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Title    = GSC: Goddess of Guns; Bloody Messes
Title    = GSC: Goddess of Guns; Bloody Messes
|Summary = Surviving suspect in theater shootout is found dead in their hospital dead.  Police investigate...
|Summary = Surviving suspect in theater shootout is found dead in their hospital dead.  Police investigate...
|Who    = [Rio Kinezono], [Yuji Nariwasa], [Iris Kara], [Alice]
|Who    = [[Rio Kinezono]], [[Yuji Nariwasa]], [[Iris Kara]], [[Alice Arisaka]]
|Date    = May 29th, 2016
|Date    = May 29th, 2016
|Where  = NT General - Room 2002
|Where  = NT General - Room 2002

Latest revision as of 03:46, 2 June 2016

GSC: Goddess of Guns; Bloody Messes

Summary: Surviving suspect in theater shootout is found dead in their hospital dead. Police investigate...

Who: Rio Kinezono, Yuji Nariwasa, Iris Kara, Alice Arisaka
When: May 29th, 2016
Where: NT General - Room 2002

Alice Arisaka-icon.gifIris Kara-icon.gifRio Kinezono-icon.gifYuji Nariwasa-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.


Deputy Chief Kinezono's Office(#5824R)

You are currently in Chief Rio Kinezono's cluttered office, a wretched hive of scum and villainy, or at least that's what she claims. Speaking of claims, there's a pile of them that makes her desk look like the skyline of Chicago. The second thing you might notice is that her office has carpet unlike most of the rest of the station. It is a deep blue and of the fabric type that bare feet appreciate when they are sore. A decorative ceiling fan spins lazily over the desk rustling the papers stacked on it. Behind the desk is Rio's high back leather chair and behind that is a bay window overlooking the city. Two more chairs sit in front of the desk. The wall to your right has a plaque and several framed photos hangin around it. A potted plant sits in the corner, right of the bay window.

[Exits  : (O)ut(#5826E) ]

[Players : Yuji(#2861PBC) ]

[Things  : Filing Cabinet(#7677) (Unlocked), Intercomm(#5966), Bay Window(Fake), Chairs(Fake), Leather Chair(Fake), Pictures(Fake), and Potted Plant(Fake) ]

It's been a few days since the Chinese gunmen had shot up the theater during the world premiere of Maggie Cheung's 'Goddess of Guns' motion picture. The milk run babysitting duty Yuji and Rio had volunteered to be in charge of had gone from boring to HOLY HELL in five seconds. Someone had come for the Chinese starlet. After the gun smoke had settled there were dozens of wounded civvies with one dead at the scene and a total of four dead bad guys and one critically injured. Six other suspects had avoided capture by using what was believed to be the sewer system. No trace of them had been found since that night. The helicopter that had been captured by Hellboy had proven thus far to be a dead end. The vehicle had no registration and none of the parts on board were traceable back to any manufacturing plant. The only lead left now was the female Chinese pilot that Hellboy had roughed up badly. She was under lockdown and 24/7 police guard at the NT General Hospital. The two who lived the fight were now hanging out in Chief Rio's office discussing something of great importance... DATENIGHT.

Rio says, "Yes.. I know I promised a date but I haven't approved it yet with Alice. And don't think this is an invitation to anything but good food and company!" She eyed the other officer suspiciously."

Corporal Nariwasa whistles innocently. "The thought never crossed my mind." .. o 0(dammit)

Rio says, "Uh huh. Riiiiiiight you horndog! Anyway, I'll get it squared away with her soon okay? How's the hand? You stall crying like a baby? I mean you took a little wound but my skirt was murdered! I had to get a new one and that cost money I didn't have...." she whined and pouted."

Corporal Nariwasa can't seem to help talking shop. "So heard any more about the sentient trafficking that's going on?" He looks at his bandaged hand "It's fine, I needed a new shirt though. and you know what a pain getting them properly badged up is" He sighs. "Money Trouble again Rio. How do you manage that on a Chief's pay?"

Rio looked really guilty and shrank in her chair a little. "Hey... I have like 12 years of debt to pay off here! And I am not in trouble I just don't like extra expenses that I shouldn't of had in the first place! Gimme a break here! Hey.. Rio, you want to babysit for some extra cash? Sure boss lady!" She spins around in her plush highback chair making machinegun sounds and finally kicks her long legs up on the desk and leaning back. "World War three suddenly breaks out!"

Rio says, "And no. I haven't been keeping up on the sentient trafficking case. Not my case."

Corporal Nariwasa says, "Apparrently some goons with red eyes are kidnapping 'living collectables' Mostly Ponies it seems, Patrol was told to be on the lookout. The Cabbitplex was a mess... learn anything more about it? Investigation won't tell me squat." He loses Rio's gaze for a moment as he admires her legs, and then looks her back in the eye. "I heard CSU found something interesting though Iris Kara still talks to me."

Rio says, "Well the weapons and ammo that bad guys used at the theater is untraceable. The helicopter we have sitting up in the maintenance bay the bad guys used is untraceable. We haven't gotten squat on the dead guys in the morgue. It's like they never exist on Earth and were like born in some vat in a crazy Chinese mad scientists lab and then unleashed on the world. I mean did you see those guys out there? They had no fear at all. They were serious as hell. We've had investigators pressing Mister Cheung for info about who the bad guys would be but he says he doesn't know. I mean what kind of crazy asshole shoots up a theater and tries to whack or kidnap the star? My money is on Chinese triads trying to make a quick buck by kidnapping some rich guy's little girl and extorting him for cash but even the triads aren't that crazy. We've sent out some bat signals to the Hong Kong police to see what they got on these guys but haven't heard back from them yet." She re-crossed her legs, staring at the ceiling and then looked at Yuji suddenly. "Wait.. ponies? Sentient ponies?""

Corporal Nariwasa Nods repeatedly, looking at Rio's legs again as she crosses them "Phew. Maybe they come from out of the badlands or something. CSU found some DNA and fingerprints but it was from the Private contractor who helped us. Hong Kong, Beijing, maybe someone knows something but MY money is on the otherdimensional. You've been on the street you know the crazy shit that drops in. Hell now we're getting Angels visiting. The Tank Police could do anything until the Evangelion thingies ripped open it's funky force field." Then he nods repeatedly and sighs "Yeah, latest newcomers in town. I met one that claims to be a soldier in some sort of Royal Guard and I've heard there's others about from the rumours going around Patrol. This City man, nothing fazes me anymore."

