2017-07-29 Swords and Gods

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Swords and Gods

Summary: A Kontinuation from Bees and Hyenas. Urus makes his reason for being in Kotal's palace known.. and no, it wasn't JUST to kick D'vorah's ass.

Who: Kotal_Kahn, Urus
When: July 28, 2017
Where: The Kourtyard

Kotal Kahn-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.



IN OUR LAST EPISODE: Urus had entered the hallowed grounds of the War God's temple to challenge D'vorah and pay her for her slight of harming him in the temple of the God of Wisdom. After their fight, he revealed his true identity and demanded to have 'business' with said God of War.

"Urus.." Kotal Kahn leans forward from his throne of skulls with a grin, resting his elbows on the hand rest whilst his chin is placed upon his palm. "What a surprise. I did not expect to see you so soon after our adventure. What brings you to my palace other than to challenge D'vorah?"

In the meantime, the bee lady is seen grabbing her severed arm and trying to put it back on its socket.

Urus at the moment is not in the best of shape so the god might have to excuse the hyena for the pained expressions that come from the reminants of all the venom. "I came here for favor, and I thought best way to a war god's heart is to try and rip out that of his minion." he says plainly. "Annnd after what she did in the library I just really wanted to kick her ass." thats the Urus we were expecting. he pulls the majestic looking sword from its sheath on his back. Shining silver and gold tones, perfect weapon look for somthing meant to destroy demons and the like. He takes steps away from the battlefeild to walk up closer to the base of the throne.

Ah, yes, pain. How often does Kotal Kahn forget that is a limitation of mortals. Not to say that Kotal can't feel such being a God, but rather he's learned to ignore to tremendous levels to where he can still fuction even when half of his body is disolving.

Noticing Urus' discomfort, he point a hand towards him and showers him with rays of sun from the heaven, instantly healing his wounds.

"Well, the quickest path to my heart would be through my chest. But I can see why you would opt for the other route." Chuckles the Aztec deity. As Urus unsheathes a master crafted sword, Kotal's eyes narrow and he peers curiously at it. "A magnificent blade you have there.." He comments. "I can sense it was made from the fires of this world themselves."

Urus lets out a sigh of relief and without reaching up tilts his head enough to crack his kneck before straightening up a bit. he is even half tempted to thank the god, half, the other half still cant stand the blue bastard. "Oh beleive me, that was a tempting option." he admits when the god mentions going for the heart in his chest. he puts the blade in his left while the handle is in his right. standard blade handing off procedure. "Oh you like that. Dwarves can do some great things with lava elementals." Urus says taking up the praise and ego for Muradin while he is not here. "This is the other reason why I am here."

"I would like to see you try." Kotal offers a fierce grin as Urus takes the bait. Naturally, the reason why the Aztec suggested such a thing is so that the Hyena man would challenge him to Kombat. That way none of his wives or even Morgana would berrate him for attack Urus. A challenge is a challenge after all, and if it is sanctioned there's nothing a 3rd party could do about it!

Still, it seems Urus isn't exactly going to try that right now and instead explains the nature of the sword. Once he learns just -who- did it is enough to wipe that grin from his face. "Dwarves you say." He mutters. "I suppose you mean Muradin then. He is the only dwarf of any importance that lives in this realm."

Urus deadpans. "I'm a mercenary, I'm insane, But I am not suicidal." Urus admits. he knows the god is well outside his reach on being able to take him in combat. To be honest that pisses him way the hell off. "No other in the multiverse who can craft somthing this good." he says smiling. "But lets make this simple, I need you to bless the blade, It's for a perspective buyer, the sword itself is great but it needs to be enchanted so he can fight demons." Urus mentions. "And who better to call than the guy who worked on the anti demon task force for years in another realm." M'ravo speaks up, the 8 foot tall sangheilli seeming intimidating. "It is simply TASK, I understand that you have no honor for the people but at least have honor for the position you psychotic wretch."

Kotal gives a chuckle. Yes, -that- chuckle. The arrogant, deep tone that reminds all mortals around him of his divinity.

Nevertheless, there are things that are outside of his reach even as a God. For one, he can't touch Urus outside of Sanctioned Kombat or risk endless torment from his wives and Morgana. Second, even he could not craft something as incredible as the blade before him. It truly is that of legendary dwarven craftmanship. The type that he's only read in ancient myths.

To think that it's not even reached its full capacity since it has no inherent magic.

As M'ravo speaks and corrects Urus, Kotal raises a hand to get the sangheilli to stop, lest he tries and shoot Urus sparking yet another incident. "TASK dealt with everything that threatened Twisted. Be it aliens, undead or demonic invaders. It did not matter."

He raises his imperious gaze towards Urus. "Which is why you chose well to seek my aid, mercenary."

"I owe Muradin and Morgana the gift of protection. Had they not lend me your aid I would not have my dear Minu by my side today."

