2016-11-20 - Ponies in the Mall

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Ponies in the Mall

Summary: Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Ponset make a trip to the mall!

Who: Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Ponset
When: Month Day, Year.
Where: Kawashi Park, Gingakei Mall

Fluttershy-icon.gifPinkie Pie-icon.gifPonset-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

Fluttershy is feeding birds! She sits in the middle of the park with a large bag and is surrounded by all sorts of new winged friends!

There was no shortage of crumbs to feed said birds either. Pinkie Pie had been baking up a storm over the weekend so her friends would have plenty of yummy snacks and sweets for the coming week! But Pinkie made sure to save the crumbs, seeds and other bits of excess left behinds for Fluttershy to put to use. "Have you tried teaching these ones to sing in harmony yet?"

Fluttershy says, "Um..not these, yet," to Pinkie, "But I have been teaching some birds closer to home...um...city birds are very skittish and it's hard for them to put in the time..." she tosses more seed out, "Though these park birds could probably learn...since they have full tummies." she smiles, "It's very nice of you to have saved all these yummy crums."

Ponset wanders in from the street, hands held together behind her back as she walks along a path. She's for the most part looking upwards, but soon enough she hears a slightly familiar voice(really, it's more the way she speaks that's famliar) and draws her attention downward. "Oh, um... Fluttershy, was it?"

"It's better than just throwing it away," Pinkie Pie replies. Then peeks her head up to look when a new voice speaks up. Is it trouble?!.. Or it's just someone that already knows Fluttershy. So hopefully not dangerous to her. The important thing here is that one minute the pink pony is sitting next to the yellow pegasus. And then next moment, she's not. Now she's somehow already right next to the new arrival and "GAAAAAAASP! More new people!" trying to hug her. "Which means more new friends!~"

Fluttershy says, "Hello Ponset, oh, this is Pinkie Pie," she introduces the Pinky Pony, "She's one of my very very best friends...Pinkie...this is..." Pinkie Glimps, "Ponset..."

In Ponset's line of work, one has to be able to follow the movements of things travelling at nearly the speed of light and react to them, dodge them, intercept them, whatever needs to be done. And yet, somehow, even her eyes can't keep up with the movements of the pink pony. "Nice to meeyaaAAA!" she exclaims, taken very much off guard by the hug. "Um... hi."

It's hard to follow someone that moves at the speed of Comedic Timing. Though all Pinkie Pie does is give Ponset a big hug before letting go, and plopping back onto the ground, beaming brightly. "I have no idea what that word means but it does make a nice name."

Fluttershy says, "It's a derivative of 'Poinsetta' she's named after a flower, Pinkie Pie," she smiles.

Ponset says, "Yeah, yeah, it is..." She blinks, looking back and forth between Fluttershy and Pinky Pie. Finally, her gaze settles back on the pink pony. "...You don't have wings?"

"Ooooooooh. Well we have ponies named after flowers and vegetables and stellar body formations so can't argue with that logic." Pinkie Pie practically vibrates with excitement, meaning she's more bouncing in one spot other than actually sitting down. "Nope! I'm an Earth Pony."

Fluttershy says, "Where we come from, there are Pegasi, earth ponies and Unicorns...and, um, alicorns...who are princesses like Twilight Sparkle...."

Ponset blinks, then nods. "Ooooh. I see. Yeah, I've only met Fluttershy and, um, Rainbow? So I've not seen one of you without wings before."

Fluttershy says, "We need to um...get Twilight out more..."

Pinkie_Pie laughs at that. "Story of our lives! Well at least our lives since she came into them."

Fluttershy says, "And...I..um..used to be the shut in....."

Ponset tilts her head ever so slightly. "Yeah, I've been there myself. I'm trying to be out and social more, but sometimes... well, I just don't know how to do it."

Fluttershy looks to Pinkie, "Um...are we supposed to sing something about this....?

"I don't know..." Pinkie Pie stuffs a hoof in her poofy mane and pulls out a clutter of papers. Starts flipping through them. "Do we have a song about this that we didn't already use?" Then after a moment shrugs, tossing the papers into a park trashcan. Rolls up nonexistant sleeves. "Hold on people, we're going off script!"

Ponset looks back and forth between the two of them, a look of dread coming over her features. "S....Sing? I-I don't think that's such a good idea."

