2017-04-27 - Reading Between the Lions

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Reading Between the Lions

Summary: Now that things have calmed down, the two Captains and the Voltron pilots talk about what's coming next.

Who: Keith_Kogane, Mitsuo, Pidge, Shirogane, Violet
When: April 27, 2017
Where: Mitsuo Hasai:Lounge


The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

Violet makes her way along the corridors, heading towards where her PDA is telling her the lounge is. "....I don't know if I've ever been aboard this ship before..." she says a bit quietly. "Then again, memories of before are still a bit fuzzy..."

Pidge is more engaged in looking around the ship itself than focusing on directions, although he's paying enough attention to Violet's direction to keep following her. "'Before'?" he wonders.

Mitsuo is already waiting in the lounge, the crew areas of the ship aren't really all that big and it's labelled. She's at one of the tables near one of the viewports with a glass of iced tea on the table in front of her.

Violet pauses mid steps and nods a bit grimly. "It's... a long story. Let's just say... Living through a dimensional collapse can be a bit... rough." She shakes her head and opens the door of the lounge. "Oh... Pidge... for the record... I already know." What on earth is she talking about 'already knowing'?

Shirogane is currently following along with Mitsuo as well. There'd been a short moment of awkwardness earlier, what with having no way of contacting anyone and being on an unfamiliar ship with the battle ending before he could rejoin it...but that was easy enough to dispel. As they're all walking though, he's definitely giving Pidge a through eyeing from his own standing point. He thinks he might already know something too, but he's not opening his mouth about it right now.

Violet waves to Mitsuo with a light smile as she walks in. "Hey, Mitsuo..." She then frowns, but only briefly. "I'm feeling an odd desire to call you 'cousin' right now."

Mitsuo smiles and nods as everyone arrives, "Hello. Help yourself to anything from the replicators if you'd like, " she waves a hand at the bank near the entrance, "They are voice activated, should have most anything you could want.

Pidge blinks at Violet, "'Already know' ... what, that I don't like straight peanuts?" He seems genuinely confused - and then they reach the lounge, and there's Shirogane. A brief but intense wave of emotion passes across Pidge's face, and he seems to almost catch himself before lunging at the older man, hugging him tightly. "Shiro ... you're all right, thank God ... !"

Mitsuo chuckles, "If you want Vi, I dont think most people even know we're sort of related in an odd NeoTokyo kind of way.

Shirogane looks confused for a very short moment. "Between what Violet said, how you've been talking to me, and how you look EXTREMELY familiar even though I don't feel like I've met you, I think I know who you are," he notes in reply, smiling gently and ruffling her hair a little in response. "Because I know you aren't Matt, but even though Keith called you Gunderson, your last name is Holt, isn't it Pidge?" He'd be much more confused and taken off guard if the person hugging him didn't look so extremely familiar to the point he felt he could pin point their identity.

Violet says, "Ehhhh... If you consider your... Aunt to be a sort of foster mother to me, I suppose." She does frown and get quiet for a moment before shaking her head. "Um, anyway... Yeah. Straight peanuts. Sure. I'll make sure to make sure you have no nuts." And yes, she does smirk after saying that, then nods to what Shirogane says."

Pidge stiffens a bit, and lets go of Shiro again, grinning sheepishly. "You were the first person to figure it out, weren't you ... guess this is ..." He sighs, "Yeah. 'Pidge Gunderson' was the name I enlisted at the Galaxy Garrison Academy under, after they barred me under my real name. I'm ... actually Katie Holt; my father and brother were on the Cerberus mission with you." He - or rather, she - looks at Violet, "Is that what you meant you 'already knew'?"

Mitsuo nods, "We try to be real careful about things like that will we know where/where you are from.

Violet simply nods to Pidge. "Have you been filled in on that stuff?" She motions with her head towards Mitsuo. "... like the way that we do know a fair bit more about you guys than you've told us directly?"

