2017-04-26 - From Days of Long Ago

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From Days of Long Ago

Summary: Three mysterious objects appear near Earth's Moon... And it's up to the Phoenix and Mitsuo Hasai to find out what they are.

Who: Keith_Kogane, Mitsuo, Pidge, Shirogane, Violet
When: April 26th, 2017
Where: Orbit over Neo-Tokyo


The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

The normally peaceful space near NeoTokyo is once again thrown into turmoil as a crackling, crimson wormhole appears in orbit near the moon. The massive spiral of crimson energy tears at space and time, hurling bolts of energy that scour blackened lines of regolith across the Lunar surface. The swirling Maelstrom flares brightly, violet nebulaic clouds forming along its event horizon before it disgorges a trio of floating shapes and collapses in upon itself.

Meanwhile, countless Light Years away, a dark armored figure narrows his slightly glowing eyes, "Is it done, Witch?" Zarkon says in a low voice to the crouched, robed figure before him, "It is done, Lord Zarkon. Cast forth your mind and see with your own eyes!" Haggar replies as she stretches crackling tendrils of energy out towards the towering Galran Emperor.

But back in space over NeoTokyo, or more specifically on the bridge of the NTSDF Phoenix, Lt. Commander Violet Karrde-Donovan looks on the readout on the bridge viewport's HUD of the wormhole. "....Helm, bring us in towards that reaction. Slowly. Not directly at... whatever that was, make it a near pass. I don't want them thinking we're the aggressor..." She then looks to her weapons officer. "...But be ready in case they are the aggressors, of course."

Mitsuo decides to take a slightly more direct if less overtly threatening approach and launches in her VF to go investigate. She wasn't really expecting any of the other ships to respond as fast, guess someone else was bored and had eyes glued to scanners watchign for anything.

Cast across the cosmos in an instant, Zarkon's eyes gaze at the floating forms of Green and Blue Lions and a small smile appears along the edges of his lips, "Acceptable, Haggar." Then his mind's eye falls on the third of those floating lions and his smile vanishes instantly, his eyes widening for a moment, "Impossible!" With his mind snapped back to his body, Zarkon spins about, stretching forth his arm, "Prepare a Fleet! The Black Lion is among those you've scattered, Haggar!" The Witch rises, actual surprise etching her ageless features, "That cannot be!" Zarkon casts a single glace over his shoulder at her, "Yet it is." He hisses before moving swiftly from the Druidic Ritual room.

Shirogane gives a slight bow of his head in agreement to his current commander. "Of course," he replies. He'd have been prepared to BE prepared anyway due to the situation that brought him to Violet's employment, but that's not at question here. "The moment there's a sign of that kind of trouble, we'll ready already." Not that he's the kind to react too hastily and try to make a fight where there isn't one either though...

Mitsuo's 21 arrives in the area just slightly ahead of the Phoenix and begins scanning the area. She opens a data feed to the oncoming ship so they get the information just as quickly.

There are a couple of flickers of light from one end of one of those floating shapes, as its pilot shakes his head slowly and tries to clear it. "Nnngh ... what was that, I hate magic. You still with me, girl?" he asks, patting the darkened control console. "C'mon ..." The lights outside flicker again, then stabilize - a pair of eyes, apparently, set above a mechanical muzzle, as the Green Lion starts to come back online.

Violet offers Shiro a bit of a smirk, then watches the HUD highlight the view of the objects. "What the... They look like...." She frowns, then brings up an external comm line as she starts to recognize what she sees. "Mitsuo, this is Phoenix, Violet here..." She glances as the screen again, then down at her weapons officer with her frown remaining, before speaking a bit more quietly into the comm. "Those things are looking like mecha cats to me. Are you aware of who my current weapons officer is?" Apparently she's done her own research into Shirogane, though she's not share that with said weapons officer.

Mitsuo responds over the comm with a chuckle, "I'm aware Violet, but I have a pretty good idea where his Lion is. I'm moving in for a closer look, I'll see what color it is.

