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Title    = Goddess of Guns; Part 1
Title    = Goddess of Guns; Part 1
|Summary = An action movie premiere turns violent as unknown heavily armed gunmen assault the theater and try to kidnap action star Maggie Cheung.
|Summary = An action movie premiere turns violent as unknown heavily armed gunmen assault the theater and try to kidnap action star Maggie Cheung.
|Who    = [[Rio Kinezono]], [[Yuji Nariwasa]], [[Rally_Vincent]], [[Minnie_May]], [[Hellboy]], [[Ichijoun]]
|Who    = [[Rio Kinezono]], [[Yuji Nariwasa]], [[Rally_Vincent]], [[Minnie-May Hopkins]], [[Hellboy]], [[Ichijoun]]
|Date    = 05-06-2016.
|Date    = 05-06-2016.
|Where  = Gunsmith Cats and CabbitPlex Theater.
|Where  = Gunsmith Cats and CabbitPlex Theater.

Latest revision as of 22:43, 9 May 2016

Goddess of Guns; Part 1

Summary: An action movie premiere turns violent as unknown heavily armed gunmen assault the theater and try to kidnap action star Maggie Cheung.

Who: Rio Kinezono, Yuji Nariwasa, Rally_Vincent, Minnie-May Hopkins, Hellboy, Ichijoun
When: 05-06-2016.
Where: Gunsmith Cats and CabbitPlex Theater.

Minnie-May Hopkins-icon.gifRally Vincent-icon.gifRio Kinezono-icon.gifYuji Nariwasa-icon.gif

The information contained within this log is to be considered information gained Out of Character (OOC).
This information may not be used as In Character (IC) knowledge or in roleplay unless it has been learned in-game or permission has been granted by the parties involved.

Questions should be directed to staff.


An average gun store, not terribly fancy or anything, but well laid out and just chock full of seemingly every possible kind of legal firearm. From AA-Arms to Zoli, and anything else, you'll probably find it in here. Towards the back is the counter, where weapons are to be paid for, as well as services rendered. Of course, being here, you also might have learned this is also a place to come to get your gun repaired or customized.

[Exits  : (O)ut to the street ]

[Players : Rally_Vincent ]

[!] As the sun sets over NT a pair of spotlights can be seen for miles around if one looks skyward announcing that something special is going on somewhere in the city tonight. Anyone who keeps up with movies or the entertainment industry knows that tonight, at the CabbitPLEX, NT's premiere super duper awesome theater, Chinese action starlet Maggie Cheung is doing a red carpet run for the showing of her new movie, 'Goddess of Guns'. Autographs to be available after the screening. VIPs get in for free but all other riffraff have to pay a crazy amounts to be seated at the event. Crowds are expected to be thick tonight so get here early!

Minnie_May is in the bathroom putting on the last touches of her makeup and making sure her hair is EPIC levels of cute. She's not overly dressed herself, wearing just a cute blouse, red jacket and yellow skirt. She needs new clothes and soon.. T_T "Gonna be soooo much fun tooonight~" She sings as she gets ready.

Rally doesn't really have -too- much work to do, right?! She can just slip by without too much ado about what she's wearing! So she's got one of her nice suits, right? ... So when she peeks into the bathroom she looks like a grim-faced hitman in a skirt. "Hey, you almost done in here?" She even got out the pricy sunglasses, too! It's almost like she's -expecting- to shoot someone today.

Minnie_May says, "Hey hey! Don't rush perfection. Oh by the way.. just in case I didn't tell you. Our golden tickets....? They are.. REALLY special.""

Rally paws at the air, "Fine, fine, just checking!" She steps in and peeks into the mirror, lifting away her sunglasses to inspect her face. She's got just the bare minimum makeup as usual. Tasteful, professional and toooootally prudish! "Oh yeah? We get a free tour of a chocolate factory full of traps set up to foil the greedy and unscrupulous?"

Minnie_May says, "Almost. The limo with Maggie Cheung in it will be driving up soon to pick us up and drive us in style to the theater." She wiggled her eyebrows at Rally as she drops the big news."

Rally oh! "A limo, huh?" Hmmm. While that's good news in that she doesn't have to turn her car over to the temporary care of a valet... Having transportation available -and- a trunk full of artillery would be a comfort. "Think we can-" Ah, no, that's ridiculous. Putting weapons in a limo that may not even be sticking around is a silly idea. "Well, great! We can relax to and from!"

Minnie_May says, "I am so excited I am about this close to creaming by panties!" She hops up and down then applies the last bit of lipstick, gives a little kiss to spread it evenly. "How do I look!?" She twirls around and strikes a pose."

Rally turns a little more crimson than brown at that statement. Jeeeeez she's gonna die if May goes on like this around anyone else! "Y-ya don't say...!" She clears her throat, peeks over and hums softly. "Well, ya look good!" After stepping close she lightly hip bumps, "When are they showing up, anyway?"

The front door buzzer goes off as the place is 'CLOSED' for business given the special event. "I think that may be them now.

You offer to carry Rally_Vincent.

Minnie_May says, "Shall we my date?""

Rally_Vincent scrambles up on you.

Rally says, "Let's roll!" Ulp."

Minnie_May says, "Just in case you totally suck at star etiquette, just follow my lead okay?" She snags up her purse and takes Rally by the hand and leads her along like an overgrown child."

Rally totally IS an overgrown child! She has social skills, sure but they don't really suit formal events! Or dealing with famous people! Or crowds! Or being with famous people in crowds! The sunglasses help mask her panic but the way she allows herself to be towed along behind her shorter friend suggests she's beside herself here! "Right!" Too loud! Oh dear.

Rally_Vincent has arrived.

Minnie_May carries Rally_Vincent with her.

Minnie_May comes out of the store front with Rally in tow. Standing there in a gorgeous red dress with plugning neckline is action star Maggie Cheung looking devastatingly beautiful as stars should. Flanking her are two VERY large and tough looking Chinese men in black suits with shades on.. even though its night. They are making NO effort to hide the fact they are carrying firepower in the form of MP5K Subs. Bodyguards most likely. There is a limo near the street with two police escorts in front of her with their lights flashing left and right. The cops are currently off their bikes mulling around waiting for Maggie to pick up her VIP guests. Minnie_May bows deeply out of respect and fangirl. "It is a great honor to meet you in person Miss Cheung. I am a huuuge fan of your work and this is just the best day of my life."

Maggie_Cheung(#6566XZ) (Puppet) This woman is one of the hottest action stars from China; Maggie Cheung! She's beautiful as most movie stars are with the exotic looks of Chinese beauty to lend extra levels fo hawtness to her appearance. She's currently dressed for the big movie premiere red carpet event in a red plunging neck line spaghetti strapped dress that hugs her waist tightly showing off all her hardbodied curves. The dress is split up both thighs to allow her more freedom of movement while giving the crowd a view of her shapely legs. She's adorned in expensive looking jewelry consisting of a diamond necklace and gold ankle and wrist rings. Red rubied ear rings pierce both ears.


Carrying nothing.

Rally at least makes an effort to conceal her armament! Even though she's not absolutely -bristling- with weapons, well, she's carrying. She's always carrying! Anyway, once she's done sizing up the bodyguards she follows May's example and offers a deep bow, "Hey- er, nice to meet you!" She's only heard the name so she may not be quite star struck like May... but she's still nervous because she has to behave! Behaving is hard!

Maggie_Cheung returns the bow slightly with an honest smile. "It is nice to meet you both in person. Miss Hopkins and.. this... must be the famous Rally Vincent." She smiles at Rally. She knows Rally? SHE KNOWS RALLY!?

Minnie_May looks a little surprised at that and let's Rally speak for herself.

Rally straightens up a little quickly, her sunglasses sliding slightly askew on her face. "Ah, me?" Ah! Why are you so flustered, Vincent!? Just suck it up and make nice, "Ah, heh, yeah! I didn't really expect to be called famous or anything...!" It's not like being recognized is -new- right? Just... She hasn't really had to deal with it as directly until now. "Anyway! Very nice to finally meet you! May's been excited about this since she came into town!"

Maggie_Cheung smiled and nodded, "As have I. Shall we start this night? Oh.. I assume Miss Vincent you are carrying?" The two bodyguards tense up a little bit.