Fluttershy says, "Oh..um..well, we don't really have to..." she giggles softly, "We kind of do that now and again though...."

Pinkie_Pie sucks in a big breath.. and then Ponset says she doesn't want to sing. So the pony stands there a moment, mouth goofily dangling open still. Then exhales. With enough force that it somehow whooshes her around for a moment like a balloon having the air let out of it before Pinkie plops right back down on the ground. "Well we wouldn't want to make a new friend uncomfortable now would we?" ... How does she do things like that? Even she doesn't know sometimes!

Fluttershy patpats Pinkie Pie, all deflated there on the ground. "Um..so, what should we do today, girls? There is a shopping mall here that I haven't bene too...um...I thought I'd wait untill I had someone to go there with me.." in fact, it seemed a bit over-whelming to her, so she's kind of avoided going in there.

Ponset watches Pinky Pie literally deflate, her only real reaction to this being blinking. "....I, uh... checked the place out. Or at least /a/ mall. It was... nice? But expensive. At least to me."

There's an audible *pwip* as Pinkie Pie pops back to her usual perpetually perky poofy self. "Even window shopping is more fun when you've got friends along~"

Fluttershy says, "Oh...maybe I can get a new tea set...."

Fluttershy says, "Or..um...is that not..um..exciting enough.....?"

Ponset tilts her head, looking slightly upward. "I.... guess it could be? though last time I was there, there was a creepy guy looking at me... I got really weirded out." She then looks at Fluttershy and shakes her head. "Excitement is a different thing in shopping, ya know? It's what you want, whatever it is, right?"

Fluttershy says, "Oh my...what creepy guy?" she's had recent experinces like that herself. O.o"

"Yeah, what creepy guy?" Pinkie Pie chimes in. "Do I have to giggly at his ghouly to make him go away?"

Fluttershy looks to Pinkie, "One guy asked me to coffee, but I didn't know he meant coffee-coffee, I thought he just meant...coffee..." O.O

Ponset frowns. "It was some lizard looking guy... He just was staring at me when I turned around, then started talking to me like he knew me and... I don't know, something was really offputting about it. I think he was just trying to be friendly but..."

Fluttershy says, "Oh...that sounds like Lee..."

Pinkie_Pie says, "Coffee-coffee? There's ranks to coffee now? This place has like -everything-."

Fluttershy looks back to Pinkie and says, "He wanted me to go ON A DATE!" she says that like it's most scary thing ever! (((O.O)))

Ponset looks at Fluttershy and takes a moment to respond. "Is... that so bad? Or was he really that much not your type or... you know, I guess I've not quite had that problem..."

Fluttershy says, "Um...well..he's a Dinosaur kind of guy...and..um..he was already a bit um..touchy-feely and stuff.."

Fluttershy says, "And I've never ever been on a date..."

Pinkie_Pie ooooohs. "That kind of 'coffee' coffee."

Fluttershy says, "Oh yes...coffee-coffee, not just coffee...."

Ponset glances away. "Yeah, I guess that could have been him?" She frowns, trying to remember that card he shoved into her hand. ".....Yeah, I think that was it." She then looks back, an awkward looking smile on her face. "Well, would you have wanted to if it wasn't scary?"

Fluttershy says, "But...it IS scary..um...even back in Ponyville if somepony asked me, I'd be a wreck...um..I have no idea what to do or say or anything...and um...plus this guy's a dinosaur and is big on eating meat..."

Fluttershy says, "And..um..pets without asking first...."

Ponset raises an eyebrow, not really getting why eating meat is a problem. Well, considering her ansestor.... Anyway, she then nods at the petting part, blushing somewhat. "Yeah, that can be... extra super creepy."

Pinkie_Pie sidles over to put a foreleg around Fluttershy's shoulders. "There there. No need to feel bad. Dating is kind of scary even for normal not afraid of everything people... though usually they keep hands to themselves."

Fluttershy says, "I don't think I'm even ready for a special Somepony...." she blushes brightly. "Um...um...nope...""

Ponset sighs and leans back against a tree. "Yeah... I don't think I'm really up for that, either. Not yet. At least not with anyone I've met so far."