He raises to his full height and though he is about a head shorter than M'ravo, he looks ever so impossing.

"I will grant you this boon and thus repay my debt to your family."

"Lay the blade on the ground before me."

Urus looks to the sangheili. "Thanks, Its about time that someone saw my good side." the sangheili stays his hand as the god wishes, though has his four fingered hand clenched in a fist for the dishonor the hyena seems to show. Urus smiles. "I knew I could count on you blue." he states. probably pushing it just a tad. He lays down the sword and steps back two pases. "I think we all know I did it more for her than for you." Urus mentions. "By the way tell her I dropped by and said hello."

Eldergods how does Urus try his patience. If he weren't duty bound he'd let M'ravo have a go at Urus. Kotal doubts the sangheili could defeat the hyena in one on one Kombat but he would wear him down and then he'd send the rest of his minions on him, ensuring that even if Urus emerged victorious he'd have a VERY bad day.

Alas, a debt is a debt and Kotal simply takes in air to calm himself before exhaling. "I know and I shall." He says to Urus before motioning for him to step away from the sword.

Kotal's eyes glow gold and as if compelled to do so all his warriors kneel next to him. Yes, even M'ravo who just got there. He would remember what it felt to have Kotal channel his godly power and how offering a prayer to Huitzilopotchli would strengthen said power.

"Blade before me."

"Let your inner fires now dispell all darkness. Let your strength burn the wicked. Let your power consume all evil. Let your light now guide the path for your wielder. Be made whole now by the power..OF THE SUN!!!"

Bringing his hands to the sky the sun itself seems to part the clouds themselves and rain down a blinding ray of sunlight upon the entire sword.

Urus has to admit... its a really cool party trick only made better by the leigon of puppets and stooges behind him. A real showman through and through. Is all of the drama necesary at all or could the god just simply wave a hand over it and get it over with. Urus though certainly won't ask these nagging questions. even though he is tempted. he likes to push his luck a bit, but not over a cliff. though now that kotal no longer feels like he owes Urus somthing... Urus can't help but feel like the god is going to try to pull somthing after the whole sword thing is through.

Does the God of War need these speeches and for his supplicants to kneel for this display of power?


For indeed, like magicians, Gods never really reveal their secrets.

Necessary or no, one thing is certain, this sword has gone from being a masterwork of art to the stuff of legends. It glows with righteous godly power and if it was powered by the world itself it now seems to wield the power of the cosmos.

The sword floats up and shows its hilt to Urus to be taken.

"There, my debt is repaid."

"Go now Urus and take this blade back to Muradin. May it serve him well." Of course, Kotal still thinks that Muradin intends to keep this sword instead of selling it.

Urus shows a bit of decorum, just this once. "thank you." he says taking the sword and slipping it carfully into its sheath. then comes the usual snark. "If there are any defects in the demon killing power of this blade, we will call you for a refund." Urus mentions laughing. He doesn't mention its not for muradin but someone else but then again, just like gods, mercs never show their hand when they play. "So, how have the dogs been doing? might as well get all the niceties out of the way so I have little excuse to come back soon and make you miserable again by simply showing up."

A good move by Urus, had Kotal known that this sword won't be used by Muradin he might indeed not have given it full power. Kotal doesn't like giving gifts willy nilly after all, particularly of this high kaliber.

The thanks are appreciated though and Kotal takes a seat again, his minions rising back to their feet and taking position around him. "That won't be necessary. As long as the sun rises from the horizon, the sword will retain its power." Another thing to consider, if Kotal ever happens to be killed its safe to say that the sword would lose all its power too.

The Aztec makes a face at Urus and scoffs. "The boys are doing fine. You don't have to come and pay your respects to me if you only wish to see them. The same goes for Minu, I know how you two consider each other family by now." There's a horrible thought. Kotal and Urus are essentially in laws. Might explain their dislike for each other.

Urus nods, a good note to the buyer. in case the sun stops working, the sword loses power. If kotal is only now getting the fact that Urus and he are inlaws, than the god is slower than the hyena gives him credit for. "Look I have a few minutes to burn and I keep hearing that the best combat anywhere is right here in this courtyard. While I enjoyed being part of the entertainment. dismemberment and pain is best veiwed from a distance." he mentions. "Are you getting what I am saying?"

Well, its not that Kotal didn't know, its just that he didn't think it was official. After all, he still hoped in his heart that Urus hadn't acknowladged their relationship because if he didn't think they were inlaws then he wouldn't either.

No such luck though but Kotal doesn't comment on it. Instead he just shrugs. "There is still Kombat done in the Arena. I frequent it often, if you ever wish to see me in neutral ground." Neutral ground is, however, code for 'away from Minu so I can pound you into a pulp withouth her scolding me about it' though.

Kotal understand nonetheless and waves his hand. "Naturally, the gory glory Kombat is not for everyone. If that is all you needed you are dismissed."