Rally rubs at the back of her head, "Ah, w-" The matter of weapons comes up and when the bodyguards tense up she does too purely out of reflex. She moves slowly and deliberately to spare the nerves of the hired muscle, "I am. It's, ah, habit?" She has the good grace to at least -appear- embarassed!

Maggie_Cheung says, "The famous CZ 75. I am sure it is." She waved off the hired guards. "She can keep it boys. She knows how to use it. This way ladies." She stands aside, allowing Rally and May to head to the Limo first."

Minnie_May starts walking, whispering at Rally, "How'd you get more famous than me wench!?"

Rally phews softly, not wanting to cause any fuss! She gets to keep the piece, the bodyguards aren't going to shake her down and... Wuhoh. "W- I didn't! I dunno!" Eyeshift. "I haven't done anything, honest!" She starts forward at the invitation, climbing in first so May can have the seat next to her fangirl-crush! Heheh.

Minnie_May gets comfy. Maggie gets in and one of the bodyguards closes the door behind her then the two get in and a moment later the motorcade is on the move again.

Maggie_Cheung says, "I hope I have not caught you too off guard Miss Vincent. The movie studio I work for is putting together a new movie script they want me to consider about a female bounty hunter that tears up half of Hong Kong looking for her prey. I did a little research and caught your exploits. The internet is a powerful tool. I must say your record is impressive. You are truly a real life action hero. I am slightly envious of you.""

Rally turns, hands foldes on her lap. "Not at all!" More like totally. "Oh, research for a role?" Tears up!? She isn't sure how to feel about being compared to such a destructive character! Mostly because of the parallels with her own exploits. Part of the reason why her insurance bill is so heft. "Envious, ah heh... It's a pretty hectic life at times! I mean, not that yours isn't!" Because... because... Well, globetrotting actresses probably have their own share of chaos. Hence the bodyguards, right?

Maggie_Cheung says, "In fact Miss Vincent, one of the reasons I am so very glad to make your acquaintance is because I was wondering that should this movie deal of through.. perhaps you would like to be hired as a consultant for the projection? Someone we can bounce fact from fiction off of?""

Minnie_May squeeeees and her eyes turn into stars. "We come as a team just so you know!!!!!"

Rally oh wow. Now that we're talking business she's totally starting to thaw out! She even headlocks May, "Consultancy, huh! I can advise on any and all things firearm! Ah, heh, not to brag! And my friend here is, well, she knows her way around convincing explosions!" She releases May after a bit of fond ruffling! "I'd be happy to!" She's reading way into this, clearly.

Maggie_Cheung smiled warmly, recrossing her legs like a lady in the other direction. "That is excellent news. I'll let the studio know you would be agreeable to a consultant position on the movie. Tell me what you think of the movie title they have on the Work in Progress script. They want to call the movie 'Hard Money'.

Minnie_May mumbles, "That's accurate in this biz...."

Rally looks a little thoughtful, "Hard Money... Yeah, it's true to life all right. Surprised it isn't already taken or something!" Like she knows! "Yeah, I'd be happy to weigh in where needed!" Hopefully the payday won't be too bad, either! Hard money indeed.

Minnie_May gets all giddy at the thought of getting to tell wanna be explosives experts how to properly blow shit up.

Maggie_Cheung says, "Make no mistake Miss Vincent. This could be an extremely lucrative opportunity for you and Miss Hopkins here. There is big money to be made in motion picture consulting. Allow me to use one of your American heroes as an example, the vunerable R. Lee Ermey, former Marine drill instructor turned actor and consultant. He is worth millions now. I could imagine that kind of money would benefit you greatly, yes?""

Rally must... avoid... heavy breathing. "Of course! I'm certainly not doing poorly for myself here but I'd have to be silly to turn down extra work!" She keeps her cool in the face of potential dollar signs, "Oh, I've heard of him. Bit of a personality now!" Maaaaaybe she'll stop short of going quite that far.

Minnie_May chuckled. "Lee is awesome! I love his show! He likes to blow things up!"

It's the small things in life.

Maggie_Cheung says, "Well we can discuss serious business after the movie is done. I would like to extend an invite to you and Miss Hopkins for dinner after the movie, my treat of course. I want to try out the famous Tokyo House to see if it holds up to the world review critics.""


CabbitPLEX Theater: Ticket Line(#6907RL)

    You are standing in line at the CabbitPLEX
theaters.  The ground here has a painting of a
kawaii little cabbit hugging a big carrot.  The
same picture glows in neon above you with the
CabbitPLEX logo underneath it.  Two glass doors
are set to either side of the ticket booth
allowing entry into the theater.
     Manning the booth today is Cody, a handsome
teen with short sandy blonde hair and cool blue
eyes.  He speaks to people outside the booth via
his headset, his voice booming over the speaker
system.  Behind him hangs a listing of the movies
currently playing plus ticket prices.

[Exits  : (O)ut to the street(#6621E), and (BUY) a Ticket(#6912E) ]

[Players : Ichijoun(#15240XZ) (Puppet), Lee(#6509PC), and Yuji(#2861PBC) ]

[Things  : Movie Listing(#6908), Limousine(Fake), Red Carpet(Fake), and Spot Lights(Fake) ]

Rio keys up her Mic and talks into the radio.

<Police> Rio says, ""All VIP units, report status. Mags will be on scene in about 15 to 20.""

Rio says, "All VIP units, report status. Mags will be on scene in about 15 to 20.""

Corporal Nariwasa keys his radio "3486 in position, all clear.

<Police> Corporal Nariwasa says, "3486 in position, all clear."

Rio slowsly peers at Yuji standing next to her. "I'm.. right.. beside you....."

Corporal Nariwasa says, "Dispatch isn't."

<Police> Rio says, "! "Streets are on lockdown. We got this traffic situation under control.""

Rio nods as she listens to the other units reporting in. "Streets are on lockdown. We got this traffic situation under control Chief." "Escort-1 here. We are enroute with the VIP, heading to the other VIP pick up point. ETA, 15 minutes?"

Rio scans the large gathered throng of action movie fans. It's noisy. The fans are rowdy, chatty and just doing what large crowds of star struck folk do at events like this. Rio imagines herself a star for a moment then with a huffing sigh and frown she returns back to reality.

Corporal Nariwasa watches all the legs,,,er... the crowd for trouble.

Rio does catch people taking photos of her because well... she is hotter than hell and the female uniforms have always been a hit around this city. She grins and day dreams again that she's super rich, super famous and everyone loves her. She laughs evily HEH HEH HEH.

She's taken up a spot above all the action. She's been there since she was cleared, all day long. Providing a birds eye view of it all. Ichi in her sniper's nest. An assault rifle set up on bipods, the attached scope and firing system connected via interlink cables from the weapon to the ports in the base of she skull allowing her a better control of targeting and firing.

She scans the amassing crowd, using the onboard computer to mark possible targets. "Overwatch in position. Scanning crowd. All Clear." Comes a feminine and computerized voice from her comm system. Ah the joys of advanced cybernetics.

Corporal Nariwasa admires Rio for a moment, nice legs, but goes back to watching the crowd seriously for trouble.

Rio snaps out of her daydream state again and scans the crowd for trouble of any kind. Everyone really just looks excited to be here. The spot lights continue to sweep through the sky above as if searching for their star.

Corporal Nariwasa says, "you know if they asked we could have loaned them our discoball."

Rio chuckled.

Rio says, "That might have attracted the aliens though.""

Corporal Nariwasa shrugs, "as long as they lined up like everyone else" he absently juggles his nightstick one handed.

Rio says, "So.. you wanna maybe go see this movie this weekend?" She asks as she stretched a bit here and there. FLASHES go off. More pics of the Chief of Police babe."

Corporal Nariwasa nearly fumbles his throw and has to bring both hands into play to catch the baton safely. "Uh Sure...it's a date" A Date YES!

Rio says, "I'll ask Alice if she wants to see it too!" Cockblockula! "If not, we'll make a day of it. Not sure how into action movies she is.""

Corporal Nariwasa deflates "Yeah...sure.. the three of us... sounds wonderful.