Rio's left eye twitches at the thought of talking horses.. in the city. "You are totally pulling my skirt! TALKING PONIES!? Just.... no! Nope!" She was still phased by stuff, especially weird ass stuff that should not exist! She just shook her head then perked up. "I watched the footage of that EVA thingie fighting that Angel thingie downtown. That was bad ass! Like Robot Jocks... only it didn't suck! I am still amazed there were no causalities in that fight, only property damage. I keep trying to remind myself why I come to work every day? Terrorists is one thing but giant robots .. and now apparently TALKING horses.. that is another thing!"

Corporal Nariwasa grins "I kid you not, met one myself. They seem harmless enough. not sure what Crime they COULD do." he shrugs. "I still find work to do. There's all kinds of evil the Giant Robots can't and don't deal with. I'll take your word for the Badassery. I was off duty that day thank goodness. But yeah talking horses and people kidnapping them. This City..." he shakes his head.

Rio laughs at the absurdity of it all and then suddenly her door bursts open and Rio goes falling backwards out of her chair as she's startled. Fan service for Yuji ensues. Oh! They are Teal colored today! It's Sergeant Biggles in all his rounded belly police glory. He looked out of breath, taking a moment to catch his breath.

Sgt. Danalli Biggles gasped and wheezed... he was so going to die of a heart attack for sure. "Chief! You won't believe it! I don't believe it!"

Rio gathered herself up off the floor looking annoyed. "Believe what?"

Corporal Nariwasa's eyes were NOT on biggles for long moments. Then he too looks over at the sargeant. "What's up Sarge?"

Sgt. Danalli Biggles stabbed a thumb back over his shoulder. "Dispatch just got the call from the hospital. Code 187 on that Chinese lady pilot suspect! The one we've had under constant guard! She's dead as a doornail. Officers there responded to the nurse screaming when she went into the room. When they got in there lady was dead. Had a pretty smile carved into her throat! They said wasn't anything out of place! They heard noth'n! Saw noth'n! No windows broken. No noth'n! Just one dead suspect and a whole lotta WTFs!"

Rio sighed and thumped her head, face first down on the desk. "Jezz... you had ONE job guys! ONE JOB! How the hell-!?"

Corporal Nariwasa says, "I tell you Chief I still think there's an other dimensional element here. Maybe super ninjas" He pauses "So...we checking out the crime scene?""

Officers run by in the hallway outside as things pick up with the announcement of the 187 at the hospital.

Rio says, "Super Ninjas? What the hell is a super ninja!?" she stared blankly at Yuji."

Corporal Nariwasa nods at Rio. Not much to say at this point. He settles his gun belt and straightens up a little bit. Putting on his duty face.

Rio says, "It's probably one of those new talking ponies with a shank in it's mouth! UGH! I quit. You become police chief! I'm so done..." She sighed then opened the drawer of her desk and pulled our her service weapon and strapped it on to her leg then she put on her Boob-Window jacket and button it up. There's the lovely lift factor Yuji has come to know and love so well. "I guess we'll go check it out. Forensics on the way?" She asked to Biggles."

Sgt. Danalli Biggles says, "Yeah. I think so.""

Rio looked at Yuji. "Maybe if it is Psychic Killer Shanking Death Ninja Ponies we could use someone from the AMP to give the room a sweep?"

Corporal Nariwasa nods "I hear the AMP has it's own worries. Iris again, she also runs intelligence." he does give Rio a look that's not in the eye "I think we could handle death ninja ponies"

Rio says, "Are you sure!? Are you really SURE!?" She huffed and flicked her pony-tail back then saunter those hips out of the office. "Biggles, let them know Yuji and I are going to be on scene shortly."

Sgt. Danalli Biggles says, "You got it Chief!"

Rio says, "Come on loverboy."

Corporal Nariwasa grins lopsidely, he loves it when she talks naughty to him.


1st Floor Hallways(#5813R)

Welcome to the maze of hallways that compose floor one. The floor is made of white black speckled tile and the ceiling of white asbestos fiberboard. Fluorescent lights are placed every ten feet, hidden behind plastic maintenance covers. There are fire sprinklers between each of the ceiling tiles that hold the lights. You can also notice places where emergency bulkheads can come slamming down to secure the floor encase of emergencies. These areas are marked on the floor with black and yellow striped emergency bars with the word "DANGER" written under the bars. The walls are painted half blue, half beige in color. Brown signs with white lettering help to direct you to the various places of interest on this floor. There are signs that lead you to the detective offices, the bookings department, briefing rooms, the cafeteria and the elevators. Also located in the maze are two offices side by side with gold plaques on them. One reads, "Deputy Chief Rio Kinezono" while the other reads "Captain Sherry Charis."

[Exits  : (Det)ectives Office(#12861E), (Br)iefing Room(#4178E), (E)levator(#5823E), (S)herry's Office(#5853E), (C)afeteria(#5842E), (R)io's Office(#5825E), and (B)ookings(#5815E) ]

[Things  : None ]

A cute little red headed female officer comes down the hallway with a huge stack of papers. "Chief! The damage claims from that Angel thingie are in and-"

Corporal Nariwasa groans. "I'm So glad I'm not on a desk"

Rio says, "Put it on my desk! I'm out on duty! I'll burn them in the fires of my rage when I get back!" She shot off as she walked by the girl who responded with a sharp, "YES MA'AM!""

Rio looks at Yuji as she walks and says, "If it is killer ninja Psychic death ponies you owe me dinner!"

Corporal Nariwasa grins. "But only if it's exactly that. if it's like Squid or something then you owe me"

Rio says, "Deal!"


You are standing in the underground vehicle garage. This low ceiling concrete poured cavern is where all the police cruisers, HUMVEEs, APCs and patrol motorcycles are parked. Steel reinforced concrete pillars give support for this place every ten feet. Fluorescent lights are attached to all four sides of each pillar to light up the garage to some degree. A vehicle ramp leads up to the surface and has a two foot thick steel garage door than can close to secure this place from outside intrusions. The door's status is controlled by a digital pad inside a tiny booth that is always manned by an officer. In the opposite direction you can drive vehicles through an archway to the maintenance bay.

[The security door is currently "open."]

[DOOR OPEN and DOOR CLOSE control the door.]

