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Title    = Moving Dead Bones
Title    = Moving Dead Bones
|Summary = The major source of the undeads that have been popping up around town is revealed when some of our heroes check into rumors of a ritualistic cult possibly being back and up to something.  Also Shirou finds the way home, but someone ELSE shows up.
|Summary = The major source of the undeads that have been popping up around town is revealed when some of our heroes check into rumors of a ritualistic cult possibly being back and up to something.  Also Shirou finds the way home, but someone ELSE shows up.
|Who    = [[Miss_Emiya]], [[Sakura]], [[Ryoga]], [[Hellboy]], [[Nyarako]], [[Oblivion]], [[Hisako]], [[Minerva]], [[Cu]], [[West]]
|Who    = [[Miss_Emiya]], [[Sakura]], [[Ryoga]], [[Hellboy]], [[Nyarko-san]], [[Oblivion]], [[Hisako]], [[Minerva]], [[Cu]], [[West]]
|Date    = 05/19/2016
|Date    = 05/19/2016
|Where  = Murphy Academy's Science Block's basement.
|Where  = Murphy Academy's Science Block's basement.

Latest revision as of 14:17, 2 June 2016

Moving Dead Bones

Summary: The major source of the undeads that have been popping up around town is revealed when some of our heroes check into rumors of a ritualistic cult possibly being back and up to something. Also Shirou finds the way home, but someone ELSE shows up.

Who: Miss_Emiya, Sakura, Ryoga, Hellboy, Nyarko-san, Oblivion, Hisako, Minerva, Cu, West
When: 05/19/2016
Where: Murphy Academy's Science Block's basement.

Cu-icon.gifHisako-icon.gifMiss Emiya-icon.gifNyarko-san-icon.gifRyoga-icon.gifWest-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.

Science Block : Bottom of Stairway It is almost entirely pitch black here, at the bottom of the thirty foot staircase. However, light filters through a nondescript door, keeping the grues at bay.

It's dark, not dark and WET, but still stereo typically QUIET. Shirou had been hearing rumors of activity in an old science building that drew her attention. Most specifically the fact someone had seen some of the classed skeletons roaming from this area now and then. Since such a rumor was floating about in the right 'channels', she assumed this was worth checking out and had her servant watch from a distance for any INCOMING undeads. She makes her way down the dim stair case and finds...nothing that looks any more suspicious than the rest of the building. Maybe this wasn't the right place after all? The red head narrows her eyes and starts looking closely over the floor here, making sure there's no OBVIOUS signs of a magical circle or blood stains.

Quiet? Forget quiet. An outright /shout/ can be heard at the top of the stairs, as a voice calls out, "Hello? Is anyone there? Is this the basement of Fuurinkan High School?" Down the stairs trudges Ryoga, lost as usual.

As luck would have it, one of the city's longest residents, Kinomoto Sakura is literally flying overhead at this moment, yes, flying, pink feathered wings and all, by now people probably are used to this kind of thing so the calls of an angel flying overhead is probably either stopped or ignored, Unless something draws her attention however, she will probably continue on to home...

The sight of a teenager in psionically-generated armor about half again her size might well bring Sakura up short; Hisako had heard some of the rumors about this place, and is on her way to investigate. Travelling *without* her armor up would probably draw less notice, but she doesn't have access to any vehicles and her armor's stride length is longer than her own.

Miss_Emiya nearly falls RIGHT on her face at the sudden SHOUTING breaking the silence. "Erk---uhh? Sorry? I think the signs said this was Murphy Academy?" She's still a little thrown off by a living person showing up and not even meaning to be here, but dusts herself and smiles up at Ryoga. There's DEFFINETELY a dark energy seeped into this room that's likely felt by strong enough senses for magic on the outside of the building. "You might want to start looking else where anyway though. I've heard some ugly things about this place."

Sakura-chan has always responded to incidents if she sees them occuring, so when she sees Hisako arrive she banks a bit to start to circle the building, those who can see, might notice the small.. Plushie?! Flying with her start heading for the building..

Ryoga sighs and slumps his shoulders as he hears it's in fact not the right school at all. "Thank you, miss. I'll just be on my way, then." He turns to leave, but not up the stairs. No, he's reaching right for the door at the bottom of the stairs, and unless he's stopped, he goes right ahead and turns the knob and walks right on through.

Nyarko-san arrives on foot. running so fast as to leave a dust plume behind her. She's also on the phone. "So I'm checking out the energy like you said but it doesn't APPEAR to be from space..." She stops at the top of the stairs as she notes the others. "Oh this is interesting. Call you back boss." Red glowing eyes open and peer at the group from the shadows underneath the stairwell for a moment, before closing and vanishing again.

Hisako slows to a normal walk, her armor shrinking and disappearing as she reaches the ground-level door; she would have stayed armored, but it would have been tricky to fit through the door at her usual armor's size. At least, she thinks, she isn't going to be alone in looking around. "Hello," she greets Nyarko, waving briefly to the white-haired girl. "Did you come to investigate the rumors too?" She'll probably start heading downstairs as well, unless Nyarko (or anyone else) holds her back from proceeding into the depths of the building.

"Ossu!" a odd voice calls out next to Hisako and Nyarko, for a moment it might seem to be from nowhere, till you might notice what looks like a plushie cat? lion? what *IS* that thing? Well its floating there, staring at the others, "So, whats going on here? Alot of people gathering around a closed school..

