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Latest revision as of 23:15, 1 April 2018

Full Name: Sonya

Series: Diablo
Class: Barbarian
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Gender: Female
Species: Nephalem
Age: 34
Birthdate: Unknown
Height: 7 feet even
Weight: 254 pounds

Short Description: Red haired and full of muscle.

Red hair like a fiery lion's mane. Tall and full of muscle. The aptly named Sonya the Barbarian is a woman unlike any other. Standing at a staggering seven feet, she towers over most people including men and is more muscled than the average warrior. Hers is a physique not of rigorous gym training but of harsh living and endurance beyond reason. Her skin is equally adorned with blue tattoos and scars that run along the length of her body, almost making a new layer of skin. Not a whole of her skin is exposed however as she is covered from head to toe in thick leather armor and chain mail. A horned helm is set to crown the top of her head, a single blue feather danging on the side, leaving her red curly locks to cascade on the sides of her face. Finally; two large swords are set on the side of her belt, the legendary Blackguard and Warmonger.


Sonya comes from the world of Sanctuary, a world spawned by the unholy union of an angel and a demon. The first spawns of this couple were known as the Nephalem, the first humans, who possessed all the powers of the demons and angels but with none of the restrictions. Unlike angels and demons, humans were entirely free to make their own decisions, they could follow their own path, be it good or evil, or orderly or chaotic. The drawback was that these humans did not posses the immortal life spawns of their progenitors, the Nephalem were not bound to heaven or hell as their parents were, and were thus mortal. As the centuries of the world of Sanctuary went on, humans began to forget their origins and grew frail, weak. The further they went on without angelic or demonic influence the weaker they became. However, the potential to accomplish great deeds was always there and those humans that embraced their heritage or were even aware of it, performed things that no normal angel or demon could ever hope or accomplish. A single Nephalem who had trained in the arts of wars could wipe a hundred thousand monsters single handedly.

Because of this, both Heaven and Hell were very wary of the Nephalem. Heaven sought to destroy them completely whilst the Hells wanted to control them and turn them all into demons. It is why a crystal known as the World Stone was constructed, so that neither Heaven or Hell could enter the world of Sanctuary and thus leave humanity to its own devices.

Unfortunately, after years of planning, the Lord of Terror, Diablo finally accomplished his long plan to destroy the World Stone and though he and his brothers were repelled from Sanctuary, it left a path open for both Heaven and Hell to enter the world of Sanctuary.

However, shattering the World Stone meant that humanity could once again reach their full potential and many people were reintroduced to their Nephalem origins so they could rise as guardians of Sanctuary. Six said individuals emerged to take this coup and Sonya was one of them.

Sonya comes from the high mountains of Arreat,though they were known as Barbarians by the rest of Sanctuary, they were actually the defenders of the World Stone who gave up their own lively hood in order to defend the crystal for as long as possible. Their sacrifice ensured the defeat of Baal, Lord of Destruction, but it left Sonya without a home, without her people.

Barbarians such as Sonya shun all comforts of civilization and fully embraced their own physical endurance and strength to survive in the harshest environments. All of Sonya's people were of great girth and phenomenal fighters, with any one of them of their given tribes capable of overcoming a dozen armed guards and even monsters on their own. But it was only Sonya who was aware of her Nephalem origin and was thus able to transcend any limitations that the her Barbarian people might have. Standing at 7 feet tall and full of muscle, Sonya is like no other woman, capable of lifting tons of weight over her head and hurl it miles away with ease. She is skilled in a ferocious style of combat that utilizes two large weapons not unlike the Escrima to put it in a martial art perspective. With her are her legendary weapons the two swords; Blackguard and Warmonger. Additionally, she brings with her an ancient mystical spear that is inserted into her arm, she's able to shoot it out at will and has the magical properties of attacking itself to any substance and even levitate in mid air, giving Sonya an amazing amount of mobility to go along with her enormous strength. Sonya may be incredible durable but she wears very little armor and doesn't so much as neutralizes damage but rather ignores it. This means that while Sonya may be capable of dishing out incredible amounts of damage she can't take it as well.

Nevertheless, despite her inability to be a perfect warrior due to her stick adherence to barbarity, Sonya was chosen by the archangel Tyrael to be one of the six Nephalem warriors to save Sanctuary for the third time. She saved the town of New Tristam, defeated Belial the Lord of Lies, Azmodan the Lord of Sin, took down the Lord of Terror once again, and even defeated the fallen angel Malthael who sought to bring death to all of Sanctuary in a twisted attempt to bring an end to the Eternal Conflict.

Sonya isn't the sharpest sword in the rack. Although she's not necessarily dumb she's very simplistic in her choices relatively to other people. She wears simple clothing, only the basics made of leather and steel. She eats mostly meat. She speaks her mind freely but isn't very opinionated, meaning that though she expresses her concerns and thoughts about things she generally just lets other people be as long as they don't bother her. Ultimately, her goal is to become the best fighter Sanctuary had ever seen and somehow use that to restore her people.

Any other goals are merely optional.


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