"And yet everyone ships you with Big Mac. Unless they're shipping him with Cheerilee. Or started shipping you with Discord, after you made Discord be less of a jerk.... Or with Rainbow Dash because of opposites... Uh, hold on...." Pinkie Pie goes back to rummaging in her mane. "I really need to start writing these down, it gets confusing."

Fluttershy says, "Well, I *DO* worry about how Discord would I react if..." she blinks at Pinky Pie and goat faints."

Ponset blinks, looking a bit confused at what Pinkie Pie is saying. "Ship?" She then eeps and jumps back slightly at Fluttershy falling over.

"Discord can be a little posessive now that he knows what a friend actually is--" Pinkie Pie stops, watching as Fluttershy flops over with a bleat. "--Good thing I didn't bring up crack pairings." She stops looking forwhatever she was looking for and leans over to pick the pegasus back up. "Sorry. I got off track again. Uh... tea sets?" Isn't that what they were originally talking about?

Fluttershy opens her eyes and blinks, "Um...s-sorry...too much..um...you know Rainbow dash is a mare, right?" she's still beat red. "Uh...I'm not sure what a crack paring even is, but I'm sure it'll do something terrible to me...um..well! Tea set! Um..justs omething cute...um..for tea parties...

Pinkie_Pie holds up her hooves. "I didn't say *I* thought of it."

Ponset nods slowly, looking a bit lost. "Sure. Tea sets. For parties," she says, trying to keep to /that/ subject. "I'll... take a look? I've never really been a tea person, though. I'm just trying to... find something to do with my spare time. Maybe I'll find something?"

Fluttershy says, "Um...then...rainbow Dash doesn't...um..she isn't...um... ((O,O))"

"Remind me to never show you the thing the humans call the internet." And before anyone can ask what that's about Pinkie Pie does her part to keep the subject on something more comfortable. By pushing Fluttershy (gently!) to get her going. "Just think about the tea parties. And we'll introduce her to tea." At least when she realizes she went a little too far Pinkie tries to make up for it

Fluttershy says, "Oh...good...I felt a goat faint coming on...."

Gingakei Mall

After a few twists and turns, two ponies and a Ponset make thier way to...the mall. Flutershy gulps. "Well..there it is, girls," she's not used to going into such busy closed in spaces. "Um....maybe they don't have Tea sets....

Ponset looks over at Fluttershy and tilts her head slightly. "There's a few places that I bet would..."

Fluttershy says, "Oh...I..um..have to go and..um..feed Angel...."

Pinkie_Pie grabs Fluttershy before she can sneak away. "You fed him before we went to feed the birds, remember? Com'n." Playful, but insistant tug. "It's not like you're going by yourself. And you won't know if they have anything or not if you don't look."

Fluttershy says, "Okay..um..okay...foal steps, foal steps...."

Fluttershy heads into the mall.

Ponset actually lags behind a bit, but soon enough catches up. "Um, let's see... The big department stores? They should have some tea sets, right?"

Fluttershy says, "Oh...my...they don't have anything like this in Ponyville..though..they do in Manehatten, I'm sure..." she looks around a bit nervously, "It's huge....""

Pinkie_Pie says, "That just means more fun things to find~" Pinkie Pie poings over to the fountain and leans against the edge. "Ooooo." Then dunks her head in the water. A few bubbles wibble into the air, and then she stands back up. "Why do people throw all their bits in the bottom?" She gives her head a shake, and as soon as the water is cast off her mane POOFS back to its usual fluffyness."

Fluttershy says, "They make wishes...it's like a wishing well...." she trots in a bit further, looking around, "I guess tat would be a good place to starttEeeK!" She looks over her shoulder to see a small girl tugging at her tail. "Oh..my...not again....um...you really shouldn't do that little girl..um...ow...""

Ponset looks a bit warily at the little girl just tugging on the pony's tail. "Hey, kid, can't you see that's hurting her?" Well, she's a little less than polite... but she's getting straight to the point at any rate.

Wasn't Pinkie Pie just by the fountain? Yet now she's right there to pick the kid up and tug her away from Fluttershy. "I know we're cute, but you shouldn't just go pulling pony's tails little girl. Would you like it if someone just walked up and started pulling your hair?" Pinkie Pie at least has experience in dealing with foals-errr-I mean young children. She sets the girl back down. "You shouldn't wander away from your parents, either."