Shirogane pats at Pidge's shoulder before crossing his arms. He'd been trying to be tactful and avoid the 'no nuts', as much as that turn of phrase causes a chocked back snicker. "Please tell me you didn't expect that I wouldn't notice when you look like a possible replacement for one of my last mission's team mates." He's just going to avoid the can of worms about how he definitely couldn't forget that face after the last time he saw it.

Mitsuo grins, "Anyway, like I said, help yourself to the replicators. If I recall right all there is to eat at the Castle of Lions is that green goo.

Pidge grins ruefully at Shiro, "I didn't really hide it from you that much before ... when I saw you, you were my only real link to my missing family, and I didn't even try to hide it. We do need to catch up, though, when we've got a chance. - And the green goo isn't that bad, I kinda got used to it. It probably helps if you love tapioca pudding, though," she admits. "Anyway ... Captain Mitsuo, is it? And Captain ... Violet? It's good to meet both of you." She salutes, more or less crisply. "Katie Holt, but I go by 'Pidge' most of the time now anyway."

Mitsuo grins, "Captain Hasai technically, but just call me Mitsuo."

Keith_Kogane walks through the main doors to the cafeteria just as Pidge introduces herself as 'Katie Holt'. Strangely, it doesn't even seem to register to him as he walks over to the replicator and orders a black coffee, folding his arms over his chest as he waits the precious few seconds for it to materialize. "..."

Shirogane says, "Apparently you're from after we met, but I'm from sometime before. I was on my way to Earth after escaping the Galra empire when I somehow ended up in the multiverse instead. So at least some version of me succeeded in making it to Earth and finding the blue lion, it seems."

Violet nods to Pidge. "And I suppose I'm technically Lieutenant Commander Karrde-Donovan... I'll, uh, take your word on the green goo." She glances at Shirogane and nods before she looks over to Keith. "....Are you okay?"

Mitsuo shrugs, "I've tried some, it's not that bad, just bland.

And there's Keith, Pidge thinks, looking at him for a moment - evaluating him, really. She should probably greet him, but Pidge turns her attention back to Shiro for now. "Yeah. Five of us total - you, me, Lance, Hunk, and Keith - all wound up on the Blue Lion and it flew us out to the Castle of Lions. We met Allura and Coran, she sent three of us off to find three of the other Lions, and we had to bring all four of them together at the Castle for the Black Lion to come out of standby mode. And you're the team leader, Paladin of the Black Lion." Now she has to look at Keith, though - a little sheepishly, this time. "Whereas you're the other Black Lion's pilot, huh ... Keith, you said?"

Keith_Kogane blinks once, straightening up as he hears Violet's voice. "Mm?" He turns to look in her direction as he picks up the cup of coffee. "Oh, yeah, I'll be fine." He replies, offering a faint but reassuring smile. He looks over at Pidge after a moment, sizing him up with a quick look and then quickly looking over at Shirogane before returning his attention to Pidge, "That's right, Commander Keith Kogane, Galaxy Garrison. It's good to meet all of you." He raises the coffee cup, "I'm in your debt for all of this. All of you."

Mitsuo shrugs a bit, "Well, you're in our dimension currently, it's kind of our job here. " she says with a smile.

Keith_Kogane smirks and sips at his cup, "I understand, I'd be in the same situation with you guys were the shoe on the other foot. Even so, thanks."

Mitsuo takes a drink of her tea, "Oh, I know. I've been in both situations often enough.

Violet nods once to Mitsuo. "Exactly. All in a day's work, really. Though I won't lie, having you guys as allies would be a nice bonus. Still, it would be just that: A bonus."

Shirogane peers toward Keith as well, approaching to offer a hand. "I'm Shirogane Takashi," he greets. He's deffinetly not ignoring Pidge either though. "So Keith's someone I'm supposed to know too, but he's from a different version of our part of reality?"

Mitsuo chuckles a bit at Shirogane, "It's hard to put it right when talking dimensional weirdness like this. You guys are all from the same limb, but different branches. " she tilts her head a bit, "Well, for you and Pidge it's more like different branches off the branch I think. It could just be a time differential.

Violet says, "Perhaps different parts of the same branch?"

