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Full Name: Leonde

Series: Leonde Dragonheart
Class: Dragonslayer (Dragonborn)
Alignment: (Chaotic) Neutral Good
Gender: Male
Species: Imperial (human)
Age: 26/27ish
Birthdate: Rain's Hand (April) 18th
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 290 LBS

Short Description: A man dressed in Daedric armor.

You see nothing special.
One handed weapons Duel-wielding, Heavy armor, Destruction and restoration magic. Crafting Alchemist, Enchanting, and Smithing. Thu'um used when no other spell or power will suffice rarely used due to taxing and time to recharge. Assortment of other skills sneaking, lockpicking, and marksmanship. Other skills he is at least experienced in their use.

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    The dragonborn has his wife and two children with them Ysolda (in my world she was khajiit) and their two twins, J'ziek my son (Khajiit boy) and his twin sister J'Zara (Khajiit girl). Their home is guarded by two warriors Rayya and Lydia, both are armed, armored, with items Leonde Personally forged and enchanted for them in skyrim. Enchantments on the armor bolster their healing and stamina regen, while their weapons feed on health and stamina. Not as powerful as Leonde Personally, but dangerous to anyone who threatens his family.

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