Rio says, "I've seen a few of this gals stuff. She's epic! Of course.. I can do all the stuff she does but for real! Totally Frick'n bad ass, AMIRIGHT!?""

Rio flexes! More flashes go off.

Corporal Nariwasa says, "Nice Ass too" He coughs over that, and tries again "Absolutely Chief you're much better in the field than behind a desk""

Corporal Nariwasa says, "Shouldn't have let them promote you."

Rio says, "Ah well.. I thought the extra money would be good! But desk work SUCKS! Man am I glad they busted me down to Deputy Chief! Actually get to get out here and bust some heads!""

Rio smacks her fist into the palm of her other hand.

Corporal Nariwasa keeps his eyes on the crowd as he talks. "Indeed. Say, when are the VIPs supposed to get here?

Rio says, "Don't know. Movie doesn't start for about an hour still but she is suppose to be here before hand for all the news people to interview and fan adoration." She stabs a thumb back at the news team over there doing their reporting gig. "I'll ask," she says keying up her mic. "Escort-1. What's the Eta.""

"The VIP is chatting it up with the two VIPs outside the place... uh.. Gunsmith Cats? You want me to rush them? I mean this is a star. I don't want to get my ass beat by her bodyguards." comes the response.

Rio keys up. "Nope! Don't piss her off! Just keep us up to date and let us know when you are rolling inbound again."

Rio says, "I wonder which two lucky stiffs got the golden tickets?""

Rio's Mic: "Big Boss, looks like the VIP is getting back into the Limo. We'll be rolling out.. ETA, ten minutes give or take."

Rio keys up, "Roger dodger."

Rio suddenly looks at Yuji. "Wait.. did you say I have a nice ass?"

Corporal Nariwasa looks away and whistles innocently, aparantly concentrating on making his police baton go through a variety of flips and spins.

"Overwatch reporting in. Confirmation on Patrolman's observation, and have to say that's a positive." Comes that voice over the local channel. Ichi smiling to herself as she resumes her scanning of the crowd.

Rio stares suspiciously at Yuji before shaking her head and returning to scanning. She blew up her bangs with a huff of air then straightened it out with a few flicks of her hand. "Man.. did I really volunteer for this? I should have taken day off and gone to the movie with a big tub of popcorn.. but did you see the ticket prices!?" Then she hears that call over the radio. Who the hell is Overwatch? That wasn't in yesterdays briefing for this operation.

Corporal Nariwasa smirks and keeps tossing the nightstick. "It appears you have fan, or at least an admirer" He grins "As for the movie, this way I get paid instead of having to pay. Extra Duty jobs are always nice cash.

Rio says, "Yeah.. but I wanna watch something explode! Now I know why Maya gets so antsy when she has to lay out there for hours on end with nothing to do!""

Rio says, "And also.. did command add air cover to this op? I didn't get the memo.""

Israfel joins the ticket line from Hayashibara Street.

Israfel has arrived.

Corporal Nariwasa and Rio are standing near the red carpet, watching the crowd and chatting to each other. Yuji shrugs to Rio

Corporal Nariwasa says, "me neither, but the never tell the foot patrol anything."

Taffy quietly wanders through the crowd, just looking and seeing what there is to see.

Ichijoun is up on a rooftop for the moment, watching the crowd through a scope.

Rio shrugs. "I guess her studio is shelling out the big bucks today for this shindiggity."

Taffy is being respectful and cautious. A fangirl and nerd? Oh, yes ... she knows about lines and cutting.  :)

Corporal Nariwasa hrms "They hire extra security? I thought it was just the body guards?"

Rio points at herself. "We are the extra security. Her movie studio hired the police here to make sure everything goes off smoothly tonight dontcha know!"

Taffy goes back to snapping pictures on her modified iPhone and balancing her backpack over her right shoulder.  :)

Rio's Mic: "Big Boss, ETA 5 minutes for VIP-1."

Rio says, "Well things are about to get loud and ugly Yuji. You ready to whip the masses back like a lion tamer with a whip!?""

Corporal Nariwasa smiles and tosses his baton again. "I thik I'm up to it."

Rio says, "Try to focus on the job and less on the tits and ass okay?" Blows Yuji a kiss."

Corporal Nariwasa says, "No problem Chief. Legs now, legs are hard."

Rio says, "As long as that is the only thing hard out here! Okay. Look sharp! It's show time.""

Taffy just giggles! staying off and away just enough to avoid upsetting the crowd and yet catching the light and playful, yet unprofessional banter of the cops. Wow ... it's just as raunchy as a DC TV show like the Arrow or the Flash.  :)

Rio unhooked the bullhorn from her hip and aimed it at the crowd to her left, letting Yuji handle the right side. She keyed up the bullhorn, "ALRIGHT! LISTEN UP! MAGGIE CHEUNG IS GOING TO BE HERE IN A MOMENT! ANYONE STEPS ACROSS THE BARRIER YOU'LL BE SPENDING THE NIGHT IN A DIFFERENT MOVIE THEATER AND IT SHOWS REALLY BAD MOVIES! GOT IT!?"

Taffy mms. "Cannot be any worse than Cait's horror movie night," the copper top grumbles. "A Freddy Kruger marathon with Shocker and Candy Man as the chasers?" She shivers ... :)

Corporal Nariwasa waits a moment to let Rio's speech be heard and then tells the crowd on the right. EVERYONE WILL GET A CHANCE TO SEE. SO NO PUSHING OR CROSSING THE LINE, YOU DON'T WANT TO MAKE MY BOSS ANGRY

The crowd cheers at the mention of Maggie being here soon and boos at the not crossing the line. Someone screams out, "She us your tits!" Rio's left eye twitches.

Taffy glances at the person who shouted that. Being closer than she would like to be next to that person.  :)

A pair of small birds fly between Rio and the anonymous person in the crowd.

"OVerwatch reporting in. Bean bag loaded, heckler sighted. Seeking permission to fire."

Taffy grumbles softly as the copper top watches said heckler. "Glad I'm bullet proof."

Rio says, "Fiiiiire!" She says in her best William Shatner voice."

A slow breath, and as the command comes from the radio, a pink psoft projectile comes from above, aimed right for the heckler's chest. Aimed with quite a bit of accuracy.

The Heckler screams, "OW!" and goes tumbling backward through the crowd. X.X

Rio flexed her arm in the classic Brawny Lady poster pose. "Revenge!"

Taffy just watches the Heckler go down ... while the copper top is tempted to go over and help the fellow, she's afraid that she might catch his disease: terminal stupidity.  :)

"Subject down." comes the feminine computerized voice. "Standard loads from here one."

Corporal Nariwasa continues to juggle his baton, showing he's got complete control of nearly a yard of black painted hickory.

The crowd starts chanting, "Maggie! MAGGIE! MAGGIE!"

Rio's Mic: "Big Boss, VIP-1 is on site. 60 seconds."

Rio key's up, "Right. They are hungry animals here!"

Taffy glances around the crowd and then moves back against the wall of the building before the copper top stretches her neck upwards a good bit to see this Maggie ...

Miki pages, "Brick walls, no, just the metal, will show heat soruces and cold spots. Think Predator vision. If it were a house with siding, yeah, but Brick is too thick and cold." to you.

Corporal Nariwasa trips up one fan who is getting a bit too aggressive and pins him to the ground.

Minnie_May has arrived.

Rally_Vincent has arrived.

Maggie_Cheung has arrived.

"Overwatch reporting 10-37. Single occupant in sight, possible other occupants, possibly armed. No lights." She swivels from the crowd in her nest, changing out the magazine for an armor piercing incindeary load. She lowers the rifle's barrel, aiming not for the window, but the engine block, "Permission to disable 10-37."

Corporal Nariwasa pushes the man into the back of the crowd and warns him to stay put.

Around the corner comes the flashing of motorcycle cops, escorting a stretch white limo. The crowds loses it collective mind as they see the limo coming. Limo means Super Star inbound!

Rio blinks at the call on her radio. "Ummmmm.. hold your fire?" Who the hell is that that sounds like a Robocop with a female pitch!?

Taffy lets out a gentle whistle while watching ...

The limo pulls up and out hops two very large and very bad ass looking Chinese bodyguards in black suits and ties with shades on. The driver stays put by his door, scanning for trouble while the other opens the double limo doors to let the passengers inside out.