Keith_Kogane takes Shirogane's hand and shakes firmly, "It's good to finally meet you in person Shiro." He smiles, "Looking at you now, I can understand why Pidge says you were able to fly the Black Lion in her world."

Violet steps over to the replicator and gets herself a cup of coffee from it.

Pidge hmm, "I guess the tree metaphor is as good a device for talking about alternative and branching dimensions as anything. - How's the pizza from the replicators? That's one thing we haven't been able to get since we left the Solar System."

Keith_Kogane keeps glancing at the Replicator for some reason, "By the way. That thing's bolted to the wall, right?'

Mitsuo nods, "Shrubbery or vines are even better for it, but trees most people can get. And the pizza is good, we're kinda picky about that. " she finishes with a grin, "Even have all the different styles programmed.

Shirogane says, "...so I help find the blue lion, but I use the black lion? ...I guess it's still fitting I almost had to use the blue lion just now. From what Pidge said, does black lion symbolize the leadership role?""

Keith_Kogane sighs a bit, "It sounds to me like you're in really close quantum realities, Shiro." He explains, "Just enough that things have changed to the point you don't recognize it." He takes another sip of coffee, "When the Voltron Force engaged the Omega Comet we were flung into a reality very similar to ours, except the Voltron Force was replaced by a Robotech Defense Force who built Veritech fighters based on crashed alien technology and were fighting a race of giants who Pidge swore were using Robeast tech."

Mitsuo takes another drink of her tea and then say, "Ummm, I can show you some videos that kind of cover that Shiro. It's where we have all the information about you guys from. And if you go down planetside you may run into some fans. " she blinks and looks over at Keith, "Oh, you're from THAT branch. Ok.

Violet raises an eyebrow at what Keith says, then looks to Mitsuo without lowering said eyebrow. "I think I missed something along the way somewhere."

Mitsuo nods, "There was a Robotech/Voltron crossover."

Keith_Kogane chuckles at Shirogane's question, "I guess it does, the Black Lion forms the torso and head of Voltron, so, it's in a central position and it's also the largest of the lions." He shrugs, "To be honest, though? We're a team. Nobody is less valuable than anyone else. If even one person is out of comission we can't form Voltron."

Violet says, "....Soooo, they crossed over the American versions of the 80s mecha anime. Of course they did. Not GoLion and Macross, noooo..."

Mitsuo smirks, "Nobody liked GoLion, even in Japan.

Violet says, "True. All the info I came across was Voltron, I suppose. Waaay not the case with 'Robotech' though."

A man in a red shirt pokes his head in as he notices Pidge looking over the Repilcator, "Ye just talk to it lass, simple, really!" Then he vanishes down the corridor.

Shirogane says, "Huh, I guess it's all the more fitting now that I'm working on the Pheonix in that case. At least, as far as VFs go." He nods toward Mitsuo. "I'd heard that that sort of thing existed when I woke up, but I wasn't sure I should tamper in it. At this point, though, I suppose it's unavoidable." Looking back to Keith, he gives a nod. "I can deffinetly agree with that way of thinking, but..." he insists, "Due to my lack of experiance as of yet, when it comes to the lions, I'll be trusting your guidance. I might have been the leader in some form later in my own time, but as things are for now, I don't think I'm fit to be in leadership.""

Keith_Kogane continues to smile, "I'll do everything I can to train you for your own sake and that of your universe, Shiro."

Mitsuo nods, "I'd have to run some more in depth scans but I suspect Shiro might be from the same dimension the other Allura and the Castle of Lions we ran into, or at least a very close one.

Shirogane says, "Thank you, and that's out of the way so there's no questions about that at an inoppertune time. So..." His attention shifts back to Mitsuo and Vilot. "Do you have any plans for how to continue with the Galra?""

Pidge finishes sorting out her replicator order, returning to the others with what could be considered a five-color pizza. "Are the Galra likely to keep sending attack fleets this way? They'd basically have to punch through between realities to do it, right? Orrrrr did the rest of the Empire turn up in this reality somehow ... ?"

