2017-08-05 - Rose Hates School

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Rose Hates School

Summary: After a day in NeoTokyo, Rose is griping about something that would seem obvious to everyone else. She has to go to school.

Who: Fluttershy, Miyu, Rose
When: August 5th, 2017
Where: Center of NeoTokyo


The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

It's getting into evening, the sun hanging very low in the sky... and a very annoyed looking young lady with blue hair and red eyes walks the sidewalk, arms crossed over her chest. "The nerve of them... damnit, this is ridiculous. Why do I have to go through this crap again?" she mumbles to herself as she walks.

Miyu is apparently on her way to food. What? She's going out alone at night for food? FOOD?! ....Shirou REALLY must be tied up. He's the sort of person that'd usually compete for turns to cook. The young girl is in her usual causal wear, which...really doesn't look much different than a school uniform might in the west. Plain, white, dress shirt with a plain, black skirt. That sort of thing. She peers over at the other girl, a slight curiosity rousing about her irritation. Her mouth opens...but closes again.

Rose seems to notice the look in her direction and snaps off, "What?!" before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. "Sorry. Sorry," she says before opening her eyes again. "I have not had a good day today."

Miyu tilts her head some, seeming to take no upset from getting snapped at. "I've been feeling a bit like that too lately..." she murmurs, "Is it something you could use help with?"

Rose looks at Miyu for a moment, pushing her lips to the side with a look of slight incredulousness. "....Nah. I don't think so. Not unless you've figured out a way to get out of being forced to go to school."

Miyu raises a brow slightly. "I had to argue with my brother to get into school here... but I know that hating school is the feeling of most normal people.

Rose frowns at Miyu for a moment, then sighs and shrugs, holding her hands out to her sides as she clsoes her eyes again. "Well, when I went to the homeless shelter last night, they said I'd need to make sure I went to school here and signed me up without really asking my permission." She then slumps, her arms falling nearly lifelessly to her sides. "So now I'm apparently legally stuck with it or something. I guess when you had actual family here, they didn't force your hand."

Miyu says, "My brother and my house showed up when I did, so I didn't have to go to the homeless shelter. We've got pleanty of room still, if you want something more private than the shelter." It's not that she's super helpful like that, but Shirou CAN be and would probably do it in her place if he was here. "I was just going to get a meal at the resturaunt here. My brother usually cooks, but he's not available tonight."

Rose wrinkles her nose slightly as she is offered the place to stay by a stranger. "Uhhh... right, forgive me for being a bit paranoid and all but... who are you, again? I don't know you, I'm not about to stay at your house."

Fluttershy comes trotting down the street, maybe looking around a bit more carefully then usual....

Miyu says, "I am Miyu Emiya. I wouldn't be so quick to offer, but I live in a mansion with only two other people, and one of them is my brother who would be dissapointed in my for not offering help to someone who just mentioned they're staying at the homeless shelter." She blinks as she sees Fluttershy coming. "Hello Fluttershy-san...have you lost something?"

Fluttershy jumps a little! "Oh, um, no...I'm looking out for...something not so nice that might be lurking around...

Rose puffs her cheeks out slightly, again looking perhaps a bit distrustful. "Hitakino Rose," she says, then looks over as Miyu greets someone... And then points at Fluttershy. "Another one!"

Fluttershy again, jumps a little! She eeps and looks behind her! O.O

"Another one," Miyu wonders curiously, "You mean Fluttershy-san?"

Rose sighs and facepalms. "Yes, yes. Assuming the pastel pegasus is Fluttershy. I ran into another one last night. Sorry for freaking you out."

Fluttershy says, "Oh! You must've met my friend, Rainbow dash," in a very quiet voice, "Yes...um...I'm Fluttershy, hello..." she nods a polite greeting. "It's...okay...I kind of spooke easily...and...there's something really bad that came after Rainbow Dash....."

Miyu says, "...is Rainbow Dash-san, alright?"

Rose pauses a moment before nodding. "Yeah. Rainbow Dash. And some... green guy was there, and that blonde woman with the rediculous outfit. And then that... what was it? Some shadow posessed a rat with crystals or something that I didn't quite get." She shrugs. "I hid behind a pillar for most of that."

Fluttershy nods, "Yes, she's fine...Rainbow is very tough," she smiles a little, then looks to Rose, 'We think it might be an enemy that we defeated back home....

