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The Arena is a place where characters can happily fight each other with no worries about collateral damage. For the most part it's used for sparring, but it's not unheard of for a grudge match or full on duel to happen here.

The Arena

In Game Description

The air about is grey and still, brownstone walls rising up silently about you. The area you are standing in is surrounded on all sides by the silent walls, dark doors and empty windows gaping in them like mouths of some long dead ravenous beast. The ground is solid, stone, packed with sand. On the sand there are marks of combat, scuffs here and there, and spots of old dried blood. The entire atmosphere is gloomy, and reeks of old death and decay. A strange vibration in the air fills you with unease. Anyone directing any sort of attack at the arena itself will notice that the attack seems absorbed somehow, but to where is unknown.


The Arena: Dojo

In Game Description

This appears to be the typical interior of a martial arts dojo, the floors clean and the walls containing various estoric weapondry mounted on racks. However you can tell by certain aspects of the construction and the holo displays set up for access near the walls, that this is a very high tech training area. A strange vibration in the air fills you with unease. Anyone directing any sort of attack at the structure itself will notice that the attack seems absorbed somehow, but to where is unknown.


  • High Tech Door(To The Arena)
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