2017-08-06 - Don't Call Her a Kid

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Don't Call Her a Kid

Summary: Everyone has their pet peeves. Apparently Rose's is being called a kid.

Who: Nivira, Rainbow Dash, Rose
When: August 6th, 2017
Where: Sakuraki Road

Nivira-icon.gifRainbow Dash-icon.gifRose-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

Early evening, the sun hangs low, and a lone 13 year old girl walks the sidewalks near the college. She looks along the various shops, cursing lightly under her breath as she passes by one shop or another for some reason. Someone doesn't seem to be adapting very well to NeoTokyo... but then again, this is only her third night here.

Rainbow_Dash is just sitting and watching from above. Well, she's sitting on a small, low hanging cloud. She peers over the edge and sees that girl from the other night at the subway. Looks like she doesn't have any money, she guesses.

Nivira is out and about, this kind of time is usually when she's getting around. Solar powered she isn't, but it's also not dark enough she has to use low-light mode. Seems like she's not paying attention to the sidewalk infront of her though. She's more focused on a hastily scrawled and barely legible list, likely trying to decode the poor penmanship.

Rose steps to the side, letting the woman with over a foot of height over her pass by without incident, not particularly wanting a collision. "Miiiight not want to walk and read at the same time," she says, though not overly loud. In fact, one not paying attention might even not catch it at all. Not even a second passes, however, before she blinks and shakes her head with a single laugh, suddenly remembering her own collision with a pillar the other night.

Rainbow_Dash says, "Hey! You're the kid from the other night, in the sub-way!" She's just suddenly behind Rose, "Newcomer huh? Bet you're kinda off balance, right?"

If Nivira had eye lasers, that paper would be crisp by now given how she was staring. She folds up the paper with a huff. Nothing's going to be gained from that chicken scratch. "Usually kids like you are home and not wandering the streets at this hour." And her peripheral vision is usually enough not to plow into anyone or anything, unless she's done something stupid like left thermals on, in which case everything's just blue and she has a new headache.

Rose physically jumps forward as Rainbow Dash makes her presence known behind her. Her shoulders hunched, she looks back towards Rainbow Dash while taking a deep breath. As she lets it out, her shoulders slump once more. "Not sure I'd say 'balance,' but yeah. As far as I've been able to tell, that was right when I arrived in this... reality, too. The train looked right when I got on it back home, at least..." She then shoots Nivira a glare when she's declared to be a kid. "Well pardon me if I'm not too fond of my current living conditions," she snaps back.

Rainbow_Dash says, "I gotta feeling you're not the type that likes to accept help, am I right? 'Name's Rainbow Dash," she grins, then looks to Nivira, "She's a newbie, just popped min the other night...kinda makes ya a little grouchy...."

Nivira hms, turning around. "Oh, that's right, kids don't listen any. Not exactly the kind of place for kids to be at this hour." She just shakes her head at Dash's comment about grouchiness. "Well, shouldn't be that bad, customs should have figured that out."

Rose grips her right hand into a fist, but she's not brandishing it against Nivira, instead just keeping it at her side and out of the way. Not showing the first, but not exactly hiding it, either. The glare remains, however, for another few seconds before she finally turns to regard Rainbow Dash again with a strained smile. "Yes, I overheard that the other night... but didn't get the chance to introduce myself, did I? I'm Hitakino Rose," she says, using her family name first, before she glances sidelong back at Nivira again. "Yes. Because going through customs makes people less grouchy."

Rainbow_Dash ka-blinks, "I'll be back in a few...gotta go to the little fillies' room..."

Nivira sighs. "Well, could be worse, could be Lone Star customs. Still, doesn't hurt. Not physically anyway." Not exactly one to miss sass. "Not even for kids."

Rose is an endless font of sass! She sighs when the nice person leaves her alone with the one that keeps calling her a kid. She slowly turns to face Nivira again, saying, "Okay. I'll bite. What is 'Lone Star' and why are its customs so bad?"

Rainbow_Dash zooms back, "Geez...some restrooms are SO disgusting!" She makes a face, "I had to go all the way to the mall....then I got swamped by kids!