Taffy ohs! with a smile and a giggle. "Looks like Mom's guards," the copper top mentions as she watches the bodyguards get out.

Maggie_Cheung steps out of the limo, taking the bodyguard's offered hand to help her up. He then helps the other two ladies out who are FAR less fancily dressed than Miss Cheung. She waves to her adoring fans, blowing them kisses and eating up the cheering.

Minnie_May steps out and throws out peace signs to all the flashing cameras.

The News reporter starts reporting to those who can hear; "ANd there she is... the star of some the hottest action movies to come out in the last 5 years, Miss Maggie Cheung. Doesn't she look amazing tonight?"

Rio keeps her eyes peeled on the crowd.

Taffy mms. "Knew I should have studied more about NeoTokyo's celebratities ..."

Corporal Nariwasa continues to watch the crowd.

There's a small breath. Ichi looking down to the crowd below, scanning with her eye not connected to the scope, reaching for the small back up SMG, readying it in her free hand.

Rally climbs out of the car easily with the help of the bodyguard; she nods in thanks and then thanks her lucky stars she thought to wore sunglasses for this. The camera flashes are somethin she didn't really expect per se... but she's thankful for the eye protection now! She follows along behind Maggie, totally scanning the crowd without meaning to. As if she's at work!

Rio is completely clueless.

Corporal Nariwasa moves through the crowd towards a black garbed man standing near the back. Upon reaching him he'll tap him on the should with the Baton and ask to see his ticket.

Minnie_May is way to star struck and all the flashing lights. SHE WANTS TO BE A MOVIE STAR! *_*

Ichijoun follows Yuji's movement and then begins to scan the crowd for others with a similar, making note of them with her targeting system.

The AR is centered on the Van, targeting the engine block.

She doesn't lift the gun in her flesh hand, or activate the trigger on the AR just yet.

Ichi hears the whisper THUMP of what she knows to be a silenced weapon firing and it comes from right under her.. about 20 feet maybe. The body guard standing by the driver side door drops like a sack of rocks as his head is +1 HOLED. A spray of red blasts across the white limo.

As officer Nariwasa walks up and asks to see some ID the only ID Yuji gets is the guy dropping down rapidly to do a footsweep on the officer.

Corporal Nariwasa steps back quickly clearing the foot sweep by inches. He drops too in a tactical crouch, The other having not used a gun, Yuji can't escalate to lethal force so he thrusts with his truncheon like a rapier, aiming the end at the man's solar plexus.

That is not a good sound. The AR fires a three round burst, armor piercing incendiary rounds towards the engine block. "Suspect vehicle disabled." comes that masked voice on her comm. She swings back to the crowd, looking down, starting to survey it with the scope and her unoccupied eye.

As the melee between Yuji and the Chinese dude in black begins and the burst fire ripples out across the street to hit the Van a block away that has posed no threat yet... it could have been a delivery guy lost on his route.. but now.. it doesn't matter! Three rounds pound into the front of the unmoving Van causing an unknown about of damage. And while this occurs a black skinned helicopter with no markings suddenly pitches up over the top of the Theater, the blades silently whipping through the air. Someone hanging out the door who saw the muzzle flash from Ichi on the roof takes aim and opens up full auto

The guy that tried to footsweep Yuji missed as the officer sprang away and as he jumped up to recover Yuji brought his baton down on the guy hard nailing him squarely in the chest which spent him staggering back on hit feet but he did not fall. Yuji, you felt something very hard under his clothing when you hit. Body armor perhaps?

Down the block, the van starts to pull out when it's engine block is shredded by AP rounds. It was not designed to be shot up by a crazed cybernetic sniper. The drive jumps out as the engine goes BOOMBOOMBOOM and crouches behind the Van. A second later one, and then another and another guy come running out of the allyway. They are armed with assault weapons and wearing ski masks.

"Full auto? Lazy." she says more to herself and not over the comms as a ring of bullets lands into the rooftop and pings off her metallic arm. She glances up, her other eye taking stock of the situation, and raises her flesh hand and the SMG, witht he same load out as her AR, aiming not for the gunner, but the front right portion of where the cockpit should be, clicking her weapon to a 3-round burst as well.

Rio hears the BRRRRRRAAT from the sniper rifle and also feels something wet splatter on her arm... BRAINS.. BLOOD! EWWW! "Vehicle Disabled" comes over her Mic. And that is all she needs to realize there is a serious problem. She yanks out her ZE355 pistol shouts into her bullhorn for everyone to, "GET DOWN! NOW!" She holds her action waiting for the crowd to obey.

This... is far more than even Rally expected! Goons in the crowd, at least one sniper and a helicopter!? This may be the City of Overkill but Chrissakes this is a mess! She lunges into Maggy, interposing herself with the actress and as many of the threats, "May!" Like she has to tell May it's time to party! Anyway, she draws her pistol and aims. That shot... Her brain has the sound placed; her eyes find that space, the telltale open window, darkened room beyond and faint, familiar shape... She turns her back to Maggie, stopping to point, aim, breathe... Front sight, press. BANG! She accompanies the first round with a few more once she's sure of the range, if only to keep that fool's head down!

The sniper in the window finds not 1 but several rounds coming through the window. The window spider webs on the first hit and shatters apart from the follow up grounds. Rally, you think you got a least one good hit on the guy up there. Whether he is dead, you can't tell.

The guard close to Maggie by the arm. "Cover us Miss Vincent he yells as he starts to movie Maggie out of the weapon and down the red carpet toward the front entrance to the theater. Must get Maggie to cover!

Enough of the crowd ducks giving the other guy in the crowd a chance. He takes aim not at Rally or Rio.. but the bodyguard running with Maggie. He seems to be aiming carefully, like he doesn't want to hit the woman. He fires a burst but some poor smuck stands up in the way and gets turned into swiss cheese... and when he dies in a violent blood gyser of blood... the surrounding around realizes... this ain't fake! SCREAMS! PANIC! The Crowd starts scattering!

Minnie_May doesn't need to be told it's action time as Rally well knows her. The little firecracker blonde came armed today too.. nothing lethal unfortunately but something that might help. It's going to suck for people in the crowd but it might give Team Rally and Company the chance they need to get the situation under better control. She pulls the pin on a Flashbang and hurls it at the dude trying to murder the bodyguard and hosing down crowd members.

The grenade lands in front of the guy, a bit shy of where May wanted it but it goes BOOM with a blinding flash and deafening thunder. The shades the guy was wearing absorb some of the flash but his hears are definitely ringing.

Maggie_Cheung runs screaming in panic as the gunfire erupts and people start getting shot around her. She may be a tough girl on screen but in real life she is just a young woman. She runs for her life as best her dress can let her.

She pulls back in the scope and sweeps across the crowd, not firing with the AR but merely noting targets, and thankfully far away enough and with a built in anti dazzle that it's not too detrimental to that targeting.

She does though press the trigger on her flesh hand, to send 3 rounds of API at the underside of the cockpit where the pilot should be seated...

The pilot see's the gun whip up and jerks the stick to the left and the rounds from Miki's gunfire end up punching holes in the windows on the front and some of the armor on the right side but the pilot is unarmed. That did shake him up though. (Penalty for the chopper crew on their next turn to fire)

The sniper nurses a gunshot wound to his left shoulder. Now he's pissed. He switches out his rifle for the fully automatic G36K he had on standby and lights up Rally's space.

The guy recovers from his stagger and whips out a handgun and snap fires it at Yuji at close range with a pissed off look on his face.

The chopper jerked wildly left as gunfire tore through the front screwing up the guy's shot sitting in the door. He attempts to aim more, spray less to compensate. POP POP POP!

Corporal Nariwasa's lead hand erupts with blood and the sleeve of his shirt shreds as a bullet clips his hand and doesn't quite run down his arm. That's all he needs to escalate though and up comes his pistol, He steps in closer to the goon and fires a shot at his leg from near point blank range.

The perp that shot Yuji in return gets shot in the leg.. UNARMORED leg and drops down on one knees clutching the bullet wound with his free hand, a grimace of pain across his face.