Mitsuo shrugs, "Voltron is the biggest threat to the Galra Empire. I'm betting they will keep coming, probably in more force.

Mitsuo smirks, "And they use space magic, if they got here once they can get here again.

Violet shrugs lightly. "We actually have a pretty small compliment of fighters. We can only hold 16, and four of those berths are taken up by shuttles and less often used fighters. If you're looking for more, hit one of the bigger ships." She frowns at the next question. "Right now, we don't really have enough information to really come up with a plan. It could be either way... Maybe needing to punch realities, maybe the whole thing showed up. It's hard to say right now. But we know they're a real threat now, and we can be on a much higher alert because of it."

"Captain Hasai's right." Keith replies with a serious expression, "Voltron stands against everything Zarkon wants, I've got a feeling that's pretty much a constant across the multiverse." He swirls his coffee around, gazing down into it thoughtfully, "And those Galran Recon ships retreated for more than just fear. If they're anything like the Drule they'll be back. That's how they think."

Mitsuo grins, "Well, fortunately they came in right where the Hayase was or the fight would have lasted a little longer. I dont think they had ever seen a SuperDimensional Fortress before.

Violet says, "If they were recon ships, then it's universal. Frankly, they should've not even engaged Hayase if they had a brain." She then snickers a bit at what Mitsuo says. "Yyyeeeah. They didn't even use their Macross Cannon. Hopefully that can be kept in reserve as something they won't know about."

Shirogane nods in understanding. "And if they're retreating for more than fear, that means the empire as a whole, or at least Zarkon himself might be out there. It might be possible to save the others sooner than I thought, but of course it's best to get more information rather than try to approach them as soon as possible."

Pidge looks at Shiro for a moment, hope flickering to life in her eyes. Granted, Pidge found a lead as to her brother's whereabouts, at least, before she wound up here ... but if they can find her family - Shiro's crew - sooner than that, before the other bad things have a chance to happen? All the better. "On the downside, they probably did spot the Lions ... which means you're going to have more than just battlecruisers dropping by. If they know we don't have a working Voltron, they may send one of those giant monsters to take us out while they have the chance - and if they think we DO have Voltron on our side, they'll DEFINITELY send a giant robot beast thing.

"Zarkon's out there, there's no doubt about that." Keith says flatly, his eyes narrowing, "I don't care what universe this is, what happened to Allura, I've seen it before. There's only one person who could've done that to us. To all of us. If she's here, Zarkon is."

Mitsuo shrugs, "I would imagine your Lion could lead us to the others, but we'd still have to find pilots they would accept.

Pidge says, "What did happen to your Allura? I overheard something about 'energy drain' ... ?"

Violet says, "While our mecha might be smaller... If they think a giant monster will be something new to us, they're going to find themselves grossly mistaken." She nods to Keith, then raises an eyebrow to Mitsuo. "You're thinking we have tryouts to recruit, uh, non-canons into the Voltron Force?"

Mitsuo shakes her head, "Not us, Allura might be able to look around and find some but she's kind of one of the keys to that Voltron.

Keith_Kogane takes in a deep breath, steadying himself. "We're not exactly sure, but, the only person I've ever encountered that can drain someone's life energy like that is Haggar, Zarkon's Witch. She's the reason the Omega Comet transported us to the Robotech Universe. If this Zarkon is in any way similar to ours, Haggar is there."

Mitsuo nods, "Another version of her, yes."

Mitsuo shrugs, "Same evil space witch, but she is slightly different."

Keith_Kogane says, "Evil Space Magic is still Evil Space Magic, it doesn't matter to me which version is using it, Captain."

Pidge grimaces, and nods. "Yeah, the Galra version of Haggar - and their Druids, I guess - were able to drain a power called 'Quintessence' ... mostly from planets, but during our last fight with Zarkon, they managed to drain it out of Voltron too. Doesn't surprise me if they had a way to drain humans or Alteans on top of that ..."

Violet puts a hand to her forhead. "Ugh. Why does there have to be multiple versions of the same people so often... It makes me glad I'm from here again."

