2017-08-29 - Free For All Kombat

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Free For All Kombat

Summary: A number of people gather within the Arena. Archene and Flandre catch up on a play date, while Luigi and Nivira face the War God's minions.

Who: Kotal_Kahn, Archene Night, Luigi, Flandre, Nivira
When: August 28, 2017
Where: The Arena

Archene Night-icon.gifKotal Kahn-icon.gifLuigi-icon.gifNivira-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.




It is a scream of pain that would welcome any newcomer to the Arena as a muscled warrior is thrown clear across and into the espectator strands. Strewn around the Arena ground are bodies of would be gladiators that tried to best a single opponent. A small blond girl wearing a red dress, with rainbow colored wings.

"I'm so boooored! I'M SO BORED!!" The little girl does as little girls do and throws a tantrum, stomping the ground and throwing the gladiators around as if they were rag dolls. "WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP BREAKING SO EASY!!??"

Watching the scene sitting a top a throne made of skulls is a turquoise skinned man. He appears to be simply watching for now.

The screams~ The agony~ Such lovely spars~

Archene doesn't always wander off aimlessly, but when he does, he always comes upon such sights. The sight of a certain vampire with lovely wings was truly worth the walk already, a minor detail. The sight of a certain god of war, was unsurprising. Though with the presence of both, he didn't know whether to ask for a spar or for a game.

At the edge of the arena, Archene said, "Flan~" WIth a wave, "It is because they are no good for fun things!" With than he did a little turn towards Kotal, bringing a hand to his heart before offering a half bow, "And a pleasure to see you again."

He then looked at Flan, "If you are still bored, we could have some fun today." He beamed brightly at her.

Seriously. Why the hell is Luigi here at the Arena? It's not that Luigi can't fight. He just doesn't LIKE fighting. And it might be the reason that, when he enters, it's clearly meekly, with slouched shoulders and a hunkered-down posture. The nervous-looking mustachio'd man with the big nose, dressed in his green shirt and blue overalls, probably doesn't cut that impressive of a figure at just a few inches over five and a half feet tall, to be perfectly honest. Particularly not when he hears the scream and reacts with visible fear.

"Archie!~" Flandre's senses are very good being a vampire, and this is particularly true when she spots a scent she recognizes and likes too. The tiny vampire girl flies towards Arch's direction and wraps him in a big ol' hug, spinning around and giggling oh so very girlishly. As young girls should act and not like horryfing monsters of destruction.

"Oh yes, Archie! These toys are so bad! They break so easy and can't even dodge any of my danmaku." Then she turns to the giant turquoise skinned man, perched on that omnious throne of skulls "And he doesn't want to play with me either!"

A long sigh comes from the resident Aztec War God and he returns Arch's salute before answering. "Well met once more, warrior. Would you kindly entertain this little dark one for me? She is under the protection of Morgana and I rather not tarnish my already fragile relationship with her."

Flandre then looks up at Archie with big, red eyes and nods. "Yeah! Let's have some fun, Archie!" She then flies away to make some space between them. "You remember have to play Danmaku, right?"

Luigi's entrance goes unnoticed by Flandre, but not by the all seeing War God. "Hmm??" Huitzilopotchli's glowing eyes zero in on the green shirted man and he extends an open palm to him, beckoning him forward. "You there. Why have you come to my hallowed grounds of Kombat?"

Archene almost squees as he hugs and spins (along with) Flandre, certainly not a monster of destruction, certainly a cute little girl with pretty wings, "It is because they don't think the right way when playing with you." He nods a few times at Flandre.

he glances over at Kotal, "I'd love to entertain her, her games are rather fun." He chuckles quietly, "And though I do not know this Morgana, given your concern, I'd be more than happy to be of help in not harming your relationship with her."

He looks back at Flandre, "Yes! Some fun!" He seems to do a few brief stretches before grinning up, "YES! I even practiced with a friend! Though her version was a bit different and had some random things." He nods.

He doesn't seem to notice Luigi though, with Flandre just in front of him and Kotal around, it would be hard for him to notice anything even if he had acute senses regarding dark magic!

