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Derrick Benjamin Ferguson
Full Name: Derrick Benjamin Ferguson

Series: N/A (Original Character)
Class: Busker
Alignment: Neutral Good
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Age: 24
Birthdate: October 1
Height: 6' (185 cm)
Weight: 190 lbs (86 kg)

Short Description: Black hair, pale, black eyes

Info: It's a well-known fact that sometimes bad things happen to good people, for no real reason. Derrick Ferguson is such a person. He wasn't groomed to be a hero -- or a villain. He was just an average guy playing at a club who learned the hard way that dames can be more trouble than they're worth. His life effectively ended when a beautiful vampire took him home after a show. He ended up being turned against his will, but he escaped. Now he's just trying to figure out how to live his new UNlife without becoming like the monster that made him.

Derrick Benjamin Ferguson

        Stands somewhere around six feet tall, with black hair that is kept short in the back. His bangs are a little long though, and curve over his forehead. He seems a little pale for his hair to be that color naturally, but it's not unbecoming for his face. His eyes are black as well, and seem somehow perpetually narrowed in scrutiny. Adding to that illusion, his nose has a slight downward point at the end, bearing some resemblance to a raptor's beak. His jawline is wide and stable, his mouth is slightly wide but thin-lipped.
        He's not bulky with muscle, but does have an all over kind of tone to his frame, the kind that seems to be gained from hard work rather than cultivation at a gym. He wears a black faux-leather jacket, white t-shirt, jeans, and heavy combat boots. The shirt and jeans are snug on his frame, hinting at that muscle tone.
Derrick Benjamin Ferguson


He's a vampire. Standard vampire powers -- shapeshifting (for him it's rat and crow), vampire senses, fangs and claws, he no longer ages and human diseases can't make him sick, he can regenerate damage done to him unless it's done with silver, he can talk to rats and crows, he's a little stronger and tougher than humans. His particular "boon", however, is his speed. He can run somewhere around 150 mph at top speed. But that's not all. Not only is he precise enough to dodge pedestrians on a crowded street while running that fast, his speed translates to manual dexterity too. He also doesn't flee from holy things, since his soul is still innocent. Holy water doesn't hurt him, he feels no compunction to turn away from religious-icon-bearing people, nothing like that.


He can sing, play the guitar, and dance. He hasn't learned all the skeery people-stalking "you look and nothing's there, you look back and there I am" business, but he can hunt his preferred food. That would be rats, by the way.


About all he's got to his name is a guitar. That said it can function as either electric or acoustic. It's strung for a left-handed player, though.


He does have the typical suite of vampire weaknesses, holy aside. He can't see himself in mirrors or on the surface of bodies of water (digital cameras and whatnot have no trouble picking his image up though); he can't cross running water unless it's via bridge (and even then he feels uneasy), and sea voyages force him into hibernation because his connection with the earth is interrupted; the smell of garlic will ward him away, it burns his skin like poison ivy/oak/sumac on contact, and consuming it will make him vilely ill; fire damages him normally despite his greater physical constitution; silver burns him on contact, and wounds made with it must heal normally rather than regenerate (unless they're fatal, then he dies); staking immobilizes him, leaving him helpless; decapitation will kill him permanently.

No Logic - Jimmythumb-P/OneRoom, ft. Luka Megurine




        Typical kid, grew up wanting to be a star. When he grew up he took a gig playing at a club, and was approached by a woman he didn't realized was a vampire. She tricked him to get him back to her house, then kept him there for a few weeks. He tried to escape, so she turned him, but he woke up quicker than she expected. He escaped her while she was still recovering from having given him her blood.


        Typical guy, really. He's a musician, still likes to busk, likes to make people happy when he sings. Him being a vampire is really secondary to his personality. Where it does concern him, though, he doesn't eat people. He never drinks human blood, because he'd have to hurt someone to get it -- even if someone gave him permission to bite, the biting would still hurt. And he doesn't like that idea. Generally he eats rats and other such vermin in the city; pidgeons when he can catch them (they're diurnal, so unless he stumbles upon one while it's asleep he usually doesn't get to them). Overall he's just trying to figure out how to remain the same -- or close to it, anyway, despite being turned into a vampire.


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