[Exits  : (M)aintenance Bay(#12644E), (G)o Inside(#5818E), and (O)ut to City(#5827E) ]

[Sleepers: Victoria(#987P$), and Maya(#15016P$) ]

[Vehicles: AMP Spinner(#6125VX) (Vehicle) (Listener) ]

Rio says, "You drive."

Rio tosses Yuji the keys to the patrol car.

Corporal Nariwasa gets in and starts up the Thunderbird, reving it's high performance engine and making sure to turn on the undercarriage lights.

Rio hops in herself and buckles up, adjusting the seat belt so it doesn't murder her big breasts. She snags the CB ready mic and keys up, "Car...what car are we?"

Corporal Nariwasa looks at the id number on the dash. "54"

Rio says, "Not this car! This car is evil! UGH!" She keys up again. "Car 54, in route to NT General." She let's off the mic nods to Yuji. "Punch it Chewie."

Corporal Nariwasa peals out, he's a very skilled driver but not necessarily a 'good' one. Instead he pushes his skill and the car's performance to the limits dodging and weaving through traffic with the lights on and siren blaring.


The rather plain-faced building of the NeoTokyo General Hospital is built along this road, its sides painted with a large red cross. An interesting assortment of structures are situated along this road. Firmly embedded in the earth here is the Spirit Gate of Earth, one of five shrines like it situated throughout NeoTokyo.

[Exits  : <Up> into Sky(#7132E) (Locked), NeoTokyo <G>eneral Hospital(#1858E), (K)uwamaru Station(#800E), (S)outh(#561E), and (N)orth(#557E) ]

[Players : Yuji(#2861PBC), and Bottle Green Thunderbolt(#14168VXZ) (Vehicle) (Puppet) (Listener) ]

[Things  : Spirit Gate of Earth(#1852) ]

Rio looks at the maniac behind the wheel. "Why are we Code 3? Do you think the dead body is going to run away before we get there!?"

Corporal Nariwasa comes to a screaching halt at the hospital and just grins like an orthodontist commercial. "Only way to fly"

Rio feels the G-forces as the car comes to a halt from 60 to 0 in just a few seconds. Her boobs bounce from the sudden stop. Rio gave him a deadly glare. "You are an idiot sometimes...." She unfastened her seatbelt and got out of the car. There were already other cars here, lights flashing every where. Yep, the boys from Forensics were here already.

Corporal Nariwasa nods as Rio notes the presence of CSU "Iris will probably be checking up on them" he doesn't answer the 'idiot' comment but he's still grinning over the drive. Yuji takes his fun where he can.

Rio slides her tonfu into it's holder and adjusts her uniform and then with a huffy sigh heads into the hospital.


The main lobby of the NeoTokyo General Hospital opens before you, a wing of matching chairs and couches on either side of the room. Directly in front of the automatic doors that serve as an entrance and exit is the reception desk, an octagonal barrier of rose pink mica surrounding the built in desks. A door leading down a long hallway is on either side of the desk, one labeled "Emergency Room", the other "Out Patients". Beside the left waiting area are the metal doors of an elevator; near the right one is a set of stairs leading upwards.

[Exits  : Out (P)atients(#2271E), (Stairs)(#3817E), <E>levator(#1973E), <ER>(#1862E), and <O>ut to Kuwamaru Street(#1859E) ]

[Players : Anne_Saga(#13815XZ) (Puppet) ]

Yuji walks in from the street.

Yuji has arrived.

Rio says, "I'm telling you.. there are going to be ghostly hove prints all over the room!"

Corporal Nariwasa says, "I'll laugh if it's tentacle suckers."

Rio says, "Maaaaan this sucks so bad! ARGH! Damn it! This suspect was like our last best hope for mankind!" She says in that movie narrator voice."

Corporal Nariwasa says, "I think the room is upstairs."

Rio says, "I know where the room is dork! I was here when the put her in the intensive care."

Rio slaps the button on the elevator and waits for it to come down.

Corporal Nariwasa Shrugs and follows.

Rio says, "So if Alice approves the dinner date. Where are you taking me?"

Corporal Nariwasa says, "There's a place in tokyo 3. out of our jurisdiction so nothing to put us back to work. Rooftop view of the city. snooty Maitre de. the works."

Rio brightens up a bit. DING! The elevator opens. She walks as she says, "Oh! You aren't an idiot! I take it back! Good thinking! A quiet dinner is just what the doctor called for."

You step into the elevator.

Corporal Nariwasa smiles and waits for the other shoe to drop.

Rio slaps the button to get to the floor the now deceased suspect is on. As the floors tick away Rio continues to the 20 questions about the hypothetical date night. "So this place is a French restaurant?"

Corporal Nariwasa says, "I think they try to cater to a number of cuisines."

Rio says, "Variety! The spice of life!" DING! The elevator opens."

You step out onto the second floor.

Yuji steps out of the elevator.

Corporal Nariwasa says, "all expensive though. I heard their morocan cherry sauce steak is to die for. and the choclate brownie well make dates go very well."

Iris_Kara(#14273PBC) Captain Kara (or so her nametag claims) is wearing the 'Traditional' NTPD miniskirt and pushup vest. It is topped with a long sleeved tunic that descends nearly to the hem of her skirt. The tunic is trimmed the gold braid of an NTPD Captain. The bottle green outfit is visibly feminine, with a green micro-skirt and a white dress shirt with a scarlet cravat. Olive opaque tights and a pair of black dress shoes complete this outfit. She holds herself rather shyly, and would probably blush intensely if you noticed you scoping out the way the uniform flatters her legs and enhances her rather average bust. All in all she'd be quite pretty if it weren't for the way she constantly scrubs at her right eye, almost as if it was in pain

Rio says, "Captain Kara. How are things going here?"

Captain Kara has the whole floor cordoned off but you can tell which room has the body by the number of cops taking photos and running cotton swabs over the walls. She looks over at the chief and Yuji and scrubs at her right eye like she usually does when she's upset "Chief the whole world was in here trying to ressusitate her. I'm having to take disqualifying prints from half the staff.

Corporal Nariwasa waves casually to the Captain "Hey Iris"

Rio says, "Resuscitate? How do you do that when the victim's throat has been slit from side to side?"

Rio says, "At least that's what Sergeant Biggles said happened."

Captain Kara sighs exasperated,"Apparently the feel obliged to try. emergency bandages all over the wound, blood, More blood, pumped onto the walls by CPR .... It's untidy as hell" Untidy seems to be a swear word for the good captain.

