2016-10-27 - Caracol's New Partner

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Caracol's New Partner

Summary: Caracol gets some backup as another Time Patroller arrives.

Who: Caracol, Ponset
When: October 27th, 2016
Where: Time Patrol Tower


The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

Today's actually a first since Caracol arrived in the multiverse. Apparently the time nest is sending a new time patroller to the tower! Possible new friend! ...who's he kidding? Even though Trunks and the Kai of Time seemed to think they should give him some kind of partner, this partner would probably end up like most the people here. Ignore him unless it's about training, being irritated at him, or waiting for food hand outs. That's not to say EVERYONE here is like that. In ANY case, it's another nice, clear looking day up in the time machine hangars, which is where Caracol was instructed to meet the new arrival. He's trying to stand as straight and tall as he can....but it doesn't change the fact he's so short....and his mind is prone to wandering, so eventually he's just kind of staring off into the clouds vacant like.

And, predictably, of course, since that's why Caracol is here, another time pod suddenly appears in that flash of white light! Truly, it must be another one of the few, the proud, the elite, the... teenaged. Yes, the door opens to reveal a girl in her mid-late teens, who is looking... slightly annoyed. She looks around the place, first left, then right... then finally looks down. "Oh. Right. 'Sup, Carrot Roll?" she says before hopping down.

Caracol blinke a little at that greeting. "Huh? You have some kind of carrot rolls," he wonders honestly. Yes, nameks usually don't eat, but it's not that he CAN'T and he likes tasting things, so he tends to sample foods and some lucky person gets to have the rest usually. As such that IS an unexpectedly intrested sounding question. He then shakes his head a little. "Oh, hi," he greets, "You're...." He trails off. For crying out loud, he repeated it over and over last night, but he couldn't think of some visualization to attach the name to so it was no use. "Umm...it starts with a P, right?"

Ponset sighs and hangs her head. "Ponset. Ponset Thea." She crosses her arms and looks out over the area. "Soooo, like... I've always worked out of the Time Nest before... What exactly is the point of this place? Why do we need another place to jump across the timelines? Toki Toki City was just fine, if you ask me..." Never mind that it doesn't have any conventional schools there...

Caracol rubs at the back of his neck. "I always kind of wondered that too. I guess it's because the multiverse is big enough that it'd spread one location thin? We don't seem to run out of work here." He shrugs and nods. "Sorry I'm horrible at names, I usually take a long time to remember them unless I can think of some other thing to remember them by. There's a friend down in Neotokyo named Bridget Lake that I remember the name of, cause when you think of it hard enough it's like 'Bridge It Lake' ....oh uh...sorry, I'm Caracol!"

Caracol adds. "I probably wouldn't remember MY name if it wasn't one I was stuck with all my life..."

Ponset frowns slightly at the explanation, but then shrugs. True, with all that can go on when things go wrong, a lot of people can be needed. Toki Toki City was starting to get crowded! But as Caracol introduces himself, she facepalms. "Yes, yes, I know your name... That was why I said... you know what, never mind." She looks up again. "Fine, fine, if you want a visual to remember me by, think a Ponsettia plant?" She flicks a spike of her red hair to emphasize it.

Caracol says, "Oooh, that one humans use at Christmas time, right?" He tilts his head some. "But I should show you around. It's really easy to get around here like it was in Toki Toki, just this time it's mostly elevator based."

Ponset nods. "Right. That one. With the yellow bits in the middle too," she says as she points to her yellow eyes. Yeah, her parents apparently noticed that particular resemblance. "Oooh, an elevator? That... actually sounds a hell of a lot more convenient!" She pauses, then glances away before muttering, "Well, it wouldn't be if they'd actually let us fly in Toki Toki..."

Caracol says, "Yeah, I never liked that either. You can fly here, but of course there's no real point till you leave the tower and go to Neo Tokyo...but that's outside of the Time Nest's control, we're keeping an eye out down there for worm holes that show up here aside from the usual Toki Toki stuff. That way, hopefully we can close them before anyone accidentally (or purposely) enters them and ends up in a totally different reality's history." Yeah that'd probably seem like it'd OBVIOUSLY be the reason the tower was here, but given how easy it is for the time next to do the whole pocket dimensional stuff you'd think you could just get here from there without another building. Maybe it's an attempt at keeping at least a MINOR level of normalcy for the time patrollers put on task for protecting Neo Tokyo? "This place is 4 stories tall, but the stories are all really pocket dimensions. The first floor is where all this place's shopping areas are, the 2nd is where our homes are, and the 3rd (right under where we are now) is a training area."

Ponset blinks at the explanation. "Worm holes? That's like... a time hole or something, right? Jeeze, those just... show up here?" Looks like someone might not have read her entire briefing. HA! Briefing. It's funny because Trunks might have written it. At any rate, she brightens up slightly at the mention of 'homes'. "So, like, no more dormitory? I get my own whole building?" she asks hopefully, but then of course, given her heritage, she brightens up even more at the mention of the training area. She doesn't say anything about it, though. That doesn't need to be explained. "So are there any others here on our level, or is it morely the small fry and paper pushers around here other than us?"