Nivira calls Rose a kid because to her, Rose is. "Mainly because they don't have any, or think gunfire is an appropriate rebuttal to incorrect forms. But what to you expect from scumbags pretending to be cops? Thankfully they're locked away in my old little twisted version of Seattle where they belong frankly." She shrugs.

Rose glances back to Rainbow Dash as she's back already! "....Right. In that short period of time you've flown to a mall, used the bathroom, and been mobbed by kids?" Clearly she's not beleiving that. Of course, she doesn't know where the mall is, anyway. She looks back to Nivira again, then nods. "Well, yeah. I guess being talked down to as if I were a child isn't quite as bad as having a weapon pointed in my face for carrying a tazer."

Rainbow_Dash says, "Yeah...why would anybody lie about going to the bathroom? And anyway...I'm the fastest there is," she grins."

Nivira can't help but laugh. "If it were only that simple or civil. Nothing anyone here has to worry about though." She shakes her head. "Well, once one proves otherwise, the kid calling will stop."

Rose doesn't seem to be beleiving Rainbow Dash still, despite the pony's words stating that she in fact isn't lying. There's just a tired glance in her direction before she looks back at Nivira just in time to visably wince the informal demand for proof. "Bane of my friggin' existance," she mumbles.

Rainbow_Dash says, "So, Rose, how long has it been since you've eaten anything?" she asks, "I'm pretty sure you don't have much on you...ya like, I'll go score you up some grub. I don't know about you, but being hungry makes me cranky. Sit tight!" She again shoots up into the air without even waiting for a reply. *POOM!* and she's off!"

"Well, she's nothing if not prompt." Nivira remarks on the once again gone pony. "And the bane of lawyers, among other things. Still, you've got plenty of years ahead of you."

Rose looks back at Rainbow Dash, saying, "The shelter has-" and then the pegasus is off before she can explain why she, in fact, does not need that much help eating. Instead, Rose sighs with exasperation. At the mention of the years ahead of her, Rose looks back to Nivira and dryly says, "You have no idea."

Rainbow_Dash, really, just loves any excuse to show off! And...if she does a good deed at the same time, so much the better!

"Oh, I more than likely do, but you can blame the computer in the back of my head for that." She leans against a wall, looking up. That pony's gonna plow into something one day, and that crater's gonna be real hard to explain on both sides. "Rose was it? Let me guess... Pulled out of some adventure comic by train?"

"By train, sure. But if I'm from an adventure comic, I'm a side character at best, if not background." Rose pouts slightly, glancing to the side, then sighs and hangs her head. "Side character, I suppose." Apparently she knows someone back home who would fit the bill for an action comic of sorts.

Rainbow_Dash returns, trailing a rainbow trail, then swoops back low over the street! She's got a back hanging from her mouth, once she lands, she hands it to Rose. "Here ya go...Tuna sandwhich, couple of apples and some bottled tea. I have connections," she laughs. "Of course I don't eat fish, but...it seems to be something humans like."

Nivira chuckles. "Hey, don't feel too bad. I'm a bit part in a tabletop game. Seeing the rather literal rules you've been operating in on paper is a headtrip and a half. Especially when you've been playing fast and loose with things that end up waay to real." Well no crater yet. "If you don't know it yet, you'll find out. Hopefully sooner rather than later."

Rose takes a couple of steps backward as Rainbow Dash lands again, then cautiously reaches for the bag. "Uh... thanks... But I do get a couple of square meals a day at the shelter, you know..." She looks back to Nivira and says, "I was told I'd be better off if I wasn't."

Rainbow_Dash says, "I got it from a place I know, it'll be alot better then shelter stuff," she grins. Then hmms? "I'm one of the stars where I come from. Pretty Freaky, but hey, I already have abuilt-in fan base here, so I'm okay with it. Kinda freaks out one of my friends, though."

Nivira ehs? "Kinda figured it would be better if you know, yeah it sucks finding out your a bit part, but you get an appreciation for the differences between here and home. I may have taken it better than others though." She gives a small shrug. "Or you could be the star and get mobbed wherever you go... Usually you find that out quick."

