering that the shaman is the key to getting rid of 'Thunder' here. She floats down to where he's being held, arms crossed in front of her, and looks like she's about to say something, when instead it's Jenny that 'says' something. Ponset reaches up to her ears as she winces in pain. Then opens up one eye again to look at the man. "Close the portal. You can't win. Thunder can't win. People here fight monsters her size all the time."

Sucy puts her hands over her ears as that noise goes off causing her to close her eyes to keep her head from rattling out. "Ok the guide to this place did not mention dinosaurs.." She yells over the din. She begins trying to look for some way to get back to safety, because it is getting kind of dangerous over here.

Sarah shrugs and snaps her fingers, a half-meter wide coffee mug appearing underneathe the shaman as light begins to pool at the bottom. A low keening sound could be heard, steadily building to a crescendo as she floated closer on her own mug. "Cut off the portal, or your day's probably gonna suck." Her tone is casual, as well as the grin on her face, but the look in her eyes is serious.

Ponset smirks at the man before raising two fingers to her forhead, and once again, she's vanished. But again, she's not gone completely, not yet. Her warning/threat passed on and another woman now here issuing her own warnings, Ponset is now off in the distance, at the top of another skyscraper. With a shout as she lets her ki flow through her, her hair turns gold as she holds her hands out to her sides, and begins to gather her energy further. With all those here, she's fairly confident that the situation will be handled without her. But if not, then she's preparing her Final trump card.

Hisako is still fending off dinosoids to the best of her ability ... but if that portal doesn't get closed up soon, she might wind up in more trouble than she accounted for. Keeping her armor at its current 'fight the dinoisoids at their size' scale isn't as strenuous as trying to punch giant robots in the face, but these monsters HAVE been taking their toll on her nonetheless ...

Captain Kara finally works her way to the edge of the range of the electric arc on her gun. "Stand Clear" she shouts and fires the stun gun at the Shaman.

Officer Gourry hrms. There's a question of jusrisdiction here. If he goes through the portal to attack the monster's feet, he's no longer in Neo-Tokyo. So ... can he just go and do it? Though, technically, it might be something like hot pursuit, where you can fight outside your jusrisdiction of it's part of some overall event that did happen in Neo-Tokyo. That thought through, he rushes the dino feet and hacks at them. And while he might not seem like all that, he is actually quite strong, and utterly badass with the sword. For what that's worth. And no one likes having their feet hacked off.

Having expended their rocket load the attack helicopters return to base. already shouting at the ground crew to get them more missiles.

The Tank Police continue to jostle each other for a clear shot while the three slightly cooked tanks reluctantly retreat. a scattering of more HEAT rounds are fired at the Tyrannosaurus.

Its kinna hard to hear with all the squeeing. Thunder at the very least is clearly phased by it and given the fact that she just took a Bing Bang attack to the face along with several barrages of anti Kaiju weaponry, its not doing an -amazing- job at retaliating. The fact that only her head is sticking out of the portal is not helping.

What also wasn't helping was the shaman being held upside down with a tendril of hot coffee. He wiggled and agonized in pain, trying to break free from the bond that burnt his flesh, which also incidentally prevented him from covering his ears to shield himself from Jenny's noise. "Hraaaa!!! Never!!" He yelled back at both Ponset at Sarah, his white eyes displaying much pain but no fear, even at the threat of being dropped in a pool of coffee. "Lady Thunder will break through and your world will bur--"

He doesn't manage to finish that sentence though because he then gets tazed by Kara.

Being knocked out means that he no longer has a hold on the portal and it begins to shrink rapidly in size, Thunder pulls her head back in as yet another volley of anti Kaiju shots are fired her way. "BAH!! I'LL COME BACK FOR THE REST OF YOU!!" She says and chomps on the shaman as she retreats, apparently eating him, coffee and all.

Uh, but does that mean that Gourry is in the Lost Land now? Someone might want to yank him back to Neo Tokyo before the portal fully closes.

As the portal starts to close, jenny tries firing a grappling cable in after Gourry! If succesdful, she'll yank him back into NT!

Sarah notices one of the officers is still in that portal and reacts. She tries to flicker, appear next to him and grab him and flicker back onto the ground outside the portal on NT's side.

Officer Gourry ducks the grapple, because it's coming at him from behind. The huge dino, though, tired of having its nails trimmed too close, flings him back through the portal, clocking heads with Sarah as she tries to grab him. Dazed, he falls over. @.@

Sucy takes this time to retreat back past the police lines and behind the safety of that yellow tape. Once she has gone a few feet she takes a moment to look over her shoulder and frowns a bit. "Wait didn't that blo..." Oh wait there goes Gourry, ok well that is good all well that ends well. She begins trying to slink off before the cops notice and her and question the civilian.

Jenny takes a moment to make sure the portals godo and closed...then rockets off to help injured people and to take down straggler-saurs that might still be running around!

Sarah curses and rubs her head. This was what she got for trying to teleport on reaction, she fucks up the distance and bashes her skull against the guy she was trying to save. She shook her head and stood up, looking around to make sure there weren't any straggler dinosaur things.

There is a straggler dinosaur thing.

The rider and his raptor.

He whistles. "You guys sure pulled a number on Thunder. Thanks for all the help."

Captain Kara drops to her knees and lets out a deep sigh while mopping her brow.

The tanks stop shooting only after putting three or four holes in the building behind the portal. Then, fun over, they retreat back only to be replaced by the crime scene unit and the tech recovery team.

Sarah looks at the rider and raptor duo, shrugging. "No problem. Kinda obligated to help."

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