Caracol says, "There's some powerful folks here, but they always seem to send me down to the surface. That means you're likely meant to help me out with patrolling down there." He gives a nod. "Worm holes are when someone or something's gotten the time and space fabrics sooo ruffled that holes to random places' histories start ripping open without any real warning. Since Neo Tokyo is a multiverse it's especially dangerous. ...think if Brolli slipped into a universe with just humans in it....where sayajins, nameks, majin, or any of the rest of us never existed."

Ponset blinks as she tries to imagine that. "Damn. Yeah, I think... yeah, that'd be bad." She's not going to SAY Brolli would annihilate her, but she's thinking it. "There are places where there's no one stronger than Krillin? That seems... well, okay, he's not that weak, but still. Just don't tell me there's a world out there where Hercule Satan would actually be the strongest on Earth. I mean, he's an amusing guy and all, but..."

Caracol says, "Unfortunately...almost. I don't think there are any so bad Hercule's the best, but there are some realities out there where no knows how to use any sort of ki or magic."

Ponset's expression turns a bit blank as she tries to imagine a world without ki or magic use at all. "Oh my god. How boring!" she manages to say. She pauses again, then shudders slightly. "So, um, what's the city down there like... Neo-Tokyo, right? Is it a big city? Or just some little town that has a lot of weird stuff happening. That's how it usually is in the stories, right? Some little town with weird stuff happening?" She starts making her way to the elevator in the meantime. She wants to see the tower at least! And find where she's gonna live! No more dorm! No more sharing a bathroom with five other women!

Caracol follows her into the elevator as he continues talking. Sorry, he got a bit distracted with the explanation about what's going on in Neo Tokyo. "It's a big place actually. I've been here a few months and I'm still learning new things sometimes when I do my patrolling. The tower was in a DIFFERENT multiverse before that, but then it suddenly appeared in this multiverse instead. With that said, you might want to be prepared to leave the tower one day and find it somewhere else entirely. Oh, and I think you should be able to handle it, but the land we're floating directly over is called the Badlands, it's especially dangerous and chaotic down there. The Kai of Time wanted to be sure the tower was hard enough to get to that a random person with no business knowing about it wouldn't show up here accidentally, without leaving us without a presence here.

Ponset blinks as Caracol goes on for a bit. "Badlands, huh? So the little lady put it in a place where most people are gonna be scared to go, then put it up in the sky to boot? Not bad. How long does it take to fly to the city itself? I'm apparently supposed to go to a school there." She frowns at that, however. No, she's not looking forward to going back to a normal school again.

Caracol says, "For most of us that are working at the tower it's not a long trip at all. It might take us a while to find out where the school is, but getting to the city won't be so much trouble. If timing gets too tight we can try instant transmissioning there." He looks a little pouty at that though. "What's school like?"

Ponset nods twice. "Well, yeah, I'll probably do that in the end, anyway. But it can be fun to fly there, right? I've not been able to really let loose and fly about outside of missions, so I'm looking forward to it!" She looks out at the training floor and nods once more in approval. It's looking nice, even if she'd prefer... "Can we increase the gravity in here?" she asks, then looks back to Caracol with a frown. "It's boring, and people judge you for no reason worth judging people over," she says bluntly.

Caracol says, "Oh yeah, in the side rooms you can change pretty much everything." He raises a brow at her reply though. "Aww, well I guess I shouldn't be jealous then," he states, "I've never gotten to do things like go to school."

Ponset grins broadly at the mention of the side rooms. "Eeeexcellent." She then looks over... and then down at Caracol. "There's not Namek schools or anything? Huh. How do you guys do the whole... learning thing, then?" She steps back to the elevator to make their way down another floor.

Caracol says, "No, all we ever really do back at New Namek is train if we're warrior class and plant or meditate most the rest of the day. Namek is boring...BEING a Namek is boring....except I guess the dragon class guys are cool, they can do magic." And you know...make dragon balls! "But anyway, this is the floor where the housing is."

Ponset looks around at all the little buildings... And seems perfectly happy with this option. "And each one of these is the housing for one person! Sweet!" She notices decoration of some of the houses and nods in approval. "And I get to make it my own. Even better! Man, this is a huge step up from Toki Toki!" She looks down at Caracol and nods, then. "Yeah... I gotta admit, it does sound boring. I mean, training isn't that bad, but only training? Meh."

Caracol says, "Any learning we do is through experience or told to us in tales by the elders. That's how I knew about Goku and the others saving the Namekian race from Frieza. I was SO excited when I got to go to Toki Toki and meet them all in person."

Ponset laughs and shakes her head. "And then you found out all he's interested in is fighting and eating. Hey, imagine being related to the guy, being told he was the great hero ancestor, and then having that meeting."

Caracol says, "...wow, you actually guessed it! Yeah...I-...Goku's just not what I expected. I still really look up to Piccolo and Gohan and now there's Trunks....and even Krillin...even if the poor guy's like a stepping stone for most of us. As a person and a teacher, I think he's very respectable."

Ponset nods. "Yeah, all the other old heroes of legend are much more impressive. Kinda made me wish I was descended from Gohan instead of Goten. For some reason I only saw Goten as a little kid... No way I'm gonna tell some kid he's my ancestor... But with Goku... I somehow got the feeling he wouldn't understand the concept very well. But damn... I would love to live in his world for just... five minutes. I don't think I'd get anything done, but... I don't think I'd really care."

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