Fluttershy says, "Thank you, Pinkie Pie," she lowers her head, "I'm never sure quite what to do...when I first got here, that..caused a big problem...." she quickly trots towards the escalator. o.o' not really trusting it, she flies up towards the second floor instead."

Ponset frowns a bit as she realizes that Pinkie Pie's method is a lot more effective. She silently follows to the escalator and watches Fluttershy fly up with a pang of jealousy in her expression. With a sigh, she steps onto the escalator to slowly make her way up to the next floor.

And somehow when Ponset gets to the top of the escalator, Pinkie Pie is -already there-. How does she do that?!

Fluttershy says, "Oh my..look...a pet store...O.O"

Danger! Danger! WARNING!

Poor Ponset. She has no clue what kind of a mess she might be getting herself into. "I can't keep a pet myself... but I don't see the harm in checking it out, right?"

Pinkie_Pie stares at one of the other stores in confusion. "Foot Locker? Why would humans lock up their feet when they need them to walk on?" Then Fluttershy finally finds something to get her attention. It's not the fabled tea set they came looking for, but it definately does the job. "We're going to need a bigger tree house aren't we?"

Fluttershy says, "Oh...my...cute bunnies and kitties and doggies and birdies all needed a home....O.O " she begins to drift towards the shop like a cartoon pony following the scent of a baking pie...."

Ponset once again seems slightly weirded out by the odd movements of the ponies. "Um.... You might want to... save some for other customers?" Okay, now she's starting to get a little worried, but she's following Fluttershy, nonetheless. She does take a side glance at Pinkie, however. "I think it's a reference to shoes? I guess you don't use those, though."

"Only Rarity worries about shoes," Pinkie Pie replies as she walks in. Turns her head one way to look around the store. Then the other. Then her head spins back around as her neck unwinds. It almost looks like she was made out of rubber instead of being a pony. Or just physics going 'Pfff I'm not even going to waste time -trying- to keep her from being weird'. "I would almost thing we were back in her cottage in Equestria."

Fluttershy says, "Oh...but...I don't have enough money to buy them all..." she drops to the ground, "No, Fluttershy, you can't, so..um...just keep going..." she then spots a sign in the window. Help wanted. She blinks and looks, "Hmm...I could do this job..and then I can help out more with things we need at home...."

Fluttershy says, "AND take care of the animals...."


Fluttershy says, "Oh...um...sorry....."

Pinkie_Pie scoots up next to Fluttershy. "That's not a bad idea actually. Then you could help them with your talents without having to, you know, -buy- all of them yourself."

Ponset blinks, then nods. "Uh, yeah! Sure! Follow your dreams and stuff!" She really hardly knows Fluttershy at all, but she feels like someone that needs encouragement to Ponset. This is a good thing to be doing, right?

Fluttershy ducks in and gets an application from the somewhat surprised manager, then trots back out, "That Mr. Peebly is very nice..." she smiles, then trots towards the Treasure chest after tucking her application under her wing.

Pinkie_Pie giggles a little. "Just takes finding someplace your special talents can still be useful. Besides, you're a pony. You're like the best employee option AND free advertising."

Ponset adds a bit warily, "So long as no one thinks you're part of the merchendise..."

Fluttershy seems quite happy with the thought of getting a job and helping the animals too! She happily hugs Pinkie pie! "thank you so much for helping me be brave enough to even come in here," she smiles, "I've been wanting to help things at home somehow and this will help so many other too!" she beams.

Pinkie_Pie squeaks happily at the hug and hugs back. "Now if we could just get Dashie to find a job somewhere."

Fluttershy looks to Ponset. "um..I guess here taht could be an issue, I will have a uniform and name tag, though...

Fluttershy looks to Pinkie Pie, "She's been..um..busy fighting monsters and bad guys here...she's been quite busy...

Ponset says, "But... does she get paid for fighting them?"

Pinkie_Pie says, "That'll make the difference pretty clear." She tilts her head to the side a bit, that one semi-curl of her bangs swaying with the motion. "But does she.... Words right outta my mouth, Ponset.... Then again, we didn't get paid for defending Equestria from monsters either, so probably not a big deal.""