"Give Morgana and Muradin my regards.."

"Oh and do congratulate them on their new child. I hope they bring her to me soon so that I may bestow my blessing upon her as well."

"Not on my life." The hyena mentions knowing exactly what the code means. There is a minor amount of honor among theives and assasins neutral ground is one of them. he wasn't saying he disliked being in combat more than asking kotal to send his pitiful little minions out to smack eachother around like a very dark version of slapstick puppetry, but it seems that kotal is a bit thick in the head for that. "Muradin, he might let you see their child... Morgana however... she still holds a heafty grudge. be lucky to even see the child passing on the streets. I however am just an uncle so my words are not quite as valid when it comes to decisions for her." he tells.

Another chuckle from Kotal when Urus refuses his invitation. "Of course." Naturally, Kotal understands the reason for Urus' refusal, but in the face of warriors it still makes the hyena look like a cowards. It certainly does for Kotal's minions who all chuckle at how quickly Urus turns down Kotal's offer for a seat of honor in the Arena.

He moves along though and makes a face when Urus mentions that Morgana still holds a grudge. "Why?" Kotal wonders out loud. "There is truly no reason for this bad blood between us." It seems that the thought of Morgana still hating him bothers the Aztec. "Hmm, I will have to speak with her at some point about it it seems.."

Urus looks to the others who are chuckling. "you laugh now but if this guy ever finds anything thats as stuborn as he is, all of you are up the creek without a paddle when you have no master to guide your every move." he says seeming deffensive. The other comment though gets a bit of a clear up. "I'm not quite sure its hatred, but you know, you did try and tame her like a pet once so... still dislikes you for that. Can't say I blame her. Just what I see. I'm not a telepath so..." he says trying to cover his bases in case he is wrong.

Now THAT shuts Kotal's minions up. Sure, as long as they remain in Kotal's service all of them will recieve the boon of eternal power and eternal life. But indeed, their lives are tied to Kotal and they know that he is not immortal. Perhaps not by time but certainly by KOMBAT. Even the Gods are not immune from such a primordial bind. Should Kotal ever be defeated and killed.. they are indeed screwed..

"As if that would ever happen, cur!" D'vorah suddenly lashes out, defending her lord. Interesintly she managed to put her arm back in its socket. "Kotal Kahn's power grows not diminishes! Long will he remain in this realm even after you pass!" Again the Aztec raises his hand to stop D'vorah. He doesn't need his minions to fight his battles.

Indeed, this isn't even a battle for him. He's not interested in thinking about future bouts of Kombat. He wants to know what Morgana's deal is.

"Oh come now, it was only once." He shrugs like its no big deal. "And she WAS trying to cannibilize people, all I did was to help her and others, even if she does not think so." He scoffs.

"If it were not for me she would not be married to that dwarf and she knows it."

Urus steps back and lays down the hurt. "Look, hate to be the bearer of bad news here but thats EXACTLY why she dislikes you." he says "your monkeys here can be changed and modified in any way you see fit because they are indebted to you. THE REST OF THE WORLD... does not care that you are a god. They are who they are and want to stay that way for better OR worse. Having someone come in...And Rip your life away... because they thought it would be in your best interest... IS NOT! RIGHT!" Urus starts strong but there is definately an emotional attachement to some of these words and is actualy looking like he might actualy shed a tear or two by the end of that rant."

A blast from the sun falls from the sky and hits right between Urus' feet. A warning shot.

"Never dare to address my warriors with such disrespect." Kotal's golden eyes glow for it is now his turn to defend those warriors who pledge allegiance to him. "If the rest of the world is foolish and wishes to be weak instead of following me, the God of War, into eternal glory. Then that is their folly. My warriors chose the path of strength instead of being cattle for the slaughter. That.. is their choice."

Kotal rests back on his throne and remains silent before raising a hand. "Tell Morgana I wish to have words for her. This is something she too must understand." And -that- is a Kommand, not a suggestion.

Of course a heartfelt explaination falls on deaf ears. He does not flinch at the warning shot and shakes his head. "Those who burn bridges and slaughter their enemies are rulers of nothing but ash." rather deep for the hyena. "Maybe some day your godly ego will finaly die down to see how we mortals really see the world. There is more to strength than physical prowess." he says. "Good bye Kotal. And if you wish to speak to Morgana... do it yourself. you have all the power, you are strong, Right?" Urus says in the most take your kommand and shove it attitude possible as he turns his back on the god and begins walking away.

"Tsk.." Kotal smacks his lips and leans to the side on a lazy position, side of his cheek resting on his fist. "If he only knew.." He mutters to himself and the rest of his warriors once that Urus is out of ear shot. "That I was once a mortal like him."

"Some are not worthy of such information my lord." M'ravo mentions "You have no need of cretatures that are so insolent that they cannot see the true colors of a benevolent god such as yourself."

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