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Pola Abdul
Full Name: Pola Abdul

Series: Battle Circuit
Class: Bounty Hunter
Alignment: Neutral Good
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Age: 12
Height: 5' 1"
Weight: 95 pounds

Short Description: A rather vivacious young girl who works together with her pink feathered ostrich friend named Pinky, to track down any sort of dangerous criminal or alien as long as there is a fat bounty to collect. The pair have been working together for a couple of years now and are an inseparable team, despite the fact that Pinky does most of the fighting, dishing out powerful kicks or some nasty pecking from either the ground or the air. Pola assists with her trusty bow and exploding arrows. The pair had just finished a big job back on their world and were on the way to the bank with their haul from the bounty before winding up in NeoTokyo after their fourth encounter with the extremely annoying Dr. Saturn.

Pola Abdul
You see nothing special.
Pola Abdul

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