A light scraping sound can be heard just above the door, as Nivira scrabbles her way down from the rooftop route she took to here. Climbing claws are rather nice when one can actually grip something. She enters the arena, spider-man style through the door, for no other reason than showmanship likely, as there's really no reason to be hanging from the wall.

Luigi had been hoping to pass by unnoticed, just look around a bit, and report back from a quiet corner somewhere. Those hopes are firmly dashed against the rocks -- and then squeezed until they burst -- by Kotal noticing him. At the War God's 'you there', Luigi quite literally falls back onto his rear, with a quiet sound of fright. Doesn't seem like much of a warrior at first glance.

Standing up agan, Luigi removes his hat -- respect, after all; he's heard who frequents this place, and it's not good to disrespect gods. "Ah-ah-ah-ah... I'm-a new here," he stutters in a small voice, twisting his hat in his hands. "S-s-so I'm-a still mapping out the place..."

He is then interrupted by a falling Nivira! The already nervous Luigi yelps, the sound halfway sounding like a squawk as he falls back onto his rear again, and then scoots back from the place Nivira is dropping down from.

"Hmph!" Flandre makes a cute pouty face when Archene mentions the gladiators not thinking when they fought her. "I believe that they don't think at all!!" Clearly, Flandre doesn't have a lot of respect for grown men that don't even bother to dodge. Another case of tough warriors doing the huge faux paus of trying to tank danmaku. If they can't manage to do that not only are they going to look like idiots but its also a huge dissapointment for the danmaku spellcaster-- think about it, all that effort making colorful patterns wasted! Also, it goes without saying that it hurts taking a huge magical blast to the face.

"Alright then." The vampires cracks her neck and summons her wand. "Let's see if you remember a bit from last time." Flandre points her wand towards Archene and spins it in circular motions.


Her spell cast, hundreds of rainbow colored magic missiles rush towards Archene in a long spiral patter. Like a very colorful worm made from magical fire.


Kotal's fiery eyes stare Luigi down and he just GRINS at the plumber's answer.

"New you say??" Uh oh. "A poor host I would be if I did not give you a proper welcome.."


Kotal extends a hand and a shadow descends from his throne, a few feet away from Luigi. "Welcome to Neo Tokyo, stranger. Erron Black here shall make sure you are properly situated."

But what's this?? A second Kombatant descends from the roof? Kotal takes notice of Nivira and narrows his eyes at her before bringing forth a second minion. "Mravo!"

Same as Erron, a shadow descends from the throne and a very tall Sangheili suddenly stands before Nivira, clearly as her intended opponent.

This is the Arena after all. If people are here, the War God assumes they mean to worship him by means of Kombat.

Nivira does combat, not so much worship. Still, alien's here for fighting, so, well, while not her original reason for being here, may as well humor the Kombat happy god. Usually leads to slightly longer lifespan.

Archene grinned at the name! Quickly dashing towards any breach large enough in the worm, being sure to dodge every bullet! "Of course I remember this!" He said in between dashes! Unlike last time though, Archene had some strange gray shine over his body, too faint for most eyes. But for those who can notice chi easily enough, it would be clear that the young man was making using of it to enhance his body, more specially his speed this time.

Luigi is distracted by the sudden explosions of color on one side of the arena, as Flandre begins the danmaku. "Whoaa..." he marvels. Though some part of him is still afraid, despite being impressed -- it brings back bad memories of Kamek and his Magikoopas. Luigi couldn't even walk when that happened, but something like that doesn't 'just go away'. Magikoopa magic looks like colorful geometric shapes and rainbow-hued magical dust, after all... Suddenly he looks back to Kotal, scrambling to his feet as the war god speaks. He had just started to relax at the words 'a proper welcome'... when he heard 'in combat'. "--Wha...?!" And then there's a cowboy? Wanting to fight him?

...Well, it IS an Arena, controlled by a war god. Even if he doesn't want to fight, it's... probably the right thing to do, diplomatically. He understands diplomacy. Maybe the fellow's just trying to test their mettle? Either way, as Erron approaches, Luigi puts his hat back on, and adopts a fighting stance! ...Of sorts. OK, it's really sloppy looking, and probably something he's seen on TV maybe twice? Probably been watching 'Enter the Dragon' too much, honestly...