Rio says, "Ew.... do I even want to go into that room?"

Corporal Nariwasa says, "I know I don't"

Captain Kara shrugs "I'll have to get disqualifying prints and sample from you too. but you're free to investigate. You're the Chief." She rubs her right eye again.

Rio says, "You okay?" She stares at Iris. She totally forgot she rubs her eye."

Captain Kara hmmms? "I'm ...fine. just a stress habit. Damn cyber eye gives me fidgets when I'm upset"

Rio patted Iris on the shoulder. "Relax Captain. This entire cast has been foobar from the beginning. I kind of expected this to happen. Maybe we need to get one of those crazy Psychic cops in here to sweep the place? I mean, there is ZERO physical evidence of a break-in here Captain?"

Captain Kara throws up her hands "I don't know yet. there's too much evidence of CPR and panicked running around. So far though, no joy. The room is sealed there was a guard on the door. Regular suicide checks... This shouldn't have happened."

Corporal Nariwasa Idly watches legs while pretending to listen. Kara's are nice too. Too bad she's DC.

Rio walked over to the door to room 202 and peered around the edge and regretted it. There was blood everywhere; on the ceiling, on the floor, on the walls and the white sheets of the bed were soaked red. Rio forgot how much blood was in the human body but apparently every drop of it was no longer inside the suspect. She quickly walked away from the door. "Oh.. my.. God.... how do you guys deal with that stuff!?"

Captain Kara says, "With tweezers and UV usually."

Corporal Nariwasa appears quite happy to stay where he is.

Rio says, "So... no break in. The patient was fine one moment.. dead the next. No sound from the room. Did they sneak in through a vent like a bad action movie?" There is no way as the vents are not HUGE gaping tunnels like Hollyweird always shows. Just regular air vents."

Corporal Nariwasa says, "They'd need rope."

Iris_Kara pages, "is there anything CSU could have found? loose screws? elongated finger prints. Rope?" to you.

You page, "So far, jack and shit is there. Not going to find any useable prints either. Who ever did this was bad ass super pro." to Iris_Kara.

Rio says, "Yuji thinks it was robot ninjas from another dimension. I say it was magical ponies with shanks."

Captain Kara sighs "No rope, rope fibres or anything of the sort. Vents are secure and the screws look like they've been untouched for years. Their HVAC system must be FULL of dust. No bridles or engine oil either. Whoever did this was like a ghost.

Corporal Nariwasa sneezes at the mention of dust.

Rio says, "Maybe it was a ghost. Like I said, we need one of our clairvoyant officers in here maybe? I mean I am totally freak'n out of answers! Someone murdered this lady because they didn't want her to talk about the hit on Maggie Cheung I am pretty sure... if it was a hit. Could have been a kidnapping too. We just don't know! ARGH! I am going to start drinking!"

Captain Kara says, "Well if it's any help intelligence is going over comics manga and movies to see if there's any identifiable pattern. Of course intelligence has it's own worries. I need to talk to AMP about a rogue mage. I wish we had a clairvoyant. the only real edge we have in forensics is my cyber eye."

Rio says, "Man... freak'n AMP needs to get to hiring some people! Hey! Wait! What about the Mage's Guild? Don't they have like magic or something that can divine stuff?"

Captain Kara pauses "They...might. Mind you they're in a bit of tizzy over a rogue world ending mage. Who may or may not be in the city. Hence AMP.

Rio says, "World ending mages... Magic shanking ponies... Freddy Kruger nightmares in the hospital.... Captain, would you like to take over as chief?"

Captain Kara LaUGHS "Not on your life. I regret letting them put me in a green uniform as it is."

Corporal Nariwasa goes back to admiring legs. So many officers in short NTPD issue skirts.

Rio says, "Yuji..." she coughs. This woman has pervert radar or something. "Got make yourself useful and go question the two cops that were on the door when all this went down." The officers we're currently resting back against the wall looking really really bummed out that someone they were guarding has gotten whacked."

Corporal Nariwasa sighs "Aye Aye Chief" and goes over to have a quiet confab with the two guards.

Rio says, "So Captain, it's been a while. I mean.. not a while while. I mean.. it's technically been 12 years since I talked to you with this whole crazy.. time what ever displacement thingie we all experienced. Are you doing okay?"

Captain Kara nods " I guess. I regret accepting promotion but I'm coping with the workload. And well... what we do is worthwile"

Corporal Nariwasa continues his sotto vocce conversation with the two guards.

Rio says, "Hey.. do you really want to be out there having holes shot through your favorite skirt?" She grinned at the pretty robocop.

Captain Kara says, "Errr no. but I once had a less crowded desk."

Corporal Nariwasa nods and gestures engaging the officers fully. somehow it looks like he's saying "It was THIS big" Rio says, "Tell you what... anytime you feel overwhelmed.. you come to my office.. and look at my desk and then you won't feel so bad about your desk."

Captain Kara says, "Snrrk. I told you a I didn't want your job."

Rio says, "I know but if you see my suffering maybe your suffering won't be so bad!"

Corporal Nariwasa meanwhile has his log book out and is scribling notes. or maybe a quick sketch of something.

You page, "They really don't have ANYTHING to give. The lady was alive one minute when a nurse went in and came out.. Then about six minutes later, same nurse came back went in screamed bloody murder and the cops burst in and blood all over the place." to Yuji.

Corporal Nariwasa finally takes some more notes after showing the other two his doodle. and comes back to report. "Zip Zilch Nada...Niente"

Captain Kara says, "You have a point. It's better than watching corporal for life Nariwasa whistle through his day."

Rio slaps Yuji on the shoulder as he walks up and heard that statement most likely. "Ah, Yuji looooves his position. He gets to stare at legs all day.. DON'T you Yuuuuji~?" She smirked.

Corporal Nariwasa says, "actually I do like being a beat cop."

Captain Kara says, "Just in case you've forgotten Yuji, not interested don't swing that way."

A vision of crimson red eyes appears before you, from which a reflection of Alice within catch! BITE! Oh god, finally free of obligations.

Rio says, "Ooooooo! Another sweet young thing taken off the table by the dark side of the Force. Poor Yuji." Pats him on the back."

Corporal Nariwasa sighs "Such is life. Anyhow yeah the guards didn't notice thing. one check and everything is fine a few minutes later the nurse goes in an all hell breaks loose. but no perp.