Someone else stirs nearby, the Black Lion's eyes flicker with light as it comes back online again, "Nnnh!" Within the cockpit, Keith sits up slowly, narrowing his eyes, "Destroying the Omega Comet took more out of us than I thought." He says to himself before reaching up to flip on communications, "Voltron Force, this is Keith. Come in! Hunk, Pidge, Lance, Allura, is everybody all right?" He switches through the comms frequencies

Shirogane appears somewhat confounded. It's more than just the shape of these ships should cause, but whatever the source of this confoundedment is leads to no imediate reaction. "Hm, why are you asking if they know who I am," he wonders. As far as he knows, being an exploratory astronaut in his world wasn't big enough to make his identity important to some lion shipped space farers. Those definitely gave him some sort of feeling like he forgot something though.

Pidge does a double-take as Keith's transmission crackles over the radio. "Huh? That wasn't -" He opens a reply channel on the same frequency he heard. "Please confirm your identity, you're not coming through clearly." He's running a quick diagnostic as well - particularly on the nav sensors, because this CAN'T possibly be Earth; that'd just be way too convenient ... and no trace of Galaxy Garrison's usual signals traffic.

Violet winces, having hoped Shiro didn't overhear that. "Ehhh.... Suffice to say these... should be friendlies," she says as the Phoenix comes up closer to the lions. Of course that doesn't come close to answering Shiro's question. "...Well, so much for no spoilers, I guess," she mumbles. Scanning frequencies herself (since comms hasn't made it to their station yet), Violet frowns slightly again as she picks up that transmission. "Huh. Oh. I think I get it." She looks out at the lions in space, then down at her officer again, then out again before opening up comms again. "Voltron Force, this is NeoTokyo Self Defense Force ship Phoenix. I'm afraid you're a bit lost. Be advised, the ship to your left and fighter to your right are as friendly as you are. So please don't shoot at us."

Keith_Kogane blinks as he gets a brief flash of transmission, "Pidge? Is that you? Pidge!" He narrows his eyes, "Blast, I can't stabilize the system through all of the leftover interference from that wormhole." He switches to another frequency just in time to get the comm from Violet, "NeoTokyo Self Defense Force?" He sinks back in his seat for a moment as the Black Lion's sensors come back online, revealing the ships around him, including Mitsuo's VF-21. He blinks and leans forwards, "A Veritech Fighter?"

Mitsuo is letting Violet handle the communications since she started them. She's just crusiing the area watching out for anything else arriving or that they've missed till now. Not to mention she knows for a fact where one Black Lion is sitting, but here is another one with an entirely different dimensional signature. Thats the part that has her watching for trouble.

Pidge would stare at his radio if it wasn't wired into his helmet. 'Voltron Force'? And that Black Lion .... well, it's a Black Lion, just noticeably different from the one Green was connected to earlier. "Wonder if they'd even connect properly," Pidge muses ... then shakes that thought off. "This is Pidge Gunderson, pilot of Green Lion. 'A bit lost' sounds like an understatement, Phoenix ... Keith? Is that really you? Why are you piloting Black Lion?"

Shirogane looks as if she's having a realization now. "Voltron...lions...when I escaped..." He shakes his head a little. "That's right, I was supposed to locate a lion that was hidden on Earth to help keep it from the Galra empire..." His eyes narrow slightly. "Hopefully they are friendly, or that means that the Galra already have a large advantage over the rest of the universe."

"Gunderson?" Keith looks more than a little taken aback at that, "Pidge? Where'd you get a name like that? Did all that searching you and Chip did about your real parents finally pay off?" He glances off to one side, "...or are the dimensional effects that happened when we were slung into that Robotech universe still happening?" Then his eyes widen, "Oh no!" The Black Lion suddenly jars to life with a roar as its sensors focus on the seemingly derelict Blue Lion. It blasts past the VF-21 and the Green Lion with frightening speed. "ALLURA!"

Green Lion jinks hard to the side, whether the lion's own reflexes or those of its pilot, getting out of Black's way. "Allura? Why would she be in Blue ... did Lance ... ugh .." Pidge trails off, sounding like he has the mother of all headaches right now.

