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Kya Akren
Full Name: Kya Akren

Series: Star Wars
Class: Wandering Force User
Alignment: Good
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Age: 54
Birthdate: 19 BBY
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 158 lbs

Short Description: An unusually tall woman with short, steel grey hair, clear blue eyes and a scar on her left cheek.

Kya Akren
You see nothing special.
Kya Akren
Force user - force sense, force sight, force speed, detoxify poison, battle precognition, force concealment, hibernation trance, minor telepathy, mind trick, battlemind, levitation, telekinesis, force grip, alter damage, force slow, electric judgment. Melee, unarmed and ranged combat. Basic piloting, droid and ship repair. Meditation. Teaching. Knows the history of the Force.

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