Fluttershy says, "I don't think so, but I'm not sure what kind of job would suit her....and it's good she's doing so much for the city...um..maybe she can join the police force or something..." she trots into the department store. Shs glances around, looking for the Tea-pot isle."

Fluttershy says, "If I was a little tea-pot, short and stout....where would I be...?"

Pinkie_Pie says, "Yeah, she might not be getting paid, but she's doing something productive for the city."

Ponset says, "Police might be a good idea... if she knows how to follow orders. They tend to be kinda strict... well, in my universe, at least." She looks around a bit, then suggests, "Maybe with the small appliances? Or dishware!""

Fluttershy says, "Um...she can and she can't...." she muses, 'She's kind of unpredictable that way..." she follows Ponset's suggestion and heads towards the appliances. 'Back home she's part of a team of flyers calles 'The Wonderbolts' she loves excitment and gets bored easily and is prone to doing things her own way."

Fluttershy says, "She's both hyper-active and..um..lazy..."

Ponset says, "That's an... odd combination. Also... not so good for being part of a police force, I think. Maybe? I dunno."

Fluttershy says, "Maybe we should just let her be and let her do what she does......"

Pinkie_Pie says, "Yeaaaah, she's probably better off just fighting monsters and taking a nap afterwards," Pinkie Pie agrees as she poings along with the others. "She's got plenty of experience doing that."

Ponset blinks a few times, then glances away. "Huh," she says, but doesn't seem to intend to elaborate.

Fluttershy says, "She even made the newspaper again," she smiles, "She's so amazing." She trots over to a shlf and begins looking at tea sets, she wants something very cute and pretty of course. She looks to Ponset, "I..um..can see that you don't agree, but...if keeping the city safe and us included means she doesn't have to get a job, well, I'm okay with that."

Fluttershy says, "It's not like my brother, after all..."

Ponset nods a few times a bit overenthusastically. "Oh, yeah, of course! To protect everyone and stuff!"

Pinkie_Pie just rolls her eyes at the mention of Zephyr Breeze. "Though at least you girls got some sense into him finally."

Fluttershy nods to the Pink Pony, "Oh yes...it took some tough love, but he finally made good. Ohh....look at this one, Pinky, the cups all look like flowers...and the kettle is so nice...oh, and there's this one that has the pretty birds....um,,,then there's this one with the colorful ponies.....

Pinkie_Pie scratchs her head with one hoof. "Funny someone other than us would already have colorful ponies on something."

Fluttershy says, "The problem with Tea-cups is you never know how many you need...and they all come in sets....and they have to match...."

Ponset looks over the tea sets... but clearly doesn't have any real interest in them. She's pretty bad at feigning it. "Yeah, they look... really nice!"

Pinkie_Pie says, "Well, there's four of us, plus it Rarity and Applejack come. Plus you need to consider potential guests... yeah, that's way too much math for me."

Ponset is trying to make friends! She's just really socially awkward!

Fluttershy says, "i need at least six and seven if Discord shows up, spike, eight...um....I need at least a dozen just be safe..." she takes her tea parties very seriously. She then side-glances to Pinkie Pie, "Um...I think you're just being polite, Pinkie, you organize parties better then anyone."

Ponset frowns, then shrugs. "If you can afford it... just get three sets?"

Fluttershy settles on a pretty rainbow hues set with multiple cups of varying colors.

"Yeah.. but my parties aren't exactly the sit around quietly discussing the weather kind," Pinkie Pie replies with a giggle. "Oh, good choice. Now you can use the cup colors to coordinate who sits where, too."

Fluttershy says, "Yes," she nods, "And I can customise each cup with the appropriate cutie-mark."

Fluttershy she looks to Ponset, "I don't want to spend TOO much...um..we have some money but I don't to get crazy.

Ponset sighs and looks down as she nods. "Yeah... I know the feeling. I'm pretty limited on cash myself."

Fluttershy looks to Ponset, "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that...um...do you have a job?" she asks, her blue eyes regarding the girl, "We're willing to help you if you need help...."

Ponset laughs nerverously and waves a hand dismissively. "No no no... I'm fine yes, I actually do have a job, and I'm a student, but the job pays by the task, and I've not had a lot lately, so... I'm a bit short. At least the job provides room, board, and food..."