Mitsuo chimes in over the coms, "Definitely some dimensional weirdness going on here. Which means everyone really needs to be on thier guard, crosses like this rarely happen without some bad guys showing up...

Violet blinks and looks down at Shirogane again. "Wait, you knew about the lions already?" She looks back out again. "From their names, I'm leaning towards friendly." She grimaces slightly, wondering at just what's going on at the moment. "...It's odd that seemingly two different versions of..." She overhears the transmission between the two and facepalms. "Uh, we're not Robotech. we're kind of... everything. Phoenix is from Stargate, and down in the city we've got-" But she knows pretty well that there's no more point in talking when she hears the stress in Keith's voice from his reaction to the still unmoving Blue. She looks over at her helmsperson again and says, "Bring us around so the port bay is near the Blue Lion, in case they need to get someone over and into med bay fast." She then winces as Mitsuo makes her comment, and nods. "You've got a point, Mitsuo. Shiro, make sure the plasma beams are online. The way things tend to go around here... You may get your first shot in against your enemy soon..."

The Black Lion comes to a stop in front of the Blue Lion, its head touching that of the other mechanical feline. There's a moment of pressure as the Black Lion's mouth opens, forcing open the Blue Lion's mouth as well. "This is Keith! I need to get into the Blue Lion, I need a full medical team on standby Captain Violet, Captain Hasai. Do you understand?"

Mitsuo coms, "My ship will be here in 2 minutes. We can tractor the Lion into the landing bay and it's got better medical facilities then the Phoenix. I am reading lifesigns onboard it.

Violet sends a message for her med crew to be ready as well. "Phoenix is standing by in case a medical emergency doesn't give us that two minutes," she sends over external comms.

A minute or so passes before Keith can be seen emerging from the mouth of the Blue Lion holding a body in a pink pilot suit and helmet in his arms. The pilot's faceplate has been repaired with slap patches, "I'm barely getting any readings here, please! We need to get her stabilized quickly!"

Shirogane has to agree Keith and Pidge DEFFINETLY fail at sounding like Galra names, but he's prepared for the worst, all the same. "Well I didn't know much, and apparently the accident I was in on arrival here knocked it loose temporarily. One of the Galra where I was imprisoned was a member of a resistance. He'd helped me escape in hopes I could find a lion hidden on Earth that sounded like it be one of those. He wanted me to help keep it protected from the Galra empire finding it because they could use it in taking over. That's the extent of what I remember... I feel like he'd said it was the blue one, but...my memory's still fuzzy."

Pidge's head still hurts, but the chance of hostiles coming through is a valid concern. So while Keith is rescuing Blue Lion's pilot (and that certainly looks more likely to be Allura than Lance), Pidge finishes the diagnostic and gets the targeting sensors ready - but leaves the weapons systems offline until there's definitely something to shoot at. Other than that ... well, listening to the others is more likely to be helpful than tossing questions as if they were grenades

Mitsuo's ship arrives about when Keith comes out of the Blue Lion with the injured pilot, "Head right into the landing bay Keith. Just follow the signs to get to medical, I'll meet you there.

"Understood!" Keith climbs back into the Black Lion, gently placing Allura in a pop-up seat behind him and strapping her in before maneuvering the 120 foot mechanical feline into the landing back of the Mitsuo Hasai, "Captain Violet, can you tractor in the Blue Lion and Pidge? We can't have the Blue Lion floating in space if we're about to have company." He comms just before the Black Lion lands with a resounding WHUD onto the deck of the Mitsuo Hasai, carefully lowering its massive head to allow its pilot to get out.

Violet shakes her head, even if Keith can't see it. "Negative, my bays are too small for your Lions. Mitsuo, you have room, right?" She then looks over at the Green Lion and frowns slightly a the silence from it. "Pidge... I'm guessing you're confused... Let me attempt to explain... This universe is a kind of multiversal nexus of sorts. Like I was saying before, we have a lot of mixed things here, not just, uh, 'Robotech' as Keith put it. In this case... we've got people from two different versions of your universe." She's hoping Pidge gets this... She of course did an overview of the series her weapons officer is from, so she's already aware Pidge should be able to follow that, assuming he's not panicing.