Keith_Kogane says, "Voltron's always had a link with Magic in my world, King Alfor left a lot of mysteries for us to solve even after we found the Keys."

Shirogane says, "...I hadn't learned this, but I can't feel surprised they'd do such things."

Pidge gives Keith another confused look. She should probably be getting used to giving those, all things considered. "There's some good news, though. The fact that Green Lion is still operational in this universe must mean that our version of Princess Allura is around somewhere; the Lions are supposedly linked to her life force. If she weren't here ....

Keith_Kogane looks over at Mitsuo as Pidge says that, "Didn't you say Pidge and Shiro's version of the Castle of Lions and Princess Allura are here, Captain Hasai?"

Mitsuo takes a drink of her tea, "She's sleeping down in one of the quarters. And we know where her Castle of Lions is, it just didn't have enough energy to jump yet.

Shirogane says, "...does this princess seem to know about us?"

Keith_Kogane says, "I can't speak for the Lions from Pidge and Shiro's Universe, but the Lions from mine are self-adapting and self-evolving. They shouldn't have any problems communicating and linking with their multiversal counterparts once they're actively connected."

Mitsuo shakes her head, "No, we woke her up instead of you guys finding her and doing so.

Pidge says, "Where'd you find her? Planet Arus?"

Shirogane says, "...maybe the two of us were from the same point in time if that's the case."

Mitsuo shakes her head, "No, the Castle was damaged and in low orbit around a gas giant.

Keith_Kogane says, "That sounds plausible. That's also kind of what's worrying me."

Violet keeps a frown on her face as she sips her coffee. "So... This other Alurra isn't quite up to canonicity. Or do you think the castle got torn to that planet from Arus directly?"

Shirogane says, "Why is that, Keith?"

Pidge looks blankly at Violet, "'Canonicity'?"

Violet waves a hand. "I mean it's not lining up with the show. It basically means we may have wrong information on her... this stuff can happen, where you get slightly off versions compared to what's in media here."

"Well, I'm not Pidge, so, I can't say I understand the quantum mechanics of what's happening, but, think about it." Keith starts to explain, "The Omega Comet transported me and my Voltron Force into a dimension completely different to our own. You wind up here from just after you escaped the Galra, Pidge comes from a later period of your own time and the Castle of Lions and Allura are apparently from another time." He lets that sink in for a couple breaths, "Whatever is going on is affecting multiple timelines and universes at once."

Mitsuo sighs a bit, no really easy way to explain it coherently, so she just taps a command into the control pad on the table and a holowindo opens up showing the opening to Voltron: Legendary Defender, "Just watch this for a minute and I think you'll get what she ment.

Violet nods to Keith. "Exactly. Well, almost at once. Alurra and Shiro have been here for at least months."

Keith_Kogane watches the video, leaning against the wall with his head slightly tilted to the side. As the episode carries on he feels the need to ask something, "Pidge?"

Pidge just stares. "They .... we .... HOW?!

Mitsuo shrugs, "Honestly, we dont know how. We just know it happens.

Violet says, "....Oh... I guess you weren't filled in already. Sorry."

Keith_Kogane says, "I don't think any of us were, Captain Violet, we just showed up."

Violet says, "Hey, in my defence, that was yesterday!"

Violet glances away sheepishly.

Shirogane says, "I got introduced to the idea of this my first day out of the hospital, but I hadn't looked into it."

Keith_Kogane says, "I'm just wondering when Lance hit his head in your universe."

Mitsuo snerks and mutters, "Dropped at birth I suspect..."

Shirogane says, "...he does seem a bit...." He pauses, struggling for a way to say it uninsultingly, "Like he could use more extra attention.""

Violet says, "Honestly, it can just be a difference between the universes. It wouldn't be the first or only time something like that has happened. I mean, look at Ifurita in the two El Hazard universes..." She pauses, looks left, then right, then adds, "Okay, that might be a bit of an obscure reference..."

Mitsuo chuckles, "Considering I'm the only one here that gets it, yeah..."

Keith_Kogane <_< at Violet, "You'll have to fill us in later, I think."