Rainbow_Dash says, "oh yeah....but you can also find out you mean alot to people who've never even met you...it's kinda cool."

Rose looks into the bag and nods. "....Probably is better, yeah. Thanks." She looks back up with a frown at Dash saying she's the star of a series, but then nods at the mention of her friend. "Yeah, I think I might have run into her. Is she yellow? She didn't seem the type to want attention like that." She then sighs again and rolls her head slightly to look back at Nivira again. "...I didn't need to come to another universe with mine as fiction to know I'll never be anything more than a bit part."

Rainbow_Dash hmms? "Hey, you shouldn't sell yourself short...bit players can become leads, and you're not following some weird cosmic script; you're what you choose to be, after all.

Nivira ms. "Like I said. Might have been one of the better ones." She can't really tell what would happen if Rose did find out. "But the pony's right. No script, meaning you don't have to do anything you were suppose to. Just freedom to re-write what happens, it's even better when what's 'supposed' to happen is kinda crap."

Rose winces a second after Rainbow Dash says the word 'short'. "Well, I'll look into... myself, then. But if I'm even around, I'll bet my desription would be about a paragraph long. I'm not important in the large scheme of things. Just like most people. And now here I am, in a world where I can already tell there's a whole lot more 'special' people around all over the place." She sighs and shakes her head. "Look, thanks for the food and all, but... I should be going. I need to get back before they close the doors..."

Rainbow_Dash says, "Okay, take care...but remember, your destiny is in your own hands, you don't have to be second filly to anybody! And just beacause there's a lot of special people around...you're part of it, so you're special too, right?"

"And keep in mind not everyone's special. Some were just desperate, or crazy and are more common back where they came from." Nivira says. "I suppose in this case, context is everything."

Rose sighs and nods as she trundles off towards the train station, hands holding the bagged lunch behind her back. "Yeah, yeah. I'm special or desperate or crazy. Sounds about right," she says as she waves with one hand before returning it to the food container. "Thanks you two, I guess. Maybe I'll see you around again."

Rainbow_Dash says, "Take care, Rose! See ya later!" she waves!

Nivira waves after rose. "Maybe at some point." Now... To smack or strangle the original writer of the note... Well, that'll depend on weather or not she finds what she's supposedly looking for.

Rainbow_Dash says, "She's...got some issues...."

Nivira hums. "You say that as if no one else does. She's a kid, no matter how she doesn't want to admit it. Right now, she's got all the time in the world."

Rainbow_Dash says, "Well, sure...evrybody has some kind of issue, but..she's kinda lost. It's hard enough when you show up here full of oats and cider, but when you show up and you're down on yourself; kinda puts ya at disadvantage from the word go."

"At least she wasn't being shot at when she fell through the cracks. But I get what you mean, I think. Not exactly a smooth transition from being wherever you were to here. Nor is it painless... Those are some damn hard tiles they got at the airport." Nivira reflexively rolls her shoulder.

Rainbow_Dash says, "And...just being a kid, well, that's got to be really hard...heck, it's rough for us ponies and we've got a lot of friends from home."

"Still, it does give her time, even if she doesn't want it. For what, who knows." Nivira scratches her head. "Not like I know the future. If I did I wouldn't be living in a pile of scrap metal and repair grease."

Rainbow_Dash says, "always in motion is future. Besides, knowing what's gonan ahppen would take all the living out of living, wouldn't it? You wouldn't even try something if you knew you wouldn't make it."

Rainbow_Dash says, "So much for being any kind of daredevil...."

Nivira shrugs, getting ready to head off herself. "Well, just because you know what will happen doesn't mean that's what actually happens. Why do you think prophecies keep themselves vague?"

Rainbow_Dash says, "I dunno...I'm not really into prophecies and stuff. Sounds like that should be in some boring old book on Twilight's shelf."

"More truth in that statement than you think. At any rate, I should get my sorry rear moving. Got things to procure and people to annoy into writing better." She waves at Dash before heading off back down the road.

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