Mitsuo guides her 21 in for a landing shortly after the Black Lion, "I'll have the Blue Lion tractored in. If Pidge gets unconfused and responds have him land here as well. I'll be in medical with Keith and Allura. " she coms as she climbs out of her fighter and heads down to the med bay.

Pidge says, "No need for the tractor here," bringing Green Lion's engines up - carefully, of course - and heading towards the Mitsuo Hasai at a fairly sedate pace. "And yeah, I kinda figured out the 'two different versions' already, what with Keith and the Princess being in the 'wrong' Lions. So we might have two different versions of the Galra Empire to deal with ..." He trails off, grimacing. "And I thought one version of Zarkon was bad enough. Please tell me you guys haven't run into the Galra yet in this, uh, 'nexus of realities'?"

For as visibly upset as he is, Keith's actually surprisingly controlled given the situation. Then again, that's probably all a part of his training and experience. He lays Allura carefully down on the medical bed, "Her vitals are all over the place." He says to Mitsuo as she enters the room, "It's like something in that portal just sucked out her life force. There's only one being I've ever met who could do that."

Shirogane finally relaxes slightly as Pidge asks that. "Then all the more proof they aren't galra...and thankfully we haven't, as much as I want for us to be able to save the Empire's prisoners."

Violet keeps up her comms conversation with Green Lion. "Not yet, Pidge, no, but you are the, uh, second person I've met from your universe. But I think you're from further in the future from the first I've met. That's the other thing... people can show up from different times." She looks from her comms console to Shiro, very much unsure of how to handle this situation. She's aware that one person knows the other very well, while the other... not so much. The look of internal debate is obvious on her features to both the Green and Black Paladins.

A communications window opens in front of Mitsuo, though the transmission is going out to all NTSDF forces. "This is Captain Elsha Leem of the SDNF-1 Hayase." The woman is tall with short cut brown hair and a pair of crimson tentacles waving back and forth on either side of her head just beneath her Captain's cap. "We've encountered unknown ships near Titan and they've immediately engaged us. Judging by their numbers we can only assume they're a reconnaissance in force for a much larger fleet en route."

Shirogane raises a brow at what Violet just said. "So you're wondering rather or not to tell me either Keith or Pidge is from my future," he wonders. He's not clueless after all, just a little foggy on the memory and yanked from his reality before the point he found a lion.

Mitsuo nods as she walks over to the bed and activates it, "She's also taken heavy radiation damage compounded by some dimensional radiation damage. I'm going to have to put her in the regen tank. " she says and keys in a command so a hatch opens up and the bed starts to slide in as the com happens, "And there are the Galra forces. We'll get the whole system on alert. Captain Elsha can you sen me an image of the ships, I need to know which version we have attacking.

Shirogane would be on the move the moment he hears that communication from Hayate, however. "That can wait though!"

Violet sighs lightly and shakes her head at Shiro. "Pidge's," she says, but any further conversation on the topic is quickly shoved to the side as her attention snaps to the new transmission and she's responding almost immediately. "Phoenix, en route!" she says, then immediately looks to the helm. It's not their best helmsperson, but they'll have to do, and thankfully they're good enough to know what to do already as Phoenix already starts moving out of lunar orbit. "Keep us updated, Hayase."

"Transmitting now." The view switches to an external view of several purple ships with glowing energy points along their hulls and slightly bulbous, almost prow-like protrusions on their bows. All around them zip matching purple fighters which seem to be having more than a bit of trouble dealing with the Orgoroid Valkyries and the Destroids of the Hayase.

Pidge says, "Green Lion's ready to join the fight, all systems operational; should I hitch a ride out that way or fly on ahead?"

Violet looks at the ship on screen and says over comms to Pidge, "If your system are all green, move on your own. I'm not sure how hitching that much mass onto our hull will affect us." She then blinks, followed immediately by a facepalm. "...Pun not intended, I swear."