"Ahaa!! So you do remember!" Flandre cackles as Archene chooses correctly on how to avoid the Maze of Love. "The only way to resolve the puzzle of love is to be straightforward!" The vampire explains what her danmaku choice truly means.

Still, if Archene expects to get a hug or a kiss for solving that one, he's got another thing coming! Flandre flies back to put more distance and she raises her wand which starts glowing in power again. "Let's give you one you haven't seen before!"


Flandre points her wand again and shoots a single colorful danmaku blast at Archene. However, this danamku starts multiplying sideways, extending to both sides of the arena like giant colorful wings that resemble Flandre's own.


"By taking a stance you have accepted Kombat." Calls the mighty War God who is already, even now, drawing power from Flandre's fight with Archene. Even if they are not his worshipers, all fighting that takes place here strengthens him.

"Round One."


Erron and Mravo look at their respective opponents and then at each other before nodding.

"Waste 'em!!" Calls the cowboy as he pulls out his revolver and the Sanguelli does the same with his blaster, opening fire on both Luigi and Nivira to fill em full of lead or plasma, respectively...

Archene didn't expect for a kiss! But a hug was welcomed! But no, he didn't go for a hug, just jump back as the big one split into many fire balls before attempting to dodge in between the balls along with the flow. His eyes looking forward just in case he could see any of them making any strange movements, like suddenly moving to the side as he dodged by them or fluttering and waving, or exploding into smaller spheres. Who knows?!

Nivira was waiting for that call. She immidiately draws her heavy pistol, taking three succinct shots at known vital areas, head, armor gap in stomach, and one in the groin, why not? Now, plasma damage is not something she's used to, and seems like a bitch to repair if it starts burning through armor. So she's immediately on the evasive. Her limbs might be fakes, but she still needs em. "Hardly sporting. But I like the pragmatism."

...Just by taking a stance? Oops! Well, he's committed now! Or he's going to be, whichever is the case. Either way! He's getting shot at! With a rather odd 'awahwahwahwah!' sound, Luigi LEAPS into the air, flailing his feet in the air rather comically. Despite him not being all that tall, the jump easily clears the spray of lead aimed his way! Perhaps he's more capable than he appears?

Once he's landed, he draws his hands to his chest and his hands start to glow. After a moment he makes a motion of tossing something into the air. And what appears, floating above him, is a large golden cube, glowing yellow-gold, with an orange-gold question mark on it. He leaps up to punch the cube, and it seems to wink out of existence... but not before disgorging something from the top of it. It's... a golden bell? However, when he catches it, a puff of white smoke covers him, and when it disappears, he's...

...Wearing a green cat costume onesie... thing. He looks quite ridiculous. But given his eyebrows have drawn down and seems less afraid, he thinks this is going to help him somehow.

No such luck with this kind of Danmaku, its VERY straightforward. Though its somewhat slow in comparison to the previous Maze of Love, its nowhere near as funneled and it expands and expands until it almost looks like its forming a barrier across the arena. Trying to envelope Archene completely with its rainbow colored wings. As Archene tries to dodge between them, he'll see that they are all very thigtly lumped together- like a barrier. Getting between them would making taking a chunk of them to the face.

It is expanding rather slowly though, like a rainbow, the only exit is to the veeeeery end. Archene would have to be very lucky to reach the end of the rainbow in time.


Mravo takes a similar approach to Nivira and starts strafing when he encounters return fire. The shots from the woman's gun grazes his helmet and his midsection and he barely dodges the one to the groin by quickly pulling his hips to the sides. He really didn't like that attempt at his manhood! "Ssss! You're not one to talk about sportmanship!!" The Sangheilli reaches for behind his armor and hurls a plamsa grenade at Nivira, trying to stick her with it. "Purifying Flame!"


"What in tarnation...?" Erron Black seems less surprised about the green plumber dodging his bullets by way of jumping than when he Powers Up by donning a green onsie. I mean, can you blame him? Its not exactly what he's used to.

"You think that's gonna help you little man?" Still, Erron knows better than to underestimate a foe and he doesn't relent his attack.

Showing he can pull some strange moves of his own, he flicks a single copper coin up in the air and points his gun at it? What is he doing??