Miyu says, "...shadow? That...doesn't sound good. I don't think the class cards can do anything like that, so that's good at least."

Rose nods slowly. "Yeah... some... Ombra guy. Don't know anything about class cards, but... welp, good luck with all that!" She holds her hands together behind her head. "Shadowy, crystal spewing posessing creatures? No thanks, I'll just stick to hiding away from that kinda stuff." She doesn't sound scared so much as pragmatic about it.

Fluttershy DOES seem scared, "K-king S-sombra...um...h-he's really evil and bad..a.nd last time, it took all of use to beat him....." she seems to be getting a bit pale, looking around nervously.

Miyu probably doesn't have a clue how insultingly it could be taken when she says to the slightly older girl, " I wouldn't expect anything different."

Rose raises an eyebrow at Miyu, not quite sure how to take that. In the end, however, she shrugs. . o O ( Odd little girl. Then again, just about everything here is odd. ) "Evil Bad King Shadow. Well, leave him to the bench throwing fighting types, I say. He got pummeled pretty well last night."

Fluttershy says, "We can't..it's our responsibility...and he's like a bad weed, we think, if he finds a way to grow and get hsi strength back...it could be very very bad for everyone...."

Miyu says, ""And I don't think I know any green people yet. ...you can still get help, Fluttershy-san. You and the others helped me with the Avenger class card, and Rainbow Dash-san has helped with osme of the others as well.""

Fluttershy says, "I'm sure we'll accept all the help we can get, thank you...Oh! I'm being so rude, what's you're name, Miss?" to the new face, 'I'm very sorry...I'm a bit..um..distracted right now...."

Rose looks at Miyu a bit warily. "...'Class card'? Are you saying you wanna fight that Shadow King Evil Bad as well?" She looks between the two a bit incredulously. "I think I really am better off sticking to the homeless shelter for now..." She sighs, hanging her head slightly. "Hitakino Rose," she says again.

Fluttershy says, "That's a pretty name......"

Miyu says, "Why wouldn't I? If he's a danger he might hurt my friends or my brother. I can't afford to ignore these things...but that's just because I have the right not to."

Fluttershy says, "It's not that we WANT to fight king Sombra...um...we have to...."

Rose glances away. "Uhh... thanks." She then looks over to Miyu. "...You have some way of fighting stuff like that too, then? What the heck kind of place is this city?" She glances over at Fluttershy as she says she has to fight Sombra. She tilts her head slightly as she gives the pega-pony a sidelong glance. "...As much as I find it weird that Miyu would fight him... I already get the feeling that you fighting is even more odd."

Fluttershy says, "I don't like fighting at all....but...if my friends are in danger...I'd do anything to keep them from being hurt."

Miyu nods in reply. "I have a staff that allows me to use magic and take on the power of heroic spirits from the class cards...basically I'm a magical girl."

Rose frowns and looks left and right between the two before sighing. "Well... good luck with it all, I suppose. Magic and all that fun stuff, eh? Way beyond me."

Miyu says, "If we were ALL magical, then none of us would need to be magical at all... if you aren't good at it, then you have something else you're good at. As it is I'm not a good magical girl, but I'm trying....""

Fluttershy says, "Sometimes trying is the bset you can do...I've learned the hard way to, um...have abit more confidence in myself...."

Rose glances around, then asks, "So... you said you were headed to get some food, right? Where are you suggesting?" . o O ( Magical girls, talking ponies, what else is in this crazy place? )

Miyu says, "I was just going to go to the Usual Resturaunt. That place right there." She points it out in explanation. "They seem to serve just about anything there.""

Rose mumbles, "'The Usual Restaurant.' Is it so hard to actually give its na-" She then of course looks over to the place and sees the actual name of it. "....Oh." o.o "Not exactly the most... creative of names, is it?"

Miyu says, "Not at all, no...but it's good at making a variety of food at least."

Fluttershy says, " I really should be getting home....um...you girls be careful..." she glances around, she spreads her small wings and lifts up, hoping to get home before it gets dark!"

Miyu waves after Fluttershy before making her way toward the Usual.

Rose waves a bit half-heartedly to the retreating pegasus before glancing around with a shrug and following Miyu. Food sounds like a good idea to her, as well.

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