Miss_Emiya shivers and actually seems to SMELL the air suddenly. "H-hey, wait," she calls toward Ryouga, "I don't know what's in th---" the darkness of this little downstairs room causes her not to notice something on the floor and trip over it. "Kkhh...what?" She looks over her shoulder at the ground behind her and sees what looks like a skeletal arm just laying there unattached to anything. "Yeaaaaah that really might be a bad idea..."

Nyarko-san ponders this question, These Questions. "I am investigating on behalf of the Planetary Defense Organization. We have evidence of something we have jurisdiction over being up to no good". She pauses for a moment "and I am Nyarko, The Chaos that crawls up to you with a smile!"

Ryoga opens the door, but doesn't yet look inside as Emiya trips and falls behind him. "Are you all right, miss?" He then looks down at the skeletal arm, then back to Emiya. "A bad idea? Why, isn't this the exit?"

Miss_Emiya says, "No, that's deeper into the basement, and I came here because there were rumors some old ritualistic cult might be acting up down here, playing with things like ressurecting the dead." A moan suddenly sounds from the direction of the open door, causing Shirou Emiya to grimace. "Now would be a good time to get away from that door...""

Kero-chan can't help but find a odd kenship with Kyarko, just a feeling it had, "Keroberos! Nice to meet you.." he looks up, "My mistress saw you guys down here and sent me to investigate.. One sec, I'll go get her.. Something DOES feel real off about this place, and not in a good way..." he waves and heads up towards the circling girl, moments later she pulls a rod from seemingly nowhere and starts to land where Hisako and Nyarko are but isn't there yet.

Hisako Ichiki answers Ryoga, "The exit is back upstairs," pointing back at the stairs leading up. "And I'm Hisako, codename 'Armor'. I heard about the rumors of some kind of cult, and I wanted to take a look around." The floating, talking plushie ... actually doesn't seem too surprising to her, although she DOES double-take at it when she realizes that's where the Kansai accent came from.

Ryoga blinks and looks at the door. "Ressurecting the dead? I'm going to guess this isn't a good thing?" At the sound of the moan, he takes to a fighting stance. Raising the dead, moans like that... Ryoga has seen a few zombie movies, so he has a vague idea as to what could possibly be behind door number two. "Ryoga Hibiki," he says in response to Hisako identifying herself.

Shirou gets back to her feet and rushes over to join Ryoga. A symbol on the back of one of her hands is glowing a little, but it seems to be nothing out of the ordinary to her. As the two of them prep for battle, a trio of zombies slowly file out of the door toward them, moaning and clawing at the air. "Deffinetly not good," she answers before looking toward the steps, "Careful, Armor, it looks like it wasn't just a rumor." She grabs up the arm bone and swings it at one of the on coming zombies like it's a sword.

Ryoga blinks at the zombies. "They're really not that intimidating as in the movies," he says before throwing a testing punch at one of the zomies' torso. Not quite enough room to really cut lose in this small space, but then again... When they move that slow, does he really need to? Hisako Ichiki says, "S-so I see ..." She moves through the door, getting towards the front of the group so she'll have room - and that shimmering energy blossoms around her body again, her exo-armor coalescing. The zombies start coming into her reach shortly thereafter, and she begins fighting to hold them back - mostly with punches and arm-sweeps, adapting what she's learned of hand-to-hand to work well with her mutant power. Odd that one of the smaller girls in the group should be one of the 'big guys' for actual combat, huh?"

"Winds! Become a binding chain!" is heard from the door, a young girl's voice, as a stiff wind would blow past others in the room, but when it reaches the skeletons, it would attempt to pull them together and bind them in place, hopefully imobile, "Sorry I'm late!" says the young girl.

Nyarko-san about to open with a flying kick to the vulnerables, instead just stands aside and watches. "Grump! nothing left for me to fight"

The three zombies are really no challenge, already taken down. "Huh...well....maybe we don't have that much to worry about after all? That wasn't even as bad as those skeletons, and THOSE were light weights," Shirou notes before taking a closer look through the door. "Or maybe I spoke too soon," she states, slamming the door shut behind her as a sudden ROAR of things SLAMMING at the door and the wall it's built into sounds behind her.

Hisako Ichiki nods to Sakura, "I'd say your timing's pretty good ... what's in the other room?" she asks Shirou. "And more importantly, do we need to stop it before it has any chance to try and reach the surface?"

Ryoga blinks at the loud roar and the pounding. "They've blocked us from the exit! We have to go through them!"

Sakura-chan settles herself firmly on her feet as the wings on her back vanish and form into a pink card that forms in her hand, as the other skeletons are taken care of the wind too seems to vanish as a card takes its place as well, and both seem to float into the hand of the auburn haired girl, "Sorry..." looking to Nyarko, then at the sound of banging on the door, "I think someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed? Or got woken up?

Nyarko-san's ahogi crinkles up. and she just frowns, waiting for the other shoe to drop on these zombies.

Shirou slowly turns and backs away from the wall, looking concerned. "It'a a lot of bodies, most of which AREN'T staying down. It looks like a blood bath in there..." she answers, seeming very composed for someone that looks like such a normal, mundane girl incapable of not much of anything. Well mundane and normal aside from the glowing from her hand. Soon there's a loud CREAKING noise before the entire wall bursts apart, followed by a large army of zomibes and skeletons to come surging toward them. "Khh...so many," Shirou mutters, gripping tightly at the bone she's holding. These enemies aren't wasting near as much time as the three before. Angry, or hungry, or whatever these monsters are, they're rushing everyone visible in the small room before them.

From off to the side, those red glowing eyes open, peering at the group. Some may see them for the moment they are there..... or maybe not. Then, they close and are gone again..... leaving a sense of dread somehow to those who DO witness them.....