Fluttershy says, "Oh...well then..." she produces some money from a pouch she produces from -somewhere- "Let me help you out then...um...how much could you use...?"

Pinkie_Pie squints one eye at Ponset. By the task, huh? "What are you, some kind of interdimensional truant officer?"

Ponset looks at the offered money and backs away slightly holding up her hands defensively. "No, no, I really don't need the charity, I should just get off my butt and get some more work done is all." She then blinks at Pinkie Pie, taking a moment to respond. "...I am not a truant officer." Oddly specific.

Fluttershy says, "I'm sorry...back home when someone needs help..we help them...it's not charity, it's just helping..."

"Well that explains a lot." Actually it does, since she only objected to half of what Pinkie Pie said.

Pinkie_Pie says, "But then again, we're all kinda 'extradimensional' to here, aren't we"

Fluttershy balances her purchase on her nose; a feat in iteslf, but she does it effortlessly. "well, once we get done here, we should go down to the food-place nad maybe get some lunch...

Ponset glances away, once again wondering just what she's allowed to talk about and what she's not. With this being a multidimensional place, is it okay? Best to be safe, though. "Um, yeah, food is always good!"

Fluttershy walks up the somewhat surprised cashier and begins paying for her new tea set. "Mission accomplished," she says proudly. Another check off the 'afarid to do list'.

Pinkie_Pie nudges Ponset with her elbow and winks. "Nice save." Then poings off after Fluttershy like nothing ever came up. "Yeah, food is always a good thing."

Ponset looks at Fluttershy, a little bit confused by just how triumphant the pastel pegasus looks. Ponset may be a little shy, but she can't comprehend the shyness that Fluttershy is getting over.

Ponset looks to Pinky next. "....Save?"

Fluttershy gets her tea-set put away in her custom Rarity-made bags, one of her treasures from home she'd though she lost when she ran away from the dinosaurman who was hitting on her. Fortunately it was found by Rainbow dash and Twilight. "There...all set..um...let's go get some food....

Pinkie_Pie strikes a needlessly dramatic pose, just because she can. "TO THE FOOD COURT!"

Ponset stikes a similarly dramatic pose as well! "Right! To the food!"

The scene spins ala the Brady-bunch and cuts to the Food court!

Ponset looks very dizzy for some reason when they arrive at the Food Court.

Fluttershy says, "Um...so what looks good, ladies? Um....we don't eat meat, Ponset.....but you can have what you like of course..."

Just don't let Pinkie anywhere near the Starbucks and you're fine. For the most part. "Oooooh, pasta."

Fluttershy says, "I'm thinking pasta too...and a nice salad and some bread..."

Ponset looks a bit unimpressed by the mention of not eating meat. "Um, well, I guess I'll get my food and meet up with you, then?" She glances around at all the various food stalls.

Fluttershy nodnods and trots towards the Pasta place....

"Just remember to double-check sauces," Pinkie Pie asides to Fluttershy as they head in. "Some of them do have meat in them." ... She probably found out the hard way, considering her tendancy to stuff her face first and ask later.

Fluttershy says, "Oh...my, yes," she nods, "That would be terrible..." she puts a hoof on Pinkie's back, "Um...Pinkie, it's really nice spending the day with you...and...I'm really glad you're here with us...you're really good at helping me feel braver. I always remeber back at the Everfree forest when you were laughing at everything that scares the rest of us..well, me..I just think you're really amazing."

Pinkie_Pie throws a foreleg around the pegasus to hug her close. "Don't worry about it, Pinkie Pie has always got your back. And the rest of you too. But stop selling yourself short, you're pretty amazing too. No pony can handle critters like you do; and you're always nice even when some of us have a hard time getting over stupid things others do."

Fluttershy giggles just a little, "Um..yeah...I'm sure you're right..." she gazes up at the menu, 'Oh..my...humans eat everything, don't they," she blinks, "Um...spechetti with cheese sauce, bread, um...salad and some cheesecake and tea please...No meat on anything, okay?

Pinkie_Pie says, "I'll have the same but make it garlic bread, extra croutons in the salad, and ditto the no meat." Good thing pasta doesn't have a lot of meat in its dishes in the first place isn't it."