Mitsuo eyes narrow at the medical readout, "And you are correct, something has drained her of life force for lack of a better term. That I can't help with but there are people here who can. " she looks over at Keith, "And at the moment we do kind of need to get moving, I'm not sure how big of a fleet they are sending.

It's quite apparent Shirogane wasn't taking things lightly, as all available weapons are already green for making the attack. Nevermind they aren't even in sight yet. Galra man, GALRA.

Soon the Daedalus class has aligned itself for its jump, and movees forward as a purplish cloud forms in front of it, into which Phoenix lurches quickly forward into, only to reappear at the other end near Titan. "Weapons free," she says simply. "Red Squadron, launch."

Keith_Kogane's jaw hardens for a moment, "Haggar." He clenches one hand into a fist and the nods to Mitsuo, "Right. Keep her somewhere safe until we can get her help, as long as she's stabilized, everything will be fine." He turns around, then turns to take the Voltron Key from Allura's uniform. "I'll get back to the Black Lion, it sounds like we're going to need all the help we can get."

Mitsuo nods, "Possibly, I dont think the Galra are going to do as well as they expect here. " she says turning to head for the bridge, "We'll have to introduce you to Pidge and Shirogane... " she pauses, "Well, introduce everyone to Pidge except Shiro really.

Keith_Kogane pauses and turns back to look at Mitsuo, "They're from the same universe?"

Mitsuo shrugs a bit, "Very close at least. Kind of worrying really. We now have 2 Black Lions and Alluras, but not enough of the rest to actually form Voltron. And the Black Lion thats already here needs the other 4 to be unlocked I believe.

Keith_Kogane raises an eyebrow at the mention of two Alluras, he glances back towards the medical bay for a moment and then back to Mitsuo. "I wouldn't worry too much about not having the rest." He says openly, "That's the thing about Voltron. If he's needed, he's there, no matter what." With that, he heads quickly down to the hangar, sliding down the railing to pick up the pace.

Mitsuo grins, "Yeah, I can't pilot most Super's but I know how they work. I'll keep the Blue Lion parked on the flight deck for now, you should be able to get the Black one out past it.

Once back in the cockpit of the Black Lion, Keith opens direct comms to Violet and Pidge, "Captain Violet, Pidge, this is Keith. I'm going to need both of you to help me."

Violet comms back, now at Titan, but hey, sci-fi tech! "I'm listening. Engaging the enemy, but listening."

Pidge says, "Roger that, Keith. What's the plan?" As weird as it is to hear 'Keith' speaking with that different a voice, they are both Paladins of Voltron .... or as close as that other universe gets ... and more importantly, they have to help fight the Galra off. Pidge's expression hardens a bit under his helmet - he's seen what the Galra are capable of; if they launch a significant attack on the Solar System, any Solar System ... yeah. They can talk about who's on which 'Voltron Force' after the Galra get driven off."

"The Blue Lion's pilot is..." There's a couple seconds of silence as Keith collects himself, "...gravely injured. I don't know how long it'll take for her to recover and I don't know how much of a force these Galra are sending. One thing I do know, though, is that we're going to need all the help we can get. Which is why I need you, Pidge both as the Green Lion's pilot and to help Captain Violet convince Shiro to pilot the Blue Lion."

Mitsuo is moving her ship out to join the others near Titan, plus less of a trip for the Black Lion to get into the fight.

Violet blinks at the comm, then over at her weapons officer. "...Ensign Shirogane. You've proven yourself as a combat pilot in that... other incident. As soon as releif for you gets here, I want you to transport over to Mitsuo to take over that blue lion. Understood?"

Violet is also, meanwhile, trying to scounge up someone that can take over weapons for him, looking through the roster of who's aboard.

As soon as he has a clear shot, Shirogane is taking plasma fire shots at some of the Galra fleet. "As much as I can help it, there won't be any prisoners taken today." He looks a little confused at the commentary by Keith though. Ulaz had sent him to find and protect the blue lion, he doesn't know anything about the thing aside from it being some legendary weapon that has to be kept from the galra. How's he supposed to fly that thing on such short notice? Still, as Violet does like asked, Shirogane can only assume things will work out somehow. "Understood!"