Nyarko-san opens with a flying kick to the vulnerables of the nearest zombie and then escalates to to her space CQC part two. Brandishing a tire iron she lays into every zombie within reach, aiming as smashing skulls with leg breaking followups.

Hisako Ichiki scales up as far as she can go without blocking anyone else (and without hindering herself), and just punches the lead undead as hard as she can in between her allies' attacks. She's going for torsos rather than heads or 'vulnerables' - undead anatomy is generally limited to holding things together and moving, save for their heads normally being vulnerable to removal or obliteration. Her main goal is to keep the 'crowd' from pressing her allies, or herself, too heavily; she's not sure whether these are contagious undead, but she'd just as soon not find out.

Ryoga drops down into a battle stance and then runs /towards/ them. No, it's not his poor direction sense, it's just his poor descision making skills in general. With a shout, the leaps into the air and sends a foot right into the first one he can make contact with. Landing on the ground, he turns to throw a punch at another, and then pauses. He blinks, then contunes to throw punches and kicks around, but his face no longer holds that fierceness it did when he first lept into battle. He looks almost... sad?

Sakura-chan frowns as she seems to recoil a bit at the sheer amount of undead, there was a time that she would go screaming from this. However she pulls out a pair of cards, "Shield, Sword!" they twirl around her for a moment, she poins her wand with the star tip at the pair of cards, a pink semi-translusent shield forms over her right, and her wand transforms into a gem-handled long sword. She prepares for whats heading for the group, "I can't safely use all my power in a building like this..."

Of note, all these skeletons and zombies that are up front and going down so easily look like the used to be...modernized people. Like they were possibly people that lived somewhere near the academy, or any random modern day place before they became zombies or animated groups of bones. They aren't carrying weapons like the ones that showed up in the previous incidents, they're just surging forward and flailing about violently. However, anyone high up or tall enough to see beyond this surge, would see a group of much OLDER looking undead further back, dressed in armors and equipped with weaponry. For now though, the much more numerous, weaker zombies and skeletons attempt to chew and tear at the people who are so EASILY knocking them down. The ONLY threat at this point is the sheer number...but those older looking ones might ACTUALLY be a threat. Nyarko, Hisako, and Ryoga are doing a WONDERFUL job of working through the mass of modernized enemies, already having cut down a third of them. As for Shirou, she's not doing quite as well, but at least doesn't seem to be in danger yet. She's still swinging that bone around like a sword, knocking the heads off a couple of zombies in the process, but they're starting to crowd up around her more and more. "I can't call her in here..." she murmurs, "And WHAT is that presence I keep feeling from the stairs?!" She's not managing to see the eyes, but she keeps SENSING that feeling of dread attached to them.

Hisako Ichiki answers Shirou, "I'm not sure, but -" She moves to one side a bit, making more room for Sakura. "Whatever it is, do you think it's more dangerous to us than the horde is?" And speaking of the horde, she winds up and punches a zombie hard enough to bowl over a few skeletons who were coming up behind it; if she has enough of an opening, she tries to take a step forward and stomp on the bones before rejoining the group's front line proper.

Nyarko-san unbuttons the top of her blouse and pulls a hand grenade with a pink bow tied around it out of her cleavage. "Time for Space CQC part 3!" she shouts and lobs the grenade deep into the mob. As an after thought she takes the spinning and whirling tire iron to any closer targets.

Sakura-chan sees everyone in combat and shakes her head, she pulls back the sword and joins the others in taking apart several of the skeletons, the number of them is amazing, and she's fighting with a skill that someone like her PROBABLY shouldn't have, not to mention the sword seems to be attempting to cut through whatever it hits like a hot knife through butter, that is till she reaches mid swing after felling a skeleton, she steps back, her eyes go wide, "Wh... What... Who?" she stumbles back and actually falls onto her rear, the sword and shield falling from her hands and returning to card form but hovering around her almost confused and definatly protectivly, "NO!!! NO!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" she grabs at her head, "I WON'T LET ANYONE DIE HERE!!!" what the HELL?!

Ryoga continues fighting through the horde of weak zombies, but it's clear for some reason his heart isn't quite in it. Something has gotten to him, it seems... and as his face slowly turns more towards a look of sadness, a look of depression, suddenly his stance falls slightly before he looks up and makes a rather distinctive shout.

"Shi shi hoko dan!" The sphere of dark pink energy roars through the zombies, and Ryoga spots the wall. He perks up, ever so slightly. "I'll break a way out!" he shouts before running at the wall, one single finger extended. "Bakusai Tenketsu!" he yells as he jabs the finger /into/ the wall... which then explodes outward, showering him and anything around him with debris. "Let's go!" he shouts, before running off into the darkness... The shout can once again be heard, "Bakusai Tenketsu!" followed by the sound of more stone exploding outward. His shout can then be heard as he apparently has exploded his way into an open area... a shout that is followed by a splash. Oddly enough, what sounds like a small pig bweeing can be heard echoing in the darkness afterwards, the sound carrying away into the distance.

A thin black mist seems to suddenly move throughout the area.... it doesn't hinder anyone, nor have any effect at all. The feeling of dread seems stronger, but whether its due to this strange environmental effect or not is unknown....