Violet says, "Long story short, Lance has got nothing on Ifurita for difference in personality."

Pidge shakes her head, gradually getting her brain back on track. "Okay, so not only is this universe a 'nexus' where multiple different realities intersect and overlap, but somehow you've got TV shows that purport to tell people's stories ..." She trails off. Then looks really, REALLY flustered, "Which means just about everyone is going to know ... aaaaaagh. I'll never get back into Galaxy Garrison now ..." She pulls a slice out of her 'five-color' pizza (six or seven, if you count the cheese and crust separately from the five toppings) and starts munching.

Keith_Kogane blinks at Pidge, "Knows what? You didn't cheat on your entry exams, did you?"

Mitsuo shakes her head, "Only if copies of this get back to your home dimension somehow.

Shirogane says, "...does getting back into the Garrison even matter at this point? You're already traveling in space and now you're a step further, and traveling different realities."

Violet nods once again. "My wife, for instance, is from another sci-fi show called Firefly... Or its universe, at least. I've been trained by people from Dragonball, Ranma 1/2, and... Macross..." She turns to look to Keith again. "Hey, you've been to the 'Robotech' universe? Did you meet Miriya? She's the head of my fighter squadron."

Pidge looks flatly at Keith. "I aced my entry exams, they investigated for cheating because my score was so high on the technical sciences section. Except that if anyone from the Garrison gets a hold of this show, they'll find my real identity. That's almost not what worries me, though ..."

"Your real identity?" Keith furrows his brow, "I'm sorry, Pidge, I don't get it. What's your real identity have to do with Galaxy Garrison?"

Shirogane says, "You probably weren't here to hear it earlier, but she was using a fake name because of being banned under her real identity for some reason. I'd imagine it wasn't anything actually bad though."

Mitsuo chuckles, "I think she's more worried about everyone there finding out she's not a He.

"She...?" Keith looks over at Shirogane, then back to Pidge. Then his eyes widen, "Ooooooh, so that's what this is all about." He laughs softly, "Pidge, listen. If the Galaxy Garrison is anything like the one I know they aren't going to throw out someone as brilliant and talented as you for something like that. There are plenty of women in the Galaxy Garrison forces where I come from, several of them even pilot Vehicle Voltron." There's a momentary pause before Keith glances away, "I still don't think I'll ever understand how they manage that with fifteen pilots." He mutters half to himself.

Mitsuo shakes her head, "One of the mysteries of the Multiverse.

Violet raises an eyebrow. "Well, I'm used to piloting mecha solo. I don't know what you guys are doing with five pilots."

Shirogane says, "I guess we click well." He winces a little as he rethinks that in regards to Lance and their world's Keith, "...well mostly."

Pidge explains to Violet, "Each of the Lions is able to function as an independent combat unit, in addition to their ability to combine into Voltron.

Mitsuo nods, "It's the working together when combined that's impressive.

Shirogane says, "I think she meant she doesn't understand how we can succeed at working 1 body when we have five separate personalities.""

Keith_Kogane says, "It's a system that the Galaxy Garrison hasn't yet been able to copy in my Universe. The Gladiator Program has been in limbo for years."

Keith_Kogane says, "Like the lions, Shiro, the pilots also become something greater than the sum of their parts when the lions form Voltron."

Pidge nods, "It ... works like that for our Team Voltron, too."

Mitsuo chuckles, "It only works with Super class robots I believe. And most of those can't just be built by people. Voltron is a perfect example. I'd imagine you can duplicate every part of them, but it just wont work. " she shrugs, "Or maybe not, I don't know what goes on in the various dimensions unless I go there or it's in a show or book or something.

Pidge says, "Allura and Coran had to put us through some serious training before we could form Voltron reliably."

Violet nods to Pidge. "Oh, I get the whole separate unit things. But like I said, I'm used to one man mecha piloting. What do you guys all do in there?" She glances Shiro, then Keith, then she shrugs. The green haired woman takes another sip of her coffee before saying, "Well, at any rate, I'll welcome you to have some planetary downtime. Maybe take a look at our forces, see how you think they'll stack up against your enemies." She's sounding very casual as she says this. "We've got ships and mecha that punch way outside their weight class, so don't assume Voltron is the 'only' thing that can really fight against them." She glances to Shiro again. "Remember the mecha that showed up when we were fighting that robot... dinosaur thing?"