Rio sighed, spun around on her heel and fell back against the wall, folding her arms under chest and looking annoyed. "Ghost Hunters! Where are you!?"

Captain Kara says, "We're working on it. If there's ANYTHING we'll find it."

Captain Kara says, "I'm about ready to drill holes in the walls and take core samples."

Rio says, "Drilling in the walls? What are you going to find drilling random holes in the walls?"

Captain Kara throws up her hands. "probably nothing but it's all I got left maybe there will be lingering radiation or chemical staining.

Rio says, "Radiation? So a radioactive killer robot ninja magic shanking pony is now to blame for all this?"

Captain Kara says, "Well no hoofmarks some I'm willing to rule out ponies for the moment. Ponies? and well I'm grasping at straws here. Someone should have left SOMETHING behind. it's basic rule of forsenics."

Rio says, "Yeah.. but this is Neo-Tokyo captain... the city where Angels blow holes in the city, magic talking ponies are a thing and uber mages are trying to end the world. I think someone could theoretically just teleport into the room, slice this woman a new one then teleport out. That's why I want a goddamn AMP officer with powers to sweep the damn room but they're under staffed, out to lunch or on vacation!" She hit her fist against the wall."

Captain Kara says, "Well talk to AMP. they can only say no."

Rio picked up her CB mic off her left shoulder and keyed up.

Corporal Nariwasa says, "Indeed The other Chief has got to have something?"

<Police> Rio says, "Dispatch. Do we have any AMP officers alive and able to respond to this 187 at the hospital, over?"

<Police> Chief this is Dispatch AMP officer en route to your location.

<Police> Rio says, "Thank youuuuuuu~ Out!"

Rio says, "Finally. Jezzz.. remind me to send in a budget expansion request for the AMP to hire more officers!"

You page, "PHTPTHPTHTP.. also.. I shrank both hands 10%.. NO MORE." to Alice.

<Police> Officer Arisaka says, "Arisaka copies, Dispatch. Enroute to NT General."

Rio says, "Ah ha! I totally forgot my girlf... er.. Alice is on the AMP varsity squad. This should be good then! She's good at her job."

Corporal Nariwasa says, "I suppose that's good." and mutters something... it could have been cockblockula but might have just been a cough."

Rio says, "I'll go meet and greet her. Stay here with the captain and make sure no one else messes up the room more than it should be..." She slaps the elevator button and hops in once it arrives.


Rio walks out of the hospital and scans the area for the wayward AMP officer on call.

<Police> Officer Arisaka says, "Arisaka is onsite at NT General. Over."

"Arisaka is onside at NT General. Over," said officer speaks into her radio, standing outside a police cruiser near a noisy bottle-green Thunderbolt. Turning her head towards the hospital entrance a short distance away, she spots a very familiar sight. Oh, well, well, now. Smiling a little amusedly at her luck, Alice starts making her way over towards her deputy chief who appears to be looking for someone...? She clears her throat, mostly at herself, one hand adjusting her glasses.

Rio waves as she see's Alice getting out of her car and talking on her mic. She had a mind to be a smart ass and reply on the radio even though Alice was in visual distance but she refrained for once. Good girl Rio! You can be a grown up for once! "Officer Arisaka. How nice of you to join us. Glad to see the AMP could pull you out of their dusty closet and send over to us."

Bottle Green Thunderbolt says, "PLEASE STEP AWAY FROM THE CAR"

Officer Arisaka's look would have been so priceless, Rio would have had better had her phonecam out. Unless bodycams are already in place. Details! Nearly jumping in repeat surprise as the Thunderbolt repeats its proximity warning, very much out loud, she has half a mind to cite the owner. Ugh. "Thank you, Deputy Chief," she nods once she's closed the distance, "How may I be of assistance?"

Rio says, "Our suspect from the theater shoot out is up on the 20th floor with her throat sliced clean open. Every once of blood she had is on the floor, wall or ceiling. Foresincs can't seem to find their dick in the dark so... I asked if an AMP cop could spin by and give the room a once over. I mean there is ZERO evidence of break in. Or best theory right now is it's robotic ninja death shanking ponies from another dimension." She stares at Alice dead serious... but... she can't keep a straight face and laughs and just slaps her on the shoulder and puts an arm around said shoulders and walks with her toward the hospital. "Actually.. with no physical evidence we thought MMMMAYBE... just maybe magic was used? Maybe someone teleported in and out again in the time span it took to kill this suspect. All I know is they were silenced so they couldn't talk to us. Think you can work some vodoo that you do and get SOMETHING for us?"

Officer Arisaka has about a good a poker face as one can be for the duration of her briefing. She only blinks once while she listens, and is a little surprised that forensics would be having so much trouble. Not to mention no signs of a breakin? She was about to say something, maybe even ask, but as the mood suddenly lightens, for the better she feels, she leans somewhat against Rio as she walks with her. "It's quite possible. Are there any other wounds on the victim? Signs of blood having exited from the mouth, nose, ears, or any orifices?" She then tilts her head, "Was this suspect not under guard? Or was is a completely silent, undetected kill?"

Rio walks along with Alice, arm around her shoulder still. "Two of our boys were on the door at all times. Nurse went in to the room. No problem. Came back to the room six minutes later, screams bloody murder. Cops bust in. Bloody nightmare all over the place. I ummmm.... I peaked in but bloody messes like this are not my thing. It's nightmare fuel. I think there is only one wound, the throat slash from what everyone has said. I'll let you go look at the grizzly details." She slaps the elevator call button and waits. "Other than that I got nothing else to give you. Talk to Captain Kara upstairs for more." She gets into the elevator with Alice.

You step into the elevator.

Rio pushes the 20th floor and waits for the door to slide closed then leans in to peck Alice on the cheek. "Glad you are here. I've missed you."

Officer Arisaka mms, thoughtful for most of the walk to the elevator. She thinks that she is going to have to look upon the crime scene for herself. She's going to need gloves, most likely. Nodding softly in acknowledgement as her being filled in concludes, she waits to step into the elevator, maintaining her composture, until the doors close. Smiling then as she squeezes an arm around Rio's waist she whispers, "I'm happy that we can work together, finally. I've missed you, too."

Alice steps out onto the 2nd floor

You step out onto the second floor.