With Nyarko throwing a /grendade/ into the masses and the continued efforts of the others, AND Sakura joinging in, the horde has dwindled to less than ten already. How in the world were SO MANY things in that room anyway? With the army almost being gone now, Shirou rushes foward, leaping and bringing the bone in her hands down hard on a zombie's head, smashing it in the process. She shudders again, eyeing the black mist. "I can't tell which is worse," she murmurs, seeming to grow a little confused as she stumbles a little and loosens her grip on her makseshift weapon...that REALLY seems to be working way too well for what it is. 10 of these zombies and skeletons seem like they aren't even worth bothering with, but from further back into the LARGE room the zombies had come from arrows start to fly at everyone involved in tangling with them. And at the noise caused by Ryoga combined with that grenade AND the wall that was already broken by the zombie horde, a male voice suddenly seems to call out loudly in irritation. "WHAT'S ALL THAT RACKET?! I CAN'T HEAR MYSELF THINK HERE!"

Nyarko-san continues beating on zombies and skeletons. Something makes her attack to her left when there is nothing there and she finds herself wide open for the arrows. taking on in a shoulder and another in the throat "Ackthpfff!"

Hisako Ichiki yelps in surprise as arrows start slamming into the glowing energy field of her 'armor'; fortunately, they're not going to get through, but she still brings an arm up so the armor can protect her vitals a little better. "Sakura, have you got anything to deal with whatever the arrows are coming from?" She glances at Nyarko as the silver-haired girl reacts to the arrows, then adds, "Or anything that would at least let us see what we're up against?"

Sakura-chan looks up to Hisako and tears are streaming from her eyes, almost like somoene who experienced a flashback, her eyes blink, then focus, then calls out, "SHIELD!!!" as the card would vanish, and a dome would appear, and attempt to block the arrows, its not very big, it'd cover about four peolpe if they were friendly... Though it works both ways so if you want to attack them, gotta leave the shield.

The dome would be semi-transparent energy-shield like dome.

And pink.

Thankfully Shirou's saved by the sheild in her moment of confusion. "There's way too much dark magic senses flying around here all at once," she states. The armed enemies move foward now, thankfully in much smaller number than the army that came before them. There's about 2 skeletons and 2 zombies each to a weapon type, including swords, lances, staves, and bows and arrows. The archers hang back instead of marching forward with the others. The lancers and sabers start attacking the energy dome viciously. Shirou picks the bone back up from having dropped it. "...but who in the world is yelling," she wonders. "WOULD YOU ALL SHUT UP AND GO AWAY!?" the voice insists.

Nyarko-san is occupied trying to remove arrows from her body. The one on her shoulder comes out easily enough but to deal with the one through her throat she has to push the head out the back of her neck to break it off before withdrawing the shaft. "AckThpt!" she insists. One her hands are free she'll pick up her tire iron/pry bar... thing.

Hisako Ichiki sideglances at Nyarko, and would probably stare if it weren't for the undead still assaulting the shield dome. She took an arrow through the *throat* and she's still capable of complaining about it? That's further down the 'weird' scale than she was anticipating today. "Sakura, are you all right? We need you to hold it together for just a bit longer ... all of us need to make one good offensive push, and we need to do it together! Everyone ready?"

Sakura-chan takes a deep breath, "Wait... None of you saw that? Heard that?" she stands up straight after a moment, muttering, "I thought those stopped... Not again.." she pulls out four cards and she picks up her wand again, "Ready... But stand back.." the cards read 'Firey, Windy, Watery, Earthy'. As if in answer to Hisako, a male voice speaks, saying "I'm ALWAYS ready......". It's followed by a faint chuckle, and seems to echo through the room

Miss_Emiya stares at Nyarko for a short moment. Have to focus on the battle... "Ready, Armor," she calls back, bringing the bone she's been using up in a bat like stance now. The 10 modern, WEAK zombies scratch uselessly at the shield while the Sabers and Lancers wail VIOLENTLY on it. The Casters and Archers seem to be holding up while the shield is in place. "DO I /HAVE/ TO COME OUT THERE?! I'M TRYING TO WORK IN HERE, DAMMIT!!!," the previously mentioned mystery male voice screams out again. "Hear and see what...Sakura," Shirou wonders curiously, hesitating upon not being sure of the girl's name, "W-wait...I did just hear ANOTHER voice besides that one that keeps screaming things...is that connected to that evil feeling mist that's been floating about?"

Miss_Emiya says, "Or was it that evil feeling from the stairs? ...there's so much evil feeling here..."

After the 2nd voice speaks, the mist seems to move to a single point, solidifying into a black-armored being, with red-glowing eyes visible through a visored helmet. Lances of black and violet astral energy spear up from beneath the 10 weakling undead banging on the shield, which promptly dissolve into dust. The man turns to look over his shoulder, smiling at the group "Told ya i was ready! Rest are yours". He winks, then vanishes as suddenly as he had appeared. For those sensing such, it becomes clear as he appears that HE was the source of the intense dread and evil.

Sakura-chan looks to everyone, sighs and drops the shield, "THEN HEADS UP IN THERE!" she cries out, pointing her wand at the four cards, "FIREY, WATERY, EARTHY, WINDY! Turn that room into a conglageration!" the good thing about having sentient cards that are a portion of yourself is you get a general idea whats going on in there. Between whats been going on and then hearing *THAT* voice she turns and her eyes go wide, "OBLIVION! You're..." she says the last word softly, "back..." almost a squeek. Meanwhile the cards rush into the room and try to obey the will of their mistress..

Hisako Ichiki doesn't look like she quite expected THAT to happen, but she's not going to argue about the results; she's just going to keep doing what she can as 'party tank,' especially since Ryoga got separated from the group ...

Nyarko-san charges in, tire iron swinging. Her style is less super hero/martial artist and more gangster-delivering-a-beat-down.