Mitsuo grins wryly, "Depends on what they send Violet. Some things can only be fought with a Super. Frustrating as heck but it's true."

Shirogane says, "Of course I remember, why do you ask?"

Violet says, "Because I think that one was another Super." She glances at Mitsuo and groans. "Ugh. Don't remind me. I still feel frustrated after that Angel incident... what, a year ago?"

Mitsuo makes a face, "Well, Most Angels we could deal with, except for the pesky fact that using major starship weaponry on a planet is a Bad Idea. I've run into a few things even that wouldn't have worked against and I just played annoying distraction while a Super handled it.

"Angels?" Keith looks over at Mitsuo, "We encountered something like that, once, but, I have a feeling these are a different kind of angel. I didn't hear anything about offered paradise or wishes."

Mitsuo shakes her head, "Not those kind of Angels. Another one of those really hard to eplain things.

Pidge says, "In Voltron's case, it's a combination of 'combined willpower' and 'activating individual subsystems'. Like the weapons from each of our bayards."

Mitsuo grins, "Sorry, that is the real answer some of the time. C'mon, we have a trio of actual Goddess' living down in the city, sometimes you can't explain it.

Keith_Kogane closes his eyes momentarily, "Hmmm. We'll probably have to deal with them at some point if they're trying to attack Earth. I'd like to know all we can." He looks over at Pidge, "Bayards?"

Violet says, "Don't forget an apparent god of war. He crashed my wedding."

Shirogane says, "So it's a situational basis depending on what we go up against? Some times other people out there will have a better answer than we will, right?""

Pidge says, "If none of the local officers mind my drawing a weapon ... ?" She looks at Violet and Mitsuo."

Violet nods to Pidge. "Point it at me and I'll retaliate, but frankly, I trust you."

Mitsuo chuckles, "You wouldn't ask that if you'd ever met one of the Klingons around. Go ahead."

Pidge draws her bayard, showing it in its inactive form, then switching it on - the 'blade' forming and lighting up. "Each of the Paladins - that's what Voltron's pilots are called - is supposed to have a bayard like this, a personal weapon. Keith and Hunk have used their bayards with Voltron, manifesting different weapons that we can use if necessary." She looks at Shiro, "Your bayard was missing when we first met Allura ... uh. Do you mind spoilers? This isn't going to have changed, it's about a ten-thousand-year-old fact ...

Shirogane says, "Well I'm already getting spoilers all over, so may as well just keep rolling with it at this point."

Pidge nods, letting out a breath. ".... We found out the hard way that King Zarkon was the original Black Paladin. And he had the bayard to go with it. There's a lot we still haven't found out, but - well, if events in this universe go the way they did in my experience, it's going to be a bumpy ride even once we do find the other Lions and wake up Black."

Mitsuo shrugs, "Like Keith said earlier, if it's needed I think the different Lions will combine just fine. But we do still need to find the other two, and pilots they will accept. " she looks at Keith, "Their Lions are even pickier then yours were.

Shirogane frowns somewhat at that bit of information. ...and it just gets MORE apparent as Mitsuo says that the lions from his world are more selective. "...I guess it makes sense..."

Violet pauses a moment, then nods. "Well then. I guess step one is going to be locating the other two lions?"

Keith_Kogane watches Pidge summon on Bayard in its weapon form, "Hmm, that's really similar to the Voltcoms Pidge designed to allow us to protect ourselves more easily and increase the efficiency of our connection with Voltron." He narrows his eyes slightly at the idea of Zarkon piloting the Black Lion. "I can't even imagine a universe where that's possible. Unless Zarkon was somehow extremely different in the past." He looks over at Mitsuo as she points out how picky the lions are, "It'll work, somehow."