Pidge blinks, "Shiro is here?! Why didn't he say something ... wait. Blue -- ahhh, whatever. Shiro, if you're listening in on this frequency, yes we need as many Lions in this fight as we can get, I'll grab you later and find out what's been going on."

Shirogane speaks up since he's being directly addressed now. "Shirogane Takashi, I actually haven't met either of you, but I'm gathering from what the Commander was saying earlier, that that just means one of you's from a point farther in my future than I am. We can clear things up later, as you said. But, for now let's make sure these Galra accomplish absolutely nothing."

Soon, one of the gunners from the railguns runs up onto the bridge, then taps Shiro on the shoulder. "Sir, uh, I'm here to relieve you. I never thought I'd actually get the chance to fire these!"

Violet, for her part, winces slightly. He's the most qualified that was able to get aboard before the ship jumped to Titan. "Engineering, shields, we need to time this transport just right. Helm, pull us out of the thick of things for a moment! We don't want to get hit when our shields are down!" That's right, the transporters won't work through shields, meaning that in order to get Shiro over to Mitsuo Hasai to get to the Blue Lion, Phoenix is taking a significant risk!

"That's the spirit, Shiro!" Keith replies, "The Blue Lion's key is inside on the main control panel, you'll need to insert it once the lion recognizes you as a pilot." He explains, "We don't have a spare uniform or a spare Voltcom but I'm sure you can whip up something."

Mitsuo is keeping her ship back and out of the fight till the lions get launched, probably even then unless something goes really wrong in the battle. For a change the NTSDF isn't outnumbered.

The bow of one of the Galra ships begins to crackle, adjusting its point of aim towards the incoming ships. The purple energy begins to build up along that bulbous point on the bow. That is just before the massive form of the SDFN-1 Hayase blocks its angle of attack as it charges in with full thrusters, bringing back one of its ARMD platforms, On the bridge, Captain Leem adjusts her hat with one tendril, "All Pinpoint Barriers focused on the bow of ARMD-1! All Destroids on Standby! On my Mark...3...2...1....DAEDALUS ATTACK!" The Hayase's ARMD Platform slams into the energized bow of the Galran ship, countless ports and hatches opening up along the length of the aircraft carrier-shaped arm, countless Destroids unleashing a barrage of missiles, energy beams and cannon fire down the length of the Galran Battleship's interior. Grotesque bulges begin to appear all over the Galran ship, ballooning outwards all along its length before the entire ship explodes in a massive fireball.

Shirogane frowns slightly as this all happens. "Be careful," he replies to the gunner taking his place, "Stay collected and don't let any part of the situation get to your head, alright?" "I don't plan to be gone long, and I expect to be able to take this back from you later."

Pidge whistles at the spectacle of the Daedalus Attack, "Now THAT is impressive ... Keith, what weaponry does your Black Lion have? Do the wing cutters work? Best way to take a Galra cruiser down with the Lions is to tear along the hull ... does this class even have ion cannons?"

Violet shouts out, "Now!" As the Hayase lets loose its signature attack. With that word, Phoenix's shields drop, and an array of vertical streaks of white light surround Shiro, while an identical array appears aboard Mitsuo Hasai near the Blue Lion. When the arrays of light fade, Shiro is on the other ship.

"Mk. 1 Fang Missiles, Mouth Laser Blade, the Wing Boomerang, Shoulder Plasma Cannons, Eyebeams, the Electro-Force Cross and the Plasma Shock in its tail." Keith explains quickly, "The Blue Lion has similar weapons."

Shirogane blinks and shakes his head a little. Still getting used to that... He then looks hard over the blue lion. ....so this is basically what he was supposed to look for before he ended up in the multiverse, right? How's he even open it? In any case, beginner's struggles aside, Shiro IS meant to use one of these things so he makes with figuring it all out as quickly as possible.

The remaining Galra picket ships begin to fall back after the utter destruction of one of their vessels combined with the arrival of enemy reinforcements. Galran warp points start to open behind them one by one as the vessels pull back out of the solar system, most likely to await the arrival of the main force and report the highly unexpected resistance to their initial thrust.

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