Hisako seems to concentrate for a moment. Suddenly a swirling silver portal opens up before her, allowing a glimpse through it to a dark void, speckled with silver energies. As you look, she steps through, the portal fading about her.

Miss_Emiya raises a brow. "Eh? The mist is a person? ...guess I shouldn't be surprized after dealing with servants," she decides before raising a hand toward the undeads and casting some form of light toward them from it. The group stops moving, being unable to avoid the attacks of thier enemies while Shirou uses her other hand (holding that bone she's been using) to knock off the head of a Saber skeleton, losing a little hair in the process as it swings it's sword. "Is that woman with the arrow in the neck actually going to be OK?" She was so thrown off by Nya's reactions that she almost forgot she was even wounded in the first place. That voice screams out yet again, "DAMMIT! REALLY?! ....fine, I'm coming out there." With the combined efforts of everyone all the modern enemies are gone and all the Sabers and Lancers go down as well.

However, there's still the Archers and Casters who....suddenly fall to peices thanks to Sakura. With the sound of a snapping finger, the lights finally turn on, revealing a VERY bloodied room complete with bloody magic circles and various make shift alters, one of which seems to have gone from a make shift alter to a make shift bed that's currently holding what looks like a VERY mangled and deformed body that's missing several bits and pieces and is currently surrounded in like wise make shift medical equiment, with many different tools holding thier barely connected parts that ARE there together.

The source of the snapping looks to have come from a young looking man wearing a doctors coat and white gloves with what looks like a white straight coat without the arm constraints. He has short, black hair and dark, red eyes....eyes that seem to be glaring hatefully toward the destroyed undeads and the people who are here. "...now WHY are you being SUCH an annoyance, exactly? If you came to sell something, I DON'T want it!"

The elementals vanish and return to card form, soon as they do, Sakura colapses to her knees and hands and almost seems to the point of colapse, then seeing Oblivion there, and being so magically drained, she was hoping her strongest attack would make a difference, but this doctor and everything from a horror movie and punctuated with Oblivion toying with her, she colapses onto her side, panting in a mix of exaustion and fear.

Nyarko-san strikes a pose "A-ha." she points at the man "Malefactor, re-animator. Cease your operations at once!" Her Ahogi is straight up like an exclaimation mark. "Re-animation is not sanctioned by the Planetary Defense Organisation"

A circle of shadowy energy forms on the ground off to the side, and Oblivion rises up from it, arms crossed and grinning "Interesting setup you have here...... if a bit primitive". The red glows of his eyes pulse a bit brighter for a moment as he seems to stare at the necromancer/doctor/personthingy

"Aha! I KNEW I smelled a servant all over this," Emiya Shirou states as she points in the doctor's direction, "And just HOW many figures in history, mythology, and literature would be in a set up like this? ...I mean /she/ even just called him Re-Animator!" Shirou points at Nyarako as she says that. "You really MUST not care about being a servant if I can tell WHO you are before I know WHAT you are, Dr. West!"

The doctor just looks at Nyarako, Shirou, and Sakura like they all grew second heads. "First of all, why the hell are you people bringing a CHILD here?! Second of all...Malfactor? Planetary Defense Organization? Servant? You think I /wouldn't/ keep trying to succeed at my research after acending from the mortal coil of humanity? You think I'll just give up on my goal of finding how to break the boundary between life and death?! I WILL discover the secret the gods have been hiding from us all! And some bunch of annoying house guests isn't going to just talk me out of it." He glares toward Nyarako particularly, given she seems to be the current figure of authority trying to bring down his research.

"...gotta be a Caster," Shirou mutters.

Caster West lets out a growl of annoyance and materializes a set of scapels between the fingers of one hand and syrenges in the other hand. "Don't....toy...with ME children...." Not that he looks any older.

Sakura-chan fights with all she has, Oblivion and what turns out to be the Dr. West from Lovecraft standing right before her, like a REAL person, but.. Oddly he feels like her cards do when they manifest, "What.. Gives you the right?" she forces her body to work, "No one should have such control! I won't allow it.." she palms a card as she wobbles to her feet.

Nyarko-san reaches into her blouse and pulls out a capsule suspiciously resembling a pokeball. she winds up like a baseball pitcher throwing the ball over the plate with the bases loaded.

Oblivion smirks, shaking his head "You call them children, yet you are the one throwing the tantrum? Amusing.....". As Nyarko throws her pokeball-looking object, he can't help but say it "Well, SHE has balls, it seems.....". He otherwise stays put.

Thump! Thump! Thump! There's the heavy sound of leather boots; or is it hooves? either way, there's the scent of cigar smoke as a huge being swings the door open. Hellboy. "This a private party or can anybody join?

Minerva peeks in around Hellboy's bulky form. "You guys really should put up better wards to hide dark magic better, you know. Draw adventurers faster than rumors of shiny treasures and emperiled princesses... oh, Hi Nyarko-chan, everything okay down there?"

West narrows his eyes and seems to teleport out of the way of this ball being thrown at him. "So you'd rather just give up and die, and let all the people you CARE about die, little girl," he asks, "WHY should anything but ourselves have the choice of rather life continues or ends?!" "OH FOR FUCKS SAKES," he cries out in annoyance as two MORE people show up, "It's called a laboratory, NOT your friend's house!" He lets out a long suffering sigh like he really IS just dealing with a group of annoying door to door sales people. "No one knows how to even KNOCK anymore!" "...you have NO idea how much I DESPISE doing this...ESPECAILLY since you brought a CHILD here, but if you're going to get in the way..." He traces some sort of symbol in the air with his sharp, pointy object filled hands.