Fluttershy waits for their orders to arrive. "You know, Pinkie, I think you must be as brave as Rainbow Dash, maybe braver sometimes....it's like you don't even worry about what could happen sometimes..." she gets her order and balances it, waiting for Pinkie to get hers.

Pinkie_Pie ducks her head down to scoop her tray up on top of it. All that poofy mane does a good job of providing stability. And she has practice. You should see her carry a three layer cake like this. "Silly Fluttershy, it's not that I don't worry. I just don't let it stop me, is all."

Fluttershy says, "I'm -so- envious of that...." she trots towards the table and spots Ponset, she carefully slips her meal onto the table and slides into the booth. "I really miss Rarity and Applejack and the others...I'll have to have discord send a letter from us..." she smiles to Ponset, "I hope you found something good," she says to her, the somehow, delitacley and with manners begins to eat her spaghetti."

Pinkie_Pie scoots in next to her, taking the tray off her head and setting it on the table. "At least with Discord going back and forth we can keep in touch. Kind of like how Twilight and Sunset use that book." And with that she digs in.... not nearly as daintily. But who expects the party pony to be dainty?

Fluttershy says, "We really need to, um...get Twilight out and about....."

Ponset is sitting with a very overpiled tray of food in front of her. Really, how did she get all this food in that amount of time?! She's got enough food for six people! It's also clear that she's not a vegetarian from her meal selections. She's also caught withabout half a hamburger stuffed in her face.

And people say Pinkie Pie has a big appettite

Fluttershy is friends with lots of carnvores and maybe even a griffon...she's really not shocked by carnivores...but she's still maybe a tad squeamish about it; but she hides it well..and Pinky's general eating habits make her laugh a little. "Um..you have a little sauce on your face, Pinkie Pie," it could be considerd an understament.

Ponset swallows her mouthful and grins. "Eheheh... okay, so maybe I spend too much money on food..."

Pinkie_Pie goes crosseyed trying to look down at her snout. "Only a little? Better fix that." To which she flops her entire face in the plate of spagettin, omnomnomnoming voraciously.

Fluttershy giggles at Pinkie, "Oh my," she laughs, then looks to Ponset. "We have a friend who eats diamonds and rubies, um, I wouldn't worry too much...

Fluttershy says, "Of course they're worth much more here then in Equestria...."

Ponset blinks as she watches Pinkie Pie eat. And she's always been told she had bad table manners. She does snap out of it and look to Fluttershy. "Uhhh, yeah, that would be a hell of a lot more expensive."

Fluttershy says, "So...our friend Discord brough some gems from home, Twilight duplicates them with Magic so he has his food....and the original gems go to living expenses and such...though we try to not get carried away with it."

All that sauce on her face is no problem, since Pinkie Pie licks it off when she's done. Yes, all of it. With her own tongue. Somehow. That pony is something else. "Yeah. One big tree house of smaller tree houses is enough."

"So your friend just... makes precious gems? Wow, she sell them to a jewelry store or something?" asks Ponset between bouts of stuffing her face.

Fluttershy says, "She doesn't make them, she just magically duplicates them...and yes, we sell them when we need to..." she eats some more of her spaghetti, creafully dabbing at her mouth with a napkin, "Um...while Spike doesn't eat gems exclusively, he is growing dragon and it's an important part of his diet."

Fluttershy says, "He thought Tiffany's was a restaurant when he arrived and tried to have breakfast there..."

Ponset blinks, looking a little stunned. "D...dragon?" She's had expeiences with dragons... or rather, one very specific dragon. The talking animal people that the ponies are didn't really seem to phase her much, but the dragon part does seem to.

Pinkie_Pie bursts out laughing. "Breakfast at Tiffany's. Good one Spike"

Fluttershy looks to Ponset, "Well, he's a baby dragon and he's very smart and kind hearted. He was hatched from his egg by Twilight Sparkle, so, he's more pony then dragon.

Ponset blinks, trying to imagine a pony-dragon. Tilting her head, she just looks more and more confused. "Um... okay."

Fluttershy says, "That is...he behaves more like a Pony...."

Ponset blinks, then nods overenthusiastically. "Right! Right, of course. Except the eating."

"All done!" Pinkie Pie announces abruptly. Scoops up her tray of now empty plates and discards. "Imma gonna toss this and go to the candy shop for dessert~!" And off poings the pink pony.

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