Rio steps out after Alice into the floor that is bustling with police and forensics teams. Standing in the hallway talking to some of her team is Captain Iris Kara. Yuji is off paling it up with some other officers and checking out the nurses when they pass through. The hospital still has to keep running. The room is 2002 if one couldn't tell by the crime scene tape that had been strung up around the door but the threshold left open for officers to move back and forth. "I'm sooooooo not going to go in there with you or else you will have to cuddle me to sleep like for nine weeks straight," Rio grinned.

Officer Arisaka is at first a little taken aback by all the police activity. It reminds her of how suddenly she's been thrust back into her old life prior to the great collapse. Captain Kara would be the first person to ask any further questions, she agrees. She eyes Yuji in passing. Of course the wacky old lech would be here, ever on Rio's tail. She can't help but roll her eyes with a small degree of amusement at how much things have stayed the same. "It's okay," she whispers aside to Rio, smiling rather confidently despite herself, mentally preparing herself for the nightmare scene waiting ahead, before stopping before Iris and straightening to salute, "AMP Officer Arisaka reporting in, Captain. Deputy Chief Kinezono has filled me in and I am here to assist with the investigation."

Captain Kara turned from the two who was talking to and saluted the young vampire officer back. "It's all yours. We can't get any real evidence out of here. The scene was pretty contaminated by all the medical people trying to save the suspects life but I think all they did was ruin what evidence we could have. Deputy Chief seems to think maybe one of you AMP types can divine something from the crime scene. Give it a go and let us all know if you found something. Watch your step in there. It's a pretty big mess."

Officer Arisaka stands at attention while she listens, waiting for the Captain to finish before nodding quickly. "Will do, Captain," she salutes before turning towards the room in question. Turning to Rio as she starts towards it, she asks, "How long has it been since our suspect was killed?" How long the victim has been dead is rather important to her, given her options. She takes in a long, deep breath, steeling herself for what she may be about to see. Stay calm, Alice. This is just like before.

Rio held up two fingers. "Two hours, give or take a few minutes."

Officer Arisaka just about nearly blanches. Ugh, dead blood! She can already feel that this is going to be unpleasant. Swallowing deeply, she straighens once more, and at the threshold to room 2002, she turns to smile once more time at Rio before disappearing into the room and the horrors that lay within.


This is one of the hospital rooms in the hospital. Just like outside, the walls are painted white, the air smells of antiseptics, and the floor is clean. There is a large hospital bed, complete with electronic controls. Two couches, one table, a television set, a really small kitchen, and a refrigerator are also present. There is also a door leading to the lavatory. [Exits  : (O)ut(#6329E) ]

[Players : Alice(#13238PC) ]

A team is busy drilling a core sample out of the sheetrock wall near the bed. There is one female victim in the hospital bed. She is Chinese, no overly unpleasant about the face if it wasn't for the fact that it was pale white, drained of almost all color with the loss of blood and death having set in for two hours. Her throat has neatly cut slice that is deep. The white sheet of the bed are a sticky gore red now. Blood has pooled on the floor and more of it is slung up the walls and to the ceiling. Perhaps from a single blade swipe probably comes to mind given your skill with a katana. There appears to be no broken windows and the air vents are far to small for any normal person to get into the room from. The victim's eyes are closed which suggests they died in their sleep perhaps.

Officer Arisaka's eyes vanish behind the ghastly reflection off her glasses for a moment, with a hand involuntarily cupping over her mouth as she takes the scene in. Perhaps it's a good thing that they did, lest someone really see just how horrified she is, but only for that moment. Taking in another slow, deep breath, this time to purposefully take in the room's scent, ugly or no, her eyes dart from the victim, to the ceiling and floors, then to each wall. Returning to the stiff, they focus on her throat wound and she steps closer. By the looks of all the blood present, it does mean to her that it was no joke that the victim may have been competely drained. Not to mention that it would not be kosher of her to simply grab the dead woman and sink her teeth into her. Instead, she turns to ask someone for a vial. A vial and an eyedropper. She looks upon the blood pooling on the floor. Blood, yes, that is what she needs. She is so not looking forward to it, but it is exactly what she needs at this moment.

One of the scientists in the room looks at Alice with a weird expression then hands her one of the vials of the crimson ichor. "Here you are."

Officer Arisaka hmms, an eyebrow raised as there is a sample already at her disposal. She does hope they're not going to need it again anytime soon, because... besides, they can gather more, with how abundant it seems to be. The smell, though. "Thank you," she nods to them before holding the vial up in front of her face, slowly rolling it between her fingers. What secrets might this person's essence divulge, she wonders. There is so little blood, but she knows that she can collect more. Well, then, realizing that there is no use in stalling, as this isn't getting any fresher, she quickly uncaps the vial, and bracing herself, it's down the hatch in one quick shot! Urgh! She can even feel herself go pale, clapping her hand over her mouth again as she fights the desperate gag reflex, crouching down to collect more from the nearest pool to refill the vial. Ugh!!

The lady who gave Alice the vial stares wide eyed as the vampire downs the dead cocktail in one gulp. She looks like she's going to be sick to and quickly gets up and runs out of the room.

Officer Arisaka shudders, squeezing her eyes shut at just how. Bloody. Disgusting. this is. She's going to be so very sick, she knows. It's better to get it over with! Need more essence! Need more blood. And here comes a second shot. Slam!! This one she very nearly coughs out, but manages to force it in. Gasping raggedly for breath, she fills the vial once again and downs a third, choking after it goes down, and her body shudders for a moment before she has stop to really try and catch her breath, tears beginning to stream down her eyes by now. A little more, just a little more.

The memories start to come in finally, played back in reverse sequence at flashback speed; Surgery, the ride in the ICU ambulance, Hellboy beating the ever living crap out of her with those big rock fists of his, the shooting, the sound of rounds hitting the chopper, more shooting, the in route flight with the men on board preparing, radio chatter in Chinese (which can be given to you if you speak Chinese), loading up on helicopter pad on the back of a ship at sea, more chatter in Chinese as the crew and the shooters load up...

Officer Arisaka doubles over, her eyes flying open, and she gags loudly. This... is not something that she is used to. Oh, if only this blood could have been fresh. She hopes that, next time, they will call her sooner! Coughing blood into her hand, her vision a blurry haze, she flumbles a little with the vial to scoop up another shot, and down that one goes. Then another. And another! More! The more blood, the more power. She feels truly, horribly sick, now, and she would be happier with the respite offered as she becomes able to see, to play out the victim's memories. Oh. Joy. Chinese!! She is briefly, very briefly thankful that it's at least a language that she speaks! While she did not know a lick of Chinese before this whole world caved in on itself, that changed over the decade she had lived in Metropolis. Mostly Cantonese, but still with a generous amount of Mandarin, all thanks to her teammates from that time. It's enough to drive her to collect and down another shot, then another, then she doubles over again. No, Alice, don't throw up. Don't throw it up! Contain!!