Violet says, "Like I said... we'll need to find candidates....Pidge, do you remember the requirements that Red and Yellow were looking for in their pilots? I don't remember what exactly the lines were..."

Mitsuo grins, "Of that I don't have a doubt. Like I said, I am at least very familiar with how Supers work in general. They always whow up when needed. There's enough of you here that I'm pretty sure Voltron will be needed for something

Pidge hmms, putting her bayard away. "Not exactly ... Keith is kind of a quiet loner, but he's reliable and loyal to his friends once he makes connections with people. As for Hunk - big, hearty, friendly guy ... big appetite, smarter than you might think at a glance, probably the last person to go into a fight, but the last person to leave it if he has to get involved.

Violet frowns. "Well, there's no shortage of quiet loners out there. Oddly enough... less of the big guy type."

Mitsuo chuckles, "There is a guy like him part of most teams, but they dont show up HERE that often.

Violet deadpans, "Well, I meant in NeoTokyo."

Keith_Kogane chuckles softly.

Shirogane shakes his head a little, as if he's trying to remove some cobwebs, and scratches slightly at the arm with the robotic part attached to it. "That seems odd that an entire archetype would be lacking in a place with this much variation."

Pidge looks at Keith, "Might be worth seeing if our Red Lion would accept you?

Keith_Kogane mmms thoughtfully, "After seeing your 'Keith' I don't think that's really likely."

Mitsuo chuckles, "Not really. I've been here my whole life. We get a lot of the Main Hero type, but so much of the support type people, unless they are attractive women.

Violet shakes her head as well. "No, that makes no sense. Keith already has a lion. If we move him, we have to move people all over the place, and then we're still back to where we started with needing just as many pilots."

Shirogane says, "...if we're lucky, it's like someone asked earlier and the black lion will awaken at 4 lions rather than the correct set of lions. We'd only need to find a single lion if that's the case. I doubt that something that works like this did would be so lax on it's requirements, however."

Violet frowns and nods. "...It might require all of its own lions, and ignore the Blue that you already have. Then we still need four... from either team."

Keith_Kogane says, "From the way it sounds, we're better off leaving the Black Lion from your universe where it is in the Castle if we can manage to form Voltron with what we have. That way we can keep Zarkon from zeroing on anything."

Mitsuo shrugs, "Personally I'm betting we just need one of each color, no matter which dimension the various lions are from.

Pidge says, "True, we do need to actually find the other Lions ... and that means finding Allura. Our Allura, I mean. - I did want to take a look at the interlock joints on your Black Lion, Keith; I know Green's interface hardware fairly well, so I can tell with some looking if they might be compatible."

Mitsuo grins, "She's asleep, if you want to brave the mice to wake her up right now, you're welcome to try.

Shirogane says, "Yes, finding any version of the missing colors seems best if that's the case. Let's not shine a beacon that tells Zarkon exactly where we are when we don't even know where he is yet."

Keith_Kogane says, "You're welcome to, Pidge, I wouldn't worry too much, though. The Dynatherms should be able to modify themselves to make the needed connection even if the links from your lions are different."

Violet stands up a bit more straight, then glances at a clock. "Well, at any rate, I've got bridge duty coming up. Shiro, don't worry about yours for the next few days. You've got duties in regard to Voltron right now that are taking precedence. We'll make do with some shifted scheduling, okay?"

Shirogane says, "I'd ask if we should go planet side and get a non-replicated meal, to help with any further plans, but I'm sure Pidge is full now and, if her reputation really proceeds her, excited to see the differences between the lions." He pauses and then nods in understanding toward Violet. "I'm sorry for any difficulties this has caused. I don't intend to abandon the role you gave me, and I'm expecting to be back on the Pheonix to do my tasks when it's possible."

Violet nods to Shiro. "Understood. We can still use you, and... well, like we showed yesterday, we can get you to your lion quickly if it's not too far away." She then sighs. "Buuuuut for now, I'd better get to Phoenix and get back to work there. See you guys later, okay?" She pulls out her communicator and calls over to Phoenix, and shortly thereafter, she's transported out in an array of vertical white strips of light.

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