"Oh, hi miss Minerva," Shirou calls before looking back toward the mad doctor and frowning, "Thaaaaaaat might be really bad...."

The aforementioned practically disected, missing some bits corpse suddenly shakes up to it's feet. Now that it's not lying down it looks RATHER huge and not so pathetic and likely to fall apart anymore.

Hellboy hmms. "Just like home. C'mon, patches, let's dance!" He leaps forward towards the rising corpse, letting fly with with his massive stone fist, adding, "It's always the talkers who're trying something stupid! Seen it before!"

Nyarko-san says, "Shanta-kun I choose you!" and releases a Shantak bird, A large reptilian/chicken looking thing, from the oh-so-not-a-pokeball. She also recovers her crow bar from hammerspace or wherever she put it."

Minerva grins beautifically. "Is this a present? An excuse to play with fire? I'm rather bad at it still, but I'm getting better, and I do best in combat scenarios... and fire is supposed to be best against undead." She pauses. "Well, unless the fire's not hot enough, then you just have zombies on fire, and that's not a fun party for anyone." She shrugs as Hellboy goes to play, and walks towards Herbert West, extending her right hand. "Pleased to meet you, sir. My name's Minerva White. Mind telling me why we're all fighting?"

Oblivion just stays where he is, leaning against the wall, smirking a knowing smirk of some kind...... "THIS should be entertaining to watch!". Sakura-chan says, "I don't want to die, nobody wants to die, but when its your time, its YOUR time, and no one should have absolute power over who lives and who dies! You are NOT a god.." the card in her hand vanishes and forms a bow and arrow in her hands as they draw back, "Arrow, pierce his heart!!" as it shoots off a glowing arrow, heading for the doctor, "What you don't know, is YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!" her family line has natural spirit sense so, it should be a no brainer... That should also help inform Minerva whats going on."

Miss_Emiya narrows her eyes as she watches the battle, going after THAT thing with this bone seems like a bad idea. She doesn't have anything else on hand right now though, she REALLY hadn't expected a quiet check into things to turn into a crazy army of zombies and this mess. She starts to approach the battle, her hand glowing even more than it already was.

West growls again before throwing the scaples upward, muttering something under his breath, actually bothers to shake Mina's hand, and catches the scaples again. Lightning somehow falls to the ground despite them being in a basement with a roof, it attacks the arrow meant for him but arcs about without control for a moment, striking Shirou as well, causing her to cry out in surprize and fall over. "Well I /WAS/ just doing my research, but then everyone decided to invade..." he grumbles, "And I /know/ I'm dead, little girl."

The Hellboy and the Shantak do some obviously GOOD hits to the ....might as well be a huge, animated, anatomical model, as it shudders and lets out a ROAR of anger. It then picks up what used to be it's bed and SWINGS it at the bird and the red dude.

Hellboy says, "Crap! Freakin'two bit Frankenstein," he strikes the right hand of doom at the incoming bed-become-weapon, "I'm comin' for you when I'm done with patches here!" he warns. These anumates are always ridiculously strong, but hey, so are demons!"

Nyarko-san Watches Shanta-kun get clocked by a bed and aims a flying kick at the undead things groin. "Let's see if those were reanimated as well."

Minerva nods. "I apologise for that on my part. Too much concentrated dark magic, I had to investigate." She pauses. "Did you just arrive? Welcoming a new neighbor, I should have brought cookies, or a casserole.... so, necromancy, or science?" She appears genuinely interested in the question, tucking her hands back behind her back as she was taught is polite to do in another person's lab to avoid touching anything.

Oblivion stares at Minerva.... and bursts out laughing as she interrogates the necrodancer in question like a homecoming encounter of some kind! Just too funny! He doesn't seem to pay any attention to the fight with the big guy further away.

Sakura-chan grits her teeth as the lightning hits Shirou, she lets the bow vanish and the arrow vanishes too, she's low on mana and she pants, "He's attacking people with skeletons and has been tormenting the people of the town for weeks, miss! He is no friend of any person here!

"Science...but I'm being forced to commit magic sometimes..." West mutters, "It's bad enough I'm this 'servant' thing now...being this thing is an affornt to science all around." He seems FINE just talking idlely with Mina as if all this mess isn't even going on... Then again he MAY very well be insane. "I'm not attacking ANYONE. Those mindless failures just go about doing whatever they please, annoying me AND anyone else they come across...oh and yes, I am slightly new here..."

Shirou grunts and pushes herself up to her hands and knees, suddenly pausing to stare at the ground. The bloody magic circle she happened to land in suddenly starts glowing brightly, seeming the draw in the last of the lighting that's arcing about. Light starts appearing and taking a form in the middle of it.

The giant corpse's bed weapon breaks on impact with Hellboy's right hand of doom. It then wobbles back, being hit by Nyarko's kick, but imediately attempts to GRAB her into a REALLY tight bear hug.

Hellboy says, "Enough's enough, patches," he whips out the samaritan, "say hello to my little friend." His friend isn't litt;e though, it's HUGE! And the smaritan says hello to the walking corpse, "hands off the lady!""

Minerva shakes her head. "Not really. Are you familiar with Clark's law? Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. It's why I try to study my magical abilities with scientific zeal. I figured it's just insufficiently understood." She kinda figured there was a little insanity in there, to be honest. MAD Scientist, after all. "And experiments should be properly disposed of after the experiment is over. Why are your failures allowed such freedom?" she asks curiously. There's no malice in her voice at all, or chiding, simply.. a desire to -know-. If she hears Sakura, she either gives no indication, or is playing a completely different game from violence is the only answer.