"We're taking to much fire! Aborting!" "The Devil is in my chopper! HELP! NO!" "Roger that, our ETA is 5 minutes to the zone Lockbox. Don't move until we're in position!" "Let's go! Mister X wants the girl by the end of the evening or else we don't get paid! Chopper is firing up in two and we are out in 5!"

Only a few more flashbacks come in reverse sequence; Gun range, weapons training, running, PT courses, a medical room, lights shined in the eyes. "Do you know who you are?" the doctor says. Head shake, NO. "Good. You are who you say we are. She's ready for programming. Take her to room 2."

After that.. darkness... nothing more.

Officer Arisaka's hand trembles as she fumbles to fill the vial once more, but she can't. The vial falls out from between her fingers and she claps both hands tighly over her mouth, squeezing tearful eyes shut, and she rocks in place, crouched down where she is. Focus. That is all she can do, now, focus. She's managed to keep it all down, and she'd be more surprised at this amazing feat of hers if she didn't feel the room spinning. She needs blood, fresh blood. No, she needs... she doesn't know what she needs. She just needs to leave this room, and as the memories flood with darkness, she can feel it enveloping it, as well. Losing her grip on herself for a moment and coughing up blood into her hands, she gasps again for breath and holds up one hand to any remaining staff in a weak attempt to assure them that, yes, she's alright. Liar. No, not yet, the darkness can't take her yet. She needs to get out of here. She stumbles out of the room, thankfully managing to not knock anything or anyone over. Maybe she'll pat herself on the back later for holding together this well. Maybe when she feels not so utterly sick. Maybe after she has reported her findings.


This is the 20th floor of the hopital. There are doors into the patient's rooms on either side of the hallway. [Exits  : (Stairs)(#1978E), (203)(#5947E), (202)(#6404E), (201)(#6491E), and <E>levator(#1979E) ]

[Things  : None ]

Alice has arrived.

Rio watches Alice stumble out of the room with blood all over her hands from where she spit up the bad blood. That seriously makes Rio freak out because it looks like Alice had been shot or stabbed! She ran over and put an arm around her! "Alice!? Are you okay? You are coughing up blood!"

Officer Arisaka is suddenly so very glad to have someone to lean on, for the support. It is so very welcome, now! ...except she doesn't want to get any of that stuff on her. Any idea just how hard it is to get this stuff off!? Nodding her head vigorously, more than she thought she could, she immediately regrets it as her vision tunnels. Oh no, no no no no! Not yet, Arisaka! "Rio!" she sputters, covering her mouth still, having gotten dark red droplets all over her own uniform anyway, "She was a puppet." Her shoulders jerk and tears force themselves out of her eyes with a pretty fierce gag. "Brainwashed!" she gasps, leaning a little heavier for support, "Mentally reconditioned... programmed. They were hired by a Mister X." Yes, for all the good that tidbit does. Any Mister Big can call himself Mister X! Well, she still has visual memory to work from later for composite sketches and such. The ship they set out from! "Their base was a ship out at sea.." her voice becomes more ragged, "...all... Chinese.." She grips Rio's shoulder, forgetting that she didn't want to stain her uniform, and she gasps, her eyes beginning to roll into the back of her head, "...bathroom..."

You offer to carry Alice.

Rio grabs Alice and helps walk her to the woman's bathroom. "Out of the way! Emergency coming through! Move!" Rio always gets hyper protective of the one she loves when she's hurt or in danger. She doesn't care about her shoulder and vest getting blood on it... well she does... but now is not the time to cry about it! Her girl is in need!

Alice scrambles up on you.

Rio takes Alice into the next door room that has no patient in it and takes her to the bathroom so she can upchuck as need, rubbing her back to comfort her. "Come on baby... jezzz what a mess honey..."

The world is more or less nothing but a blur. Lestat might have thought he had it bad when he was tricked into drinking some of that dead blood, but oh boy does he have nothing on this vampire! Very nearly losing her footing plenty of times, stumbling outright as the bathroom smells assault her nose, she feels for the telltale bowl shape of the Deity of Porcelain. The Good Lord of Puke. She can't see anymore, she is deathly pale, and are those veins showing? They.. they're the wrong kinds of veins, and the wrong kind of color! Well, maybe it's because she looks about as white as the woman she just fed from. Maybe it's contagious! Collapsing on her knees, she gags loudly a few times, wincing in pain with every contracting of her abdomen, and she slams a hand against the wall of the stall. Which falls right over. Oops. "Fresh...." her voice is thin, hoarse, "...fresh..." and her body convulses, "...blood...." before her eyes roll back into her head completely and somebody better catch her because it's Ragdoll Time!

Rio says, "Ah baby!" Rio slaps her face gently to try to wake her up. Damn it! Crazy vampire drinking dead blood! Well there wasn't anything to do for it now but what she had done in the past. She cradled Alice gently in her arms and pulled Alice's head up to rest on Rio's shoulder, putting Alice's face in the crook of Rio's neck where she could sense that pumping fresh blood in the blonde's neck. Instict would take over most likely but ohhhhhhhh this was going to suck both figuratively and literally for Rio. When Alice was this in need it usually meant a large donation to the vampire blood bank and lights out for the mortal girl. "Come on baby... wake up. You have a nice meal waiting for you..."

Officer Arisaka's breaths, forcefully steady, and the way that her eyes drift shut, can only mean that she has thankfully not completely slipped away. Even though she doesn't seem to respond to the initial smackings, it becomes more and more obvious that she is still here, by how her breaths become more even. So ill, so very ill. She can't believe she was able to hold it all down. She's absorbed it, all of it, and the woman's essence with it. All that blood. She can smell blood. Fresh blood. It smells so familiar, so good. Her senses tell her where she is. Her head shakes just a little to brush her nose against that familiar neck. She understands the sentiment, and she can't help but smile, even if it's as painedly as it is. "...it's okay..." she whispers, "....packet's good.." The passing of the years has also meant that she has since gained a firmer control of her bloodlust, thankfully.