Meanwhile the Van team, a total of six men are in front enough and perhaps in contact via encrpyed radio because they start firing supression fire on Ichi up on the roof from about 150 meters out.

Corporal Nariwasa keys his mike and shouts into it. 10-2000 10-2000, perps have aircraft and multiple shooters.

<Police> Corporal Nariwasa says, "10-2000 10-2000 perps have aircraft and multiple shooters."

Rio has a difficult shot to the guy firing on Maggie. She drops to one knee, cupping her weapon in her hands to steady her aim. She waits as long as she can and just as she is about to pull the trigger.. the flashbang goes off.. and she was staring right at it. @_@ She pulls the trigger, half blinded! @_@

The shot pretty much wizzies over the top of EVERYONE's hit and hits the wall of the theater. A sparkling of lightning shoots out from the impact point; SHOCK'EM (tm) Rounds. She wasn't expecting a goddamn paramilitary force to attack a theater! WTF!!!?!?!?!?

"Amature!" comes the yell as she rolls back from her position as more gunfire starts to come her way, losing sight of the crowd, but jerking her head up as she pulls both the SMG and assault rifle up to bear. Taking aim again, cockpit and cargo area, though this time it's AR at the cockpit (6.5mm) and the SMG at the cockpit (11mm).

[!] It is WW3 over at the CabbietPLEX theater. Anyone in a several block radius can catch the sound of automatic weapons fire.. an explosion? Man! They are putting on one heck of a premier show for this movie Goddess of Guns!

Hellboy has arrived.

Rally scrambles for cover! The snap of gunfire overhead isn't the Worst Thing, right? It's realizing that she's now got the attention of someone much better equipped for a fight at this range! Happily, she was prepared for the flashbang. Anyway, she impacts the side of the limo as the sniper comes back with a few rounds of his own! The sheet metal of the car is butter to rifle rounds but there's juuuust enough that she manages to not take any hits! She's up and returning fire immediately, however! No mercy! This punk is dead! "Someone mark my shots! Take care of this guy!" Then she turns and engages the first guy she saw. May as well, right? She sends two shots that guy's way as quick as she can before dropping the almost-empty mag and reaching for another.

Rally's snap shot actually clips the brick window seal just under the window opening because bravely exposing one self to return fire while automatic fire is coming back at you makes thinks a bit tough. Once she ducks back and spins to fire on the other deaf guy things get a little better. There are still civvies fleeing past but Rally takes that extra breath of time to time it just right so her shot passes between two civvies to strike the guy in the chest a few times. The body armor he is wearing absorbs much of the energy and only really spins the gut to the left a bit to more face Rally, May and Rio.

In the distance sirens can be heard wailing.

Hellboy had been minding his own buisness, lurking in the dark on the rooftops. But who doesn't do that, right? When gun-fire got his attention! "The hell...??" he snapped up and dashed roof-yop to rooft-top, and looking down he sees the chopper gunning at the girl below! Unmarked choppers usually are up to no good...but in this town? Can't be sure! He leaps from the nearby rooftop,to land near Ichijoun with a loud thud of heavy boots! ...maybe then he'll et some answers before wading in; Samariatn: drawn!

Hellboy goes with the git instinct to not trust unmarked black choppers! He aims the Samaritan and unloads at it's under carriage! he's a sucker for apretty girl anyway!

The chopper is hit and sustains small arms fire from Hellboys Big peeshooter from him unloading the clip rapidly. The chopper is tough though and keeps on flying. Now the chopper door gunner has two people to kill! WHOOT!

At last, the bodyguard that didn't die gets Maggie into the theater as a few stray bullets spiderweb the front doors. At least she's out of harms way..hopefully.

steps out of a swirling silver portal that appears in midair, and closes just as suddenly behind Traffic One.

The guy that got shot by Rally whips his automatic MP5k around on the cluster of cute girls who are shooting him and flashbanging him. He may be deaf but he can feel the impact of Rally's rounds on his body arm and the fact that he's spun towards a wall of women pointing weapons at him give it away. He sprays the entire area down with all the rounds he has left in his current magazine.

Rio rubs her eyes to clear the bright spots and EEEEEPS as she see's the guy pointing a weapon at her. She jumps behind the cover of the barrier ripe brass pole... yes.. that thin, 3 inch wide shaft of shiny metal. The Luck Gods are with the blonde as rounds hit the pole and deflecting away at just the right angle to not leave any holes in her cute sexy body.

Minnie_May dives to the side as a group of rounds rip across the concrete of the ground throwing up dust and concrete fragments. She lands with a roll and comes up and pulls and tosses another grenade, up high over the guys head!

May throws a little too hard and the paint grenade explodes just behind the guys head, washing his back in paint instead of his face. DAMN IT!

Maggie_Cheung runs inside with the bodyguard!

Maggie_Cheung has left.

It's a reflex. Pulling the trigger even though it's just a thought that is all Ichi needs to fire the AR in her metal hand, cables running from it to the base of her skull, it all coincides with the AR and the SMG in her flesh hand. Normal people would be distracted by a tall big red thing with a tail, but well, it's not aiming at her and did just fire at her target, and she's already honed in as much as she can. Cockpit for the AR, 3 rounds of 6.5 mm caseless, armor piercing incendiary, while the SMG is aiming for Mr. LOVES HIS FULL AUTO, will get 3 rounds of the same, only in 11 mm. "Hi." she offers up to Hellboy, a smile on her face, and a cheery tone, "So...wanna grab my Revolver and fire? It's only 3 rounds..., but she carries a punch." she says with a wink and lifts her arm a little more to make getting the large, oversized revolver from her shoulder holster easier for Hellboy. Faintly, '(Don't Fear) The Reaper - Blue Oyster Colt begins to play over comms.

The pilot is once again saved by the choppers body but rounds tear through and hit his instrument panel, screwing up a lot of things for him. The chopper banks up and left, exposing its tail to roof top bullet gang. Because of the sharp turn the SMG rounds miss the gun in the door way and instead put nice holes along the body of the chopper. Looks like it's going to run for it! (on it's next turn coming up)

The sniper continues puke out bullets like a pissed off wound sniper. RATYATATATATATATATATATATATATATAT!!! May and Rally have decent cover with the Limo but Rio is there flashing teal panties at the guy!

Rio is now the subject of one in the front, one in the back, locked up like a Chinese finger trap! The sniper walks his gunfire along the car and spots the Chief of Police out in the open and sprays but... the LAST round leaves the magazine and ends ONE inch short of shooting Rio in the stomach. Instead.. the bullet put a nice hole through her mini skirt.

The guy Yuji shot grimaces in much pain and tries to shot Yuji deader than dead.. which is pretty damn dead! He pulls the trigger as fast as he can trying to ventilate Rio's favorite boytoy.

The chopper does indeed call it quits and pulls up to gain altitude to start flying away to the west. It's still in range for a Medium range shot with rifled weapons or long range with unscoped pistols.

Corporal Nariwasa braces himself for the shots and has a brief moment of surprise and quickly feeling his body, he felt the wind of passage of some bullets but they missed. He doesn't let surprise slow him for long. Lashing out again with the baton, he aims it this time at the perp's wrist while moving closer to shoot at the other leg.

Traffic One has arrived.

Traffic One appears on the scene. Forward looking infra red scanning for threats, gun pods warming up as the minigun begins to spin.

The perp blocks the baton swing with his gun arm which leaves him wide open to be shot in the other leg. He drops on the ground in agony.

The six bad guys stop advancing when the chopper pulls out and they withdraw while maintaining lines of cover fire and supression until they can duck down the ally where the shot up van is.

Rio EEEEEEEKS as the bullet hole appears in her skirt and the round impacts between her legs, WAY to close to her womanly parts! She scrambles toward Rally and combat rolls up against the swiss cheesed limo, flicking the switch on the side of her ZE355 to change round type from SHOCK'EM (tm) rounds to regular slugs. She then pops up to return fire on the sniper that is reloading in the window.

But the sniper isn't a complete idiot and ducks down to reload.

Hellboy says, "Thanks but I got this," to Rally. He takes off at a run, leaping to another rooftop, trying to advance on the retreating copter. "Not this time!" he shouts, leaping, he attemps to latch onto the chopper and, if succeseful, he's going to slam it with his huge stone whammer! "It's not polite ta shoot at ladies!""