Hellboy says, "Crap...she's gonna talk him to death...."

Nyarko-san is qetting squeezed "Meep! I guess I'm going to have to get serious now. Space CQC enhancer!" She starts to glow all over and under the light her form shifts slightly. Cue Henshin music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z51LFKXtjeY

Nyarko-san morphs into a kamen rider.

Sakura-chan blew her most powerful spells early on, her mana is almost gone, for now, she leans aginst a support and just watches for now...

Oblivion stands, and vanishes abruptly. He has other buisness to attend to, you see. Busy evil being and all!

West seems to be growing more interested as Mina's chatting seems more like an honest conversation than someone else coming to try and keep him from his research. "...I suppose that might be a good point to operate from now that I'm stuck like this," he admits. "Well...they're loud and annoying, but they've done nothing to ME," he states, "I didn't see a NEED to take life from them again...they're living things, even if they ARE mindless pains in my ass... Unlike SOME people all they've ever done in my presence is wander around groaning. Well untill these people opened the door, then the failures apparently raged out on them..."

The giant corpse is hit with the smaritan, causing it to back away again, dropping Nya in the process of her henshining. One could say it's looking bad now, but that's hard to say given the state it STARTED from.

The light in the magic circle finishes forming into what seems like a human form before it disperces, showing what looks like a tall woman dressed in a combination of a brial uniform and...some sort of metal unicorn? She's carrying what looks like a staff with a LARGE metal sphear on top of it which she rests against the ground. Her one visable eye, that isn't being hidden by her red hair peers toward Shirou. "...........master?" Shirou blinks, looking up at her from her spot on all fours within the magic circle, charred looking as she is. "Y...yeah..." Shirou murmurs, "H-help her out, would you?" She murmurs as she points toward Sakura. The tall woman moves toward Sakura and picks her up.

Nyarko-san,now looking like a Kamen rider ripoff, jumps up and spins around as energy gathers in her hand. She shouts "Final Finishing Bullet!" as she aims a punch with literal explosive force... quite a lot of explosive force.... maybe more explosive force than is a good idea in an enclosed space...at the monster.

Well, YES it's honest conversation. Mina tends to belong to the school that if you befriend someone, that person is no longer an enemy. "I see your point. Perhaps then confinement, so they pose no danger to themselves or others, until the source of such degregation can be located. Redundancy can work in one's favor, after all." She rocks back and forth on her heels a little, seemingly unbothered by the nearby chaos even as explosions ruffle her hair. "Maybe we can find a way to bring them up a bit more? Retrofit them to sentience, or something like it at least." She can't help but smile though as Miss Emiya makes a new friend.

Sakura-chan doesn't resist, she's weak mentally and physically, she looks at the odd being and smiles, "T..Thank you..." she looks up at west, "You claim to be a man of science, but... There is nothing scientific about you anymore...

Hellboy decides to press the advnatage, he runs, jumps, leaps, swings, aiming for the corpses' head with his stone fist. USually works, dead or alive, taking the head off, right? And Frankenstien Jr. Over there is just about as nutty as they get; gonna have to have words with that guy. But not Minerva-type words. Hellboy type words.

West ACTUALLY looks annoyed at the summoning of FRANKENSTEIN's monster in his presence. He's making a pointed effort of trying to IGNORE it for the sake of his conversation, but it obviouslly REALLY pisses him off for some reason. "Well, sentiance is the whole problem...that's my goal, is to make a full, successful resssurection. THAT'S why all these MONSTERS are miserable FAILUERS." Sakura causes him to twitch as well. "What do you know of science, little girl? WHAT degrees have you gotten from your YEARS of studying? ....why am I arguing with a child?"

The giant corpse monster takes both the hits to GREAT affect again. EVERY attack against this thing has been a great success....seriously all rolls came out higer than 7. As such it's just barely able to move now, falling down, but still trying to CRAWL at Hellboy and Nyarko. ...hanging by threads...in some cases LITTERALLY.

Franken-tan nods at Sakura and pats at her head a little. Shirou just colapses face first back down onto the ground in the now powered back down magic circle.

Hellboy growls, "Ya can't reason with crazy!" he barks in dis-belief. Is that Frankenstien's monster now? This is a crazy day, still, Frankie ain't all bad. But he's got a side-of-beef to finish off, so he focuses on laying into the re-animate. One fist-stone-fist-red-fist-blow fist? Naw, that don't work. He just goes to town on it.

Nyarko-san strikes a pose and let's her scarf flutter in the wind.

The corpse seems to EXPLODE into...well no there is no explosion anymore, it just stops moving after the over killing town going Hellboy drives into it with his fists...with Nyarko posing before them.

Sakura-chan frowns and shakes her head, Hellboy is right, she takes a deep breath again and reaches into her cardpurse for another card, but makes no move to activate it yet.

Minerva smiles a bit understandingly. "Because... I imagine... part of you still wants to share your discoveries, and teach them to others." Plus, questioning the dude in his own field is... bound to push some buttons. While she didn't know walking in, she's putting the peices together as to whom her host may be. "You look stressed. How long has it been since you've eaten anything? Or tended to your own body's needs?"

Hellboy says, "Eww...don't make 'em like they used to..." he wipes some smutch off his face, then turns to face West and the others. "Listen," he says to Minerva, "Re-animating corpses and crap is usually frowned upon. Take Mr. Wizard here, throw him in a cell and call it a night already.""