Rio says, "Oh please.. that cheap drug store rip off stuff? Come on.. you can take some just don't take all of it! I gotta stay on my feet. Once you get enough then you can go get blood packets if you need them. I'm not going to leave you laying on the floor here while I go get a Caprice Sun blood drink for you. Now come on. Drink!""

Officer Arisaka's body feels like it's tightening up on itself, and she winces quite profusely at... something. Something, but it must have hurt. It hurt so much that her mouth went wide open, glistening fangs baring in their full, sharp, pointy glory. "Ahh.. hahh.." her breaths come. She can't argue with the Chief, she can't debate the finer points of blood quality when she is in such need. Besides, this is a fresh as it gets, and she did call for fresh blood. She walked right into that one, or rather, stumbled. Rio need say no more! Those fangs find their mark to plunge right into that thick, plump, throbbing jugular. She can feel the pumping flow even before she bites in, and it's all the more delicious now. Still, she drinks in a slow, controlled manner, and has by now forgotten just how messy her hands are and EW it's going to be a bitch to get out of her hair because that is exactly where her hand goes. To cradle the back of Rio's head and get yucky dead blood all in her hair.

Rio is far more concerned with the sharp double stabs of pain as she's punctured like a fruit drink box and fed on. The blood in her blonde hair will have to be worried about AFTER the crisis is over. She squeezes Alice's hand hard at the initial bite pain and shivers and shudders but as the vampire does what she does Rio calms down and completely relaxes in a semi drunken state as she's drained of the red go-go juice. Ugh.. the dry cleaning on the uniform is going to cost even more money she doesn't have to spend.

Officer Arisaka, for the time being, focuses on one thing and one thing alone. How much blood she is drawing out. After all this time, she's got it down to an absolute art, how much is too much and how much leaves a willing donor able to do what. In this case, her willing donor wants to be able to walk out of here, so it doesn't take her long to taper off on the sucky sucky, although she can't really do much about the, ahem, paralyzing effects of her saliva. Still! This ride is over, please watch your head and make sure you are not forgetting any personal belongings. Sealing the wounds with a long, soft kiss on that slender neck, she still feels awful, so very very awful, but this is progress. "Thank you," she whispers, her breaths a little softer, at least. What a messy job and she hopes that she never has to do this ever again, but a job's a job."

Rio remains sitting up against the wall with Alice cradled in her arms. The two look like they were part of a mass murder pact, covered in blood. How does that crap get everywhere so damn fast!? Rio smiles at Alice and nods a little groggily as the paralysis venom is going to take a bit to get out of her system. "No.. problem pretty vampire princess... no problem at all...." She stares into Alice's red eyes. "You are an amazing creature.. thank you for helping us out. It's not much but it's more than we would have gotten any other way. Maybe when you feel better you can get more detail out of what you saw with whatever you did in there. I am pretty sure going on Mister X is going to yield jack and shit...."

Officer Arisaka closes her eyes, deciding that trying to get up will not be a very good idea. At all. So, therefore, she is going to lean against Rio for the time being. It must be such a comically tragic sight. Horrifying! Yes, this is going to take f o r e v e r to get off. Well, at least one girl in this room is good with money. Very good with money! So good that she'll be the one shouldering the bills on these. Her eyes, as they open back up, are glassy and somewhat vacant, but at least they show no indication that she is blind. Well, everything is such a blur, still, but that should go away. "I'll have," she whispers, her voice softening. It seems to be easier when she speaks softly, "a full report. When I am better." She had also figured as much, regarding this Mister X. If she has more information in those memories regarding that ship that those commandoes were based out of. A name, location.

Rio kissed the top of Alice's head and snuggled her cheek into the blackness. "You dork.. don't go poisoning yourself like this.... if I had known.. I'd of told you heck no...."

Officer Arisaka just... can't help but be amused, and thankful at such concern. After all, she was just doing her job, as her abilities allowed her. "Sorry," her features soften, almost into a smile. Almost. "There was no other way." Maybe AMP should stand for Alice Might Puke.

Rio says, "Can you stand yet? I think I can? Don't need anyone coming on to our murder scene here..." she chuckles."

Officer Arisaka knows for sure that she is going to likely pass out if she tries to stand. "I don't think I can," she shakes her head, though she's made pretty sure that Chief Sexy here should be able to, still. Oh, this blood poisoning might take a while to get over and she is already having so many regrets because she feels so miserable and she is going to feel this way for a long while, isn't she. They seriously need a proper medium in the division, ugh.

Rio says, "Do you want me to get you on a stretcher and get you out of here or at least get you to the bed? I think I can manage that and you can just lay here and recover. I don't what you did that had you coughing up but blood but that is going to be nightmare fuel for a while now for me.. you scared the crap out of me!"

Rio managed to slowly get up. She wasn't THAT down on pints and with a little effort, scoped up the light weight vampire girl and picked her up with a little grunt of an effort and carried her out of the bathroom and laid her on the bed in the room then sat down with a heavy bounce on the edge like she was exhausted herself. "You going to be okay, right?"

Officer Arisaka does think it would be for the better that she not be left in the bathroom, with a knocked over stall wall. Oops on that one! Deciding not to debate on that particular bit, she nods her head slowly, being very much okay with being... not here. Anywhere but collapsed by a toiled all bloody. She's pretty sure that she's alarmed a lot of people, but that's AMP sometimes. Thank goodness that she is pretty lightweight. Well, except for those two. Those two! Two! "Sorry," she whispers, smiling a little embarrassed at the thought of having scared Rio. Finding herself laid out proper before long, she can only ask of two things right away, "..need more blood. Packs are okay," and "...please make sure blinds are shut all the way." Mm, yes, unfiltered sunlight in particular would do her no favors, right now. "I will be okay."

Rio nods and leans down to peck Alice on the cheek then stands up a little wobbly and heads out of the room to find blood. You would THINK in a hospital that would be easy but it takes her a good 30 minutes before she comes back in victorious. She closes the door to the room then sets the ice chest blood keeper near Alice. She moves over to turn all the blinds closed and to draw the heavy curtains closed as well.. and then... screw it... she crawls into the bed with Alice and lays her head down on the pillow. It's sleepy Chief time. What a day... ugh... tired... she'll like Alice get the blood.. It's within reach. "There...." she whispers and then gets comfy and just passes out like a candle flame snuffed out...

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