Rally has so far managed to avoid damage to her clothes and person! The wingnut with the mp5 starts firing and she dives to the other end of the limo! She rolls as she lands, somehow managing to finish reloading though she's forced to leave her partial on the sidewalk by the other end of the limo. She comes up from the roll in a kneeling stance with her weapon presented to once again engage the closest goon! The downside for her? She's forced to slide a little on one knee with only delicate nylon to spare her skin from the concrete. This... is why she's a big fan of leather. Kneepads. Ow ow ow! Still, she has the focus to keep her cool and keep her aim. Got to take this guy down now! Bang bang! Another controlled pair. This time? To destroy the guy's weapon or remove some fingers.

Hellboy says, "Thanks but I got this," to Ichi. He takes off at a run, leaping to another rooftop, trying to advance on the retreating copter. "Not this time!" he shouts, leaping, he attemps to latch onto the chopper and, if succeseful, he's going to slam it with his huge stone whammer! "It's not polite ta shoot at ladies!"""

The perp Rally fires on is now missing one thumb, part of her trigger finger and the trigger on the weapon. OW!

Hellboy Hellboy makes the laep! All those nachos and pancakes have paid off: barely! He grips the rung with his left hnad, almost losing his grip! "Crap!" and then swing his mighty fist up and punches out the copter! "Yer goin' down, flyboy!" he snaps, not a great line, but it'll do!

Minnie_May is annoyed that all her grenade tosses have been off. She's rusty! To much banging Ken's brains out and not enough time tossing 'nades at stuff. She's got one trick left in her jacket that might protect the girls from the other dick up in the window. He pulls the pin on her Pink Smoker and rolls it under the limo so a wall of Pink smoke billows up around the Limo giving them visual cover from the window shooter.

The chopper is punched by the mighty red hand of Hellboy. The metal crumples from each punch but there are no real vital systems on the bottom. However, there is a dude leaning out about to pop a shot in the top of Red's head. It's unfortunate he left his one leg out on the rung.

The chopper is leaving, there's small arms fire below...and automatic fire from the building. She drops her SMG and breaks off in a run for the door, tucking her rifle against her body she just rams through the door with her metal shoulder to rip it from the frame, and starts down the stairs, well flights, a jump from floor to floor to floor, homing in on where that suppressed fire came from, scanning over the rooms, and pulling her AR up to bear, sighting in on the person with bad aim, flicking the AR to full auto, and opens fire (34 rounds, 6.5mm), "Let see how you like it now! Amature!" she yells out giddily, as Blue Oyster Cult fades out, and Johnny Cash starts to play lightly over the comms.

Hellboy grips the poor sap aiming at his head and yanks him out. "Hope ya got a wing-suit, punk!" *toss* "Happy landing, Wiley!"

The sniper just manages to get the weapon reloaded with his bad shoulder hampering him and was about to go all Rambo again on the street below when the door behind him is rammed open. He spins around to bring his weapon to bare but a little to slow. Only about 12 of the 34 rounds hit him... not because the shooter was a bad shot but because she literally shot the guy backward out the window who falls 4 stories to a splattery icky bullet ridden mess. (That magazine still has half it's ammo only you just fired the rest of the round out the window)

The guy Yuji shot in the legs knows the gigs up and.... puts the gun to his own head and pulls the trigger, blowing his own brains out which was probably unexpected!!!

The damaged black chopper heads west, oblivious to the fact that a big red demon king is hanging off the bottom... or maybe he does know since the chopper is leaning to the right some. Wugga wugga wugga wugga! The chopper continues to fly over the city west. Now out of range for any small arms fire. Red is going for a ride.

The van team scatters through the alleyways.

Hellboy pulls himself up, onto the rung of the chopper and decides to pay a little visit to the inside. He may be able to have some words with the pilot? He pulls the Samaritan from it's holster as a bargaining chip...

The chopper pilot notices something wrong and see's this big red monster climbing into his chopper and pulls out her side arm and tries firing back awkwardly at Red.

Corporal Nariwasa blinks. "well that's what I call a hard core critic" and reloads his pistol looking for new threats. Seeing the last man standing he runs up and levels his gun at the man's head "Freeze! hands on your head and down on the ground!"

Rio joins Yuji in threatening the last guy, taking up a crouching position and aiming. "Get down on the ground now! DO IT NOW! We will shoot you and I'm having a really bad day!!!!" Left eye twitches.

*blam blam* The Chopper pilot decides to take a pot shot at the Red guy, Hellboy deflects a shot with his stone hand, taking another slug in the shoulder. "That's it!" he growls, "It's clobberin' time!" He charges forward and decides to get hands-on with this one. "I ain't usually one ta hit a lady...BUT...

Hellboy slams the pilot...yanking her out of the seat, he tosses her unconscious self into the back. "See? I didn't throw you out, father'd be proud!" he takes the controls and decides to circle back, BPRD training did come in handy. He can fly this thing. Should he calls dibs?

Rally keeps the guy covered from her position as well! She has her weapon out, rounds to spare and a stinging abrasion on one knee. Just let this silly bastard try something! Blink, "What am I doing? May! Go see about Maggie! I'm right behind ya!" She picks herself up, scanning around quickly before trying to dart around Yuji to make for the entrance to the theater!

Traffic One's minigun starts winding down even before it was done spooling up. "Dammit we never get to use that thing" complains the co opilot. and then more seriously "Launching Webheads". The rocket pod on the right side of the craft erupts, launching short range missiles at the retreating gunners AND their alleyway. The 'webheads' explode spraying a gooey white epoxy everywhere in their 'blast radius'.

Minnie_May gets up with Rally and runs, ducking around Yuji so not to block his line of site. And May notices as she's running that guy standing there admist the carnage... the bulge in his right jacket... the way he was standing. OH SHIT! May made a face and spun around and jumped on Rally to knock her down. "HE'S GOT A GRENADE!!!!"

The guy goes to pull the Suicide grenade from it's fixed pin in the jacket.

Rio panics at the GRENADE yell and fires, missing badly as the guy shifts his weight to reach in and pull the grenade from it's pin.

Corporal Nariwasa's bloodied hand twitches involuntarily as he fires, drawing his aim off.

Rally gets the signals all at once! Guy's got something in his jacket! May sees it, calls it out over the cops trying to shout the guy down and then, as she starts to stop and turn, a little body hits her! She staggers and falls and, rather than try to catch herself, simply aims and fires. She can't be fancy anymore. Her shot strikes the suspect straight between the eyes and he collapses into a very not-alive heap. She hits the ground hard and her breath leaves her lungs in a rush. Gaaaaasp! Momentarily stunned!

That Black chopper that was flying away fast... is coming back to the scene of fight.

The missile shot is a weird angle at best and the missiles hit walls more than the ground, spraying their gunk all through the alleyway. When Traffic One swings around for a better shot the six perps heat sigs are gone.

She was all ready to go up to the roof, and start packing up, but no. She walks through the room, taking up the sniper's suppressed rifle, checking it for damage. Her replaced organs all kick in to a calming autonomous rythyms. Slw breaths, even heartbeats. Chamber the round. Breath in. Ease to a kneel. Breath out. Bring the rifle up to firing position. Breath in. Sight the chopper. Breathe out. Sight the cockpit, and the pilot. "Unknown Heli. Land now, or you will be fired upon. I will kill you, and the only thing I will feel is recoil, and the thrill of ending your life. I will not give a second warning." Boradcasting along all bands that she can, aiming, only aiming for now, there's a happy tone to her words, and not the feminine computerized voice she's been using previously.

Through the scope you can see that the pilot is not human... but a big Red grim jawed fella.. the same fella on the roof with you. Seems he's bringing the chopper back.

Minnie_May peers at the dead body, crawling over Rally and running on all fours almost to slide up next to the guy carefully to check his grenade. She peers under her jacket. His hand is still clutching the grenade, the pin half pulled out. She makes a face. "Stay back everyone. This guy was serious!"