"I don't even remember," West replies, "I haven't since I was summoned to this place...and part of me? My entire point is to find the secret to truely defeating death and letting EVERYONE know it...why should our lives be in the hands of some so called gods? ...Gods I'm not so sure are fictional anymore thanks to being some kind of ghost now..." "Oh yes, throwing me in jail is a BRILLIANT idea...here, let me just go incorperal and slip right through the walls for you," West replies to Hellboy's suggestion.

Hellboy lights a cigar. "Got a crap-load of magic user types around here, I'm pretty sure they can take care of that for ya," to West, "Might be able to set up some wards myself, keep ya locked up in yer little play-pen here, capiche?

Minerva throws her hands up. "No -wonder- you're cranky! I bet you haven't slept in ages either. And you expected your experiments to go well when neglecting your most important tool, yourself? Food. Sleep. IN THAT ORDER." Hands go right on her hips. "Don't think I won't enforce it either." And while she's curious, it feels like it's safer not to ask about WHO summoned West here. Allthough... "What did summon you here?"

Sakura-chan looks to Hellboy, "Maybe if I rest for a day or so, I spent everything trying to destroy everything in that room... Even him...

Hellboy tosses Sakura a baby-ruth. "A for effort kid," he says.

Sakura-chan grins and catches, she's catches flying things for her after school club, she smirks, "Nice taste in candy bars!

"And you did a surprizingly good job of it considering WHAT I am," West notes toward Sakura, "Better than most people I dealt with WITHOUT being like this..." "Ughh...everyone knows sleep and any breaks from research longer than a coffee break are for the weak," he mutters, ruffling his own hair. He pauses at the tossing of the candy bar though. "...caffine sounds good right now..." he murmurs before looking to Hellboy again. "You know you're just doing exactly what I want if you trap me in this place with all these forgotten, abandoned corpses, right? "

Hellboy makes a mocking yapping motion with his left hand, "Yadda yadda yadda, don't mean we don't clean it out first. Ain't gonna leave ya with yer toys," he puffs his cigar, 'Pop taught me better then that."

Minerva gives Hellboy a look that clearly says, 'at least we'll know where he is'. "And for all you're a heroic spirit, still human." she points out, almost gently, then reaches into a pocket, pulling out a small plastic bag. "I've only got my emergency chocolate covered coffee bean stash, I'm afraid."

Dr. West frowns and narrows his eyes at Hellboy. "Cruel and unusual punishment!" He then blinks at Minerva's statement and actually seems to perk up a little. "Well, alright...I'm obviously not going to be researching for a while anyway, so a snack can't hurt." Franken-tan carefully puts Sakura down and goes to try and rouse her charred master. Though this is quickly followed by a certain OTHER servant in blue and silver to come rushing in to help Shirou out too. With the two of them trying to rouse her, Shirou sits up and rubs her eyes. "Ugh...well that was unexpected," she murmurs.

Minerva flashes a quick grin. "Caffiene is caffiene, right?" She extends the ziploc bag full of a pile of chocolate covered coffee beans towards Doctor West, about the size of a man's fist. HOW much caffiene does she run off of if that's her version of an 'emergency stash'??? "Just, try to keep things a bit more confined, okay?"

Hellboy turns to stride out. He's generally not willing to let a loose cannon mad-scientist go unscathed, but he doesn't kill humans, even if he is a ghost, but giving him candy and a talk just doesn't sit well with him.

West nods hesitantly and takes the beans. "Right...I'll try to work out some way to have more control on things..." he murmurs, "I mean...at least SOME people here are understanding of the fact I'm not TRYING to cause rampant chaos."

As Shirou finally gets up, something that looks like a huge portal suddenly appears before her. "....huh? Really...THAT'S all that I needed to do?"

Sakura-chan's eyes look up in time to see the portal and hair goes up on the back of her neck, "That... Is a lot of mana.. Be careful!

Miss_Emiya says, "Oh it's not dangerous...just don't get too close unless you want to be displaced in time space and possibly not get back here again. ...well it was nice knowing you people, but it looks like I just got sent on a side quest and accidently finished it...I've gotta get back home, apparently there's still work to do.""

Minerva nods. "I know, trust me." She turns to look towards Shirou. "I take it you're off to another part of the multiverse? Have fun out there." She stays well back, fully intending to NOT go through that thing. Too much to enjoy here to be honest.

Hellboy tromps out, looking for beer and maybe more mischeif. He doesn't have anybody trying to corral him here, after all.

Miss_Emiya says, "Back to my own reality...I was really worried for a while there that it wouldn't exist anymore, but it obviously does. Thanks for helping out guys!" With that she steps through, followed by her Saber and her new Berserker. The portal quickly dissapears behind them, leaving no sign."

Sakura-chan takes a deep breath and nods, "Be careful out there, I have no intrest in returning to where I was, or another world.. But, if you ever need us, and you can.. We'll be here...

West noms on the beans, seeming content now that it seems people are letting him be instead of being noisy. "Well...assuming that person lets me keep doing as I like, you know where to find me..."

Minerva nods, then pauses. "That person?" she asks before catching herself. "Aah, I do hope you continue to have the freedom to experiment." Cause if he's being a scientist, he's not being called upon to fight aything. Best all around, really.

It really should be a reliefe given the guy did almost NOTHING in this battle and there was still all that craziness that happened. Who knows WHAT his powers actually ARE when he uses them. In any case, this seems like as closed a case as it can get without fighting West....

Outside of the Science block, on top of a nearby place, a guy with blue hair is watching the the building...

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