Erron shoots at the coin up in the air.. and then the bullets start ricocheting! They all shoot straight down for Luigi's head making it a lot harder to dodge!

Luck? It was something that he had in excess, but to consider luck something that'd help here would be a figure of expression. She did say it was a bow though. Going to its edge? It didn't feel like the right way on this. Damned he will be if he was wrong.

Archene moved towards the center... well not the exact center, a bit to the right, staying a number of steps away from the expanding line of 'don't touch me' danamku. Maybe they'd part at the last moment. At least, he hoped so. If not, he will remember for the next time.

Nivira draws her machine pistol with her other hand, with a twirling flourish. Not much cover in the arena, then again, why would there be? Luigi gets an aside glance and a rather highly raised eyebrow before she notices the blue glowing ball of pain coming for her. She immidiately dives off to the side, rolling away from the grenade. Regardless the smell of singed fabric does make it's way from her, as she now has a small plasma fire on her pant leg. "Never said I was." No grenades of her own, but she does counter with a full clip from her machine pistol.

Luigi is probably unaware of Nivira's glance at him. Yes, he does look ridiculous, but in that moment Nivira may notice that the suit seems to have... bonded to him in some weird way. Aside from his head looking like 'mustachio'd plumber in a cat costume', other than being a damn unlikely color, the rest of his body looks like... well... a cat. He's even on all fours now. And the stance doesn't look awkward, either.

"Don't underestimate-a me!" Luigi states to Erron in warning. Even before the bullets are fired, he's already moving, on all fours, like a cat. But not AWAY from Erron.


As he's running in a straight line, a few of those bullets are going to find their mark. Erron should be pleased to note that the bullets damage the onesie-wearing plumber normally, and yes, he most definitely will bleed. Though what might be a little disturbing is that the onesie actually seems to act like skin itself, breaking and bleeding as normal.

He might also be disturbed to find Luigi trying to roll forward and swing a large pair of white cat paws at him overhead... with claws out! The paws actually seem to grow to about twice their normal size here, and the claws seem to do the same.

Wrong Move!

When Archene moves to the center, the Danmaku seems to be as lumped as it was before and collides straight onto Archene's chest and face. It explodes upon contact as Danmaku tends to do, no doubt causing no small amount of pain to our boy Archene.

"Hehehehe!! Silly Archie!!" Flandre rushes forward after the exploating, flying directly towards him. "You have to get to the end of the rainbow to escape it! That's where the gold is!" And thus that's the way to solve that particular Danmaku.

By the way, Flandre isn't flying towards Archene to help him or anything. No no, helping is for good girls and Flandre is decidedly a ~bad girl~. She's drawing her wand to try and clubber Archene over the head while he's stunned from the explosion. Thankfully she hasn't turned her wand into the Laevateinn, the world splitter, but Flandre still hits considerably hard despite it. Should Archie try to tank that blow as well it'll feel like an entire building collapsed on him.


Taking out a machine gun and rolling to dodge a grenade takes time. It is a moment of time that Mravo uses to close the distance and take this battle where he knows lays Huitzilopotchli's true blessing.

In the gory glory of Klose Kombat.

As Nivira unleashes a barrage of bullets towards the Sangheilli, she'll find that he's already rushing towards her with plasma sword in hand. Using it as a shield, Mravo delfects the majority of the blows shot at him before swinging said plasma sword at Nivira's gun, aiming to disarm her. "Now I got you!!"

Erron is not underestimating Luigi.. that doesn't mean he can't be surprised though. "Shit!" Not expecting that Luigi was going to rush him, its all the cowboy can do when he curls his arm up to protect his face and takes the oversized claw punch on his bicep and forearm. The blow is considerable, Erron digs his heels on the ground and manages to stay upright but not without skidding on the ground some.

"You're in for it now, pardner!!" Erron's anger at being struck by a man wearing a cat onsie is enough to overcome his pain however. He lashes out towards Luigi and swings his revolver at him, trying to pistol whip him on the face.