Ichi smiles at a job well done, A JOB WELL DONE MADAM! Seeing the big red guy she unchamnbers the round and sets the sniper rifle down in the nest, pulling the large revolver as she starts up the stairs back to the roof, starting to gather up her dropped SMG and moves to her cases, taking care to unload both mags, secure each gun in it's case, before closing and securing each. It's then that she secures her revolver back into place, and starts towards the exit of the building calmly, humming 'Bye Bye Bye' by the Backstreet Boys as she does so.

Hellboy replies on the radio. "No problem here, just bringin' ya a little present," he guides the copter in slowly, easing it down to the rooftop. Good a place as any to park, right? He hops out, some blood on his left shoulder. Took a slug, no biggy. He's tough, yeah? Yeah.

Rio keys up her Mic. "All units. Corden off the area. Patrols sweeping now in a 6 block radius. We are 11-41 here. We need multiple Ambulances. We have several civvies down and we may need the bomb squad too.

Rio says, "Traffic One, what's the status on those six perps in masks?""

the sirens in the distance have become much louder.

Traffic One reports in by radio. Negative on the perps. They got away.

Rally slowly, awkwardly climbs back to her feet. May's got what's left of the grenade threat, right? She shoots a look and decides to just trust her gut and head for the theater! Gotta make sure -everyone- is okay, right? She gasps real big as her breath finally fixes itself and she croaks, "Maggie! ... Other guy?" Sorry, didn't get your name pal!

Minnie_May is always prepared and reaches into her jacket, back inner pocket where she keeps a mini kit for dealing with explosives. She slides the mirror on a stick under the jacket first to see how really really bad it is. Whew.. just a single grenade on a pull pin so the perp just has to yank the nade off the jacket to prime it. "I got this Rally. Go check on Maggie! She ran into the theater.

Rio keys back up a little angry and annoyed, "Got away!? All six of them!? Did they fucking ninja vanish!?"

Traffic radios back "We can't see through walls, they took more alleys.

Hellboy looks from the rooftop, down to Rio. "Hey! Up here! I caught a live one," he thumbs a stone digit at the chopper. 'Might be in la-la land for a bit though."

Rio looked up at the big Red dude standing all heroic like on the edge of the building above. "What... is that?"

Hellboy lights a cigar. "Call me Hellboy." *puff*

Rio has that LOOK on her face... -_- "Well.. that makes the most sense out of anything today."

Corporal Nariwasa looks up. "Probably a citizen. It's Neotokyo. Did you know I met a pony that claimed to a soldier?

And yes, Ichi will totally step over Splatty McBadautofire on the pavement as she crosses the street. She sets her cases on the back of that limo, pausing to look over the scene as people scramble and move to help the fallen and injured. She hrmms alittle as she looks over those present, those up and active, and not laying there bleeding from holes in their bodies. She smiles again, eyes landing on the career Corporal and starts to saunter and sway towards him, nothing sinister or malicious in that smile she gives him, and reaches to grab him by by that shirt and pulls him right up against her, and plants a rather deep, hungry kiss to Yuji's lips, going so far as to dip him backa little, unless he shows signs of protesting.

Rio says, "Goddamn it.. I hate this city sometimes!!!""

Corporal Nariwasa Meeps!

Rio gets huge wide eyes and her hair stands up on end as she strikes a WTF pose!!!!

Corporal Nariwasa Mmmrrrmms as if trying to speak and grabs on as the girl attempts to dip him. attempting to push free he tries to say "Do I know you Ma'm?" but it probably comes out as more "MRMMRR

Minnie_May carefully prys the guys fingers off the grenade and gently cradles the weapon like a precious egg made of deadly shrapnel and pushes it back on the pin till it clicks... she then uses her little scissors to cut the fabric of the man's coat until she can pull the grenade and patch of clothing away safely.

The cybernetic merc will kiss Yuji until he seems ready to stop or pushes her way, though she will right him before letting go, and smiles to him. A slit on her metal arm opens and a business card slide up, that she places into the shirt pocket of the corporal's shirt, which she did rumple, "Call me." she says with a wink and turns around, sauntering the way she came, grabbing up her cases, "You all threw a great party, can't wait for the next one!" she calls out, before heading down the street.

Corporal Nariwasa blink blinks. "Well that was... a thing." he straighten his tie and looks nervously over at Rio. "ahhhhh?

Rio says, "Who.. the.....!" She then shoots a glare at Yuji as the woman walks away down the street. "YUJI!? EXPLAIN!""

Hellboy makes his way to the street, leaving his captive and the helecopter to the cops. Not a bad nights work. He takes a final leap, hitting the street with his heavy boots. *boom!* "It's miller time."

Corporal Nariwasa says, "Rio, how can I explain when I'm not even sure what happened? This chick just came up and kissed me."

Minnie_May eeeeks at the thundering landing from Red and was SO glad she was done securing the grenade. She whews with a huff, looking around at all the damage done by the shoot out.. the dead.. the wounded.. and here come all the Whambulences and coppers.

Corporal Nariwasa mutters "not a bad kisser though."

Rio growls, walks up to Yuji, grabs him by the tie and pulls him into her own hot little kiss. REVENGE~!

Corporal Nariwasa says, "ulp? mmmmRRMMMMM" and kisses back."

Rio finishes the kiss then slaps Yuji then walks over to help with the carnage clean up, directly people this way and that to keep the area clear for Paramedics.

Corporal Nariwasa rubs his face and goes back to treating the wounded. "Women" he mutters.

Hellboy redards the scene, nobody needs rescuing or blowing up now, he's not a medic. So he'll just stand by and let people do thier jobs.

Rio gets things under control. "Yuji! Get your hand looked at!" Then she stomps over to the big red guy that is like... twice her height and 5 times her width. She pulls out a tape recorder and turns it on. Taking notes is so old school! "You there. I need to ask you some questions!"

Corporal Nariwasa takes moment to look at the card in his pocket... hmmm... Black card, gold fist emblem on one side, gold printing of just a number on the back

Hellboy says, "Ask away..." he puffs his cigar, regarding Rio. Hmmf. He digs in his shoulder with his stone fingers. Pulls out a bullet. 'Ow. There you are.""

Rio eeeerks as she watches the bullet get pulled out. "Do.. do you need medical care sir?"

Hellboy says, "Nah...I'm good. Nothin' a good nights sleep won't solve. And maybe a six-pack."

Rio says, "Right. Can I have your name for the record sir?""

Hellboy says, "Hellboy. Two 'L's," he kids."

Minnie_May see's things are under control here.. she pockets the grenade and TEE HEE's while no one is looking then wanders in to check on Rally.

Minnie_May has left.

Rio says, "Hell....boy? Really? That's not.. like.... a superhero name or something?""

Hellboy says, "That's my name, seriously," He doesn't like to go with his other name. "Not a super-hero, just a regular Joe," he adds, "People call me Red. So if that's easier, be my guest."

Rio says, "Just a regular Joe? That is like.. ten feet tall and yanks helicopters out of the sky!?""

Hellboy says, "On a good day," he shrugs, "Listen, gotta run. Long night," he adds, "See ya around..." He salutes with his stone hand. "Need a hand, just call." He loves that joke."

Rio says, "Sir! SIR! I am going to need more of a statement from you than that! You are a witness and even got involved in the fight!""

Hellboy says, "I came, I saw, I kicked it's ass...now it's Miller time. See ya around..""

Rio says, "SIR! You better show your ass up at the police station so we can take a proper statement!" The cute blonde is miffed.. she stomps her foot to accent her annoyance."

Hellboy says, "You can take the credit, Kiddo. Get yerself a new shiney promotion, see, guys like me, best to keep us in the shadows."

Rio just watches the big man leave. She grrrrrrrrs in frustration. Dead bodies. Damage to the theater. Bad guys to sort out. FUCK PAPERWORK! NOOOOO! T_T

[!] Breaking NT News: "What was suppose to be a movie premier night to remember here in Neo-Tokyo has turned into a bloodbath of carnage and destruction. We are still gathering details but unknown assailants using automatics weapon attack the crowd gathered here at the famous CabbitPLEX theater for the premier of action starlet Maggie Cheung's newest movie, Goddess of Guns. This footage taken exclusively by NT News shows some of the battle and the aftermath!" Footage rolls of shakey camera work as heavy gunfire can be heard. The sound of a chopper overhead can be heard with gunfire. Shells rain down from off screen. People run about screaming. There's a flashing explosion, more gunfire then some rounds hit the van next to the cameraman who yells "SHIT!" and the footage ends. "As more information comes in we'll be sure to report it! For NT News this is Kenji Tanaki!"