Does he now? Well, that's news to Nivira. With the crackle of electricity and tell tale snkt of her spur being extended from her arm, she was just as ready for one on one melee. She drops the empty gun, stepping back and swinging an electrified left hook right at the alien. The tip of that sword scratching the fake skin off her sub-dermal armor. Well, at least she has backup clothes back at her apartment. The good part about losing, is that you can win on your next try! Archene would have a bright smile at that, if not for the pain and the headache. He even flew back with the fire ball.

HE'D EVEN ANSWER HER IF HE WASN'T STUNNED! But he was, and there was no way for him to dodge the wand... though in a stroke of luck, he took the blow head on (literally). And that was a much controversial choice as it hurt. Some would say that it hurt like an entire building collapsing on him, but others would just note that it was at least, a very painful building to take head on. Even as he was knocked down though, he wasn't knocked out just quietly groaning in pain as he attempted to mumble something.

Luigi's still in the process of steadying himself from that flip when the pistolwhip happens. He isn't quite able to raise those paws in time, and...


"WAAH!" This from the green-suited plumber. Luigi feels like there's no real mass behind him, particularly when compared to other fighters, even in Outworld. Erron finds this out when the pistolwhip literally throw Luigi to the side. As he hits the ground, his form seems to blink, and the cat-costume disappears. Fortunately it leaves him still clothed, just in his regular clothes. And yes, the bullet wounds are still there, along his back and sides.

The green-clad plumber bounces a few times before landing in his face. Did his nose cusion the fall? It looks like it. Luigi groans, lifting his head up enough to shake his head. But when he tilts his head back to look at Erron, still up and about, an utterly horrible thought occurs to him.

What if this combat is... *ulp* ...to the death?! What if the war god expects a living sacrifice to his name?! He did look a lot like the Aztecs or Mayans... and they did that sort of thing, didn't they? Luigi is really scared now... but apparently that's when he's at his best.

This might be something Kotal senses -- something dark sparks within Luigi... and then something weird happens. He turns in a circle... and then starts to... dance? Yes, he's dancing. It's not this happy, trippy Snoopy dance sort of thing, either. If it was a woman it would be quite beautiful, with its gentle pirouettes and backwards-bent leg stretches. Granted, that he has that kind of flexibility could be considered impressive...

If there wasn't a QUICKLY GROWING BUBBLE OF PURE CHAOS AROUND HIM! It spreads with each turn, each movement, each dancelike, supple shift of his body. It seems to cast the world around him in the shades of negatives and the wavering of heat mirages, making all bright things dark and all dark things bright, reversing the shades of colors within.

The chaos. It dulls the senses. Numbs the body. But even through that numbness, there is cold from deep within. And pain. Gnawing pain, deep in the core of the body. He finishes this display with, ironically, a behind-the-back fingergun 'bang-bang' at Erron. Though no bullets come out. They're probably not needed...

It may have been more like a small building. Archene wouldn't have been killed with such a blow, that's for sure, because even if Flandre is absolutely crazed in her core, she has done a lot of growing ever since she left Gensokyo and she now knows the difference between a friend and food.

This time, Archie does get a hug, as the vampire floats over towards him and scoops him up. "Yaay! You lasted a whole minute more than those guys, Archie!" And that may be a new record for the average human.


Mravo curses in his own language when its only the tip of his sword that touches Nivira's armor. The plasma sword is quite powerful, but it is only so when it manages to reach its targets. A hard lesson learned for the Sangheilli who was banking too much on the element of surprise and ends up being surprised himself when Nivira unleashes a powerful left hook of her own that crashes right on his jaw and sends him flying!

And flying directlo to--


Erron has seen some pretty horrible stuff. Shang Tsung magic, Shao Kahn's cruelty, hell, under the employment of Kotal he has done quite the number of gruesome things, and not only in Outworld.

But nothing could have really prepared him for what happens next. Erron was all ready to pop a cap on Luigi's head when he fell before his entire senses were overwhelmed with 100 percent pure PAIN!

"AAAARRRRRRRGG!!" Once again the Arena is filled with screams of agony as the cowboy grabs his head and falls to his knees. And as fate would have it, he ends up being a position where Mravo collides with him from the back knocking them both out!

"ENOUGH!" Calls Kotal Kahn as he decides to end the match.

"You win."

"Supreme Victory."

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