The bodyguard aims and almost pulls the trigger on Rally as she comes running into the theater but he's not a complete noob at this and his finger relaxes on the trigger of his weapon.

Rally didn't even come in weapon first! Relax, newbie! She still huffs, looking a right mess with her suit all scuffed, stockings all ran to hell and her sunglasses missing! "Think so. There was a real posse out there. Submachineguns, grenades, snipers and a helicopter?" She looks back and forth. "What is going on?" Yeah, this is way too much for there to not be -something- right?! (re)

Rio says, "Right. Can I have your name for the record sir?""

The bodyguard shrugged. "This was unexpected but they were certainly after Miss Cheung."

Maggie_Cheung finally stands up from behind the concession counter. "Me.. but.. why me? I am just an actress!"

Minnie_May see's things are under control here.. she pockets the grenade and TEE HEE's while no one is looking then wanders in to check on Rally.

Minnie_May walks in. "Rally, grenade is taken care of! Is Maggie safe?" She answers her own question as she see's the actress standing next to the bodyguard. "Oh thank goodness."

Rally lets out a little sigh. The victims not knowing what's going on makes this a whole lot more complicated. She tips her head back and groans, then shoots a glance behind as May peeks in, "Hey. So, I guess the cops have everything on lock? And what about the helicopter? It looked like that big red guy brought it back?" She couldn't really focus on that enough to be completely sure! "So, er, sorry to imply you were up to anything. It's just, things like that happen for a reason and, well, it just seemed plausible." Eheh, right...

Minnie_May says, "Yeah. That big red guy brought it back. He's outside being interviewed by police.""

Maggie_Cheung answers her phone as it rings. She speaks in Chinese (if you known Chinese you know what she is saying),"<Dad! Calm down dad! You saw it on the news? Yes, I am okay. No. I am okay. Yes. Yes. No. Yes. I know! Yes.... but.... no. Xang is still here... Heung is dead daddy..." she starts to tear up, running a hand through her hair as she talks, "Yes. Rally Vincent was one of the VIPs. She saved me daddy. Yes... yes she is." She held out her phone to Rally and speaks in English. "My father would like to speak with you Miss Vincent."

Rally ventures a little deeper into the lobby as Maggie speaks on the phone. She doesn't understand even a lick of Chinese so the bulk of the conversation is lost on her. She stops, however, when the phone is offered. She walks over a little stiffly due to her little kneescrape and accepts the phone gently. She holsters her weapon and speaks, "I'm here."

The man on the other end of the phone speaks good English with an obvious Chinese accent mixed with it. He sounds older, probably in his 50's or so. "Rally Vincent, my name is Wei-Shing Cheung. Maggie is my daughter. On behalf of my family I want to thank you personally for saving my daughters life. It is fate that you were the one in the limo with her this night. How can I repay you for your heroics?"

And here's where she could be a total ham and take all kinds of undue credit! Rally has too many decent bones in her body, though, "Mister Cheung, I'm only too happy to help. However, there were many people who stepped in to do their part in keeping your daughter safe. My friend Minnie May, the Neo Tokyo Police and a few others I don't know yet!" She pauses, the matter of a reward making her blush with shame at even considering it. She could always use it, but... "Actually, there may be one thing. If you could indulge me..." She turns her back to Maggie and walks away a few steps as she lowers her voice. "Is there any reason why someone may want to attack your daughter? They didn't seem to want to hurt her... They seemed more interested in eliminating her protection and they had the means for a very quick and clean extraction. I'm sorry for the implication and I want to keep helping but I'm flying blind."

There is a long pause on the phone. "Miss Vincent, I am pleased you have chosen to accept my offer for dinner at my restaurant, Southern Beauty. I own several across Japan and would love to make your acquaintance in person in a few days. I'll send the details through my daughter soon. If you could put her back on please."

Rally takes her own stretch of time to respond. "I'd like that very much. Thank you for the generous offer! Here's Maggie!" She tries not to be totally grimfaced when she returns the phone but it's hard. A tiny forced smile creases her features and then she turns to May. Nod. Shit gettin real.

[!] Breaking NT News: "What was suppose to be a movie premier night to remember here in Neo-Tokyo has turned into a bloodbath of carnage and destruction. We are still gathering details but unknown assailants using automatics weapon attack the crowd gathered here at the famous CabbitPLEX theater for the premier of action starlet Maggie Cheung's newest movie, Goddess of Guns. This footage taken exclusively by NT News shows some of the battle and the aftermath!" Footage rolls of shakey camera work as heavy gunfire can be heard. The sound of a chopper overhead can be heard with gunfire. Shells rain down from off screen. People run about screaming. There's a flashing explosion, more gunfire then some rounds hit the van next to the cameraman who yells "SHIT!" and the footage ends. "As more information comes in we'll be sure to report it! For NT News this is Kenji Tanaki!"

Minnie_May nods back with a crooked frown on her face and hands on her hips. She sighs and shakes her head. Her big movie night with Maggie Cheung.. FUCKED RIGHT OFF BY ASSHOLES!

Maggie_Cheung takes the phone back and resumes speaking Chinese, "<I'm here daddy. Yes... you did? Okay. I'll be waiting. Okay. Yes. I will tell her. I love you dad." She hangs up and sighs and puts her phone away. "My father asked me to ask you for a favor Rally. He would like you to be my bodyguard until things can be arranged."

Rally ah yes. She was more or less expecting this exact thing! She nods, offering a smile. "Ah, right... Not a problem!" She puts on her bravado and even flashes a little thumbs-up! "We've got your back! Ah, I guess you'll need a place to stay...?" Or, wait... She's probably gonna have a hotel in town. Ah, what do!? "We'll have to make some arrangements to get you out of here safe. I can have some friends head over to your hotel and get your things, too."

Maggie_Cheung bows. "You have no idea how happy this makes me Miss Vincent. Having studied your work I know that you are a very good woman and I feel safe in your company." And the bodyguard...Xang was it you heard? He looks a little annoyed that 'his' protection isn't considered good enough but he says nothing. He is paid well to protect Maggie. He speaks up, "Obviousy the hotel is no longer a safe place. What do you have in mind Miss Vincent to get Maggie off the grid?"

Rally offers a little bit of a bow in return. She looks over the top of Maggie's head to the surviving bodyguard. Silent 'sorry' face! She nods at the guy, "Right. Well, we can stop at my place. I'll have to pick some things up, ah..." She looks down at herself. Y'know, clothes. Maybe some firepower. "I've got a couple sets of wheels they probably won't know, too, so that may help keep the trail cold." Thinking on the fly!

Maggie_Cheung looks at all the flashing lights outside. "What about the police? They'll want to question all of us won't they?"

Rally eheh, "Well, yeah, they're gonna want to know what the hell... They're serious folks and I trust most of 'em so we can feel safe doing the interviews, at least. No doubt the scene is secured now, too!"

Rio has arrived.

Rio walks in looking miffed, pissed, angry, frustrated. "Is everyone in here okay.. damn it!?"

Minnie_May knows hell hath no fury like a blonde tussled up from battle.

Minnie_May says, "I'm fine and dandy!""

Rally looks an arm over May's shoulder and half-hugs, also ruffles, "We're good. Just a couple scrapes here." She'll let Maggie and Xang speak for themselves. Xang? Xiang? She'll have to beg pardon later. It's been a hectic evening.

Maggie_Cheung bows to Rio. "We are well. Thank you officer for your heroic efforts. They were appreciated."

Rio laughs AH HE.. HEHEHE HEHEHE.. twitch twitch. "Oh sure.. no problem. Go do extra duty. Get extra cash for babysitting a movie star... then watch as World War 3 breaks out in front of you! What the ever loving fuck was that all about!? Someone tell me! Cuz I'd like to know! really I would~!" She leans against the counter.. huffy.. and snags a box of Milkduds, tears it open and stuffs her face. SCANDALOUS! Cop thief!

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